Reading files which are written using PartitionBy or BucketBy in Spark - apache-spark

In Spark, when we read files which are written either using partitionBy or bucketBy, how spark identifies that they are of such sort (partitionBy/bucketBy) and accordingly the read operation becomes efficient ?
Can someone please explain. Thanks in advance!

Two different things. Here an excellent excerpt from poor little mapR, let's hope HP makes something of it. Reading this will give you the whole context. Excellent read BTW.
Two different things in reality:
When partition filters are present, the Catalyst optimizer pushes down the partition filters from the given query. The scan reads only
the directories that match the partition filters, thus reducing disk
I/O. Performance improvement in relation to query, sec.
Bucketing is another data organization technique that groups data with the same bucket value across a fixed number of “buckets.” This
can improve performance in wide transformations and joins by
avoiding “shuffles.”


How to spark partitionBy/bucketBy correctly?

Q1. Will adhoc (dynamic) repartition of the data a line before a join help to avoid shuffling or will the shuffling happen anyway at the repartition and there is no way to escape it?
Q2. should I repartition/partitionBy/bucketBy? what is the right approach if I will join according to column day and user_id in the future? (I am saving the results as hive tables with .write.saveAsTable). I guess to partition by day and bucket by user_id but that seems to create thousands of files (see Why is Spark saveAsTable with bucketBy creating thousands of files?)
Some 'guidance' off the top of my head, noting that title and body of text differ to a degree:
Question 1:
A JOIN will do any (hash) partitioning / repartitioning required automatically - if needed and if not using a Broadcast JOIN. You may
set the number of partitions for shuffling or use the default - 200.
There are more parties (DF's) to consider.
repartition is a transformation, so any up-front repartition may not be executed at all due to Catalyst optimization - see the physical plan generated from the .explain. That's the deal with lazy
evaluation - determining if something is necessary upon Action
Question 2:
If you have a use case to JOIN certain input / output regularly, then using Spark's bucketBy is a good approach. It obviates shuffling. The
databricks docs show this clearly.
A Spark schema using bucketBy is NOT compatible with Hive. so these remain Spark only tables, unless this changed recently.
Using Hive partitioning as you state depend on push-down logic, partition pruning etc. It should work as well but you may have have
different number of partitions inside Spark framework after the read.
It's a bit more complicated than saying I have N partitions so I will
get N partitions on the initial read.

Spark Dataframe needs to be repartition after filter like RDD?

According so many good resources, it is advisable to re-partition a RDD after filter operation. since, there is a possibility that most of the partitions are now empty.
I have a doubt that in case of Data Frames has this been handled in current versions or do we still need to repartition it after a filter operation?
I have a doubt that in case of Data Frames has this been handled in current versions or do we still need to repartition it after a filter operation?
If you ask if Spark automatically repartitions data the answer is negative (and I hope it won't change in the future)
According so many good resources, it is advisable to re-partition a RDD after filter operation. since, there is a possibility that most of the partitions are now empty.
This really depends on two factors:
How selective is the filter (what is the expected fraction of the records preserved).
What is the distribution of data, in respect to predicate, prior to filter.
Unless you expect that predicate prunes majority of data or prior distribution will leave significant fraction of partitions empty, costs of repartitioning usually outweigh potential benefits, so the main reason to call repartition is to limit the number of the output files.
Spark does not automatically repartition data. It would be a good idea to repartition the data after filtering if you need to do operations such as join and aggregate. Based on your needs you should either use repartition or coalesce. Typically coalesce is preferable since it tries to group data together without shuffling, therefore it only decreases the # of partitions. (good link for understanding coalesce and repartition)
There aren't huge performance boost if you don't do any heavy computation after your filtering operation. Keep in mind that repartition by itself could also be expensive. You must know your data to make that decision
I am assuming that this is your question.
Shall I run a filter operation before repartition or after repartition?
Based on this assumption, a filter will always try to find records matching some conditions. So, the resultant data frame/RDD is always either less than or equal to the previous data frame/RDD. In most cases, the resultant set is less than the previous one.
Whereas repartition is one of the most expensive operations because it does a shuffle. Always remember whenever we are performing a repartition the less the data is in memory the better the performance we can get out of it.
I don't even have to talk more about how Spark handles it etc, in
general filter before repartition is good for performance!
For example, catalyst optimizer itself uses before and after filter to improve performance.
Blog Link:
For example, Spark knows how and when to do things like combine
filters, or move filters before joins. Spark 2.0 even allows you to
define, add, and test out your own additional optimization rules at
runtime. 1[2]

