Table with one unique value from a Unique ID in PowerBI - statistics

I will need some help calculating or extracting a data for Power BI. I thought using either Dax or Power BI query, but cannot get what I am looking for.
I have a lot of data from a webanalytics tool, for each line I have a unique ID (ID_Visit), a unique client ID (ID_Client), a datetime (date_ID) & an average number of page per visit (Page_Av). For each unique ID I already have the mean of average page per unique ID, how can I get only one line per dateid and ID visit ?
My table is like that
What I would like is unique value like this
C1 <=> 3
C2 <=> 2
C3 <=> 7
For Power BI, it will be displayed like this :
I tried with Groubby function ; but it does not work for me.

Go to the query editor and add a blank query. Refer this blank query to your raw data:
Group by your two columns ID_Client and Page_Av:

If all you are looking for is to display this information in a chart, then you can directly use the table in the chart. If you are going with a bar chart:
Put ID_Client in the Axis
Move Page_Av to the Values space
Click on the small down arrow next to Page_Av in the values space
You can select a summarizing option from here
For your scenario max/min/avg would work
Hope this helps.


Syntax for DISTINCT query on one column in MS Query

I have an Excel spreadsheet which I use as a relational database for my milk round. I query this database using MS Query in Excel (Mac 2011 Version) to generate my delivery routes. One of the columns is the customer address and I'd like to have this shown once per order i.e. have a distinct query for just this column while displaying multiple other rows. It's purely for cosmetic purposes to make the spreadsheet less cluttered.
The main spreadsheet I use as my database has column headings which I have screenshotted, complete with some sample data:
From this main spreadsheet I use MS Query to generate my delivery route which looks like this:
As you can see there is a lot of repeated data in the route generated from the query. What I'd like to do is have just one instance of the address per customer's order, it would help with the legibility of the route when opened in an iPad. I hide other columns that aren't really necessary to help in that regard.
From isolated's comments below, here's a screenshot of ideally how the data returned from the query should look:
I've manually deleted the repeated info in the name & address column to achieve the desired result. I've also hidden some columns that aren't really necessary and I use some conditional formatting rules to help distinguish each customer's order.
I have tried using a group by clause and the following window function but can't get it to work:
SELECT “All Orders”.”Route ID”,
“All Orders”.Name,
“All Orders”.Address
ORDER BY “All Orders”.Address DESC) AS row_number
FROM “All Orders”
) AS rows
WHERE row_number = 1;
Whenever I try to run the query I get an error message regarding syntax. Hopefully someone can tell me where I'm going wrong!
I don't know MS Sql at all, but you could do something with a formula in excel. If you don't like this solution, simply put a comment below that you would still like a sql route and I can get you a query to try to adapt to ms sql.
Create another column and call it address2 (or several more columns if your address field is multiple columns).
Then use this/these formula and adjust as needed:
Column F (address2): =IF(A2=A1,"",C2)
Column G (town2): =IF(A2=A1,"",D2)
You can then hide columns C and D.
Here's a method that works in many dbms such as postgres, but I don't know how to adapt [rank() over (partition by...] to excel sql.
select account,
when prod_rank = 1 then address
else ''
end address
from (
rank() over (partition by account order by item) as prod_rank
from table1
order by account, item
I tried a few variations in excel sql and finally got this one to work.
select a.Account,
Iif(a.product = b.min_item,a.address,'') as [address]
FROM table1 as a
min(z.Product) as min_item
FROM table1 as z
group by z.Account ) as b
where b.account = a.Account
order by a.account, a.product

PowerBI: Comparing a filterd table against a variable string is returning an empty table

Please see the code below for a Power BI table in DAX:
VAR ParticipantOneParticipantId =
ParticipantOneMeetings[ParticipantId] = ParticipantOneParticipantId
I am fetching a value for ParticipantId from a sliced table called ParticipantOneDetails and setting ParticipantOneParticipantId to it.
In the next step I am trying to filter the table ParticipantOneMeetings based on its column ParticipantId comparing it against ParticipantOneParticipantId.
The problem is that the resulting table is coming out empty even though I know that ParticipantOneParticipantId must have a value and the ParticipantOneMeetings table also has values. I verified by comparing against a hard-coded string.
Can you please point out what I am doing wrong? Is comparing this way not legal?
The problem lies in the process you are trying. A calculated/custom tables and columns are static. They always refresh when the data set is refreshed. They do not interact dynamically with the slicer value. So it is impossible to get data from a slicer dynamically for a Custom Table generation.
Now, your requirement of creating a new table based on slicer value is not completely clear to me. As what you are trying, is a simple filtered output of your table "ParticipantOneMeetings" after applying the Slicer. If you have relation between your 2 tables using column "ParticipantId", change in Slicer will automatically filter out values in ParticipantOneMeetings table. Why you wants to hold this same filtered values in a new Custom table is really a mater here to know for finding appropriate solution for you.
Turns out I needed to add the following measure to the table output:
MeetingsAttendedByBothParticipants =
The above provides an intersection on output of two sliced meeting tables. This results in a list of meetings that both persons attend.

