Handling route requests between React and Express - node.js

I am creating an app with login and registration functionality with React and Express. I am using Formik to handle the form data as well as to post it:
> const initialValues={{username:"", email:"", password:""}}
onSubmit ={ async (values, { setSubmitting }) => {
const value = values.username+'/'+values.email+'/'+values.password;
const res = await fetch(`http://localhost:5000/newuser/${value}`, {
method: 'GET',
mode: 'cors',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
}}).then(response => response.json());
values = initialValues;
This is then sent to the express application to the following route:
> app.get('/newuser/:username/:email/:password', (req, res) => {
const username = req.params.username;
const email = req.params.email;
const password = req.params.password;
let sql = `Insert into users (username, useremail, userpass) values ('${username}', '${email}', '${password}')`;
query = db.query(sql, (err, results) => {
if(err){throw err;}
res.send("New user added you can login now");
I am able to save these users to the database however I have the following 2 questions about this code, which I was able to piece together from various different videos, tutorials, questions and docs:
With regards to this line:
app.get('/newuser/:username/:email/:password', (req, res)
This is the only way I can get the form data into express, if I do not include the semi-colons and call these values using req.params, I get a "404 not found error" because the 3 values are empty. If I try and access them via req.body they still appear to be empty. I have tried to JSON.stringify them and I am using body-parser in the express app. My question is how can I access these 3 values(username, email, password) with req.body? Also is there a specific way I should format them if I want access this route from my browser, for example http://localhost:5000/users?username&email&password
How can I send a response back to the react app to tell it for example that the user exists and the password is correct? I have already made the mysql query that checks this and updates a variable in express I just need to then send the response, perhaps the value of that variable that will then tell react to go to the index page. However res.send(variable) does not seem to be sending the variable to react and the login form stays stagnant after it is submitted.

To access the body use method:"POST" rather than GET.
let response = await fetch(`http://localhost:5000/newUser`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(values),
if (response.errors) {
let responseJson = await response.json()
if (responseJson['message']) {
Server side use something like this:
import cors from 'cors'
let app = express()
.post('/newUser', (req, res) => {
let {username, email, password} = req.body
// If all ok
res.status(200).send({message: "User created"})
// If there's an issue
res.status(500).send({message: "oups"})


Nodejs + Axios Post returns undefined value

I am using React + NodeJS & Axios but have been trying to send a post request but experiencing difficulties.
The request seems to be posting successfully, but all actions at the nodejs server is returning in the "undefined" data value, even if the data is passed successfully shown in the console.
const fireAction = (data1, data2) => {
const data = JSON.stringify({data1, data2})
const url = `http://localhost:5000/data/corr/fire`;
const config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'AUTHCODE',
axios.post(url, data, config)
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
fireAction("Oklahoma", "Small apartment")
app.post('/data/corr/fire', async (req, res) => {
try {
const data = req.body.data1;
} catch(e) {
res.send({success: "none", error: e.message})
Result of node: "undefined"
I have added the following body parser:
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));
I am not sure why this error is happening. I see there is similar questions to mine: however none of them are applicable as I'm using both express and body parser which is already suggested.
You're POSTing JSON with a content-type meant for forms. There's no need to manually set content-type if you're sending JSON, but if you want to manually override it, you can use 'Content-Type': 'application/json', and access the response in your route with req.body. If it does need to be formencoded, you'll need to build the form:
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append('data1', data1);
params.append('data2', data2);
axios.post(url, params, config);

