Node.js application acting as producer and consumer - node.js

I am now working on the application saving data into the database using the REST API. The basic flow is: REST API -> object -> save to database. I wanted to introduce the queue to the application, having in mind the idea of the producer and consumer being a part of one, abovementioned application.
Is it possible for the Node.js application to act as both producer and consumer of the queue? Knowing that Node.js is single-threaded language, does it give me any other choice instead of creating two applications - one producing to the queue and the second one - waiting actively for messages in a queue and saving to the database?
Also, the requirement here would be for an application to process any item that hasn't been acknowledged on the queue on the restart. That also makes me think that the 'two applications' architecture is the best idea here.
Thank you for the help.

Yes, nodejs is able to do that and is well suited for every I/O intensive application use case. The point here is "what are you trying to achieve"? message queues are meant to make different applications communicate together, while if you need an in-process event bus is a total overkill. There are many easier and efficient ways to propagate messages between decoupled components of the same nodejs app; one of these way is EventEmitter that let your components collaborate in a pubsub fashion
If you are convinced that an AMQP broker is you solution, you just need to
Define a "producer" class that publishes data on an exchange myExchange
Define a "consumer" queue that declares a queue myQueue
Create a binding at application startup between myExchange and myQueue, based on some routing key. Then, when a message is received from "consumer" you need to acknowledge after db saving. When a message is acked, it will be destroyed since it's already been consumed. You can decide, after an error, to recover the message via NACK
There are nodejs libraries that make code easier, such as Rascal

Short answer: YES and use two separate connections for publishing and consuming
Is it possible for the NodeJS application to act as both producer and consumer of the queue?
I would even state that it is a good usecase matching extremely well with NodeJS philosophy and threading mechanism.
Knowing that Node.js is single-threaded language, does it give me any other choice instead of creating two applications - one producing to the queue and the second one - waiting actively for messages in a queue and saving to the database?
You can have one application handling both, just be aware that if your client is publish too fast for the server to handle, RabbitMQ can apply back pressure on the TCP connection, thus consuming on a back-pressured TCP connection would greatly affect consumer performance.


Selecting one producer for multiple consumers

In a Producer-Consumer case with multiple app instances, I know I am supposed to have some type of queue for the distribution of events to the consumers. But how do I deal with the producer?
I must query a database for objects with an expired deadline every minute. That will push work to a message queue, so distribution is not a problem. My concern is that if I have multiple instances of the app, I have to make sure that only one is producing work.
Am I supposed to solve this electing a cluster leader? Is there a common algorithm or library in NodeJS for this? My guess is that I will have to reach for some magic Redis command and make my instances aware of each other.
There are always many different ways to achieve things, but my suggestion is to create an idempotent outbox table in your database, where multiple producers throw the records to be published to the message queue.
Then, you can deploy a tool like Debezium that does transaction log tailing (reads the database transaction log) and pushes the message to whatever message queue technology you're using.
Please note that it's also a good practice to implement the idempotency check on your consumers to make sure they don't process the same message twice.
Wix - How We Implemented Idempotency in a Billing System at Scale

NodeJS with Redis message queue - How to set multiple consumers (threads)

I have a nodejs project that is exposing a simple rest api for an external web application. This webhook must cope with a large number of requests per second as well as return 200 OK very quickly to the caller. In order for that to happen I investigate a redis simple queue to be enqueued with each request's to be handled asynchronously later on (via a consumer thread).
The redis simple queue seems like an easy way to achieve this task (
1) Is rsmq.receiveMessage() { ....... } a blocking method? if this handler is slow - will it impact my server's performance?
2) If the answer to question 1 is true - Is it recommended to extract the consumption of the messages to an external micro service? (a dedicated consumer)? what are the best practices to create multi threaded consumers on such environment?
You can use pubsub feature provided by redis
You can publish to various channels without any knowledge of subscribers . Subscribers can subscribe to the channels they wish.
1) No, it won't block the event loop, however you will only start processing a second message once you call the "next" method, i.e., you will process one message at a time. To overcome this, you can start multiple workers in parallel. Take a look here:
2) That's an architectural decision that depends on the load you have to support and the hardware capacity you have. I would recommend at least two Node.js processes, one for adding the messages to the queue and another one to actually processing them, with the option to start additional worker processes if needed, depending on the results of your performance tests.

