Creating Custom Component using Moqui and mount using MoquiConf.xml - components

I'm fairly new to moqui and reaching out for some help with creating custom component using moqui and mount the application on webroot using MoquiConf.xml
I had read and created tutorial component and successfully mounted using the below section from
Add a subscreens-item element under the subscreens element in the apps.xml file like:
However my understanding based on the reading from Moqui Documentation below --> is that i should be able to mount a custom component using MoquiConf.xml -> screen-facade in my custom component directory, without having to make changes in apps.xml under webroot (i really like this idea)
For #4 (Moqui Conf XML File) you can put these elements in any of the Moqui Conf XML files that get merged into that runtime configuration. The main way to do this is in a MoquiConf.xml file in your component directory so the configuration is in the same component as the screens and you don't have to modify and maintain files elsewhere. See more details about the Moqui Conf XML options in the Run and Deploy instructions. Here is an example from the MoquiConf.xml file in the moqui/example component:
<screen location="component://webroot/screen/webroot/apps.xml">
<subscreens-item name="example" menu-title="Example" menu-index="97"
However i was not able to get this to work, i tried the MoquiConf.xml approach in tutorial component and also made a copy of example component and still no joy, Appreciate any pointers
My Configuration from my attempt with tutorial project
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- No copyright or license for configuration file, details here are not considered a creative work. -->
<moqui-conf xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<screen location="component://webroot/screen/webroot/apps.xml">
<subscreens-item name="tutorial" menu-title="Tutorial" menu-index="98" location="component://tutorial/screen/tutorial.xml"/>
<screen xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""
require-authentication="false" include-child-content="true" menu-image="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench" menu-image-type="icon">
<subscreens default-item="hello">
<label type="h1" text="Hello world with Sub Screens!"/>
<subscreens-panel id="hello-app" type="popup"/>
<text type="html"
<h1>Hello world! (from the hello.html file)</h1>
With the above MoquiConf.xml configuration, the Tutorial component would not even show in the Applications --> AppList (Menu), but works when i load using below change in base-component/webroot/screen/webroot/apps.xml
<subscreens default-item="AppList">
<subscreens-item name="tutorial" menu-title="Tutorial"
Pretty sure i'm missing a config as the above seems to work in example, tools and possibly other components, Appreciate any pointers

Sorry for the delay, i was able to use the online tutorial -> included in David's comments, and was successful in completing the tutorial, Thanks David.


Node.js coding assistance is disabled and cannot be turned on [IntelliJ 2019.3]

Coding assistance doesn't turn on, even if node js related stuff is recognized. I've also tried node v12 but same sad story.
If I check the "Coding assistance for Node.js", it lets me select the module but then it un-checks itself.
I've already tried other solutions found in some similar (but old) topics, but none of them worked.
I had the same problem on Windows 10. When I downgraded NodeJS to node-v11.15.0-x64, I was able to check the box without it unchecking itself.
If I check the "Coding assistance for Node.js", it lets me select the
module but then it un-checks itself.
You can try this (it works for me, I am using nodejs 13.14.0):
Close PHPstorm
You need in the .idea folder to create a jsLibraryMappings.xml file with the next content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="JavaScriptLibraryMappings">
<includedPredefinedLibrary name="Node.js Core" />
Find the line with the following component in the workspace.xml file:
<component name = "PropertiesComponent">
Add the following property for this component (You may need to specify the version of your node):
<property name="javascript.nodejs.core.library.configured.version" value="13.14.0" />
Sorry, I am using a translator
I had the same problem and found out I did not activate the NodeJS plugin.

Why is makepri.exe creating more than one Resources.pri file?

