Changing NaN to 0 - visual-studio-2012

This is my current expression below which works fine until the answer is zero and then I am presented with NaN in my report.
=sum(IIF(Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Not applicable" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Limited to item" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "room of origin" , 1, 0),"ADF") / sum(fields!total.value,"ADF")
I have tried using 'Is Nothing' in various ways, one example below, but can't get it work, would like some help please.
=IIF(IsNothing(sum(Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Not applicable" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Limited to item" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "room of origin" , 1, 0),"ADF")) / sum(fields!total.value,"ADF") , 0, sum(Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Not applicable" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Limited to item" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "room of origin" , 1, 0),"ADF") / sum(fields!total.value,"ADF")

Try below expression
= IIF(IsNothing(Fields!RestrictedTo.value) and IsNothing(sum(fields!total.value,"ADF")) ,
0,sum(IIF(Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Not applicable" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Limited to item" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "room of origin" , 1, 0),"ADF")/ sum(fields!total.value,"ADF")

Go to report properties, and in Code tab type in:
Function Divide(Numerator as Double, Denominator as Double)
If Denominator = 0 Then
Return 0
Return Numerator/Denominator
End If
End Function
Then in your report enter the following expression:
=Code.Divide(sum(IIF(Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Not applicable" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "Limited to item" or Fields!RestrictedTo.value = "room of origin" , 1, 0),"ADF") / sum(fields!total.value,"ADF"))


Excel Power Query to only show unhidden rows

i have an excel workbook with 3 worksheets. each of the worksheet contains hidden and unhidden rows. i’ve managed to combine all 3 worksheets into one single worksheet via power query. however, the worksheet generated shows all the hidden and unhidden rows. is there anyways i could just generate the worksheet with just the unhidden rows?
i’ve read about using a helping column and applying a filter on it but i am unsure of how to do that as well. any new suggestions/walkthrough is greatly appreciated
You can do this in Power Query.
You can unzip the XLSX file to XML tables, and examine the row attributes - then get the sheet data, and merge the hidden attribute with the row number.
Pass this function the file name (including path) and sheet name, and it will return the sheet contents, with an added "Row hidden" column:
(MyFileName as text, MySheetName as text) =>
fnUnzip = (ZIPFile, Position, FileToExtract, DataSoFar) =>
MyBinaryFormat = try BinaryFormat.Record([DataToSkip=BinaryFormat.Binary(Position),
FileSize=BinaryFormat.ByteOrder(BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger32, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
FileNameLen=BinaryFormat.ByteOrder(BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger16, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
ExtrasLen=BinaryFormat.ByteOrder(BinaryFormat.UnsignedInteger16, ByteOrder.LittleEndian),
TheRest=BinaryFormat.Binary()]) otherwise null,
MyCompressedFileSize = try MyBinaryFormat(ZIPFile)[FileSize]+1 otherwise null,
MyFileNameLen = try MyBinaryFormat(ZIPFile)[FileNameLen] otherwise null,
MyExtrasLen = try MyBinaryFormat(ZIPFile)[ExtrasLen] otherwise null,
MyBinaryFormat2 = try BinaryFormat.Record([DataToSkip=BinaryFormat.Binary(Position), Header=BinaryFormat.Binary(30), Filename=BinaryFormat.Text(MyFileNameLen), Extras=BinaryFormat.Binary(MyExtrasLen), Data=BinaryFormat.Binary(MyCompressedFileSize), TheRest=BinaryFormat.Binary()]) otherwise null,
MyFileName = try MyBinaryFormat2(ZIPFile)[Filename] otherwise null,
GetDataToDecompress = try MyBinaryFormat2(ZIPFile)[Data] otherwise null,
DecompressData = try Binary.Decompress(GetDataToDecompress, Compression.Deflate) otherwise null,
NewPosition = try Position + 30 + MyFileNameLen + MyExtrasLen + MyCompressedFileSize - 1 otherwise null,
AsATable = Table.FromRecords({[Filename = MyFileName, Content=DecompressData]}),
#"Appended Query" = if DecompressData = null then DataSoFar else if (MyFileName = FileToExtract) then AsATable else
if (FileToExtract = "") and Position <> 0 then Table.Combine({DataSoFar, AsATable})
else AsATable
if (MyFileName = FileToExtract) or (#"Appended Query" = DataSoFar) then
#"Appended Query"
#fnUnzip(ZIPFile, NewPosition, FileToExtract, #"Appended Query"),
Unzipped = fnUnzip(File.Contents(MyFileName), 0, "", null),
WorkbookXML = Xml.Tables(Table.SelectRows(Unzipped, each Text.Contains([Filename],"xl/workbook"))[Content]{0}),
WorkbookData = Table.SelectRows(WorkbookXML, each [Name] = "sheets"){0}[Table]{0}[Table],
SheetIDs = Table.ExpandTableColumn(WorkbookData, "", {"Attribute:id"}, {"Attribute:id"}),
SheetID = Text.Replace(Table.SelectRows(SheetIDs, each ([#"Attribute:name"] = MySheetName))[#"Attribute:id"]{0},"rId","sheet"),
SheetXML = Xml.Tables(Table.SelectRows(Unzipped, each Text.Contains([Filename], "worksheets/" & SheetID))[Content]{0}),
SheetData = Table.SelectRows(SheetXML, each [Name]="sheetData"){0}[Table]{0}[Table],
Renamed = Table.RenameColumns(SheetData,{{"Attribute:r", "Row"}}),
#"Row Data" = Table.SelectColumns(Renamed,{"Row", "Attribute:hidden"}, MissingField.Ignore),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Row Data",{{"Row", Int64.Type}}),
#"Row Status" = Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "Hidden", each try if [#"Attribute:hidden"] = "1" then true else false otherwise false, type logical),
Workbook = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents(MyFileName)),
Worksheet = Table.SelectRows(Workbook, each ([Name] = MySheetName))[Data]{0},
#"Added Row" = Table.AddIndexColumn(Worksheet, "Row", 1, 1, Int64.Type),
#"Merged Row Status" = Table.NestedJoin(#"Added Row", {"Row"}, #"Row Status", {"Row"}, "Row Status", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
#"Expanded Row Status" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Merged Row Status", "Row Status", {"Hidden"}, {"Row hidden"}),
#"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Expanded Row Status",{"Row"})
#"Removed Columns"
Source = fnGetRowHiddenStatus("C:\Temp\rowhide.xlsx", "Sheet1")