Sharing EventHub between Azure Fabric reliable actors

I'm having an application where I map devices from the physical world to Reliable Actors in Azure Fabric. Each time I receive a message from a device, I want to push a message to an event hub.
What I'm doing right now is creating/using/closing the EventHubClient object for each message.
This is very inefficient (it takes about 1500ms) but it solves an issue I had in the past where I was keeping the EventHubClient in memory. When I have a lot of devices, the underlying virtual machine can quickly run out of network connections.
I'm thinking about creating a new actor that would be responsible for pushing data to the EventHub (by keeping the EventHubClient alive). Because of the turned based concurrency model of Reliable Actors, I'm not sure it's a good idea. If I get 10 000 devices pushing data "at the same time", each of their actors will block to push the message to the new actor that pushes message to the EventHub.
What is the recommended approach for this scenario ?
One approach would be to create a stateless service that is responsible for pushing messages to the EventHub. Each time an Actor receives a message from the device (by the way, how are they communicating with actors?) the Actor calls the stateless service. The stateless service in turn would be responsible for creating, maintining and disposing of one EventHubClient per service. Reliable Service would not introduce the same 'overhead' when it comes to handling incoming messages as a Reliable Actor would. If it is important for your application that the messages reach the EventHub in strictly the same order that they were produced in then you would have to do this with a Stateful Service and a Reliable Queue. (Note, this there is on the other hand no guarantee that Actors would be able to finish handling incoming messages in the same order as they are produced)
You could then fine tune-tune the solution by experimenting with the instance count ( to make sure you have enough instances to handle the throughput of incoming messages. How many instances are roughly determined by the number of nodes and cores per node, although other factors may also affect.
Devices communicate with your Actors, the Actors in turn communicate with the Service (may be Stateless or Stateful if you want to queue message, see below), each Service manages an EventHubClient that can push messages to the EventHub.
If your cluster is unable to support an instance count for this service that is high enough (a little simplified: more instances = higher throughput), then you may need to create it as a Stateful Service instead and put messages in a Reliable Queue in the Service and then have the the RunAsync for the Service processing the queue in order. This could take the pressure of peaks in performance.
The Service Fabric Azure-Samples WordCount shows how you work with different Partitions to make the messages from Actors target different instances (or really partitions).
A general tip would be to not try to use Actors for everything (but for the right things they are great and reduces complexity a lot), the Reliable Services model support a lot more scenarios and requirements and could really complement your Actors (rather than trying to make Actors do something they are not really designed for).
You could use a pub/sub pattern here (use the BrokerService).
By decoupling event publishing from event processing, you don't need to worry about the turn based concurrency model.
The Actor sends out messages by simply publishing them to a BrokerService.
Then you use one or more Stateless Services or (different) Actors as subscribers of the events.
They would send them into EventHub in their own pace.
Event Hub Client
Using this approach you'd have full control over the EventHubClient instance counts and lifetimes.
You could increase event processing power by simply adding more subscribers.
In my opinion you should directly call from your actors the event hub in a background thread with an internal memory queue. You should aggregate messages and use SendBatch to improve performance.
The event hub is able to receive the load by himself.