Node Axios Create Global Token Variable for Use in Separate Variable Header

Using Node & Axios
What I Want to Do
In my server.js file, I want to call an api for a token that always changes, use axios (or other solution) to create a global token variable, and provide the global token to an app.get request header within an object, again, all within my server.js file.
What I'm Trying
I get the data using...
var data = '<tsRequest>\r\n\t<credentials name="name" password="pword">\r\n\t\t<site contentUrl="" />\r\n\t</credentials>\r\n</tsRequest>';
var config = {
method: 'post',
url: 'https://url.uni.edu/api/3.13/auth/signin',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
data : data
I try to create the global token variable (this is where I'm struggling)...
const token= axios(config)
.then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {
I have a functioning app.get request where instead of manually providing the token, I want to use the const token...
app.get('/gql', async (req, res) => {
var someObject = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': 'https://diffurl.uni.edu/api/metadata/graphql',
'headers': {
'X-Some-Auth': token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
The Current Results
What I have for the var data = and the var config = and the axios(config) all work to return the token via console.log, but I have 2 issues using axios.
The Axios Issues
In my hopes of creating a global token variable, I only understand how to get a console.log result instead of returning a 'useful data object'.
In just about every piece of documentation or help found, the example uses console.log, which is not a practical example for learners to move beyond just returning the data in their console.
What do I need to provide in axios to create a global token object in addition to or instead of console.log?
I realize 1. is my current blocker, but if I run my app, I get the following:
Promise { <pending> }
Express server running on port 1234
abc123 [the console.logged token via axios]
I'm not sure what the Promise { <pending> } means, how do I fix that?
Beyond The Axios Issues
If the axios problem is fixed, am I passing the const token correctly into my app.get... var someObject... headers?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
This is what Axios interceptors are for.
You can create an Axios instance with an interceptor that waits for the token request to complete before adding the token to the outgoing request.
A response interceptor can be added to handle 401 statuses and trigger a token renewal.
const data = "<tsRequest>...</tsRequest>";
let renew = true;
let getTokenPromise;
const renewToken = () => {
if (renew) {
renew = false; // prevent multiple renewal requests
getTokenPromise = axios
.post("https://url.uni.edu/api/3.13/auth/signin", data, {
headers: {
"content-type": "text/plain", // are you sure it's not text/xml?
.then((res) => res.data.credentials.token);
return getTokenPromise;
const client = axios.create();
// Request interceptor to add token
client.interceptors.request.use(async (config) => ({
headers: {
"X-Some-Auth": await renewToken(),
// Response interceptor to handle expiry
(res) => res,
(error) => {
if (error.response?.status === 401) {
// Auth expired, renew and try again
renew = true;
return client(error.config);
return Promise.reject(error);
// if putting this in a module...
// export default client;
The first time you try to make a request, the token will be retrieved. After that, it will continue to use the last value until it expires.
if you want to create a to send the token with every request in axios you should create a custom axios instance or change the global axios default
you will find the way to do it here, about promise problem you need to resolve it using .then
this how i think you should do it
// first create axios instance
// you can set config defaults while creating by passing config object see the docs
const instance = axios.create();
// then get the token from API
instance.defaults.headers.common["header you want to set"]=response.data.credentials.token
// then use the instance to make any request you want that should have the token

Nodejs - Axios not using Cookie for post request

I'm struggling with AXIOS: it seems that my post request is not using my Cookie.
First of all, I'm creating an Axios Instance as following:
const api = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://mylocalserver:myport/api/',
header: {
'Content-type' : 'application/json',
withCredentials: true,
responseType: 'json'
The API I'm trying to interact with is requiring a password, thus I'm defining a variable containing my password:
const password = 'mybeautifulpassword';
First, I need to post a request to create a session, and get the cookie:
const createSession = async() => {
const response = await api.post('session', { password: password});
return response.headers['set-cookie'];
Now, by using the returned cookie (stored in cookieAuth variable), I can interact with the API.
I know there is an endpoint allowing me to retrieve informations:
const readInfo = async(cookieAuth) => {
return await api.get('endpoint/a', {
headers: {
Cookie: cookieAuth,
This is working properly.
It's another story when I want to launch a post request.
const createInfo = async(cookieAuth, infoName) => {
try {
const data = JSON.stringify({
name: infoName
return await api.post('endpoint/a', {
headers: {
Cookie: cookieAuth,
data: data,
} catch (error) {
When I launch the createInfo method, I got a 401 status (Unauthorized). It looks like Axios is not using my cookieAuth for the post request...
If I'm using Postman to make the same request, it works...
What am I doing wrong in this code? Thanks a lot for your help
I finally found my mistake.
As written in the Axios Doc ( https://axios-http.com/docs/instance )
The specified config will be merged with the instance config.
after creating the instance, I must follow the following structure to perform a post requests:
axios#post(url[, data[, config]])
My requests is working now :
await api.post('endpoint/a', {data: data}, {
headers: {
'Cookie': cookiesAuth