Create a list of mode values based on table in Excel

I am trying to create a table that will show me the mode of a data set. The data is contained in 3 columns.
Sample Data
Though the actual data set is thousands of rows
I am trying to identify what the most frequent rate paid is for each weight and zone.
I can get an average via a pivot table. I can also have a pivot table show me how many times each rate shows up in each weight and zone, but that is just a count. I would like it to show me the mode rate.
Any ideas on how to work this would be very appreciated!
Update: This is what I need the end result to look like:
I found the answer to what I needed to do here:
I was able to use this formula to create a list of values. From that list I used a mode and min formula to return the mode or min value.
From that I was able to populate a table with the values as needed.
Screen shot of the results.

DAX - Display the top 1 count in a calculated column

I have a [Company] column, I have a [Billing day] column in a powerpivot sheet.
A Company can have several different Billing days.
I want to show in a Pivot table, next to the company name, the Billing day with the highest number of occurences.
The tricky part is that the number must appear in a [Calculated Column] that will not be put as a Measure in my Pivot table, but as a Column.
I have reviewed such posts as:
this one or this one.
I have learned much but I am still unable to get the correct values.
Any idea ?
Many thanks
This may not be the best way to get you what I understand you are asking for, but it is a way. I believe it achieves what you want regarding the calculated column.
If I start with this table as Table1:
Then I add a column using this code: MaxByDate = COUNTX(FILTER(FILTER(Table1,Table1[Company]=EARLIER(Table1[Company])),Table1[Billing Day]=EARLIER(Table1[Billing Day])),Table1[Billing Day])
And I add another column using this code: MaxOverall = MAXX(FILTER(Table1,Table1[Company]=EARLIER(Table1[Company])),COUNTX(FILTER(FILTER(Table1,Table1[Company]=EARLIER(Table1[Company])),Table1[Billing Day]=EARLIER(Table1[Billing Day])),Table1[Billing Day]))
Then I add one last column using this code: DateOfMaxOverall = FORMAT(SUMX(FILTER(FILTER(Table1,[Company]=EARLIER([Company])),[MaxByDate]=[MaxOverall]),[Billing Day])/COUNTX(FILTER(FILTER(Table1,[Company]=EARLIER([Company])),[MaxByDate]=[MaxOverall]),[Billing Day]),"m/d/yyyy")
I get this table:
Then if I choose to create a Flattened PivotTable from it (Home tab / PivotTable dropdown arrow button / Flattened PivotTable), and set things up like this:
...and turn off the subtotals and grand totals, I get this:
Which is, I believe, what you requested.
But I think a simpler approach might be this:
Start with the first table (Table1):
And, using that table as is, create a Flattened PivotTable directly. Then set the PivotTable up like this:
...and turn off the subtotals and grand totals, to get this:
...Which you can then filter for the max occurring day for each company: get this:

Pivot table with registers duplicate in 2 row

I have a question about how to summarize a list of data, I attached an image of how the data is presented.
The question is how to determine (summarize) the total of activities per unit considering that a person works in 2 units.
You could define that the person working in A / B does 50% of activities for each unit.
As the list of registers is very extensive the idea is to be able to automate, try with a PivotTable and did not give me result.
Any suggestions would be appreciated (xls, sql, etc).
data -> Excel fILE
Am really not the best of people when it comes to Pivot Tables, but assuming i know what you are asking for.
1) Add one extra column (dummy) and just put 1 in it, this will be used to sum the number of events that the criteria occurs.
2) Select the whole table and then Insert=>Pivot Tables
3) Click Ok
4) Set Rows (fecha); Values (dummy); and the rest to Filters.
Then you can choose to filter your output the way you want. If you want A and A/B you can select multiple in the filter options.
