How to track down a Sound NilException error - audio

Looked around and did not find an answer to this:
I am trying to play a Sound file, but am missing something in the process... I already have loaded a FolderItem sound file succesfully, but I can't track down this NilException. I just started with Xojo yesterday and can't believe how FAST I'm prototyping things... however documentation could be better I guess. Hopefully the community is active :D
Code below
Var selectedIndex As Integer
selectedIndex = FIleListbox.selectedRowIndex
Var selectedString As String
selectedString = FileListbox.CellValueAt(selectedIndex, 1)
// Fetch the FolderItem located at FilesMap with a Key of the selected Filename
Var selectedFolderItem As New FolderItem
selectedFolderItem = FilesMap.value(selectedString)
Var soundFile As New Sound
If selectedFolderItem.Exists Then
soundFile = soundFile.Open(selectedFolderItem)
Catch error As IOException
End Try
End If
This is the line that throws the error:

Issue resolved!
Attempting to load an OGG sound file leaves the Sound variable nil :) I tried with an MP3 and it worked perfect!


How to add image file as Ole object in excel using java

I tried with Aspose cell.
But I am able to add pdf file properly.
When I add jpg file, it shows in the excel file but doesnot get opened.
I tried with following way.
Here image shown like a thumbnail , but I dont want that.
Here it shows proper icon for the file but file does not get opened when double clicked.
Help from the community is highly apraciated.
Thank you.
See the following two lines of code that you also need to add:
Here is complete sample code that I tested and it works fine:
Sample code:
// Get the image file.
String path = "e:\\test\\myfile.jpg";
File file = new File(path);
// Get the picture into the streams.
byte[] img = new byte[(int) file.length()];
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);;
// Instantiate a new Workbook.
Workbook wb = new Workbook();
// Get the first worksheet.
Worksheet sheet = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Add an Ole object into the worksheet with the image shown in MS Excel.
int oleObjIndex = sheet.getOleObjects().add(14, 3, 200, 220, img);
OleObject oleObj = sheet.getOleObjects().get(oleObjIndex);
// Set embedded ole object data and other attributes.
// Save the excel file"f:\\files\\tstoleobject1.xlsx");
Hope, this helps a bit.
PS. I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.
i just use the same code,but i found when i open the new Excel,it shows as a image,i have to check it twice to transfer it to an OLE.
whats worry

Uploading file to iManage/Worksite to a particular folder

I have a particular FolderID and I'd like to upload files to this directory. (I have the reference to the iManage.dll and ImanEXTLib).
I'm struggling with filling out certain fields in the dialog/import window from the code level.
Ideally, I would like to skip this stage to make the upload faster. If I'm conveying all the required data then I can't see any point in the dialog besides clicking OK.
This is the code:
I'm locating the folder by using ManDMS.CreateSearchParameters
After getting results:
Dim rslts as IManFolders
Set rslts = IManSession.WorkArea.SearchFolders(<ManStrings>,<SearchParameters>)
If rslts.Empty = True Then
MsgBox "Found shit."
Elseif rslts.Empty = False Then
Dim TgtFdr as ImanFolder
Set impCmd = ImportCmd
Set context = New ContextItems
Set TgtFdr = rslts.ItemByIndex(1)
Now I'm setting the context items but I have the problem with Matter and Subclass. These are obligatory for the upload but the fields remain empty and I don't know how to address them to complete the upload:
context.Add("IManDestinationObject", TgtFdr)
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocAuthor", UserID)
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocDescription", file Name)
context.Add("IManExt.Import.FileName", file path)
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocClass", "some info")
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocSubclass", "some info")
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocMatter", "some info")
impCmd.Initialize context
If impCmd.Status = IMANEXTLib.CommandStatus.nrActiveCommand Then
Tried different things - MatterID, MatterDesc, Custom1,2,3,. Is it possible to skip the part with this window and upload the file in a more straightforwrd way? Also, is it possible to to take out the doc number of the newly imported file at the end?
I tried:
UplDoc = (ImanDocument)context.Item("ImportedDocument")
I figured the whole thing out.
Sort of... I went into the object browser and managed to go around the problem and take advantage of the .DuplicateProfileFromDoc method. I simply mirror the profile of the uploaded doc from other already stored on worksite.
The last bit also solved.
It should be:
Set UplDoc = context.Item("ImportedDocument")