Identifying why data is skewed in Spark

I am investigating a Spark SQL job (Spark 1.6.0) that is performing poorly due to badly skewed data across the 200 partitions, most of the data is in 1 partition:
What I'm wondering there anything in the Spark UI to help me find out more about how the data is partitioned? From looking at this I don't know which columns the dataframe is partitioned on. How can I find that out? (other than looking at the code - I'm wondering if there's anything in the logs and/or UI that could help me)?
Additional details, this is using Spark's dataframe API, Spark version 1.6. Underlying data is stored in parquet format.
The Spark UI and logs will not be terribly helpful for this. Spark uses a simple hash partitioning algorithm as the default for almost everything. As you can see here this basically recycles the Java hashCode method.
I would suggest the following:
Try to debug by sampling and printing the contents of the RDD or data frame. See if there's obvious issues with the data distribution (ie. low variance or low cardinality) of the key.
If thats ineffective, you can work back from the logs and UI to figure our how many partitions there are. You can find the hashCode of the data using spark and then take the modulus to see what the collision is.
Once you find the source of the collision you can try to a few techniques to remove it:
See if there's a better key you can use
See if you can improve the hashCode function of the key (the default one in Java isn't that great)
See if you can process the data in two steps by doing an initial scatter/gather step to force some parallelism and reduce the processing overhead for that one partition. This is probably the trickiest optimization to get right of those mentioned here. Basically, partition the data once using a random number generator to force some initial parallel combining of the data, then push it through again with the natural partitioner to get the final result. This requires that the operation you're applying be transitive and associative. This technique hits the network twice and is therefore very expensive unless the data is really actually that highly skewed.

Spark: Most efficient way to sort and partition data to be written as parquet

My data is in principle a table, which contains a column ID and a column GROUP_ID, besides other 'data'.
In the first step I am reading CSV's into Spark, do some processing to prepare the data for the second step, and write the data as parquet.
The second step does a lot of groupBy('GROUP_ID') and Window.partitionBy('GROUP_ID').orderBy('ID').
The goal now is -- in order to avoid shuffling in the second step -- to efficiently load the data in the first step, as this is a one-timer.
Question Part 1: AFAIK, Spark preserves the partitioning when loading from parquet (which is actually the basis of any "optimized write consideration" to be made) - correct?
I came up with three possibilities:
df.orderBy('ID').repartition(n, 'TRIP_ID').write.parquet('/path/to/parquet')
df.repartition(n, 'TRIP_ID').sortWithinPartitions('ID').write.parquet('/path/to/parquet')
I would set n such that the individual parquet files would be ~100MB.
Question Part 2: Is it correct that the three options produce "the same"/similar results in regard of the goal (avoid shuffling in the 2nd step)? If not, what is the difference? And which one is 'better'?
Question Part 3: Which of the three options performs better regarding step 1?
Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
EDIT 2017-07-24
After doing some tests (writing to and reading from parquet) it seems that Spark is not able to recover partitionBy and orderBy information by default in the second step. The number of partitions (as obtained from df.rdd.getNumPartitions() seems to be determined by the number of cores and/or by spark.default.parallelism (if set), but not by the number of parquet partitions. So answer for question 1 would be WRONG, and questions 2 and 3 would be irrelevant.
So it turns out the REAL QUESTION is: is there a way to tell Spark, that the data is already partitioned by column X and sorted by column Y?
You probably will be interested in bucketing support in Spark.
See details here
.bucketBy(4, "id")
Notice Spark 2.4 added support for bucket pruning (like partition pruning)
More direct functionality you're looking at is Hive' bucketed-sorted tables
This is not yet available in Spark (see PS section below)
Also notice that the sorting information will not be loaded by Spark automatically, but since the data is already sorted.. the sorting operation on it will actually be much faster as not much work to do - e.g. one pass on data just to confirm that it is already sorted.
Spark and Hive bucketing are slightly different.
This is umbrella ticket to provide a compatibility in Spark for bucketed tables created in Hive -
As far as I know, NO there is no way to read data from parquet and tell Spark that it is already partitioned by some expression and ordered.
In short, one file on HDFS etc. is too big for one Spark partition. And even if you read whole file to one partition playing with Parquet properties such as parquet.split.files=false, parquet.task.side.metadata=true etc. there are would be most costs compare to just one shuffle.
Try bucketBy. Also, partition discovery can help.