Receive error when double click data in Listbox

I am newbies in VBA. Recently I have created a "Search Form". The search data have 21 columns which will display in the "Search List Box". Unfortunately, it only can show until 9 columns and will return an error for the 10 and above data. Your guidance is very much appreciated. Below is my code:
Private Sub dtlist_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
CDSv1.dptname.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(1)
CDSv1.dptadd.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(2)
CDSv1.divcom.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(3)
CDSv1.ctcname.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(4)
CDSv1.ctcno.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(5)
CDSv1.nid.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(6)
CDSv1.serno.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(7)
CDSv1.ipinfo.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(8)
CDSv1.snet.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(9)
CDSv1.gateway.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(10) '<---- The error starts here.
CDSv1.vlinfo.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(11)
CDSv1.netcatcom.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(12)
CDSv1.netsubcatcom.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(13)
CDSv1.ispcom.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(14)
CDSv1.snscom.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(15)
CDSv1.cirt.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(16)
CDSv1.bdwh.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(17)
CDSv1.statcom.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(18)
CDSv1.remf.Text = CDSv1.dtlist.Column(20)
End Sub

Automatically Expand all "Table Columns" with specific name

I'm a beginner in coding and am not familiar with "M" modeling language. I have an XML file that I want to use to load the data in Query Editor. In the Query, I need to expand only the table columns with a specific name below:
I have found the following post where they give a function by Chris Webb for expanding all the lists(below code).
= (TableToExpand as table, optional ColumnNumber as number) =>
ActualColumnNumber = if (ColumnNumber=null) then 0 else ColumnNumber,
ColumnName = Table.ColumnNames(TableToExpand){ActualColumnNumber},
ColumnContents = Table.Column(TableToExpand, ColumnName),
ColumnsToExpand = List.Distinct(List.Combine(List.Transform(ColumnContents, each if _ is table then Table.ColumnNames(_) else {}))),
NewColumnNames = List.Transform(ColumnsToExpand, each ColumnName & "." & _),
CanExpandCurrentColumn = List.Count(ColumnsToExpand)>0,
ExpandedTable = if CanExpandCurrentColumn then Table.ExpandTableColumn(TableToExpand, ColumnName, ColumnsToExpand, NewColumnNames) else TableToExpand,
NextColumnNumber = if CanExpandCurrentColumn then ActualColumnNumber else ActualColumnNumber+1,
OutputTable = if NextColumnNumber>(Table.ColumnCount(ExpandedTable)-1) then ExpandedTable else ExpandAll(ExpandedTable, NextColumnNumber)
But how to expand only desired lists/tables?
You should be able to simply put a filter on the old ColumnsToExpand line.
That is,
TableColumns = //This is the old ColumnsToExpand definition renamed.
List.Distinct(List.Combine(List.Transform(ColumnContents, each if _ is table then Table.ColumnNames(_) else {}))),
ColumnsToExpand =
List.Select(TableColumns, each (_ = "view" or _ = "viewfolder" or _ = "Attribute:name")),
Or in one line like this,
ColumsToExpand = List.Select(List.Distinct(List.Combine(List.Transform(ColumnContents, each if _ is table then Table.ColumnNames(_) else {}))), each (_ = "view" or _ = "viewfolder" or _ = "Attribute:name")),

