SurveyMonkey API Create a Survey using NodeJS - node.js

I created a small server using NodeJS/Express and I'm using node-fetch to interact with SurveyMonkeys API. I currently have two surveys on my account which I can view through their Postman collection. But when I try to use my own endpoints, it doesn't seem to work. The GET request to view all of the surveys returns a status code of "200" but responds with:
"size": 0,
"timeout": 0
The POST request to create a survey gives me a status code of "400" but returns the same response. Here is my code so far.
const router = require("express").Router();
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const TOKEN = process.env.SM_ACCESS_TOKEN;
const BASEURL = process.env.SM_BASEURL;
const options = method => ({
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${TOKEN}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
method: method
GET a list of surveys
router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
try {
const surveys = await fetch(`${BASEURL}surveys`, options("GET"));
if (surveys) {
return res.status(200).json(surveys);
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send({ message: "Server error", err });
});"/create-survey", (req, res) => {
const surveyData = req.body;
fetch(`${BASEURL}surveys`, {
method: "POST",
body: surveyData,
headers: {
Authorization: `bearer ${TOKEN}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
.then(data => {
return res.status(data.status).json(data);
.catch(err => console.log(err));
module.exports = router;
Additional information:
I am able to complete all of these actions using the POSTMAN collection provided by SurveyMonkey with my Access Token. BASEURL = "".
ServeyData = { "title": "Some Title" }

Resolved this issue by switching out of node-fetch and instead using axios. Could be the fetch vs xhr request I think.


How to hide my API Key in a POST request?

I want to hide my API key when I am making a post request from my browser. I need to input a number plate and send the request to the API and the API responds me with details about it. I have managed to get this working with a GET request to another API by using nodeJS but I can't manage to make it work with a post request. Keep in mind the request needs information from my input field in the browser which is the registration number of the vehicle to send me information back about it.
Here is my function in my browser JS file.
const searchBtn = document.getElementById("search-btn")
function startFetch() {
let plate = document.getElementById("plate").value
let reg = {registrationNumber: `${plate}`}
fetch(``, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-api-key': `my key is here`,
body: JSON.stringify(reg),
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
searchBtn.addEventListener("click", startFetch);
Any help and method would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
For anyone in the same boat. I have managed to achieve what I want.
Client side JS file:
function startFetch() {
let plate = document.getElementById("plate").value
let reg = {registrationNumber: plate}
fetch(`http://localhost:3000/v`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(reg),
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
And the backend using Express, NodeJS, body-parser and axios
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const app = express();
const axios = require('axios');
//Env vars
const API_URL = process.env.API_URL
const API_KEY = process.env.API_KEY'/v', (req, res) => {
const body = req.body;
// Make a request to the backend API, body,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
'x-api-key': API_KEY
.then((response) => {
// Return the response from the backend API to the client
.catch((error) => {
// Handle any errors
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('API proxy server is listening on port 3000');
You are already sending the body.
A very minor modification to you code:
function startFetch() {
let plate = "abc123";
let reg = { registrationNumber: `${plate}` };
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-api-key": `my key is here`,
body: JSON.stringify(reg),
You can see your api-key in the header (though you should never send secret via http):
Then in the body (in chrome they call it payload):

