How can I ask from Ant Media Server the number of current viewers - linux

I tried in this way:
netstat -a | grep EST|grep -v localhost| grep \:5080| cut -d' ' -f 16-17|cut -d':' -f1|sort|uniq|wc -l
But it obviously can't show viewers from same ip.
Surely there is a better way to do this...
Thank you!

do you want to access your total viewers count?
You can reach the viewer numbers with the REST Service. Could you please check this


Hide command execution detection in ps

I have a bash script with contents-
while true;do
netstat -antp | grep LISTEN | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 4 > /tmp/log
sleep 100
Say I create a service which executes the script on boot.But when I use ps -eo command I'm able to see the commands being executed.For eg -
netstat -antp
tr -s ' '
cut -d ' ' -f 4
But I wish to suppress this output and hide the execution of these commands.Is there a way to do it?
Any other suggestions are welcome too.Thanks in advance!
You can't hide running processes from the system, at least not without some kernel hooks. Doing so is something typically only found in malware, so you'll not likely get much help.
There's really no reason to hide those processes from the system. If something in your script gets hung up, you'll want to see those processes to give you an idea of what's happening.
If there's a specific problem the presence of those processes is causing, you need to detail what that is.

change time format for ps time in unix

I am trying to get back the time in the format hh:mm without the seconds,
running this:
ps -p $pid -o time=
gets back (for example) 00:03:19 but I want just (for example) 00:03
I have tried looking at the manual and searched on the net, couldn't find anything that i can understand. Can someone help me please. Thanks in advance.
ps itself doesn't offer to configure the time format. However, you can pipe to cut:
ps -p $pid -o time= | cut -d: -f1,2

list all open files by ip

Is there a way to show all open files by IP address on linux?
I use this:
netstat -atun | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sed -e '/^$/d' |sort | uniq -c | sort -n
to show all connections from IP sorted by number of connections.
How do I know what are these IP's hitting?
thanks in advance!
If you can find a way to identify the process that has the socket open in netstat, you could use the ls -l /proc/<pid>/fd to find what files that process has open. Of course, a lot of those files may not be accessed from the network - for example your typical apache server will have /var/log/httpd/access_log and /var/log/httpd/error_log and quite possibly some other files too. And of course, it will be a "moment in time", what file that process has open in 5 seconds or a millisecond from now may be quite a bit different.
I presume you don't just let anything/anyone access the server, so I'm guessing it's a webserver or some such, in which case, it would probably be easier to put some code into your web interface to track who does what.

Extract multiple substrings in bash

I have a page exported from a wiki and I would like to find all the links on that page using bash. All the links on that page are in the form [wiki:<page_name>]. I have a script that does:
# First search for the links to the pages
search=`grep '\[wiki:' pages/*`
# Check is our search turned up anything
if [ -n "$search" ]; then
# Now, we want to cut out the page name and find unique listings
uniquePages=`echo "$search" | cut -d'[' -f 2 | cut -d']' -f 1 | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sort -u`
However, when presented with a grep result with multiple [wiki: text in it, it only pulls the last one and not any others. For example if $search is:
Before starting the configuration, all the required libraries must be installed to be detected by Cmake. If you have missed this step, see the [wiki:CT/Checklist/Libraries "Libr By pressing [t] you can switch to advanced mode screen with more details. The 5 pages are available [wiki:CT/Checklist/Cmake/advanced_mode here]. To obtain information about ea - '''Installation of Cantera''': If Cantera has not been correctly installed or if you do not have sourced the setup file '''~/setup_cantera''' you should receive the following message. Refer to the [wiki:CT/FormulationCantera "Cantera installation"] page to fix this problem. You can set the Cantera options to OFF if you plan to use built-in transport, thermodynamics and chemistry.
then it only returns CT/FormulationCantera and it doesn't give me any of the other links. I know this is due to using cut so I need a replacement for the $uniquepages line.
Does anybody have any suggestions in bash? It can use sed or perl if needed, but I'm hoping for a one-liner to extract a list of page names if at all possible.
egrep -o '\[wiki:[^]]*]' pages/* | sed 's/\[wiki://;s/]//' | sort -u
upd. to remove all after space without cut
egrep -o '\[wiki:[^]]*]' pages/* | sed 's/\[wiki://;s/]//;s/ .*//' | sort -u

Bash script to get server health

Im looking to monitor some aspects of a farm of servers that are necessary for the application that runs on them.
Basically, Im looking to have a file on each machine, which when accessed via http (on a vlan), with curl, that will spit out information Im looking for, which I can log into the database with dameon that sits in a loop and checks the health of all the servers one by one.
The info Im looking to get is
<load>server load</load>
<free>md0 free space in MB</free>
<total>md0 total space in MB</total>
<processes># of nginx processes</processes>
Whats the best way of doing that?
EDIT: We are using cacti and opennms, however what Im looking for here is data that is necessary for the application that runs on these servers. I dont want to complicate it by having it rely on any 3rd party software to fetch this basic data which can be gotten with a few linux commands.
Make a cron entry that:
executes a shell script every few minutes (or whatever frequency you want)
saves the output in a directory that's published by the web server
Assuming your text is literally what you want, this will get you 90% of the way there:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
LOAD=$(uptime | cut -d: -f5 | cut -d, -f1)
FREE=$(df -m / | tail -1 | awk '{ print $4 }')
TOTAL=$(df -m / | tail -1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
PROCESSES=$(ps aux | grep [n]ginx | wc -l)
cat <<-EOF
Sample output:
<load> 0.05</load>
<time>Wed Apr 18 22:14:35 CDT 2012</time>
