Spotfire Map Chart - Show markers only in the highlighted(selected) area - spotfire

I am a beginner in Spotfire.
I have lat long coordinates of employee work and home location.
Here is what i have done so far.. on one marker layer I have marked the coordinates of all work locations and on other marker layer, I have marked home coordinates of all the employees.
What i want to show initially on the map are only the Work locations and when the user selects any area on the map near any work location, then only the employees whose home locations are in that selected area should display.

I would like to check if you already have the zip code along with those lat and long values if no then download it from google, if yes then do the following steps:
Add the data table and rename it as a work location.
Show on the map only the Work locations using a marker layer.
Add the same table again and rename it as a home address.
Go to Edit - Data Table Properties - Relations and join
both the tables using the Zip code.
Right-click on Map and Create a details visualization -
Table - using the Home address data table and select the required columns.
Now once you mark any records on the map you would be able to see the details of the home address of the colleagues overlapping on that zip code.

I don't work too much with Maps but you may want view this Tibco Example :


Dynamic item list in Azure Workbooks

Is it possible to have data driven layout in Azure Workbooks?
For each row of a Kusto query, I'd like to add a tile to the dashboard.
There's no direct way to have a single query generate many visualizations in workbooks (yet!)
There are some options:
you could use a visualization like "tiles" which creates an item for each row, and you can configure the various parts of the tile to get info from different columns.
presuming you literally mean "Azure Dashboard" here when you say dashboard:
(more manual) you could create a parameter that returns all those values, and then configure a subsequent query to reference the selected value to generate the visualization you want, and manually pick a value, pin the chart to the dashboard, repeat for each value you want pinned.
(more technical) you could create the visualization you want, and pin it to a dashboard. then download the dashboard as json, and copy+paste the pin, but modify the query/parameter values in the dashboard, then upload it as a new dashboard?

Is there a way in Azure DevOps to group by the first sublayer of Area Paths?

My current requirement is to create charts out of queries in Azure DevOps (for ex. pie charts) that visualize certain work items and group by the Area Path of the work items. However, the grouping in the chart should only consider the first sublayer. So for instance, it should only consider root-path/x instead of root-path/x/y and root-path/x/z individually.
The only solution I could think of so far was to consider the Team-field instead of the Area Path-field as a team should be associated with every subpath, but apparently, teams aren't associated with work items and the Team-fields in the result of my queries remain empty.
Is there an other solution or "workaround" to my problem?
I searched and tried other Chart extensions, but none of them can meet your demand.
When selecting "Group by Area Path", they always list all the area paths of the work items from the selected queries.
I also checked 'Project configuration' and 'Team configuration' on 'Project Settings', but did not find any option can affect this.
Looks like, we currently have no any available solution or workaround that can group work items by only the first sub-paths of the root area path on the Chart for work items.
Maybe you can try to develop a custom Chart extension following your demand.

Multiple Dependent drop down list in excel/vba

I am trying to do sector classification for GICS sector. GICS structure consists of 11 sectors, 24 industry groups, 69 industries and 158 sub-industries. the below link gives the sector classfication
can i create a drop down list like the attached image using data validation and name range function ?
like this with a vba button to refresh
On the web there are many step-by-step guides to create interdependent validation drop-downs. This is one of them. Working your way through the instructions is serious work. To help you on your way I have created a starting point for you.
The picture shows a table named Industry_Groups. It has one column for each group, and in this column are listed all the industries in that group. Now you can create a drop-down with all the column captions which would enable you to select any of the industry groups. This drop-down would have the list specification
A dependent drop-down would have the list specification given below.
As you see, it takes the referenced table column name from cell A10, which is occupied by the first drop-down. Therefore the list in the second drop-down will change depending upon the selection in the first.
Of course, whatever can be selected in the second drop-down is nothing but the name of another list in another table. Each of them would name a table like the one shown above - literally hundreds of them. They have to be created before you can start on the programming.
Talking of programming, it seems that you tried to create a VBA based system that would generate the lists on the fly. No doubt that is possible but it would require some serious programming for which your attempts do not show an aptitude. The advantage of the system I show you here is that you can create and implement it with your own resources. You know, it's the story of the sparrow in your hand and the pigeon on the roof.

How to Model PowerBI Data to show the exact Date

I have a PowerBI report that contains bar graphs that date and other information and a Bing Map that is linked with the bar graph. Now the bing map contains latitude and longitude and some other information like date, and it has the same date column that is used inside the bar graphs. Now I am using a drill through feature here which drill through the map when I select a bar graph and use any of the data visuals inside the map to drill through, now when I drill through this other page contains different information of the bar graph like date and other things.
The problem is when I use drill through on a certain visual inside a map I dont get the exact date that is shown inside the tool tip of the map and the bargraph, thats why because I have the same longitude and latitude that contains different dates and the drill through feature is just showing me the latest date of that longitude and latitude, how can I make this useful so that I get the exact date which I can see earlier on the tooltip of the map and the bar graph any suggestions will be helpful.
Can you provide a sample of your dataset to better understand your problem. The flow you have mentioned is not clear.
Are you drilling from bar graph to Bing map which is on another page?

Excel Pivot Table on Analysis Services - Element Name Ordering

If you connect an Excel pivot table to anlysis services, the Dimension in the field list show all their available attributes (that then can be pulled into the pivot). Our client wants these attribute names to appear in the selection list in a predefined ordering (not alphabetical). How can this be achieved ?
The short answer is: You cannot.
But what you can do is using display folders: For each attribute, you can define the "AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder" hierarchy, for user hierarchies, the property is just called "DisplayFolder": You can enter any text for this property. Then, Excel displays the attributes/hierarchies within folders as configured. The folders are sorted alphabetically within the dimension, and the attributes/hierarchies are sorted alphabetically within the folders again. But by defining appropriate folder names, you can influence the display order at least partly.
