display comments in a python script - python-3.x

Is there a way, beside parsing the file, to display the comments in a Python file ?
As in :
d = {
# key value uses
k = v
I would display :
# key value uses
in the function __doc__.

Python always deletes (and docstrings not at the beginning of a definition). So you'll have to parse the source yourself if you want to extract them.
The standard library's ast module also drops comments, but you could take a look at the tokenize module, which returns them. (However, it doesn't parse, so you'd still need to do some work to associate the comment with its function or class or whatever.)


Python-docx: Editing a pre-existing Run

import docx
doc = docx.Document('CLT.docx')
test = doc.paragraphs[12].runs[2].text
doc.save(input('Name of docx file? Make sure to add file extension '))
I've trying to figure out some way to add/edit text to a pre-existing run using python-docx. I've tried test.clear() just to see if I can remove it, but that doesn't seem to work. Additionally, I tried test.add_run('test') and that didn't work either. I know how to add a new run but it will only add it at the end of the paragraph which doesn't help me much. Currently, 'print' will output the text i'd like to alter within the document, "TERMOFINTERNSHIP". Is there something i'm missing?
The text of a run can be edited in its entirety. So to replace "ac" with "abc" you just do something like this:
>>> run.text
>>> run.text = "abc"
>>> run.text
You cannot simply insert characters at some location; you need to extract the text, edit that str value using Python str methods, and replace it entirely. In a way of thinking, the "editing" is done outside python-docx and you're simply using python-docx for the "before" and "after" versions.
But note that while this is quite true, it's not likely to benefit you much in the general case because runs break at seemingly random locations in a line. So there is no guarantee your search string will occur within a single run. You will need an algorithm that locates all the runs containing any part of the search string, and then allocate your edits accordingly across those runs.
An empty run is valid, so run.text == "" may be a help when there are extra bits in the middle somewhere. Also note that runs can be formatted differently, so if part of your search string is bold and part not, for example, your results may be different than you might want.

How let Sphinx-autoapi show custom comment from source code

In a python project I generate autoapi documntation. Special comment appear in generated html files.
For instance it's working and displaying on final html page:
def do_action(self,params):
This is function to do some cool stuffs.
Actually it should
applicationConfig = None
"""This variable hold some important data"""
However I would like autoapi generate some custom comment into html page
For example I've got a comment in code like this:
"""These are public variable:"""
p_var1 = "segg"
p_var2 = "fos"
But this last comment not shown in generated documentation. Maybe because it hasn't connected to any definition structure in source code? (I mean neither variable declaration nor function or class declaration)
Anyway, how should force sphinx to generate html entry from any comments arrounded by triple apostrophe?
There are two options for having sphinx parse variable comments. The first is via attribute docstrings, which are specified in pep 224 to belong below the attribute that they describe, as in your first example. While it was rejected, it is the format sphinx requires in order to work correctly:
p_var1 = "segg"
"""Docstring for p_var1"""
Renders as:
Alternatively, sphinx will also pick up comments above the attribute that start with a colon and treat them like a docstring, which in some cases looks a bit better in the source code:
#: Description for p_var1
p_var1 = "segg"
Renders also as:
There is no option to pick up a comment without a module, exception, class, method, function, or variable being attached to it, becauseautodoc explicitly only considers information from docstrings (and call signatures, but that's the only exception).

modgrammar import lists to use as disjunct literals?