Data Filter SAS VBA

data.Filter = "(Dec = 'Okay' AND no = '001' AND date >=" &
Sheets("parameter").range("A1") & ")" & _"or (Dec = 'Okay' AND
(criteria = 'TOM1' OR criteria = 'TOM2' OR criteria = 'TOM3') AND
date >=" & Sheets("parameter").range("A1") & ")"
Why does it show a run time error? I believe the problem starts from the filter consisting "criteria". How do I make things right?
NOTE: By adding additional line is no longer allowed as the maximum number of line is at 24, and i already exceeded it.
It is probably because of the date values you're passing in from Sheets("parameter").range("A1").
Assuming you're passing in a value from A1 of 20JAN2015 for example, you could try something along the lines of the below:
data.Filter = "(Dec = 'Okay' AND no = '001' AND date >='" &
Sheets("parameter").range("A1") & "'d)" & "or (Dec = 'Okay' AND
(criteria = 'TOM1' OR criteria = 'TOM2' OR criteria = 'TOM3') AND
date >='" & Sheets("parameter").range("A1") & "'d)"
This would give:
(Dec = 'Okay' AND no = '001' AND date >='20JAN2015'd) or (Dec = 'Okay' AND
(criteria = 'TOM1' OR criteria = 'TOM2' OR criteria = 'TOM3') AND
date >='20JAN2015'd)
Compare this with:
data _null_ ;
datetxt='20JAN2015' ;
datenum='20JAN2015'd ;
put "Date as text " datetxt= ;
put "Date as SAS date " datenum= ;
run ;

Dynamic excel chart doesn't display all of the data

I have this code that allows users to enter chart parameters into some cells and dynamically create a chart. Many series (up to four) are allowed on two vertical (y) axis and one shared horizontal (x) axis. The chart is a mixture of columns and lines normally, and the data ranges are of varying length. I have this code that adds the series like so (I'll try to stick to what I believe is the relevant code)
seriesCount = 1
If hasSeries1 = True Then
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Name = .Cells(2, 6) & " " & axisside1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).ChartType = chartType1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).AxisGroup = axisgroup1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Border.LineStyle = borderStyle1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Border.Color = lineColor1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Line.Weight = lineWidth1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = seriesColor1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Line.Visible = hasLine1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).XValues = dates1
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Values = dataset1
seriesCount = seriesCount + 1
End If
If hasSeries2 = True Then
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Name = .Cells(3, 6) & " " & axisside2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).ChartType = chartType2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).AxisGroup = axisgroup2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Border.LineStyle = borderStyle2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Border.Color = lineColor2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Line.Weight = lineWidth2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = seriesColor2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Line.Visible = hasLine2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).XValues = dates2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Values = dataset2
seriesCount = seriesCount + 1
End If
If hasSeries3 = True Then
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Name = .Cells(4, 6) & " " & axisside3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).ChartType = chartType3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).AxisGroup = axisgroup3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Border.LineStyle = borderStyle3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Border.Color = lineColor3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Line.Weight = lineWidth3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = seriesColor3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Line.Visible = hasLine3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).XValues = dates3
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Values = dataset3
seriesCount = seriesCount + 1
End If
If hasSeries4 = True Then
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Name = .Cells(5, 6) & " " & axisside4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).ChartType = chartType4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).AxisGroup = axisgroup4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Border.LineStyle = borderStyle4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Border.Color = lineColor4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Line.Weight = lineWidth4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = seriesColor4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Format.Line.Visible = hasLine4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).XValues = dates4
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(seriesCount).Values = dataset4
End If
Here is the problem: the chart only displays part of the data it is supposed to. When I right-click on the data series, hit Select Data and choose Edit, the correct series (both x and y) become highlighted, but what is being shown is a truncated subset of what should be there.
Here is a sample of what I'm seeing
Here is some of the data for the light blue column
12/30/2005 307%
1/31/2006 302%
2/28/2006 248%
3/31/2006 262%
4/28/2006 285%
5/31/2006 256%
... ...
... ...
... ...
6/30/2014 147%
Notice how this data should be showing on the chart beginning at 12/30/2005, but it's starting at 11/30/2013 instead (though the values appear to be correct, 307%, 302%, etc.). It is almost as though excel is forcing the 2nd and 3rd data series to be the same length as the first one. The first one is charting correctly.
I think you're not using a XY chart, thus you must have the same labels (Xvalues = dates for you) for every series. That means that you need to create a unique dates-set containing all the dates and assign it (as Xvalues) to the first serie.
