async.queue concurrent tasks - node.js

I am using async.queue to ensure that certain file copies in a service happen at most n concurrently, but watching the files copy sometimes I see a lot more than what the queue allows. Does anyone see something I may have missed in the below implementation?
createQueue(limit: number) {
let self = this;
return async.queue(function(cmdObj, callback) {
console.log("Beginning copy");
let cmd = cmdObj.cmd;
let args = cmdObj.args;
let request = cmdObj.req;
request.state = State.IN_PROGRESS;
const proc = spawn(cmd, args); //uses an rsync command upstream
proc.on("close", code => {
if (code !== 0) {
request.state = State.ERRORED;
self.reportStatus(request.destination); // these just report to the caller
} else {
fs.rename(request.destination + ".part", request.destination);
request.state = State.COMPLETED;
self.reportStatus(request.destination); // same here
proc.on("error", err => {
console.error("COPY ERR: " + err);
}, limit); // limit here, for example, may be two, but I see four copies concurrently
I now believe this is a side effect of the rest of the system...queues being cleared and reinitialized AFTER copies have when new items are added to the reinitialized queues, they kick off immediately, as the system has no idea if something has been handed off to userland and is currently running.

So, this was user error...PEBCAK! Posting the solution more as a cautionary tale:
The queues above were working as designed, but I had an endpoint for the calling server to clear the queues as necessary; the problem was i was using kill() and re-initializing the queues, losing all track of any jobs in progress and their callbacks. As soon as a new item hit the fresh queue, it would think nothing was happening and spawn a new copy process. I resolved by using remove to clear the queues instead of re-initializing.


Do not process next job until previous job is completed (BullJS/Redis)?

