I use :terminal command in vim to bring terminal
And to copy texts in terminal, I exit terminal mode using <C-\><C-n>. But I can't go back to terminal mode again.
I tried pressing i, But it gives error as modifiable is off
How to go back to terminal mode again?
pressing i will put the terminal in terminal mode, see here. But cannot use arrow keys.
Using arrow keys will give error as Cannot make changes 'modifiable' is off
Try use :q or :q! from normal mode.
I have recently switched to vim style key binding for my terminal by placing set -o vi in my .zshrc file. When using it I find myself in this "excute:_" mode after pressing Esc and then : , the terminal then looks like this:
[I] ➜
execute: _
What is this mode and how do I exit it?
I have looked here and here for answers to no avail. I also asked in the vim stack exchange and got told to move.
I think it's called the vicmd mode. You can execute commands from the ZLE (Zsh Line Editor).
For example, you can type ed then TAB for completion which should write edit-command-line and if you run it, it will open your editor to edit the current line (as the name suggest).
You can go back to normal mode with ctrl + c
How to swap to the terminal window without exiting the vim editor and to get back to the vim editor file after executing the interrupt command??
In vim, type :!sh and hit enter. That will suspend your vim session and put you in a shell. When you're done there simply type ctrl-d to get back-to your edit session.
I want to copy text from vim buffer to the system clipboard by using the command "*y but when I press the double quote sign in command mode, it doesn't seem to get fired at all as I don't see anything in the status bar (nothing gets copied also even if I blindly continue with the command). I can see all other commands in the status bar in vim. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and I have clipboard support enabled in my vim version.
You should press "+y in NORMAL (or VISUAL) mode.
If you love to do it in command line, do this:
:y +
(same for "*y)
I installed cygwin on Windows 7. When I start vim in cygwin terminal it starts in interactive mode. I can't change mode to command one by pressing ESC. What could be the reason?
Also vim prints these varnings at start:
Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal
If by interactive mode you mean insert mode (where keypresses are inserted as text, just as in other editors), then your Vim is in easy mode.
In it, you can temporarily execute normal mode commands via Ctrl + O. But I guess you don't want this strange beginner's mode. To turn it off, check whether Vim has been invoked with the -y argument or as evim (is there a shell alias?). Or, if you find a :set insertmode command in a .vimrc, remove it. (By default, at least in my Cygwin installations, Vim is not configured for easy mode, so it must be something in your configuration.)
Try to
Press “ESC” and "shift" and ":" together;
You should find the place that you can type command line in vim;
Both clients are Windows 7 using cygwin to connect to an Ubuntu machine.
From ClientA I connect via ssh to the Ubuntu machine, start a screen session, and open vim. Then I type :E to open the netrw directory listing. Pressing <ENTER> on the directories navigates and all is good in the world. I disconnect from the Screen session.
From ClientB, I connect via ssh and resume the screen session, vim is already open. I press <ENTER> on a directory and instead of opening the directory, it moves the cursor down one line. It's as if I've pressed j or <DOWN>. Pressing ^M does the same thing. None of the directories can be navigated to. Also, if I have a file open and I'm in insert mode, I have to press escape twice to return to normal mode.
Still on CLientB, I quit vim :q (yes, enter works when typing : commands). I then reopen vim and use netrw again :E. Now everything works the way it's supposed to: pressing <ENTER> navigates directories, and when I'm editing files I only need to press ^[ or escape once for it to work.
If I disconnect from ClientB and connect again with ClientA, then vim doesn't work properly again until I exit vim and start it again.
I have tried typing :set to see all of the set options, but there is no difference between these settings when vim is started while connected from ClientA or ClientB.
What is going on and how can I fix it?
In cygwin I needed to go to Options > Terminal and make sure both clients were set to the same type (e.g. xterm-256color).
Different terminal types use different escape sequences for the keys and the mismatch was causing the problem.