Firebase functions take MINUTES to write in Firestore

I'm building a mobile app and on some actions (like userCreate), I trigger some Firebase functions to perform an API call to a third service, and then write something in the Firestore database.
Everything works in theory, but in practice, the API calls are quite fast (even with cold start scenarios), but the database writes can take several MINUTES to complete (if they do at all, I suspect that sometimes it takes too long and times out).
Since the API call work just fine, and so does the DB write on some occasion, I suspect that this is simply due to very poor async management from me since I know about nothing in JS.
Here are two of many example functions which are concerned by this issue, just to showcase that it happens whereas I'm triggering functions onCreate or on HTTPS.
onCreate function
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const axios = require('axios')
// The Firebase Admin SDK to access the Firestore.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Third party service credentials generation during onCreate request
buildCredentials = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
// Request to Third party to generate an Client Access Token
method: "post",
url: "",
data: "client_id=xxx&client_secret=yyy&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=all:all",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
.then(function (response) {
//handle success
console.log('new user created: ')
// We write a new document in the users collection with the user ID and the Client Access Token
const db = admin.firestore();
const newUser = {
uid: user.uid,
.catch(function (error) {
//handle error
.catch(function (response) {
//handle error
HTTPS onCall function
exports.paymentRequest = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const clientAccessToken = data.clientAccessToken;
const recipientIban = data.recipientIban;
const recipientName = data.recipientName;
const paymentDescription = data.paymentDescription;
const paymentReference = data.paymentReference;
const productPrice = parseInt(data.productPrice);
const uid = data.uid;
const jsonData = {
"destinations": [
"accountNumber": recipientIban,
"type": "iban"
"amount": productPrice,
"currency": "EUR",
"market": "FR",
"recipientName": recipientName,
"sourceMessage": paymentDescription,
"remittanceInformation": {
"value": paymentReference
(async function(){
response = await axios({
method: "post",
url: "",
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${clientAccessToken}`,},
data: jsonData,
// We write a the payment request ID in the user's document
const db = admin.firestore();
const paymentRequestID =;
paymentRequestID: paymentRequestID
}, { merge: true })
.catch(function (error) {
//handle error
Am I on the right track thinking that this is an async problem?
Or is it a Firebase/Firestore issue?
You are not returning the promises returned by the asynchronous methods (axios() and set()), potentially generating some "erratic" behavior of the Cloud Function.
As you will see in the three videos about "JavaScript Promises" from the official Firebase video series you MUST return a Promise or a value in a background triggered Cloud Function, to indicate to the platform that it has completed, and to avoid it is terminated before the asynchronous operations are done or it continues running after the work has been completed.
The following adaptations should do the trick (untested):
onCreate Function:
buildCredentials = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
// Request to Third party to generate an Client Access Token
return axios({
method: "post",
url: "",
data: "client_id=xxx&client_secret=yyy&grant_type=client_credentials&scope=all:all",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" },
.then(function (response) {
//handle success
console.log('new user created: ')
// We write a new document in the users collection with the user ID and the Client Access Token
const db = admin.firestore();
const newUser = {
uid: user.uid,
return db.collection('users').doc(user.uid).set(newUser)
.catch(function (response) {
//handle error
return null;
Callable Function:
exports.paymentRequest = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
try {
const clientAccessToken = data.clientAccessToken;
const recipientIban = data.recipientIban;
const recipientName = data.recipientName;
const paymentDescription = data.paymentDescription;
const paymentReference = data.paymentReference;
const productPrice = parseInt(data.productPrice);
const uid = data.uid;
const jsonData = {
// ...
const response = await axios({
method: "post",
url: "",
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${clientAccessToken}`,
data: jsonData,
// We write a the payment request ID in the user's document
const db = admin.firestore();
const paymentRequestID =;
await db.collection('users').doc(uid).set({
paymentRequestID: paymentRequestID
}, { merge: true })
} catch (error) {
// See

