multicore nodejs game server - node.js

I'm developing a card game backend with nodejs, I'm using and Redis as an adaptor so different instances can access to all sockets.
I'm planning to save match states which might be between 5 to 10 KB in Redis and while players in a match might be connected to different instances when each one of them performs an action, their instance will update match state in Redis.
it seems to be ok but I feel it has some problems, for example, in case of any crash or restarts I need to fetch all matches and do some actions on them but how to make each instance handle a part of matches?
also, I will start a timer for the next player while it might be connected to a different instance so when they play their turn it will handle in another instance and can't stop the timer because the timer was started in another instance!
I think if I could have an instance in charge of a specific match it would solve most of my problems but I don't know how to achieve it.
any advice or suggestion would be appreciated.

I am not sure to follow the exact problem here, but you should be able to create an highly available system, that will allow you to not restart from scratch.
Use an high available Redis instance, for example using Redis Sentinel, or Redis Cloud instances that provide HA
Using Node JS you can also deploy it on many server (backed by Redis),take a look to
This should allow you to have an "alway-on" architecture that can scale.


Concurrent users without database

I can't seem to get this concept right in my head. If I have a website that gets 1 million concurrent users, without any databases at all, will I need to scale? I'm Using Node.js and Socket.IO. Also is there a way I could simulate something like this on my localhost?
Having one million user, or connections, on, doesn't mean you have to scale, but depending on what they are doing, you would probably do. Having a data base adds storage but has nothing more to do with the need for scaling the Node.JS server.
You can create a test to try to insert as much as you want using a loop to connect and then try to emit an event for each of then.
For scaling node you can use a cluster. A single instance of Node.js runs in a single thread. To take advantage of multi-core systems, the user will sometimes want to launch a cluster of Node.js processes to handle the load.
To simulate high load, there are open source tools you can use for free:

Sharing data between node.js app and lua app

I have two applications, a node.js app running on node-webkit, and a lua application. I would need to pass data between the two applications on regulars intervals, say every 5 to 15 seconds.
The node.js application is the one creating the data, and the lua application is the one consuming the data. The data only goes to one direction.
How should I do the data transfer. I would prefer json/xml for the data, but actually it can be in any other format as well. The data moved at a time is not large. Its just some ten parameters at a time.
My initial thought was to just make the node app act as server and serve the data via rest api, and the lua app just read the page with LuaSocket or such. But is there a better way to do the transfer, if both of the apps reside on same machine? Currently the lua app is running in Windows, but that could change.
My background is in web development, so I'm totally lost when it comes to sharing data between applications. I'm also new to lua. Thanks for any answers.
There are many ways to accomplish such task. I will describe two of them.
The first approach which I like most is using a Remote Queue such as Apache Kafka, Redis, RabbitMQ, or even Zookeeper for small data, alternatively store in a database. All these remote storage systems have very good Node.js modules and all of them can handle JSON and any other data type very well.
Unless this is just a mere test app, it is good to build such fault tolerance into your apps. In your case, imagine if the consumer Lua app goes down, or the opposite, Node.js producer app goes down. You don't want the failure on one app to affect another app. In production environment, it is best to isolate apps and tasks like this. Another advantage of this approach is that one day you may decide to rewrite your consumer in Node.js, Scala, etc. or have multiple consumers in different languages. This doesn't require your server to stop or change. It even doesn't have to know about any changes to the consumer.
So, your production server always pushes data to a remote data store/queue independently, and a consumer server reads then deletes the data from this remote store on its own pace.
If you used a database, you would read the new records, consume them, and once done, remove them from the database. This approach allows you to shutdown the consumer and producer apps independently for any reason like upgrade.
Another approach is to establish a direct network connection from producer server to a consumer server via a TCP. The producer server would be a client pushing data to the consumer server. This can be accomplished with the net build-in module if the apps are on different physical machines. But as you can see, this is less reliable solution because if the consumer goes down, the produce can no longer push the new data in which case you should think what you should do with it: discard or store somewhere. If store somewhere, you end up reimplementing the first approach explained above.

How do I set up routing to multiple instances of a node.js server on one url?

I have a simple node.js server app built that I'm hoping to test out soon. It's single threaded and works fine without any child processing whatsoever. My problem is that the server box has multiple cores and the simplest way I can think to utilize them is by running multiple instances of the server app. However this would require them all to be on the same domain name and so some sort of request routing is required. I personally don't have much experience with servers in general and don't know if this is a task for node.js to perform or some other less complicated program (or more complicated.) If there is a node.js mechanism to solve this, for example, if one running instance can send incoming requests to the next instance, than how would I detect when this needs to happen? Transversely, if I use some other program how will it manage to detect when it needs to start talking to a new instance?
Node.js includes built-in support for managing a cluster of instances of your application to take advantage of multiple cores via the cluster module.