Basically, each of the clients ---that have a clientId associated with them--- can push messages and it is important that a second message from the same client isn't processed until the first one is finished processing (Even though the client can send multiple messages in a row, and they are ordered, and multiple clients sending messages should ideally not interfere with each other). And, importantly, a job shouldn't be processed twice.
I thought that using Redis I might be able to fix this issue, I started with some quick prototyping using the bull library, but I am clearly not doing it well, I was hoping someone would know how to proceed.
This is what I tried so far:
Create jobs and add them to the same queue name for one process, using the clientId as the job name.
Consume jobs while waiting large random amounts of random time on 2 separate process.
I tried adding the default locking provided by the library that I am using (bull) but it locks on the jobId, which is unique for each job, not on the clientId .
What I would want to happen:
One of the consumers can't take the job from the same clientId until the previous one is finished processing it.
They should be able to, however, get items from different clientIds in parallel without problem (asynchronously). (I haven't gotten this far, I am right now simply dealing with only one clientId)
What I get:
Both consumers consume as many items as they can from the queue without waiting for the previous item for the clientId to be completed.
Is Redis even the right tool for this job?
Example code
// ./setup.ts
import Queue from 'bull';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
// Check that when a message is taken from a place, no other message is taken
// TO do that test, have two processes that process messages and one that sets messages, and make the job take a long time
// queue for each room
// Make a job not be called stalled, waiting enough time
export async function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
export interface JobData {
id: string;
v: number;
export const queue = new Queue<JobData>('messages', 'redis://');
queue.on('error', (err) => {
console.error('Uncaught error on queue.', err);
export function clientId(): string {
return uuid.v4();
export function randomWait(minms: number, maxms: number): Promise<void> {
const ms = Math.random() * (maxms - minms) + minms;
return sleep(ms);
// Make a job not be called stalled, waiting enough time
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
queue.LOCK_RENEW_TIME = 5 * 60 * 1000;
// ./create.ts
import { queue, randomWait } from './setup';
const MIN_WAIT = 300;
const MAX_WAIT = 1500;
async function createJobs(n = 10): Promise<void> {
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
// always same Id
const clientId = Math.random() > 1 ? 'zero' : 'one';
for (let index = 0; index < n; index++) {
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
const job = { id: clientId, v: index };
await queue.add(clientId, job).catch(console.error);
console.log('Added job', job);
export async function create(nIds = 10, nItems = 10): Promise<void> {
const jobs = [];
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
for (let index = 0; index < nIds; index++) {
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
await randomWait(MIN_WAIT, MAX_WAIT);
await Promise.all(jobs)
(function mainCreate(): void {
create().catch((err) => {
// ./consume.ts
import { queue, randomWait, clientId } from './setup';
function startProcessor(minWait = 5000, maxWait = 10000): void {
.process('*', 100, async (job) => {
console.log('LOCKING: ', job.lockKey());
await job.takeLock();
const name =;
const processingId = clientId().split('-', 1)[0];
try {
console.log('START: ', processingId, '\tjobName:', name);
await randomWait(minWait, maxWait);
const data =;
console.log('PROCESSING: ', processingId, '\tjobName:', name, '\tdata:', data);
await randomWait(minWait, maxWait);
console.log('PROCESSED: ', processingId, '\tjobName:', name, '\tdata:', data);
await randomWait(minWait, maxWait);
console.log('FINISHED: ', processingId, '\tjobName:', name, '\tdata:', data);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
await job.releaseLock();
.catch(console.error); // Catches initialization
This is run using 3 different processes, which you might call like this (Although I use different tabs for a clearer view of what is happening)
npx ts-node consume.ts &
npx ts-node consume.ts &
npx ts-node create.ts &
I'm not familir with node.js. But for Redis, I would try this,
Let's say you have client_1, client_2, they are all publisher of events.
You have three machines, consumer_1,consumer_2, consumer_3.
Establish a list of tasks in redis, eg, JOB_LIST.
Clients put(LPUSH) jobs into this JOB_LIST, in a specific form, like "CLIENT_1:[jobcontent]", "CLIENT_2:[jobcontent]"
Each consumer takes out jobs blockingly (RPOP command of Redis) and process them.
For example, consumer_1 takes out a job, content is CLIENT_1:[jobcontent]. It parses the content and recognize it's from CLIENT_1. Then it wants to check if some other consumer is processing CLIENT_1 already, if not, it will lock the key to indicate that it's processing CLIENT_1.
It goes on to set a key of "CLIENT_1_PROCESSING" , with content as "consumer_1", using the Redis SETNX command (set if the key not exists), with an appropriate timeout. For example, the task norally takes one minute to finish, you set a timeout of the key of five minutes, just in case consumer_1 crashes and holds on the lock indefinitely.
If the SETNX returns 0, it means it fails to acquire the lock of CLIENT_1 (someone is already processing a job of client_1). Then it returns the job (a value of "CLIENT_1:[jobcontent]")to the left side of JOB_LIST, by using Redis LPUSH command.Then it might wait a bit (sleep a few seconds), and RPOP another task from the right side of the LIST. If this time SETNX returns 1, consumer_1 acquires the lock. It goes on to process job, after it finishes, it deletes the key of "CLIENT_1_PROCESSING", releasing the lock. Then it goes on to RPOP another job, and so on.
Some things to consider:
The JOB_LIST is not fair,eg, earlier jobs might be processed later
The locking part is a bit rudimentary, but will suffice.
I've figured another way to keep tasks in order.
For each client(producer), build a list. Like "client_1_list", push jobs into the left side of the list.
Save all the client names in a list "client_names_list", with values "client_1", "client_2", etc.
For each consumer(processor), iterate the "client_names_list", for example, consumer_1 get a "client_1", check if the key of client_1 is locked(some one is processing a task of client_1 already), if not, right pop a value(job) from client_1_list and lock client_1. If client_1 is locked, (probably sleep one second) and iterate to the next client, "client_2", for example, and check the keys and so on.
This way, each client(task producer)'s task is processed by their order of entering.
EDIT: I found the problem regarding BullJS is starting jobs in parallel on one processor: We are using named jobs and where defining many named process functions on one queue/processor. The default concurrency factor for a queue/processor is 1. So the queue should not process any jobs in parallel.
The problem with our mentioned setup is if you define many (named) process-handlers on one queue the concurrency is added up with each process-handler function: So if you define three named process-handlers you get a concurrency factor of 3 for given queue for all the defined named jobs.
So just define one named job per queue for queues where parallel processing should not happen and all jobs should run sequentially one after the other.
That could be important e.g. when pushing a high number of jobs onto the queue and the processing involves API calls that would give errors if handled in parallel.
The following text is my first approach of answering the op's question and describes just a workaround to the problem. So better just go with my edit :) and configure your queues the right way.
I found an easy solution to operators question.
In fact BullJS is processing many jobs in parallel on one worker instance:
Let's say you have one worker instance up and running and push 10 jobs onto the queue than possibly that worker starts all processes in parallel.
My research on BullJS-queues gave that this is not intended behavior: One worker (also called processor by BullJS) should only start a new job from the queue when its in idle state so not processing a former job.
Nevertheless BullJS keeps starting jobs in parallel on one worker.
In our implementation that lead to big problems during API calls that most likely are caused by t00 many API calls at a time. Tests gave that when only starting one worker the API calls finished just fine and gave status 200.
So how to just process one job after the other once the previous is finished if BullJS does not do that for us (just what the op asked)?
We first experimented with delays and other BullJS options but thats kind of workaround and not the exact solution to the problem we are looking for. At least we did not get it working to stop BullJS from processing more than one job at a time.
So we did it ourself and started one job after the other.
The solution was rather simple for our use case after looking into BullJS API reference (BullJS API Ref).
We just used a for-loop to start the jobs one after another. The trick was to use BullJS's
method to get a Promise.resolve once the job is finished. By using await inside the for-loop the next job gets just started immediately after the job.finished Promise is awaited (resolved). Thats the nice thing with for-loops: Await works in it!
Here a small code example on how to achieve the intended behavior:
for (let i = 0; i < theValues.length; i++) {
const job = await this.processingQueue.add(
value: theValues[i],
// delay: i * 90000,
// lifo: true,
)[] = {
jobType: 'socket',
jobSocketId: BackgroundJobTasks.UPDATE_VALUES,
data: {
value: theValues[i],
jobCount: theValues.length,
jobNumber: jobCounter,
await job.finished()
.then((val) => {
console.log('job finished:: ', val)
The important part is really
await job.finished()
inside the for loop. leasingValues.length jobs get started all just one after the other as intended.
That way horizontally scaling jobs across more than one worker is not possible anymore. Nevertheless this workaround is okay for us at the moment.
I will get in contact with optimalbits - the maker of BullJS to clear things out.

