how to fix "Module 'cv2' has no ---- member pylint(no-member? - python-3.x

I am trying to start a project to learn how to use opencv and the first problem I encountered is this : "Module 'cv2' has no ---- member pylint(no-member) as posted in the picture.
I have found some information here in Stack Overflow but I'm afraid, I might not be proficient enough to understand what is going on. Could someone point me in the right direction to solve my problem?

One possible reason is that you might have a file named somewhere on your machine other than the original cv2 module and now python is importing that file rather than the cv2 module.
Or perhaps you could've downloaded a wrong cv2 module, other than that i don't see anything that could've gone wrong as you don't have a complex code. Try reinstalling the module and/or removing a file named (if you've accidentaly created one).
You can check the module by importing the module in the terminal and check for dir, on python console type import cv2 and then dir(cv2), now you should see all the classes contained in the cv2 module.

If the program runs correctly then I guess you are facing linting issue which is answer in this [] question.
Solution is to turn off no-member linting error using below command
pylint disable=maybe-no-member
pylint --disable=E1101


The file is in the same directory but cannot be imported

The python version I am using is 3.8.2
I searched a lot and most of the solutions are to use sys.path.append()
But it didn't solve the problem for me, if I use from . import players
it will say
ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package
if i use import players it will say
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'players'
The code I used to fix this:
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "\\")
still can't fix this,It's worth mentioning that at some point sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "\\") can run
Make sure that the name of the file is actually
And not for example, players .py (note the spaces).
Also check for all other "invisible" Unicode characters that would not necessarily show up.
And make sure that there is no directory players as well.
I deleted the file completely so I couldn't test it, but I ran into this problem again, it's an import order problem, I tried to import first and then, there was a problem Check, can't find , the problem is solved when their import order is swapped, I can't understand why, but if you encounter such problems please try once (other files are not imported)
I've had similar issues and I've created a new, experimental import library for Python to solve this kind of import error: ultraimport
Instead of from . import players it allows you to write
import ultraimport
players = ultraimport('__dir__/')
This will always work, no matter how you run your code, no matter what is your current working directory and no matter if there's another directory somewhere called 'players'.

import python file/module from parent/upper directory

i'm new to python and literely trying to import the module toolbox in the file. Please see picture as it describes my problem
I've looed in over 30 resources on the Internet and it seems there is no working solution for it. Though, i would like to raise the problem again, perhaps there is something new in python which makes this possible

Scipy function not recognized (expit)

I wanted to use the expit-function from scipy in VSCode. I imported scipy.special, but everytime I want to use expit I get the following error:
"[pylint] E1101:Module 'scipy.special' has no 'expit' member"
Other scipy.special functions like scipy.special.airy work, however.
I'm using python 3.6.5 and scipy 1.1.0. Reinstalling scipy did not help.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I just found this answer, recommending to whitelist numpy for linting, the same should work for scipy.
I am having a similar issue with the function scipy.special.j1 right now.
Pylint complains saying
Module 'scipy.special' has no 'j1' member; maybe 'jv'?
The weird thing is that even though pylint apparently can't find the function, the following code works:
>>> from scipy.special import j1
>>> print(j1(2))
I think this might be the exact same problem you have. Did you solve it yet? I'd love to get a solution or workaround for this.

seeing source code of objects in a python module

I came up with this question when I was trying to use pygame. I wrote the following line
but pyCharm didn't give me a list of methods to choose. I wanted to use pygame.time.Clock() but when this happened I tried to see the source code of time but I couldn't. I was just able to see the source code of pygame module and in that, there was just the following line on 'time':
import pygame.time
except (ImportError, IOError):
time = MissingModule("time", geterror(), 1)
So my question is that, what is 'time' object and where is it? is it just a compiled python file that came with pygame when I installed it? Can I see the methods inside it or is there a way to let pyCharm suggest the methods inside of it?
So my question is that, what is 'time' object and where is it?
time is not an object it is a module.
Pygame is well documented. A complete documentation of the pygame.time module can be found at pygame.time.
It is not necessary to import the module. Via pygame.time you can access all objects of the module. However, you can import all objects form the module with:
from pygame.time import *

Python 3 relative path conversion issue

I am currently working with converting Pycrypto over to Python 3.X
Whilst I seem to have the cryptography side working the same cannot be said for the tests
provided with the module :(
I have used the tests under Python 2.64 and all works fine.
I then ran '2to3' over the tests to generate new files in 3.X format.
There are several references to the following:
from .common import make_block_tests
Whenever I run the tests I get:
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
If someone would point me towards a way to fix this it would be much appreciated :)
You are trying to run the test files directly, then you can't have relative imports. Change them to be absolute imports, and it will solve the problem.