How to Scale Node.js WebSocket Redis Server?

I'm writing a chat server for Acani, and I have some questions about Scaling node.js and websockets with load balancer scalability.
What exactly does it mean to load balance Node.js? Does that mean there will be n independent versions of my server application running, each on a separate server?
To allow one client to broadcast a message to all the others, I store a set of all the webSocketConnections opened on the server. But, if I have n independent versions of my server application running, each on a separate server, then will I have n different sets of webSocketConnections?
If the answers to 1 & 2 are affirmative, then how do I store a universal set of webSocketConnections (across all servers)? One way I think I could do this is use Redis Pub/Sub and just have every webSocketConnection subscribe to a channel on Redis.
But, then, won't the single Redis server become the bottleneck? How would I then scale Redis? What does it even mean to scale Redis? Does that mean I have m independent versions of Redis running on different servers? Is that even possible?
I heard Redis doesn't scale. Why would someone say that. What does that mean? If that's true, is there a better solution to for pub/sub and/or storing a list of all broadcasted messages?
Note: If your answer is that Acani would never have to scale, even if each of all seven billion people (and growing) on Earth were to broadcast a message every second to everyone else on earth, then please give a valid explanation.
Well, few answers for your question:
To load balance Node.js, it means exactly what you thought about what it is, except that you don't really need separate server, you can run more then one process of your node server on the same machine.
Each server/process of your node server will have it's own connections, the default store for websockets (for example Socket.IO) is MemoryStore, it means that all the connections will be stored on the machine memory, it is required to work with RedisStore in order to work with redis as a connection store.
Redis PUB/SUB is a good way to achieve this task
You are right about what you said here, redis doesn't scale at this moment and running a lot of processes/connections connected to redis can make redis to be a bottleneck.
Redis doesn't scale, that is correct, but according to this presentation you can see that a cluster development is in top priority at redis and redis do have a cluster, it's just not stable yet: (taken from
Where's Redis Cluster?
Redis development is currently focused on Redis 2.6 that will bring you support for Lua scripting and many other improvements. This is our current priority, however the unstable branch already contains most of the fundamental parts of Redis Cluster. After the 2.6 release we'll focus our energies on turning the current Redis Cluster alpha in a beta product that users can start to seriously test.
It is hard to make forecasts since we'll release Redis Cluster as stable only when we feel it is rock solid and useful for our customers, but we hope to have a reasonable beta for summer 2012, and to ship the first stable release before the end of 2012.
See the presentation here:
2) Using Redis might not work to store connections: Redis can store data in string format, and if the connecion object has circular references (ie, Engine.IO) you won't be able serialise them
3) Creating a new Redis client for each client might not be a good approach so avoid that trap if you can
Consider using ZMQ node library to have processes communicate with each other through TCP (or IPC if they are clustered as in master-worker)

NodeJS + SocketIO: Scaling and preventing single point of failure

So the first app that people usually build with SocketIO and Node is usually a chatting app. This chatting app basically has 1 Node server that will broadcast to multiple clients. In the Node code, you would have something like.
for(client in clients){
if(client != messageSender){
This is great for a low number of users, but I see a problem with this. First of all, there is a single point of failure which is the Node server. Second of all, the app will slow down as the number of clients grow. What is there to do then when we reach this bottleneck? Is there an architecture (horizontal/vertical scaling) that can be used to alleviate this problem?
For that "one day" when your chat app needs multiple, fault-tolerant node servers, and you want to use to cross communicate between the server and the client, there is a node.js module that fits the bill.
It's basically an event emitting framework to cross communicate between multiple "things" -- such as multiple node servers.
It's relatively complicated to use, compared to most modules, which is understandable since this is a complex problem to solve.
That being said, you'd probably have to have a few thousand simultaneous users and lots of other problems before you begin to have problems with this.
Another thing you can do, is try to develop your application in a way so that if a connection is lost (which happens all the time anyway), eg. server goes down, client has network issues (eg. mobile user), etc, your application should be able to handle that and recover from such issues gracefully.
Since Node.js has a single event-loop thread, this single point of failure is written into its DNA. Even reloading a server after code changes require this thread to be stopped.
There are however a lot of tools available to handle such failures gracefully. You could use forever; a simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously. Other options include distribute and up. Distribute is a load balancing middleware for Node. Up builds on top of Distribute to offer zero downtime reloads using either a JavaScript API or command line interface:
Further reading I find you just need to use Redis Store with to maintain connection references between two or more processes/ servers. These options have already been discussed extensively here and here.
There's also the option of using if you don't intend to use the Redis store.
