Memsql studio showing blank screen - singlestore

I installed and started Memsql Studio 1.9.4 in single host mode. Now when I visit http://ipaddress:8080 the Memsql Studio title shows but the rest of the page is completely blank. No login box or anything. I have tried in both firefox and chrome and also tried restarting the server but still getting the blank white screen. It’s a fresh server with only Memsql installed.
The strange thing is if I open it on my phone with chrome browser set to show desktop site the page opens nicely and I see the Add New Cluster option.
Server info
Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x64
Kernel: 4.15.0-74-generic
File Handles: 1120 of 3075375
Processes: 137
CPU Model: Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2630 v4 # 2.20GH…
CPU Speed: 8x 2200 MHz (8 core)
Memory: 30 GB
Console logs
TypeError: this._timeouts.remove is not a function 4 BrowserUsageTelemetry.jsm:303:24
Invalid chrome URI: /
LoginRecipes: getRecipes: falling back to a synchronous message for: LoginRecipes.jsm:265:9
Invalid chrome URI: /
Invalid chrome URI: /
Invalid chrome URI: /
TypeError: this._timeouts.remove is not a function BrowserUsageTelemetry.jsm:303:24
TypeError: this._timeouts.remove is not a function BrowserUsageTelemetry.jsm:303:24
TypeError: this._timeouts.remove is not a function BrowserUsageTelemetry.jsm:303:24
A cookie associated with a cross-site resource at was set without the SameSite attribute. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with SameSite=None and Secure. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at and .

It looks like you've engaged on the MemSQL Forums and the current theory is there's a block in the network.


How to restart a selenium webdriver that went down in an ongoing testing?

I have setup a selenium grid with 1 Hub and 2 nodes, each node with a capability to host 8 instances of firefox browser, so in total 16 firefox browsers are possible.
Following that, I am running a code which first creates 16 firefox webdrivers. Then goes through a list of websites and executes some task on each website by running that website in any of the 16 firefox webdriver that is available.
Now the issue I am facing is that while going through the list of websites, sometime 1-2 webdrivers go down (quits automatically, don't know why). I am trying to figure out that how to restart/repawn the webdrivers that went down so that the effective number of available webdrivers to perform the job remain at 16.
Here is what I have tried..
while executed_website_count != len(list_of_websites):
# getting an available driver from the 16 drivers we had created
driver = get_driver()
# getting the next website
current_link = get_link()
# if the driver is dead, it will throw an error
except InvalidSessionIdException:
new_driver = webdriver.Remote(
new_driver.set_window_size(1366, 784)
drivers_list.append(new_driver) #storing the new driver in our map of drivers
driver = new_driver
except WebDriverException:
...further operation on the newly created driver...
The issue with this fix is that though it does create a new driver but it is never shown as running (in headless mode) and also, no websites gets assigned to it (basically it is never used).

Is there any way to rectify stringApp communication error despite newer versions of STRING App and Cytoscape installed?

I am working on Cytoscape 3.9.1 and have stringApp 2.0.0 installed in my system.
Today, I tried importing 72 genes to String (both by web and in Cytoscape software).
STRING App web says stringApp communication error. Confirm that you have installed the latest version of stringApp (1.6+) and Cytoscape (3.8+).
I am getting an error message in Cytoscape: "This action cannot be performed on the current network as it appears to be an Old STRING network. Would you like to get the latest STRING network for the nodes in your network?
I have three options to solve
OK, upon clicking this, another dialogue box opens to Re-query the network.
Cancel, upon clicking this, the dialogue box closes.
Close the dialogue box, upon clicking this dialogue box closes.
My Cytoscape task history shows like this
  Loading data from STRING for 72 identifier(s).
 Network error: Unexpected error from server: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:
 POSTing JSON from
 Unexpected error from server: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL:
  Re-query network
 null
 Caught exception executing task.
Can someone help me how to solve this problem?
I tried to generate PPI using STRING App and it didn't work.
The backend database was having problems yesterday. It should be fixed now -- can you try again?
-- scooter