I'd like to be able to have files that contain lists of terms that I can read and use in a modgrammar grammar, but OR() doesn't work on a Python list as far as I can tell...
from modgrammar import *
with open(termfile) as f:
terms = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]
class SomeGrammar(Grammar):
grammar = (OR(terms))
Trying to parse strings that begin with anything but the first term in the list throws an exception. Is there a way to do this cleanly?
Modgrammar will interpret a list as a series of terms to match in order, so OR(terms) is interpreted as "match these in order OR (nothing else)", which isn't what you're looking for.
Fortunately, Python has a built-in syntax to take a list and pass it as multiple arguments for a function (like OR). You should be able to use OR(*terms) to do what you want instead.

need guidance with basic function creation in MATLAB

I have to write a MATLAB function with the following description:
function counts = letterStatistics(filename, allowedChar, N)
This function is supposed to open a text file specified by filename and read its entire contents. The contents will be parsed such that any character that isn’t in allowedChar is removed. Finally it will return a count of all N-symbol combinations in the parsed text. This function should be stored in a file name “letterStatistics.m” and I made a list of some commands and things of how the function should be organized according to my professors' lecture notes:
Begin the function by setting the default value of N to 1 in case:
a. The user specifies a 0 or negative value of N.
b. The user doesn’t pass the argument N into the function, i.e., counts = letterStatistics(filename, allowedChar)
Using the fopen function, open the file filename for reading in text mode.
Using the function fscanf, read in all the contents of the opened file into a string variable.
I know there exists a MATLAB function to turn all letters in a string to lower case. Since my analysis will disregard case, I have to use this function on the string of text.
Parse this string variable as follows (use logical indexing or regular expressions – do not use for loops):
a. We want to remove all newline characters without this occurring:
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.
In my younger and more vulnerableyears my father gave me some advicethat I’ve been turning over in my mindever since.
Replace all newline characters (special character \n) with a single space: ' '.
b. We will treat hyphenated words as two separate words, hence do the same for hyphens '-'.
c. Remove any character that is not in allowedChar. Hint: use regexprep with an empty string '' as an argument for replace.
d. Any sequence of two or more blank spaces should be replaced by a single blank space.
Use the provided permsRep function, to create a matrix of all possible N-symbol combinations of the symbols in allowedChar.
Using the strfind function, count all the N-symbol combinations in the parsed text into an array counts. Do not loop through each character in your parsed text as you would in a C program.
Close the opened file using fclose.
HERE IS MY QUESTION: so as you can see i have made this list of what the function is, what it should do, and using which commands (fclose etc.). the trouble is that I'm aware that closing the file involves use of 'fclose' but other than that I'm not sure how to execute #8. Same goes for the whole function creation. I have a vague idea of how to create a function using what commands but I'm unable to produce the actual code.. how should I begin? Any guidance/hints would seriously be appreciated because I'm having programmers' block and am unable to start!
I think that you are new to matlab, so the documentation may be complicated. The root of the problem is the basic understanding of file I/O (input/output) I guess. So the thing is that when you open the file using fopen, matlab returns a pointer to that file, which is generally called a file ID. When you call fclose you want matlab to understand that you want to close that file. So what you have to do is to use fclose with the correct file ID.
fid = open('test.txt');
fprintf(fid,'This is a test.\n');
fid = 0; % Optional, this will make it clear that the file is not open,
% but it is not necessary since matlab will send a not open message anyway
Regarding the function creation the syntax is something like this:
function out = myFcn(x,y)
z = x*y;
fprintf('z=%.0f\n',z); % Print value of z in the command window
out = z>0;
This is a function that checks if two numbers are positive and returns true they are. If not it returns false. This may not be the best way to do this test, but it works as example I guess.
Please comment if this is not what you want to know.

List to String to List Python 3

I need to convert a list into a string and then do the reverse process. Note that one script will convert List->String and another script will convert String->List, so store the list in a variable is not a solution. Use split(', ') or similar is not a solution either in all cases. So, as a challange I invite you to do the conversion in the following example:
l = ['ab,.cd\'ac"', b'\x80', '\r\nHi, !', b'\x01']
str_l = str(l)
I have tried one thing that worked: using exec() built-in function but people says is not a good practice, so I invite you to give me another alternative. Also I am having problems using exec() inside a function but that's another question that you can check -> Using exec() inside a function Python 3
This should work:
str_l = ("|").join(l)
Which gives you your first string. Then do:
l_2 = str_l.split("|")
Which gives you your second list.