Parquet vs Cassandra using Spark and DataFrames

I have come to this dilemma that I cannot choose what solution is going to be better for me. I have a very large table (couple of 100GBs) and couple of smaller (couple of GBs). In order to create my data pipeline in Spark and use spark ML I need to join these tables and do couple of GroupBy (aggregate) operations. Those operations were really slow for me so I chose to do one of these two:
Use Cassandra and use indexing to speed the GoupBy operations.
Use Parquet and Partitioning based on the layout of the data.
I can say that Parquet partitioning works faster and more scalable with less memory overhead that Cassandra uses. So the question is this:
If developer infers and understands the data layout and the way it is going to be used, wouldn't it better for just use Parquet since you will have more control over it? Why should I pay the price for the overhead that Cassandra causes?
Cassandra is also a good solution for analytics use cases, but in another way. Before you model your keyspaces, you have to know how you need to read the data. You can also use where and range queries, but in a hard restricted way. Sometimes you will hate this restriction, but there are reasons for these restrictions. Cassandra is not like Mysql. In MySQL the performance is not a key feature. It's more about flexibility and consistency. Cassandra is a high performance write/read database. Better in write than in read. Cassandra has also a linear scalability.
Okay, a bit about your use case: Parquet is the better option for you. This is why:
You aggregate raw data on really large and not splitted datasets
Your Spark ML Job sounds like a scheduled, not long-running job. (onces a week, day?)
This fits more in the use cases of Parquet. Parquet is a solution for ad-hoc analysis, filter analysis stuff. Parquet is really nice if you need to run a query 1 or 2 times a month. Parquet is also a nice solution if a marketing guy wants to know one thing and the response time is not so important. Simply and short:
Use Cassandra if you know the queries.
Use Cassandra if a query will be used in a daily business
Use Cassandra if Realtime matters (I talk about a maximum of 30 seconds latency, from, customer makes an action and I can see the result in my dashboard)
Use Parquet if Realtime doesn't matter
Use Parquet if the query will not perform 100x a day.
Use Parquet if you want to do batch processing stuff
It depends on your usecase. Cassandra makes it much easier (also outside of Spark) to access your data with (limited) pseudo-SQL. That makes it a perfect fit for building online-applications on top (e.g. to display the data in an UI) of it.
Also Cassandra makes it easier if you have to deal with updates, that is not only the new data going to be ingested in your data pipeline(e.g. logs) but you also have to take care about updates (e.g. system has to handle corrections of data)
When your usecase is to do analytics with Spark (and you don't care about the topics mentioned above), it should be feasible and considerable cheaper to use Parquet/HDFS - as you've stated. With HDFS you also achieve data locality with Spark and you might have the advantage that your analytic Spark applications are even faster if you are reading large blocks of data.
