This app could not be installed on iOS simulator, Could not hardlink copy - xamarin.ios

I've noticed an odd issue that recently happened with my simulator. Whenever I change my CFBundleShortVersionString value from 2019.12 to 2020.1 this issue happens, if I put it back to 2019.12 or do 2019.13, it works just fine.
I get this message:
This app could not be installed at this time, Could not hardlink copy
Doesn't matter what version or device I set it to either, just super random and seems to have been since I've upgraded to XCode 11.3
I can clear the app and it works, but that's mega annoying and I'd prefer to not do that.
this what those values look like:

I figured out my problem, I had a bad entry in my InfoPList.strings file, I removed it and it works now. I removed an entry for the version (which I forgot I did that) and the app name for those interested in knowing what I removed.


node.exe does not return output in case a package is given at the parameters

We are using node to build the LESS files in our .NET application.
To do so, we have prepared some stuff to support that easier for all the developers. In the end we have a node version in the source control.
Everything works fine for everyone except one developer that has joined our team in the last days.
Whenever he tries to run the stuff, the CSS files are just empty.
To find the reason we have tried to skip all the stuff around and call node with the less package directly from console. This is working as expected on my PC but there is no output at the affected developers PC.
Also when we are using a path to not existing package there is no output.
On my PC there is an error logged into the console, the affected developer does not get any output.
The only parameters that seems to work are "-h" and "-v"...
As we could not find any usefull hints in the internet, maybe anyone having an idea what can be reason?
Windows-configurations, ....
Finaly we could solve the problem:
Don't ask why but uninstalling Visual Studio 2019, installing VS 2017 and installing 2019 again solved the issue somehow... everthing works as expected.
Reinstalling VS 2019 alone did not solve the problem before.
Maybe a hint in case someone else comes to this question with the same issue:
The reason for going to VS 2017 where different issues with ReSharper as well. Mainly performance issues of VS when ReSharper was active, but some functional issues too. This issues where gone as well after that.
It seems there was something broken with the VS2019 installation that was not repaired by uninstalling and reinstalling VS2019 but by VS2017...

Error while Installing APK app-debug.apk does not exist on disk

Hopefully someone can help. Have an APP that I have been working on for awhile. Compiled it earlier, no issues, and ran a debug on an attached device.
When I came back to AndroidStudio today, was prompted for an UPDATE to studio as well as a Gradle update. Ran both updates as listed... no errors during the update.
Restarted AndroidStudio and "Run APP" once again. Went through the Gradle Build as normal... then received an error when installing to the attached device....
Session 'app': Error Installing APK
Checking the RUN, I am getting:
The APK file C:\Users\Pete&apos;s PC\AndroidStudioProjects\<myapp>\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk does not exist on disk.
Error while Installing APK
That file exists with the current build date/time.
Doing some searching, people mention CLEAN / REBUILDS in various steps, tried them all. Tried exiting AndroidStudio too. Went to the device's Developer Options and Revoked USB Debugging Authorizations... then reapproved them when prompted. Also tried SYNC.
Nothing works.
It's even more frustrating because I didn't change one line of code, one setting, or anything. It was a prompted AndroidStudio/Gradle update. Uggghhh!!!
Any other suggestions... I am dead in my tracks right now.
I do get the same problem as yours but I solved it by transferring the project file to a thumb drive. Any drive but not C drive.
It can install the apk in my phone. Hope it works.
It looks like it might be an actual bug in AndroidStudio. My "path" to where the project is stored is based off the "computer name" that was created when my copy of Windows 10 was originally setup... "Pete's PC".
So the path is....
C:\USERS\PETE'S PC\AndroidStudioProjects\myproj
It looks like the apostrophe (') in the path is throwing it off. If I move the project to ANY where where there isn't an apostrophe in the path, it compiles/installs fine... as is.
Thanks to Syaf for sort of pointing me into this direction with his "move the project to a flash drive"... that's what got me thinking and trying things.
Sadly, this is possibly a problem for alot of people because even during the Windows 10 setup, you are prompted to name the computer you can remember.... like John's PC.
I forwarded my findings to Google for review.

Android Studio Project Can't Use AVD

I'm starting to use Android Studio for the first time, and I've run into a snag. When I followed an example and made a helloworld app, no problem. However, I tried to make my own app, which was literally just a Blank Activity, and it can't use Android Tools, or the AVD. I then deleted this project from both AS and in Windows Explorer, and remade it, multiple times. It never fixed the problem. This app was called D&D 5e Character Roller.
I then made another app called DnD 5e Character Roller, which did not have the same problem - it can use AVD and Android Tools.
At this point, I believe that it may simply be due to the ampersand in the name of the first app, but this seems like a weird reason for it to fail - it at least should have told me that would be a problem when I was trying to make the app. Is this a known problem with AS? My searching turned up nothing related to it. If not, what is the problem? If you are at home, can you try to make a similarly named project(with an ampersand) and see if you can use AVD/Android Tools, which would make it a problem with my install of AS.
Thank you.
you should have opened the module setting of your project, there sdk path or gradle version should be missing.

My MonoTouch App won't run on 6.1.3, runs on 6.0.x and before... WTF?

I just pushed my app to the App Store after building release/AppStore build using xamarin's Studio...
Everything was green lighted and ready to go, I only had one person who had not installed the release version.... They installed it and it takes 17 seconds to try to start and is killed (I presume). it does NOT create a crash log on the device.
In the Settings there is a "Debug Settings" section under the app - that I didn't put there, including an option for Xamarin Studio Host which is set to automatic but appears to be able to be set to some other string.. (Another message on what the heck this is, and how come it shows up in the first place, and how to get rid of it)
I'm at a loss how to debug this. I just downloaded and upgraded XCode to the latest, in hopes that will help.. (Although, I'm not using the XCode interface to build, but I expect that under the hood it is using that for parts of this, maybe the libraries or something.) Still, unless the iOS writers are nuts, it should be backward compatible with apps written for iOS 4.0 and later... (Mine is a 4.0 targeted app)
Also, on her phone (which has always been 6.x for all the testing she has done), my app has always taken a LONG time to start up.. but on 5.1 it is very fast.. (I.E. 1-2 seconds vs 10+ seconds on her phone)
Anyone got a clue, I sure could use one right now.. I expect that I'll have to reject the binary, and submit another one...
Figured it out.... The issue was with the TestFlightApp SDK...
I removed it and now the app starts up OK... Resubmitted to App Store for approval.

Android emulator constantly rebooting on Ubuntu Maverick

and thank you for your time.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator to write an app for Android, and as compared to Windows, where the emulator was quite stable, in Linux I get the following symptoms:
emulator restart with no reason, sometimes after a runtime error, sometimes right after launching my app, and sometimes just right after booting completely after being launched
emulator informs that "process $1 is not responding", where $1 is generally the system process, but sometimes may be acore, or the calendar. This may happen while installing my app on the emulator, right after loading it, or right after unlocking the screen.
As it is easy to imagine, testing code like this can be quite difficult, so I was wondering, has anyone else stumbled upon this problem, and/or know how it could be solved?
Thank you very much in advance, and pls let me know of any info I should provide.
You should verify that the emulator is working fine without Appcelerator first. Definitely update to the latest SDK (r8) and create a new emulator AVD and see if the problem is there without Appcelerator.
I think I found a solution, but I don't claim it is universally valid: I just erased the virtual device created under Titanium, changed the project file for it to use SDK 1.4.2, and had it launched again under 1.4.2. It certainly didn't build my app, but at least it created a new virtual device, which I use now to build against 1.5.0, working like a charm so far.
Thanks again Manfred for pointing me in the right direction!