Testing excel with Winappdriver

Where can i find a good example of testing an excel addin project with custom ribbon elements, using winappdriver.
What i have so far throws an exception:
An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
I am using latest winappdriver
private const string ExcelAppId = #"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE";
private const string WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = "";
DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
appCapabilities.SetCapability("app", ExcelAppId);
appCapabilities.SetCapability("deviceName", "WindowsPC");
appCapabilities.SetCapability("platformName", "Windows");
session = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities);
session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
session.FindElementByName("Blank workbook").Click();
I'm working on automated testing of an Excel add-in with WinAppDriver.
In my case I started Excel without the splash screen. Supply /e as app parameter to achieve it.
session.SetCapability("appArguments", "/e");
From this point onward, you'll be able to find the "File" menu and "New" menu by name and click them.
Add a few seconds of explicit wait and proceed to finding "Blank Workbook" WindowsElement the same way.
I hope this answers your question, post here if more help is needed.
I've been experimenting with WinAppDriver for a few months now, also preparing a Udemy course on the subject which is almost ready to publish. It's an interesting toolkit.
You need to install Appium.WebDriver,, Selenium.webDriver from "Manage Nuget packages"
you can use appium code like:
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Appium.Windows;
class Excel
public void ExcelCase() {
WindowsDriver<WindowsElement> driver;
AppiumOptions desiredcap = new AppiumOptions();
desiredcap.AddAdditionalCapability("app", #"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\EXCEL.EXE");
driver = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(""), desiredcap);
driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
if (driver == null)
Console.WriteLine("App not running");
Try this code and comment if you face any issue.
I prefer to use: session.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); instead of Thread.sleep(5).
Does it even open the excel when you start the test?
If by Name is not working, it doens't work to me sometimes either, you can use the accessibilityId
or use the keyboard shorcut to open the blank workbook, like this:
session.Keyboard.SendKeys(Keys.Alt + "f" + "l" + Keys.Alt);

Printing GMF diagrams using PDFCreator not able to open the generated pdf

I have implemented a direct printing to files of some GMF diagrams. The diagrams are opened, printed to file and the diagrams then closed. The issue I am facing is withing the following point:
private static void printDiagrams(IEditorPart editorPart,org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.printing.internal.util.SWTDiagramPrinter
diagramPrinter,String diagName) {
PrinterData printData = new PrinterData("winspool","PDFCreator");
printData.printToFile = true;
printData.fileName = "D:\\"+diagName+".pdf";
printData.scope= 0;
final Printer printer = new Printer(printData);
DiagramEditPart dgrmEP = ((DiagramEditor) editorPart).getDiagramEditPart();
assert dgrmEP != null;
diagramPrinter.setDiagrams(Collections.singletonList(((DiagramEditor) editorPart).getDiagram()));;
The issue is that with the above code I receive error during opening of pdf file. " Acrobat Reader could not open ... .pdf because it is either not supported file type or because the file has been damaged"
Tried also to put a sleep to be sure that printing is finished before disposing the printer. Same error in the end occured.
Any hint is helpful.
Figured it out that the generated file was not pdf at all , but prn file, intermediate files that a printer is storing before converting to final output. The after creating the prn files a conversion to the desired format is needed, in my case to pdf.
Hope this will help somebody also.

How to check a proper file in android phone's memory?

I need a method that downloads a picture and save it in SD card for later use. I got it finally, i just need an operation that checks if the file in already exists or not.
If not, the app will download it. If it is exitsts, my image view will use it.
So my question is just simple:
How to check a file in SD?
If i got this place for example:
String imageInSD = "/sdcard/1.png";
You can use the following code
String sdcardState = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState();
String fileName = "yourfilename" + ".png";
if (sdcardState.contentEquals(android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED))
String destPath = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString()+ File.separator +fileName;
File output =new File(destPath);
\\it exists-use Imageview
\\Download the file accordingly
\\SDCARD not mounted
