Calculate UDF once - apache-spark

I want to have a UUID column in a pyspark dataframe that is calculated only once, so that I can select the column in a different dataframe and have the UUIDs be the same. However, the UDF for the UUID column is recalculated when I select the column.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
>>> uuid_udf = udf(lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()), StringType())
>>> a = spark.createDataFrame([[1, 2]], ['col1', 'col2'])
>>> a = a.withColumn('id', uuid_udf())
>>> a.collect()
[Row(col1=1, col2=2, id='5ac8f818-e2d8-4c50-bae2-0ced7d72ef4f')]
>>> b ='id')
>>> b.collect()
[Row(id='12ec9913-21e1-47bd-9c59-6ddbe2365247')] # Wanted this to be the same ID as above
Possible workaround: rand()
A possible workaround might be to use pyspark.sql.functions.rand() as my source of randomness. However, there are two problems:
1) I'd like to have letters, not just numbers, in the UUID, so that it doesn't need to be quite as long
2) Though it technically works, it produces ugly UUIDs:
>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import rand, round
>>> a = a.withColumn('id', round(rand() * 10e16))
>>> a.collect()
[Row(col1=1, col2=2, id=7.34745165108606e+16)]

Use Spark built-in uuid function instead:
a = a.withColumn('id', expr("uuid()"))
b ='id')
[Row(col1=1, col2=2, id='da301bea-4927-4b6b-a1cf-518dea8705c4')]

The reason why your UUID keeps changing is because your dataframe is computed again and again after each action.
To stabilize your result, you can just use persist or cache (depending on the size of your dataframe).
| id| uuid|
| 0|e3db115b-6b6a-424...|
b ="uuid")
| uuid|


Split column with JSON string to columns each containing one key-value pair from the string