Queue vs Non Blocking I/O

So, we're designing a new micro-service architecture. One of the biggest challenge is internal communication. For communication, in which response is required, we're using REST APIs. But for the services, which just wants to relay the information, this API processing is unnecessary overhead.
One way is to use Queue. The service1 will push the information into a queue, and service2 can consume from there. Therefore service1 don't have to wait (unlike an API call). (If there is any error in processing the information, service2 can either inform via a callback URL to service1, or any other way; this is not a concern at this point [1])
Now with Queue, there are two options, one is RabbitMQ. And another is AWS SQS. With RabbitMQ I've to worry about server-setup and everything (which can be done, but wants to avoid it). So after a POC of SQS, it seems like a good option, but the thing is SQS internally uses Rest APIs to communicate with AWS servers, at both point (service1 when pushing, service2 when consuming), there will be overhead. So now I'm thinking why not do it in NodeJS, service1 will hit the service2 with information. Service2 will respond immediately, acknowledging that it has received the information, if there is any error then [1].
Now Pros/Cons I could summarise is -
Easy to implement
In case of unavailability of receiver, sender won't have to worry about retrying.
Server Setup Cost + Maintenance (+ Tuning)
Easiest to implement
Constant Polling for Messages
Overhead at push/receive
Non-blocking APIs
No 3rd medium required for communication
Service1 has to manage retry mechanism
Relative to SQS, less overhead
Information will be in-memory until processed
So to some up, my question is, is it a good idea to go with Non-blocking APIs? Or which one will be better approach, in terms of making system scalable.
Edit -
Can a PubSub provider like PubNub or Pusher can be used instead of Queue?
SQS uses XML over http, RabbitMQ uses AMQP, all protocols have overhead. Serializing/deserializing has a cost. Both the amazon SQS and AMQP are very efficient. I would exclude these "overheads" from your calculations, and instead focus on your other requirements.
One of the big advantages of using a queue is the handling of surge activity. If you get 100K hits, and need to send 100K messages, and you try to implement this as inter-service calls (non-blocking or otherwise), you will hit real limits on the scalability of your system (from a port count if nothing else). If you instead put 100K messages on a queue, those messages can be processed basically at the remote server's "leisure".
Additionally, as you have mentioned above, queues have a persistence that is much more difficult to implement on your own. If you data is not critical, this is not a big concern, but if this data is of higher importance, you really want something that pushes to a persistent store (Like SQS, or Rabbit persistent queues)...
I am late here but off late I have started working with NON Blocking I/O and see a great benefit of NIO especially when you are calling external services which cannot be given access to a message queue. Using a fixed connection pool will ensure that 100K problem is handled with non blocking I/O and too many connections are not created.
While calling internal services a message queue is prefered, but lets say you do not have that option, you can leverage NIO with a retry mechanism and connection pooling to given you the same scalability message queues would give. This is assuming that receivers are able to handle the load of NIO calls.

How to design a scalable rpc call listener?

I have to listen for rpc calls , stack them somewhere , process them, and answer. The thing is that they are not run as soon as they come. The response is an ACK for each rpc call recieved.
The problem is that i want to design it in a way that i can have many listening servers writing in the same stack of calls, piling them up as they come.
My objective is to listen to as many calls as possible. How should i achieve this?
My main technology is Perl and node.js but would use any open source software for this task.
It sounds like any kind of job queue will do what you need it to; I'm personally a big fan of using Redis for this kind of thing. Since Redis lists maintain insertion order, you can simply LPUSH your RPC call info on to the end of the list from any number of web servers listening to the RPC calls, and somewhere else (in another process/on another machine, I assume) RPOP (or BRPOP) them off and process them.
Since Node.js uses fully asynchronous IO, assuming you're not doing a lot of processing in your RPC listeners (that is, you're only listening for requests, sending an ACK, and pushing onto Redis), my guess is that Node would be exceedingly efficient at this.
An aside on using Redis for a queue: if you want to ensure that, in the event of a catastrophic failure, jobs are not lost, you'll need to implement a little more logic; from the RPOPLPUSH documentation:
Pattern: Reliable queue
Redis is often used as a messaging server to implement processing of background jobs or other kinds of messaging
tasks. A simple form of queue is often obtained pushing values into a
list in the producer side, and waiting for this values in the consumer
side using RPOP (using polling), or BRPOP if the client is better
served by a blocking operation.
However in this context the obtained
queue is not reliable as messages can be lost, for example in the case
there is a network problem or if the consumer crashes just after the
message is received but it is still to process.
BRPOPLPUSH for the blocking variant) offers a way to avoid this
problem: the consumer fetches the message and at the same time pushes
it into a processing list. It will use the LREM command in order to
remove the message from the processing list once the message has been
An additional client may monitor the processing list for
items that remain there for too much time, and will push those timed
out items into the queue again if needed.
