Difference between Single Document Interface and Multi Document Interface [closed] - visual-c++

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Closed 3 years ago.
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What is the difference between Single Document Interface and Multi Document Interface in MFC? When and where we are using it? In which type of application we can use them.

Single Document Interface (SDI) is a document-oriented application, which provides exactly one document space (like Notepad).
Multi Document Interface (MDI) allows to have several (also different typed) documents to be open (so provides a "Windows" menu).
Both use the document-view pattern.


How to create a new cache region for a specific flexible search query? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In Hybris, I need to create a new cache region for a specific flexible search query but not all queries.
Hybris cache region is bonded with the type system, means you can specify a region for a type to store its entities.
So with the OOTB standards, you can't simply specify a region for the single query. Better you choose right evictionPolicy (LFU).
But yeah, the feature called TTL helps you. Refer to this post

How to define own model using Tensorflow object detection API [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have 2000+ training images(of custom farm structures) and I want to define my own model using Tensorflow. I researched (https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/g3doc/defining_your_own_model.md). This is a very high-level documentation. Can anyone help me on how to go about doing this?
The documentation serves as a high level guide in itself, but you essentially need to create a DetectionModel-based class.
You will need to design and implement the methods defined abstractly in the DetectionModel class here such that you create a model that is an instance of this abstract core class. How you design those functions is up to you, but the documentation you linked above provides some good guidelines.

How generically extract comments from different websites? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to extract comments from Dawn.com as well as from Tribune.com from any article. The way I'm extracting comments is, to target the class <div class="comment__body cf"> on Dawn while class="content" on Tribune.com
How can I do it generically? It means, There is no similar pattern on these websites through which this can be achieve by one class.
Shall I write separate code for each website?
All web sites use different html to represent the views and their comments.
You have to implement different crawlers for each site. You may also create a library file to keep there generic functions and not repeat some trivial functions.

How to convert Automation element in to UITestControl [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I came across one scenario where I have to identify object using Windows UI automation element.
I want to convert this object back to UITestControl, so that I can use inbuilt methods like waitforcontrol ready etc.
How Can I do this?
You can use one of the UITestControlFactory methods. Use UITestControlFactory.FromNativeElement Method (Object, String). You'll have to pass your UIAutomation element in the object parameter and the Technology name(Ex: "UIA") to the String method.More details are available in MSDN https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.visualstudio.testtools.uitesting.uitestcontrolfactory.fromnativeelement.aspx

Routing a Heterogeneous Fleet of Vehicles [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know it is possible to solve a VRP problem using OptaPlanner. I would like to know if it is possible to route a Heterogeneous Fleet of Vehicles using OptaPlanner.
Yes, it's been done before.
Just change the (Vrp)Vehicle class accordingly. Currently it already has a capacity, so you can already model vehicles with different capacities. But it's trivial to add other properties (such as maximumSpeed, driverLicenseLevelRequirementEnum, safeAgainstRobberyBoolean, ...).
Then simply use those properties in your new/existing score constraints.