I have a data frame that looks like this (one column named "value" with a JSON string in it). I send it to an Event Hub using Kafka API and then I want to read that data from the Event Hub and apply some transformations to it. The data is in received in binary format, as described in the Kafka documentation.
Here are a few columns in CSV format:
What I want to do is to apply a transformation and create a data frame with 3 columns one with id, one with latitude and one with longitude.
This is what I tried but the result is not what I expected:
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType
from pyspark.sql.functions import from_json
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
# df is the data frame received from Kafka
location_schema = StructType().add("id", "string").add("latitude", "float").add("longitude", "float")
string_df = df.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)").withColumn("value", from_json(F.col("value"), location_schema))
And this is the result:
It created a "value" column with a structure as a value. Any idea what to do to obtain 3 different columns, as I described?
Your df:
df = spark.createDataFrame(
(1, '{"id":"e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8","latitude":"34.5016064725731","longitude":"123.43996453687777"}'),
(2, '{"id":"32782100-9b59-49c7-9d56-bb4dfc368a86","latitude":"49.938541626415144","longitude":"111.88360885971986"}'),
(3, '{"id":"a72a600f-2b99-4c41-a388-9a24c00545c0","latitude":"4.988768300413497","longitude":"-141.92727675177588"}'),
(4, '{"id":"5a5f056a-cdfd-4957-8e84-4d5271253509","latitude":"41.802942545247134","longitude":"90.45164573613573"}'),
(5, '{"id":"d00d0926-46eb-45dd-9e35-ab765804340d","latitude":"70.60161063520081","longitude":"20.566520665122482"}'),
(6, '{"id":"dda14397-6922-4bb6-9be3-a1546f08169d","latitude":"68.400462882435","longitude":"135.7167027587489"}'),
(7, '{"id":"c7f13b8a-3468-4bc6-9db4-e0b1b34bf9ea","latitude":"26.04757722355835","longitude":"175.20227554031783"}'),
(8, '{"id":"97f8f1cf-3aa0-49bb-b3d5-05b736e0c883","latitude":"35.52624182094499","longitude":"-164.18066699972852"}'),
(9, '{"id":"6bed49bc-ee93-4ed9-893f-4f51c7b7f703","latitude":"-24.319581484353847","longitude":"85.27338980948076"}')
['id', 'value']
|value |
|{"id":"e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8","latitude":"34.5016064725731","longitude":"123.43996453687777"} |
|{"id":"5a5f056a-cdfd-4957-8e84-4d5271253509","latitude":"41.802942545247134","longitude":"90.45164573613573"} |
|{"id":"d00d0926-46eb-45dd-9e35-ab765804340d","latitude":"70.60161063520081","longitude":"20.566520665122482"} |
|{"id":"dda14397-6922-4bb6-9be3-a1546f08169d","latitude":"68.400462882435","longitude":"135.7167027587489"} |
|{"id":"c7f13b8a-3468-4bc6-9db4-e0b1b34bf9ea","latitude":"26.04757722355835","longitude":"175.20227554031783"} |
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import *
json_schema = StructType([
StructField("id", StringType(), True),
StructField("latitude", FloatType(), True),
StructField("longitude", FloatType(), True)
.withColumn('json', F.from_json(F.col('value'), json_schema))\
|id |latitude |longitude |
|e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8|34.5016064725731 |123.43996453687777 |
|32782100-9b59-49c7-9d56-bb4dfc368a86|49.938541626415144 |111.88360885971986 |
|a72a600f-2b99-4c41-a388-9a24c00545c0|4.988768300413497 |-141.92727675177588|
|5a5f056a-cdfd-4957-8e84-4d5271253509|41.802942545247134 |90.45164573613573 |
|d00d0926-46eb-45dd-9e35-ab765804340d|70.60161063520081 |20.566520665122482 |
|dda14397-6922-4bb6-9be3-a1546f08169d|68.400462882435 |135.7167027587489 |
|c7f13b8a-3468-4bc6-9db4-e0b1b34bf9ea|26.04757722355835 |175.20227554031783 |
|97f8f1cf-3aa0-49bb-b3d5-05b736e0c883|35.52624182094499 |-164.18066699972852|
|6bed49bc-ee93-4ed9-893f-4f51c7b7f703|-24.319581484353847|85.27338980948076 |
If pattern remains unchanged then you can use regexp_replace()
>>> df ="header",False).option("inferSchema",True).csv("/dir1/dir2/Sample2.csv")
|_c0 |_c1 |_c2 |
|"{""id"":""e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8""|""latitude"":""34.5016064725731"" |""longitude"":""123.43996453687777""}" |
|"{""id"":""32782100-9b59-49c7-9d56-bb4dfc368a86""|""latitude"":""49.938541626415144"" |""longitude"":""111.88360885971986""}" |
|"{""id"":""a72a600f-2b99-4c41-a388-9a24c00545c0""|""latitude"":""4.988768300413497"" |""longitude"":""-141.92727675177588""}"|
|"{""id"":""5a5f056a-cdfd-4957-8e84-4d5271253509""|""latitude"":""41.802942545247134"" |""longitude"":""90.45164573613573""}" |
|"{""id"":""d00d0926-46eb-45dd-9e35-ab765804340d""|""latitude"":""70.60161063520081"" |""longitude"":""20.566520665122482""}" |
|"{""id"":""dda14397-6922-4bb6-9be3-a1546f08169d""|""latitude"":""68.400462882435"" |""longitude"":""135.7167027587489""}" |
|"{""id"":""c7f13b8a-3468-4bc6-9db4-e0b1b34bf9ea""|""latitude"":""26.04757722355835"" |""longitude"":""175.20227554031783""}" |
|"{""id"":""97f8f1cf-3aa0-49bb-b3d5-05b736e0c883""|""latitude"":""35.52624182094499"" |""longitude"":""-164.18066699972852""}"|
|"{""id"":""6bed49bc-ee93-4ed9-893f-4f51c7b7f703""|""latitude"":""-24.319581484353847""|""longitude"":""85.27338980948076""}" |
>>> df.withColumn("id",regexp_replace('_c0','\"\{\"\"id\"\":\"\"','')).withColumn("id",regexp_replace('id','\"\"','')).withColumn("latitude",regexp_replace('_c1','\"\"latitude\"\":\"\"','')).withColumn("latitude",regexp_replace('latitude','\"\"','')).withColumn("longitude",regexp_replace('_c2','\"\"longitude\"\":\"\"','')).withColumn("longitude",regexp_replace('longitude','\"\"\}\"','')).drop("_c0").drop("_c1").drop("_c2").show()
| id| latitude| longitude|
|e52f247c-f46c-402...| 34.5016064725731| 123.43996453687777|
|32782100-9b59-49c...| 49.938541626415144| 111.88360885971986|
|a72a600f-2b99-4c4...| 4.988768300413497|-141.92727675177588|
|5a5f056a-cdfd-495...| 41.802942545247134| 90.45164573613573|
|d00d0926-46eb-45d...| 70.60161063520081| 20.566520665122482|
|dda14397-6922-4bb...| 68.400462882435| 135.7167027587489|
|c7f13b8a-3468-4bc...| 26.04757722355835| 175.20227554031783|
|97f8f1cf-3aa0-49b...| 35.52624182094499|-164.18066699972852|
|6bed49bc-ee93-4ed...|-24.319581484353847| 85.27338980948076|
You can use json_tuple to extract values from JSON string.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame(
cols = ['id', 'latitude', 'longitude']
df ='value', *cols)).toDF(*cols)
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
# |id |latitude |longitude |
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
# |e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8|34.5016064725731|123.43996453687777|
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
If needed, cast to double:
.withColumn('latitude', F.col('latitude').cast('double'))
.withColumn('longitude', F.col('longitude').cast('double'))
It's easy to extract JSON string as columns using inline and from_json
df = spark.createDataFrame(
df = df.selectExpr(
"inline(array(from_json(value, 'struct<id:string, latitude:string, longitude:string>')))"
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
# |id |latitude |longitude |
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
# |e52f247c-f46c-4021-bc62-e28e56db1ad8|34.5016064725731|123.43996453687777|
# +------------------------------------+----------------+------------------+
I used the sample data provided, created a dataframe called df and proceeded to use the same method as you.
The following is the image of the rows present inside df dataframe.
The fields are not displayed as required because of the their datatype. The values for latitude and longitude are present as string types in the dataframe df. But while creating the schema location_schema you have specified their type as float. Instead, try changing their type to string and later convert them to double type. The code looks as shown below:
location_schema = StructType().add("id", "string").add("latitude", "string").add("longitude", "string")
string_df = df.selectExpr('CAST(value AS STRING)').withColumn("value", from_json(F.col("value"), location_schema))
Now using DataFrame.withColumn(), Column.withField() and cast() convert the string type fields latitude and longitude to Double Type.
string_df = string_df.withColumn("value", col("value").withField("latitude", col("value.latitude").cast(DoubleType())))\
.withColumn("value", col("value").withField("longitude", col("value.longitude").cast(DoubleType())))
So, you can get the desired output as shown below.
To get separate columns you can simply use json_tuple() method. Refer to this official spark documentation:
pyspark.sql.functions.json_tuple — PySpark 3.3.0 documentation (