Can't log in to Azure Portal

I can't authenticate into Azure Portal on my home desktop (Windows 10 Home). It just hangs with the following icon until I eventually get redirected to the error timeout page.
Interestingly I can still log into Office 365 and Azure DevOps, and I can also log in to the Azure Portal on my laptop. This makes me think it's related to my comp and not my Azure account.
I've tried the following:
Clearing cache, cookies, etc (in Chrome - latest version - Version 92.0.4515.107)
incognito mode (in Chrome)
different browsers - Edge/Opera
flushing dns
turning comp on/off
If I check the browser console in Chrome, there's a bunch of errors when trying to open the Azure portal e.g.
first couple errors in the console are:
MsPortalFx.Base.Diagnostics.ErrorReporter 1 MsPortalFx.Base.Diagnostics.ErrorReporter: {"message":"Request Error","responseHeaders":"cache-control: no-cache\r\ncontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\ndate: Sun, 25 Jul 2021 23:13:32 GMT\r\nexpires: -1\r\nnel: {\"report_to\":\"network-errors\",\"max_age\":86400,\"success_fraction\":0.001,\"failure_fraction\":1.0}\r\npragma: no-cache\r\nreport-to: {\"group\":\"network-errors\",\"max_age\":86400,\"endpoints\":[{\"url\":\"\"}]}\r\nstrict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains\r\nx-content-type-options: nosniff\r\nx-ms-version: (production#6db687bbc5.210712-1125) Signed\r\nx-ua-compatible: IE=edge\r\nx-xss-protection: 1; mode=block\r\n","responseText":"{\"Message\":\"There was an error processing your request. Please try again in a few moments.\",\"HttpStatusCode\":\"InternalServerError\",\"XMsServerRequestId\":null,\"StackTrace\":null}","status":500,"statusText":"","uri":"/api/Portal/GetEarlyUserData?feature.internalgraphapiversion=true&feature.iris=true&feature.irismessagelimit=1&feature.showservicehealthalerts=true"}
MsPortalImpl/Services/Services.Settings 1 Services.Settings: _errorData: undefined
_sourceErrorLevel: undefined
baseTypes: ["MsPortalFx.Errors.Error"]
code: undefined
data: undefined
errorLevel: 2
extension: fx
handled: undefined
innerErrors: ["message: {\"message\":\"Request Error\",\"responseHeaders\":\"cache-control: no-cache\\r\\ncontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\\r\\ndate: Sun, 25 Jul 2021 23:13:32 GMT\\r\\nexpires: -1\\r\\nnel: {\\\"report_to\\\":\\\"network-errors\\\",\\\"max_age\\\":86400,\\\"success_fraction\\\":0.001,\\\"failure_fraction\\\":1.0}\\r\\npragma: no-cache\\r\\nreport-to: {\\\"group\\\":\\\"network-errors\\\",\\\"max_age\\\":86400,\\\"endpoints\\\":[{\\\"url\\\":\\\"\\\"}]}\\r\\nstrict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains\\r\\nx-content-type-options: nosniff\\r\\nx-ms-version: (production#6db687bbc5.210712-1125) Signed\\r\\nx-ua-compatible: IE=edge\\r\\nx-xss-protection: 1; mode=block\\r\\n\",\"responseText\":\"{\\\"Message\\\":\\\"There was an error processing your request. Please try again in a few moments.\\\",\\\"HttpStatusCode\\\":\\\"InternalServerError\\\",\\\"XMsServerRequestId\\\":null,\\\"StackTrace\\\":null}\",\"status\":500,\"statusText\":\"\",\"uri\":\"/api/Portal/GetEarlyUserData?feature.internalgraphapiversion=true&feature.iris=true&feature.irismessagelimit=1&feature.showservicehealthalerts=true\"}\r\nstack: Error: {\"message\":\"Request Error\",\"responseHeaders\":\"cache-control: no-cache\\r\\ncontent-type: application/json; charset=utf-8\\r\\ndate: Sun, 25 Jul 2021 23:13:32 GMT\\r\\nexpires: -1\\r\\nnel: {\\\"report_to\\\":\\\"network-errors\\\",\\\"max_age\\\":86400,\\\"success_fraction\\\":0.001,\\\"failure_fraction\\\":1.0}\\r\\npragma: no-cache\\r\\nreport-to: {\\\"group\\\":\\\"network-errors\\\",\\\"max_age\\\":86400,\\\"endpoints\\\":[{\\\"url\\\":\\\"\\\"}]}\\r\\nstrict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains\\r\\nx-content-type-options: nosniff\\r\\nx-ms-version: (production#6db687bbc5.210712-1125) Signed\\r\\nx-ua-compatible: IE=edge\\r\\nx-xss-protection: 1; mode=block\\r\\n\",\"responseText\":\"{\\\"Message\\\":\\\"There was an error processing your request. Please try again in a few moments.\\\",\\\"HttpStatusCode\\\":\\\"InternalServerError\\\",\\\"XMsServerRequestId\\\":null,\\\"StackTrace\\\":null}\",\"status\":500,\"statusText\":\"\",\"uri\":\"/api/Portal/GetEarlyUserData?feature.internalgraphapiversion=true&feature.iris=true&feature.irismessagelimit=1&feature.showservicehealthalerts=true\"}\n at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (\r\n"]
message: Early Failed to preload stores.
name: Error
source: undefined
stack: Error: Early Failed to preload stores.
at new t (
timestamp: 734.0999999642372
type: MsPortalFx.Errors.Error
I am having the same issue and have figured out what was causing it. My antivirus, I use Free BitDefender. When I disable the protection I can then access azure.
As a temporary workaround, use Brave browser. Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Opera have the problem.
I'm experiencing exactly the same thing. I can log in fine on other computers and my mobile
Running can possibly help you diagnose issues that would cause an issue like this.