Async base-local with MQTT

I need to synchronize a base and a local client with MQTT. If client publishes then the other one will get the message.
If my MQTT broker is down, I need to stop sending messages, save the messages somewhere, wait for a connection, then continue sending.
If my local or base client is down for a second, I need to save the message which I didn't send, then send it when I turn on my base/local.
I'm working with Node.js and can't figure out how to implement this.
This is my handler when I connect or disconnect with my MQTT server.
store.state = true;
run(store).then((value)=>console.log('stop run'));
store.state = false;
This is my run function. I use store.state to decide if I should stop this interval. But this code does not seem to be a good way to implement my concept.
function run(store) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
let interval = setInterval(()=>{
if (!store.state) {
else if (store.queue.length > 0) {
let data = store.queue.pop();
let res = client.publish('push',JSON.stringify(data),{qos:2});
What should I do to implement a function which always sends, stop upon 'disconnect', then continues sending when connected?
I don't think set interval which 300ms is good.
If you want something that "always runs", at set intervals and in spite of any errors inside the loop, setInterval() makes sense. You are right that queued messages can be cleared faster than "once every 300 ms".
Since MQTT.js has a built-in queue, you could simplify a lot by using it. However, your messages are published to a target called "push", so I guess you want them delivered in the order of the queue. This answer keeps the queue and focuses on sending the next message as soon as the last one is confirmed.
What if res=client.publish(..) false ?
Good point! If you want to make sure it arrives, better to remove it once the publish has succeeded. For this, you need to retrieve the value without removing it, and use the callback argument to find out what happened (publish() is asynchronous). If that was the only change, it might look like:
let data = store.queue[store.queue.length - 1];
client.publish('push', JSON.stringify(data), {qos:2}, (err) => {
if(!err) {
// Ready for next publish; call this function again
Extending that to include a callback-based run:
function publishFromQueue(data) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
let res = client.publish('push', JSON.stringify(data), {qos:2}, (err) => {
async function run(store) {
while (store.queue.length > 0 && store.state) {
let data = store.queue[store.queue.length - 1];
let res = await publishFromQueue(data);
if(res) {
This should deliver all the queued messages in order as soon as possible, without blocking. The only drawback is that it does not run constantly. You have two options:
Recur at set intervals, as you have already done. Slower, though you could set a shorter interval.
Only run() when needed, like:
let isRunning = false; //Global for tracking state of running
function queueMessage(data) {
if(!isRunning) {
isRunning = true;
isRunning = false;
As long as you can use this instead of pushing to the queue, it should come out similar length, and more immediate and efficient.