Pyspark: aggregate mode (most frequent) value in a rolling window

I have a dataframe such as follows. I would like to group by device and order by start_time within each group. Then, for each row in the group, get the most frequently occurring station from a window of 3 rows before it (including itself).
columns = ['device', 'start_time', 'station']
data = [("Python", 1, "station_1"), ("Python", 2, "station_2"), ("Python", 3, "station_1"), ("Python", 4, "station_2"), ("Python", 5, "station_2"), ("Python", 6, None)]
test_df = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(*columns)
rolling_w = Window.partitionBy('device').orderBy('start_time').rowsBetween(-2, 0)
Desired output:
|device|start_time| station|rolling_mode_station|
|Python| 1|station_1| station_1|
|Python| 2|station_2| station_2|
|Python| 3|station_1| station_1|
|Python| 4|station_2| station_2|
|Python| 5|station_2| station_2|
|Python| 6| null| station_2|
Since Pyspark does not have a mode() function, I know how to get the most frequent value in a static groupby as shown here, but I don't know how to adapt it to a rolling window.
You can use collect_list function to get the stations from last 3 rows using the defined window, then for each resulting array calculate the most frequent element.
To get the most frequent element on the array, you can explode it then group by and count as in linked post your already saw or use some UDF like this:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
F.udf(lambda x: max(set(x), key=x.count))(F.col("rolling_mode_station"))
#|device|start_time| station|rolling_mode_station|
#|Python| 1|station_1| station_1|
#|Python| 2|station_2| station_1|
#|Python| 3|station_1| station_1|
#|Python| 4|station_2| station_2|
#|Python| 5|station_2| station_2|
#|Python| 6| null| station_2|
I had a similar requirements and this is how I achieved this.
Step 1: Create a UDF for most common element in an array:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def mode(x):
from collections import Counter
return Counter(x).most_common(1)[0][0]
Step 2: Window function
Step3: Call UDF created in step 1'device','start_time','station', mode('rolling_mode_station')).show()

How to concat two ArrayType(StringType()) columns element-wise in Pyspark?