Router.push is not redirecting me; Nextjs with Express server

I'm trying to build a basic login page with a dashboard using Express server and Nextjs. After the user logs in with proper credentials, they are authenticated and then redirected to the dashboard... Or that's what's supposed to happen at least. It seems that when Router.push("/Dashboard") is called, an improper request is made. However, if I just type http://localhost:3000/Dashboard into the address bar it works.
Get dashboard route
server.get('/Dashboard', checkSignIn, (req, res) => {
console.log("In dashboard")
} else {
req.session.page_views = 1;
console.log("Page views: ", req.session.page_views)
return handle(req, res)
Log in and redirect from client side
const router = useRouter();
const attemptLogin = async (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
const username: string = event!.target!.username!.value;
const password: string = event!.target!.password!.value;
fetch("http://localhost:3000/SignIn", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({ username, password }),
.then((res) => {
if (res.status === 200) {
console.log("Status is 200");
return router.push("/Dashboard");
.catch((err) => console.log("err is", err));
Here is what the request looks like when I manually type http://localhost:3000/Dashboard into the address bar
And here is what the request looks like when router.push is called
Hope someone can help with this. Thanks.
Edit: I get these errors (and output) in the console while rediredirecting
So I figured out the issue. It's because I was submitting a form without calling event.preventdefault(), which I think was making an improper fetch request (hence the error above), as well as reloading the page. The new working code for attemptLogin (the function I call on form submit) is
const attemptLogin = async (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
const username: string = event!.target!.username!.value;
const password: string = event!.target!.password!.value;
fetch("http://localhost:5000/SignIn", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({ username, password }),
.then((res) => {
if (res.status === 200) {
console.log("Status is 200");
return router.push("/Dashboard");
.catch((err) => {
console.log("err is", err);

React/Express - Axios get request help needed

Trying to make an API get request from front-end (React) to back-end (Express/MongoDB) using Axios. If I use Postman to make the request it works fine (you can enter a user ID in the request body and get back an array of objects containing that user ID, which is what I want), but doing it from a front-end built in React doesn't work, I just get an empty array returned. As far as I can tell my API call from the front-end is exactly the same as the one I'm making in Postman! Can anyone shed any light on this?
This is the code making the get request from the front end:
const getActivities = async (currentUser) => {
const config = {
crossdomain: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {
"user": `${currentUser[0].id}`,
try {
const res = await axios.get('http://localhost:5000/api/activities', config)
} catch (error) {
And this is the route on the back-end handling this particular request:
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const activities = await Activities.find({ user: req.body.user }).sort({ date: -1 })
if (!activities) {
res.json({msg: "Nothing found. Go forth and exercise!" })
} catch (err) {
Thanks in advance!
You cannot send a request body with GET method see API AXIOS only for request methods 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE , and 'PATCH'.
for example if you want to keep a GET method use params
// React
const config = {
crossdomain: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
params: {
user: `${currentUser[0].id}`,
try {
const res = await axios.get('http://localhost:5000/api/activities',config)
// Express
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {

Proxy API request through Express return pending Promise instead of response

I am currently trying to work with the Atlassian Jira rest API. In order to not get a CORS error I go through the recommended route of not sending the request from the browser but proxy it through my express server.
Now as I am doing this, all I receive back in the app is a pending promise. I assume that I have not correctly resolved it at one point but I cant figure out where.
API Handler sending the request to the proxy:
const baseURL = `${apiConfig}/jiraproxy`;
export const testConnection = integration => {
return fetch(`${baseURL}/get`, {
method: "POST",
headers: { "content-type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(integration)
Jira Proxy Endpoint on the Express Server
const baseURL = `rest/api/3/dashboard`;"/get", (req, res) => {
fetch( + baseURL, {
method: "GET",
headers: { Accept: "application/json" },
auth: {
username: req.body.credentials.username,
password: req.body.credentials.token
handleResponse & handle Error Methods:
async function handleResponse(response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
if (response.status === 400) {
const error = await response.text();
throw new Error(error);
throw new Error("Network response was not ok.");
function handleError(error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error(`API call failed. ${error}`);
throw error;
Send the request of sending a request to the proxy and return the resonse of the proxy as the return of the initial "testConction" method.
No errors thrown, but the response received in the Browser is a pending promise.
Change to the Jira Proxy router fixed it. Thanks to #jfriend00."/get", (req, res) => {
return fetch( + baseURL, {
method: "GET",
headers: { Accept: "application/json" },
auth: {
username: req.body.credentials.username,
password: req.body.credentials.token
// This is the part that changed
.then(response => handleResponse(response))
.then(jiraResponse => res.status(200).json(jiraResponse))