Add new fields to context variable in strapi backend for user management

I am using strapi as backend and react in the front-end. So the use case is that the user will signup and that signup will be done using auth0. I have defined some roles for the users signing up as shown on auth0
Roles based on plan taken by user
const _ = require("lodash");
const axios = require("axios");
const jwt = require("../jwt");
module.exports = async (ctx, next) => {
let role;
if (ctx.state.user) {
// request is already authenticated in a different way
return next();
try {
const tokenInfo = await axios({ method: "post",
url: `${process.env.AUTH0_URL}/userinfo`,
headers: { Authorization: ctx.request.header.authorization,
let user_id = tokenInfo.data.sub;
var config = { method: "get",
url: `${process.env.AUTH0_URL}/api/v2/users/${user_id}/roles`,
headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${jwt.jwtSecret}`,
axios(config).then(function (response) {
ctx.state.roles = response.data[0].name; // This part does not work in the next policy as ctx.state.role gives undefined in route specific policy
}).catch(function (error) {
// console.log(tokenInfo.data, "tokeninfo");
if (tokenInfo && tokenInfo.data) {
return await next();
} catch (err) {
return handleErrors(ctx, err, "unauthorized");
Currently these will be managed here only. Now I have a collection which has some research articles which can only be accessed depending upon the plan user has been assigned. In order to protect the route and strapi access I have installed user-permissions plugin in strapi and managing userinfo using a global policy as shown
Project Structure
. So here is the code through which I am checking the user info on every route
Now there are two ways in which I tried solving my problem. First I read the tokenInfo data from userInfo route but unfortunately auth0 is not returning roles assigned. It is only returning standard data like
"name": "ansh5#gmail.com",
"nickname": "ansh5",
"picture": "https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/6fdb83f10321dd7712ac2457b11ea34e?
"updated_at": "2021-07-19T08:03:50.461Z",
"user_id": "auth0|60ec0b3721224b0078ac95f4",
So in order to get user role I used the other API and configured it with my auth0 account.
I am getting the correct response but when I am doing this assignment.
ctx.state.roles = response.data[0].name;
I am getting undefined in my ctx.state.roles in my route specific policy. Does anybody have idea how we manage strapi and auth0 together.
Yes, it's because the axios calls are asynchronous in nature. So as per your code, axios will try to get the user information over a network call, but strapi will not really wait for the response. Instead it will just move forward to the next policy, hence resulting in an undefined user role. To fix this, you need to await for the api response from axios. Try the code below:
const axios = require("axios");
const jwt = require("../jwt");
module.exports = async (ctx, next) => {
let role;
if (ctx.state.user) {
// request is already authenticated in a different way
return next();
try {
const tokenInfo = await axios({
method: "post",
url: `${process.env.AUTH0_URL}/userinfo`,
headers: {
Authorization: ctx.request.header.authorization,
let user_id = tokenInfo.data.sub;
var config = {
method: "get",
url: `${process.env.AUTH0_URL}/api/v2/users/${user_id}/roles`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${jwt.jwtSecret}`,
const resp = await axios(config);
ctx.state.roles = response.data[0].name;
// console.log(tokenInfo.data, "tokeninfo");
if (tokenInfo && tokenInfo.data) {
return await next();
} catch (err) {
return handleErrors(ctx, err, "unauthorized");

Angular 7 / Express - Null response body on POST request

I'm trying to get/read the response from a POST request made in Angular 7, if I set the API to return "text" everything is OK, but when i make the response a JSON the response body on Angular is null.
If I try the API on Postman I get full response JSON body.
I tried changing response method on Express API (from the simple res.json() to the "old" way of declaring Content-Type and sending it with res.end()), nothing changed.
The response code I'm using on backend:
success: true,
token: token
What I also tried:
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
var json = JSON.stringify({
success: true,
token: token
The service I'm using on Angular:
login(username: string, password: string): Observable<any> {
let body = {username: username, password: password};
let headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return this.http.post(this.baseUrl + "/login/sign-in", body, {headers: headers, responseType: 'json', observe: 'response'});
The call to that service:
this.api.login("admin", "password").subscribe(result => {
On Postman I get this result:
On Angular I get this (JSON):
On Angular I get this (TEXT):
If I add anything before the JSON on the Express app, the body is no more null:
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
var json = JSON.stringify({
success: true,
token: token
res.end('some_char' + json)
The result (of course the response goes in error):
Edit 2:
I'm also trying (with no luck) with this simple version of the endpoint:
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
app.post('/login/sign-in', (req, res) => res.json({ value: 1 }))
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('App running on port 3000.')
It was all a CORS problem, I added this to the backend and everything is working fine:
Spent a few minutes trying to find out why the body would be empty,
In my case, I had "mode":"no-cors" set in my fetch() options, therefore the returned value from the server would appear as "opaque"
redux fetch body is not use with no cors mode
I hope this can help !