I have two ArrayType(StringType()) columns in a spark dataframe, and I want to concatenate the two columns element-wise:
|col1 |col2 |
|['a','b'] |['c','d'] |
|col1 |col2 |col3 |
|['a','b'] |['c','d'] |['ac', 'bd'] |
+-------------+----------- -+----------------+
For Spark 2.4+, you can use zip_with function:
zip_with(left, right, func) - Merges the two given arrays,
element-wise, into a single array using function
df.withColumn("col3", expr("zip_with(col1, col2, (x, y) -> concat(x, y))")).show()
#| col1| col2| col3|
#|[a, b]|[c, d]|[ac, bd]|
Another way using transform function like this:
df.withColumn("col3", expr("transform(col1, (x, i) -> concat(x, col2[i]))"))
The transform function takes as parameters the first array column col1, iterates over its elements and applies a lambda function (x, i) -> concat(x, col2[i]) where x the actual element and i its index used to get the corresponding element from array col2.
Here is an alternative answer that can be used for the updated non-original question. Uses array and array_except to demonstrate the use of such methods. The accepted answer is more elegant.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
# Arbitrary max number of elements to apply array over, need not broadcast such a small amount of data afaik.
max_entries = 5
# Gen in this case numeric data, etc. 3 rows with 2 arrays of varying length,but per row constant length.
dfA = spark.createDataFrame([ ( list([x,x+1,4, x+100]), 4, list([x+100,x+200,999,x+500]) ) for x in range(3)], ['array1', 'value1', 'array2'] ).withColumn("s",size(col("array1")))
dfB = spark.createDataFrame([ ( list([x,x+1]), 4, list([x+100,x+200]) ) for x in range(5)], ['array1', 'value1', 'array2'] ).withColumn("s",size(col("array1")))
df = dfA.union(dfB)
# concat the array elements which are variable in size up to a max amount.
df2 = [concat(col("array1")[i], col("array2")[i]) for i in range(max_entries)]))
df3 = df2.withColumn("res", array(df2.schema.names))
# Get results but strip out null entires from array., array(lit(None)))).show(truncate=False)
Could not get the s value of column to be passed into range.
This returns:
|array_except(res, array(NULL))|
|[0100, 1200, 4999, 100500] |
|[1101, 2201, 4999, 101501] |
|[2102, 3202, 4999, 102502] |
|[0100, 1200] |
|[1101, 2201] |
|[2102, 3202] |
|[3103, 4203] |
|[4104, 5204] |
It wouldn't really scale, but you could get the 0th and 1st entries in each array and then say col3 is a[0] + b[0] and then a[1] + b[1].
Make all 4 entries separate values and then output them combined.
Here is a generic answer. Just look at res for the result. 2 equally sized arrays, thus n elements for both.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
# Gen in this case numeric data, etc. 3 rows with 2 arrays of varying length, but both the same length as in your example
df = spark.createDataFrame([ ( list([x,x+1,4, x+100]), 4, list([x+100,x+200,999,x+500]) ) for x in range(3)], ['array1', 'value1', 'array2'] )
num_array_elements = len("array1").first()[0])
# concat
df2 =[ concat(col("array1")[i], col("array2")[i]) for i in range(num_array_elements)]))
df2.withColumn("res", array(df2.schema.names)).show(truncate=False)

How to find count of Null and Nan values for each column in a PySpark dataframe efficiently?