Nodejs: How can I optimize writing many files?

I'm working in a Node environment on Windows. My code is receiving 30 Buffer objects (~500-900kb each) each second, and I need to save this data to the file system as quickly as possible, without engaging in any work that blocks the receipt of the following Buffer (i.e. the goal is to save the data from every buffer, for ~30-45 minutes). For what it's worth, the data is sequential depth frames from a Kinect sensor.
My question is: What is the most performant way to write files in Node?
Here's pseudocode:
let num = 0
async function writeFile(filename, data) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, data)
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
let filename = 'file-' + num++
// Do anything with data here to optimize write?
writeFile(filename, data)
fs.writeFileSync seems much faster than fs.writeFile, which is why I'm using that above. But are there any other ways to operate on the data or write to file that could speed up each save?
First off, you never want to use fs.writefileSync() in handling real-time requests because that blocks the entire node.js event loop until the file write is done.
OK, based on writing each block of data to a different file, then you want to allow multiple disk writes to be in process at the same time, but not unlimited disk writes. So, it's still appropriate to use a queue, but this time the queue doesn't just have one write in process at a time, it has some number of writes in process at the same time:
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class Queue extends EventEmitter {
constructor(basePath, baseIndex, concurrent = 5) {
this.q = [];
this.paused = false;
this.inFlightCntr = 0;
this.fileCntr = baseIndex;
this.maxConcurrent = concurrent;
// add item to the queue and write (if not already writing)
add(data) {
// write next block from the queue (if not already writing)
write() {
while (!paused && this.q.length && this.inFlightCntr < this.maxConcurrent) {
let buf = this.q.shift();
try {
fs.writeFile(basePath + this.fileCntr++, buf, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
// write more data
} catch(e) {
err(e) {
this.emit('error', e)
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
let q = new Queue("file-", 0, 5);
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
q.on('error', function(e) {
// go some sort of write error here
Things to consider:
Experiment with the concurrent value you pass to the Queue constructor. Start with a value of 5. Then see if raising that value any higher gives you better or worse performance. The node.js file I/O subsystem uses a thread pool to implement asynchronous disk writes so there is a max number of concurrent writes that will allow so cranking the concurrent number up really high probably does not make things go faster.
You can experiement with increasing the size of the disk I/O thread pool by setting the UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment variable before you start your node.js app.
Your biggest friend here is disk write speed. So, make sure you have a fast disk with a good disk controller. A fast SSD on a fast bus would be best.
If you can spread the writes out across multiple actual physical disks, that will likely also increase write throughput (more disk heads at work).
This is a prior answer based on the initial interpretation of the question (before editing that changed it).
Since it appears you need to do your disk writes in order (all to the same file), then I'd suggest that you either use a write stream and let the stream object serialize and cache the data for you or you can create a queue yourself like this:
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class Queue extends EventEmitter {
// takes an already opened file handle
constructor(fileHandle) {
this.f = fileHandle;
this.q = [];
this.nowWriting = false;
this.paused = false;
// add item to the queue and write (if not already writing)
add(data) {
// write next block from the queue (if not already writing)
write() {
if (!nowWriting && !paused && this.q.length) {
this.nowWriting = true;
let buf = this.q.shift();
fs.write(this.f, buf, (err, bytesWritten) => {
this.nowWriting = false;
if (err) {
this.emit('error', err);
} else {
// write next block
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
// pass an already opened file handle
let q = new Queue(fileHandle);
// This fires 30 times/sec and runs for 30-45 min
dataSender.on('gotData', function(data){
q.on('error', function(err) {
// got disk write error here
You could use a writeStream instead of this custom Queue class, but the problem with that is that the writeStream may fill up and then you'd have to have a separate buffer as a place to put the data anyway. Using your own custom queue like above takes care of both issues at once.
Other Scalability/Performance Comments
Because you appear to be writing the data serially to the same file, your disk writing won't benefit from clustering or running multiple operations in parallel because they basically have to be serialized.
If your node.js server has other things to do besides just doing these writes, there might be a slight advantage (would have to be verified with testing) to creating a second node.js process and doing all the disk writing in that other process. Your main node.js process would receive the data and then pass it to the child process that would maintain the queue and do the writing.
Another thing you could experiment with is coalescing writes. When you have more than one item in the queue, you could combine them together into a single write. If the writes are already sizable, this probably doesn't make much difference, but if the writes were small this could make a big difference (combining lots of small disk writes into one larger write is usually more efficient).
Your biggest friend here is disk write speed. So, make sure you have a fast disk with a good disk controller. A fast SSD would be best.
I have written a service that does this extensively and the best thing you can do is to pipe the input data directly to the file (if you have an input stream as well).
A simple example where you download a file in such a way:
const http = require('http')
const ostream = fs.createWriteStream('./output')
http.get('', (res) => {
.on('error', (e) => {
console.error(`Got error: ${e.message}`);
So in this example there is no intermediate copying involved of the whole file. As the file is read in chunks from the remote http server it is written to the file on disk. This is much more efficient that downloading a whole file from the server, saving that in memory and then writing it to a file on disk.
Streams are a basis of many operations in Node.js so you should study those as well.
One other thing that you should investigate depending on your scenarios is UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE as I/O operations use libuv thread pool that is by default set to 4 and you might fill that up if you do a lot of writing.