Selenium with Python. "Bluetooth: " . Error [duplicate]

I have updated Selenium but the error keeps occurring even though the web page loads. However, in some instances, the driver starts but it is stagnant. Is this causing an issue and if so, how do I resolve it?
[11556:9032:0502/] [15:29:54.314] Bluetooth: Getting Default Adapter failed.
This error message...] [15:29:54.314] Bluetooth: Getting Default Adapter failed.
...implies that ScopedClosureRunner on_init failed in BluetoothAdapterWinrt::OnGetDefaultAdapter().
This error is defined in as follows:
void BluetoothAdapterWinrt::OnGetDefaultAdapter(
base::ScopedClosureRunner on_init,
ComPtr<IBluetoothAdapter> adapter) {
if (!adapter) {
BLUETOOTH_LOG(ERROR) << "Getting Default Adapter failed.";
Ensure that:
Selenium is upgraded to current levels Version 3.141.59.
ChromeDriver is updated to current ChromeDriver v84.0 level.
Chrome is updated to current Chrome Version 84.0 level. (as per ChromeDriver v84.0 release notes)
If your base Web Client version is too old, then uninstall it and install a recent GA and released version of Web Client.
Additional considerations
However it was observed that this error can be supressed by running Chrome as root user (administrator) on Linux. but that would be a deviation from the documentation in ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome where it is mentioned:
A common cause for Chrome to crash during startup is running Chrome as root user (administrator) on Linux. While it is possible to work around this issue by passing '--no-sandbox' flag when creating your WebDriver session, i.e. the ChromeDriver session as such a configuration is unsupported and highly discouraged.
Ideally, you need to configure your environment to run Chrome as a regular user instead.
Suppressing the error
Finally, as per the documentation in Selenium Chrome Driver: Resolve Error Messages Regarding Registry Keys and Experimental Options these error logs can be supressed by adding the argument:
excludeSwitches: ['enable-logging']
So your effective code block will be:
from selenium import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-logging"])
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=r'C:\WebDrivers\chromedriver.exe')
I had simmilar problems
ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was
forcibly closed by the remote host and
Bluetooth: Getting Default Adapter
Both of them disapeared after running cmd as an administrator. I don't know what is the exact cause of this issue but for me it seems that's a lack of privs while running selenium.
If anyone could explain why it is happening would be great.
Simply switching on my device's Bluetooth solved the problem... Don't know the reason behind it
I was getting the same error. On a code that was working yesterday.
The Code is available at this url at this moment Found the Resolution hint over here in the comments section, along with,
suggesting that, we cannot run on "Pycharm"/VSCode using right click -> run from within the class level, we need to run it from the module level i.e. outside the class level, since setUpClass() method is not executed when running from inside of the class.

xpages error message: unknown resource ID

How do I go about beginning to even trouble shoot this error message:
[1920:000F-1C08] 25/03/2014 04:53:08 PM HTTP JVM: !warn.DojoDependencyList.Internalerrorunknownresourceid0!
Background: xpages form developed in 8.5 and ran perfectly last year, now using the exact form again, but that error message appears in Domino server console when you load the page and when you attempt to submit it (it won't submit.)
The only thing obviously thing that has changed in the picture here in the past year is that the server has been upgraded to domino 9.02 fp 2.
Any ideas on how to even start pinning down what's up gratefully received, I'm sure it's something small and non-obvious.
Domino 9.0 uses Dojo 1.8 so my guess is there's an issue/conflict with your app and its use of Dojo.
Try forcing your app to use Dojo 1.6.1 by setting xsp.client.script.dojo.version to 1.6.1 in