import numpy as np
data = [
(1, 1, None),
(1, 2, float(5)),
(1, 3, np.nan),
(1, 4, None),
(1, 5, float(10)),
(1, 6, float("nan")),
(1, 6, float("nan")),
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ("session", "timestamp1", "id2"))
Expected output
dataframe with count of nan/null for each column
The previous questions I found in stack overflow only checks for null & not nan.
That's why I have created a new question.
I know I can use isnull() function in Spark to find number of Null values in Spark column but how to find Nan values in Spark dataframe?
You can use method shown here and replace isNull with isnan:
from pyspark.sql.functions import isnan, when, count, col[count(when(isnan(c), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show()
| 0| 0| 3|
or[count(when(isnan(c) | col(c).isNull(), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show()
| 0| 0| 5|
For null values in the dataframe of pyspark
Dict_Null = {col:df.filter(df[col].isNull()).count() for col in df.columns}
# The output in dict where key is column name and value is null values in that column
{'#': 0,
'Name': 0,
'Type 1': 0,
'Type 2': 386,
'Total': 0,
'HP': 0,
'Attack': 0,
'Defense': 0,
'Sp_Atk': 0,
'Sp_Def': 0,
'Speed': 0,
'Generation': 0,
'Legendary': 0}
To make sure it does not fail for string, date and timestamp columns:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def count_missings(spark_df,sort=True):
Counts number of nulls and nans in each column
df =[F.count(F.when(F.isnan(c) | F.isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for (c,c_type) in spark_df.dtypes if c_type not in ('timestamp', 'string', 'date')]).toPandas()
if len(df) == 0:
print("There are no any missing values!")
return None
if sort:
return df.rename(index={0: 'count'}).T.sort_values("count",ascending=False)
return df
If you want to see the columns sorted based on the number of nans and nulls in descending:
# | Col_A | 10 |
# | Col_C | 2 |
# | Col_B | 1 |
If you don't want ordering and see them as a single row:
count_missings(spark_df, False)
# | Col_A | Col_B | Col_C |
# | 10 | 1 | 2 |
An alternative to the already provided ways is to simply filter on the column like so
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = df.where(F.col('columnNameHere').isNull())
This has the added benefit that you don't have to add another column to do the filtering and it's quick on larger data sets.
Here is my one liner.
Here 'c' is the name of the column
from pyspark.sql.functions import isnan, when, count, col, isNull'c').withColumn('isNull_c',F.col('c').isNull()).where('isNull_c = True').count()
I prefer this solution:
df = spark.table(selected_table).filter(condition)
counter = df.count()
df =[(counter - count(c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns])
Use the following code to identify the null values in every columns using pyspark.
def check_nulls(dataframe):
Check null values and return the null values in pandas Dataframe
INPUT: Spark Dataframe
OUTPUT: Null values
# Create pandas dataframe
nulls_check = pd.DataFrame([count(when(isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for c in dataframe.columns]).collect(),
columns = dataframe.columns).transpose()
nulls_check.columns = ['Null Values']
return nulls_check
#Check null values
null_df = check_nulls(raw_df)
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
import pyspark.sql.functions as fn
# compatiable with fn.isnan. Sourced from
def count_nulls(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
isnan_compat_cols = {c for (c, t) in df.dtypes if any(t.startswith(num_dtype) for num_dtype in NUMERIC_DTYPES)}
[fn.count(fn.when(fn.isnan(c) | fn.isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for c in isnan_compat_cols]
+ [fn.count(fn.when(fn.isnull(c), c)).alias(c) for c in set(df.columns) - isnan_compat_cols]
Builds off of gench and user8183279's answers, but checks via only isnull for columns where isnan is not possible, rather than just ignoring them.
The source code of pyspark.sql.functions seemed to have the only documentation I could really find enumerating these names — if others know of some public docs I'd be delighted.
if you are writing spark sql, then the following will also work to find null value and count subsequently.
spark.sql('select * from table where isNULL(column_value)')
Yet another alternative (improved upon Vamsi Krishna's solutions above):
def check_for_null_or_nan(df):
null_or_nan = lambda x: isnan(x) | isnull(x)
func = lambda x: df.filter(null_or_nan(x)).count()
print(*[f'{i} has {func(i)} nans/nulls' for i in df.columns if func(i)!=0],sep='\n')
id2 has 5 nans/nulls
Here is a readable solution because code is for people as much as computers ;-)
df.selectExpr('sum(int(isnull(<col_name>) or isnan(<col_name>))) as null_or_nan_count'))

SparkSQL — collect_set and sort_array does not sort integer column properly

I want to generate a sorted, collected set in SparkSQL, like so:
spark.sql("SELECT id, col_2, sort_array(collect_set(value)) AS collected
FROM my_table GROUP BY id, col_2").show()
where value is an integer.
But it fails to sort the array in proper numeric order — and does something rather ad hoc (sort on beginning of the first number in the value instead? Is sort_array operating on a string?).
So instead of:
| id | col_2 | collected |
| 1 | 2 | [456,1234]|
I get:
| id | col_2 | collected |
| 1 | 2 | [1234,456]|
Looking at what spark.sql(…) returns it is obvious that this query returns strings instead:
DataFrame[id: string, col_2: string, collected: array<string>]
How can that be when the original dataframe is all integers.
This seems to be a problem related to pyspark, as I'm not experiencing the problem with spark-shell and writing the same stuff in scala
I tested with Apache Spark 2.0.0.
It works for me. To make sure I tested with data [(1, 2, 1234), (1, 2, 456)] and [(1, 2, 456), (1, 2, 1234)]. The result is same.
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
sc = SparkContext()
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(1, 2, 1234), (1, 2, 456)], ['id', 'col_2', 'value'])
# test with reversed order, too
#df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(1, 2, 456), (1, 2, 1234)], ['id', 'col_2', 'value'])
sqlContext.sql("SELECT id, col_2, sort_array(collect_set(value)) AS collected FROM my_table GROUP BY id, col_2").show()
| id|col_2| collected|
| 1| 2|[456, 1234]|
Some observations
when a value is None it appears as null e.g. [null, 456, 1234]
when there is a string value, Spark throws error "TypeError: Can not merge type LongType and StringType"
I think the problem is not the SQL but in the earlier steps where DataFrame was created.