Node.js Spawning multiple threads within a class method

How can I run a single method multiple times multi-threaded when called as a method of a class?
At first I tried to use the cluster module, but I realize it just re-runs the whole process from the start, rightfully so.
How can I achieve something like what's outlined below?
I want a class's method to spawn n processes, and when the parallel tasks are completed, I can resolve a promise which the method returns.
The problem with the code below is that calling cluster.fork() will fork index.js process.
const Person = require('./Person.js');
var Mary = new Person('Mary'); => {...});
console.log('I should only run once, but I am called 5 times too many');
const cluster = require('cluster');
class Person{
var completed = 0;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for(var i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
// run a separate process for each
cluster.fork().send(i).on('message', message => {
if (message === 'completed') { ++completed; }
if (completed === distance) { resolve(); }
I think the short answer is impossible. It's even worse - this has nothing to do with js. To multi (process or thread) in your particular problem you will essentially need a copy of the object in every thread, since it needs (maybe) access to fields - in this case you would need to either initialize it in every thread or share memory. That last one I don't think is provided in cluster, and not trivial in other languages in every use case.
If the calculation is independent of the Person I suggest you extract it, and use the usual (in index.js):
if(cluster.isWorker) {
//Use the i for calculation
} else {
//Create Person, then fork children in for loop
You then collect the results and change the Person as needed. You will be copying index.js, but this is standard and you only run what you need.
The problem is if results are dependent on Person. If these are constant for all i you can still send them to your forks independently. Otherwise what you have is the only way to fork. In general forking in cluster is not meant for methods, but for the app itself, which is the standard forking behavior.
Another solution
Following your comment, I suggest you checkout child_process.execFile or child_process.exec on same file.
This way you can spawn a totally independent process on the fly. Now instead of calling cluster.fork you call execFile. You can use either the exit code or stdout as return values (stderr etc.). Promise is now replaced with:
var results = []
for(var i = 0; i < distance; i++) {
// run a separate process for each
results.push(child_process.execFile().child.execFile('node', 'mymethod.js`,i]));
//... catch the exit event from all results or return a callback using results.
Inside mymethod.js Have your code that takes i and returns what you want either in the exit code or through stdout, both properties of the returned child_process. This is a bit un-node.js-y since you're waiting on asynchronous calls, but you're requirements are non standard. Since I'm not sure how you use this perhaps returning a callback with the array is a better idea.

Best way to execute parallel processing in Node.js

I'm trying to write a small node application that will search through and parse a large number of files on the file system.
In order to speed up the search, we are attempting to use some sort of map reduce. The plan would be the following simplified scenario:
Web request comes in with a search query
3 processes are started that each get assigned 1000 (different) files
once a process completes, it would 'return' it's results back to the main thread
once all processes complete, the main thread would continue by returning the combined result as a JSON result
The questions I have with this are:
Is this doable in Node?
What is the recommended way of doing it?
I've been fiddling, but come no further then following example using Process:
function Worker() {
return child_process.fork("myProcess.js");
for(var i = 0; i < require('os').cpus().length; i++){
var process = new Worker();
process.send(workItems.slice(i * itemsPerProcess, (i+1) * itemsPerProcess));
process.on('message', function(msg) {
var valuesToReturn = [];
// Do file reading here
//How would I return valuesToReturn?
Few sidenotes:
I'm aware the number of processes should be dependent of the number of CPU's on the server
I'm also aware of speed restrictions in a file system. Consider it a proof of concept before we move this to a database or Lucene instance :-)
Should be doable. As a simple example:
// parent.js
var child_process = require('child_process');
var numchild = require('os').cpus().length;
var done = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numchild; i++){
var child = child_process.fork('./child');
child.send((i + 1) * 1000);
child.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('[parent] received message from child:', message);
if (done === numchild) {
console.log('[parent] received all results');
// child.js
process.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('[child] received message from server:', message);
setTimeout(function() {
child :,
result : message + 1
}, (0.5 + Math.random()) * 5000);
So the parent process spawns an X number of child processes and passes them a message. It also installs an event handler to listen for any messages sent back from the child (with the result, for instance).
The child process waits for messages from the parent, and starts processing (in this case, it just starts a timer with a random timeout to simulate some work being done). Once it's done, it sends the result back to the parent process and uses process.disconnect() to disconnect itself from the parent (basically stopping the child process).
The parent process keeps track of the number of child processes started, and the number of them that have sent back a result. When those numbers are equal, the parent received all results from the child processes so it can combine all results and return the JSON result.
For a distributed problem like this, I've used zmq and it has worked really well. I'll give you a similar problem that I ran into, and attempted to solve via processes (but failed.) and then turned towards zmq.
Using bcrypt, or an expensive hashing algorith, is wise, but it blocks the node process for around 0.5 seconds. We had to offload this to a different server, and as a quick fix, I used essentially exactly what you did. Run a child process and send messages to it and get it to
respond. The only issue we found is for whatever reason our child process would pin an entire core when it was doing absolutely no work.(I still haven't figured out why this happened, we ran a trace and it appeared that epoll was failing on stdout/stdin streams. It would also only happen on our Linux boxes and would work fine on OSX.)
The pinning of the core was fixed in and was related to, so if you run into the issue and you're using centos + kernel v2.6.32: update node, or update your kernel!
Regardless of the issues I had with child_process.fork(), here's a nifty pattern I always use
var child_process = require('child_process');
function FileParser() {
this.__callbackById = [];
this.__callbackIdIncrement = 0;
this.__process = child_process.fork('./child');
this.__process.on('message', this.handleMessage.bind(this));
FileParser.prototype.handleMessage = function handleMessage(message) {
var error = message.error;
var result = message.result;
var callbackId = message.callbackId;
var callback = this.__callbackById[callbackId];
if (! callback) {
callback(error, result);
delete this.__callbackById[callbackId];
FileParser.prototype.parse = function parse(data, callback) {
this.__callbackIdIncrement = (this.__callbackIdIncrement + 1) % 10000000;
this.__callbackById[this.__callbackIdIncrement] = callback;
data: data, // optionally you could pass in the path of the file, and open it in the child process.
callbackId: this.__callbackIdIncrement
module.exports = FileParser;
child process:
process.on('message', function(message) {
var callbackId = message.callbackId;
var data =;
function respond(error, response) {
callbackId: callbackId,
error: error,
result: response
// parse data..
respond(undefined, "computed data");
We also need a pattern to synchronize the different processes, when each process finishes its task, it will respond to us, and we'll increment a count for each process that finishes, and then call the callback of the Semaphore when we've hit the count we want.
function Semaphore(wait, callback) {
this.callback = callback;
this.wait = wait;
this.counted = 0;
Semaphore.prototype.signal = function signal() {
if (this.counted >= this.wait) {
module.exports = Semaphore;
here's a use case that ties all the above patterns together:
var FileParser = require('./FileParser');
var Semaphore = require('./Semaphore');
var arrFileParsers = [];
for(var i = 0; i < require('os').cpus().length; i++){
var fileParser = new FileParser();
function getFiles() {
return ["file", "file"];
var arrResults = [];
function onAllFilesParsed() {
console.log('all results completed', JSON.stringify(arrResults));
var lock = new Semaphore(arrFileParsers.length, onAllFilesParsed);
arrFileParsers.forEach(function(fileParser) {
var arrFiles = getFiles(); // you need to decide how to split the files into 1k chunks
fileParser.parse(arrFiles, function (error, result) {
Eventually I used, where the client was using the nodejs zmq client, and the workers/broker were written in C. This allowed us to scale this across multiple machines, instead of just a local machine with sub processes.