I'm trying to create a Resources.pri file so that Windows 10 knows which images to use for my start tile on different resolutions. I'm following step 6 of MSDN's documentation linked below:
I have all of my logo images labeled according to their scale. These are their names in my Assets folder:
When I use makepri.exe manually, it creates three Resources.pri files instead of just one with all of the scaling information I want in it. These are the files generated:
Resources.pri has information for the 80% and 100% scales, but the other two files contain the information for the 140% and 180% scales. Any idea why the larger scales are being separated out into separate files? I've included below my TestAppConfig.xml file and the commands I'm using the generate the files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<resources targetOsVersion="10.0.0" majorVersion="1">
<autoResourcePackage qualifier="Language"/>
<autoResourcePackage qualifier="Scale"/>
<autoResourcePackage qualifier="DXFeatureLevel"/>
<index root="\" startIndexAt="\">
<qualifier name="Language" value="en-US"/>
<qualifier name="scale" value="100"/>
<indexer-config type="folder" foldernameAsQualifier="true" filenameAsQualifier="true" qualifierDelimiter="."/>
<indexer-config type="resw" convertDotsToSlashes="true" initialPath=""/>
<indexer-config type="resjson" initialPath=""/>
<indexer-config type="PRI"/>
<!--<index startIndexAt="Start Index Here" root="Root Here">-->
<!-- <indexer-config type="resfiles" qualifierDelimiter="."/>-->
<!-- <indexer-config type="priinfo" emitStrings="true" emitPaths="true" emitEmbeddedData="true"/>-->
Command to create TestAppConfig.xml
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\makepri.exe" createconfig /cf %USERPROFILE%\Documents\TestAppConfig.xml /dq lang-en-US_scale-100_contrast-high /pv 10.0.0
Command to create Resources.pri
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\makepri.exe" new /pr %USERPROFILE%\Documents\CreateResources /cf %USERPROFILE%\Documents\TestAppConfig.xml /in TestApp /of %USERPROFILE%\Documents\CreateResources\Resources.pri
Any insight into this is greatly appreciated! Let me know if I can provide and further details.
I ended up finding a solution, though I'm exactly sure why it worked/was required to create just one Resources.pri file. I found that setting the default language of all of the images allowed makepri.exe to add all of the image scales as resouces candidates to one Resources.pri file. For example, I found this file structure worked:
I was clued in by this snippet of documentation:
Note We recommend that you mark the default language on string resource files (such as en-US\resources.resw) and the default scale on images (such as logo.scale-100.png), even if these files will not be localized nor multiple resolution images provided
Go figure.
I hope others find this helpful. If anyone has anymore insight on why makepri.exe works this way, I'd be curious to know more.
I've just encountered this with languages rather than images, but removing this block from the auto-generated makepri config fixed it for me:
<autoResourcePackage qualifier="Language"/>
<autoResourcePackage qualifier="Scale"/>
<autoResourcePackage qualifier="DXFeatureLevel"/>

Distribute SQL_SSDT Code Snippets using vscontent (lang attribute error)

I'm trying to distribute some SQL_SSDT Visual Studio code snippets using .vsi and .vscontent files, but I'm getting an error while installing:
The .vscontent file either contains invalid attributes or specifies a code snippet for a programming language that is not installed.
The .vscontent file is based on the documentation provided by Microsoft How to: Distribute Code Snippets
The sample on this site is the following:
<VSContent xmlns="">
<FileName> </FileName>
<DisplayName> </DisplayName>
<Description> </Description>
<FileContentType> </FileContentType>
<Attribute name="lang" value=""/>
My file looks like this:
<VSContent xmlns="">
<FileContentType>Code Snippet</FileContentType>
<Attribute name="lang" value="SQL_SSDT"/>
I'm using the value SQL_SSDT since this is the required value in the .snippet files (<Code Language="SQL_SSDT">).
The installation starts as expected (double clicking on the .vsi file), the VS Content Installer pops up, lists the included content. The error occurs after hitting Finish. (Installation starts, but the above error pops up after a few seconds.)
The snippet is working fine if I copy it to the default snippet folder for SSDT (Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Code Snippets\SQL_SSDT\My Code Snippets) or if I'm adding it via snippet manager in SSDT, but the .vsi installation fails using the above file.
Am I missing something?
Installed VS products on this box:
VS Express for Desktop (2012)
I found the XML schema reference for the .vscontent files (VS2012), and it seems that the SQL_SSDT is not a valid value for the Lang attribute. It suggests that there are only four values available for the lang attribute. (csharp, jsharp, vb, xml).
Now the question is: Does SSDT add any extensions to this XML schema?
It seems that VS Content Installer has no support for deploying SSDT code snippets. There is a posted idea on which requests this feature, but it is still open.
I did not found any other resources related to this issue.
There is a possible workaround, which needs testing: You can create a PS/BAT which copies the snippet files into the VS's snippet folder for SSDT.

How to register a "Linux" file association with autotools

I'm writing an application that uses its own file type. I'd like to integrate the file association with the desktop environment. I know that this can be done with a command, but how should it be integrated with autotools?
Currently, my app can be installed without root to ~/.local for example. It would be nice to keep this feature.
Add a myapp.xml to your project that contains the desired MIME data. It'll look something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="">
<mime-type type="image/png">
<comment xml:lang="en">PNG image</comment>
<comment xml:lang="af">png beeld</comment>
<magic priority="50">
<match type="string" value="\x89PNG" offset="0"/>
<glob pattern="*.png"/>
See the tutorial for more details on the format of the XML files.
Now you need to figure out where to install your XML file to. In my projects, I provide a --with-xdgdatadir option to configure, which is left as an exercise to the reader. By default, XDGDATADIR should be ${prefix}/share (i.e. ${datarootdir}). Add the following to your
xml_DATA = myapp.xml
This will ensure that the MIME data is installed correctly.
Finally, it's necessary to ensure that the MIME database is updated on make install and make uninstall. Add a check for the update-mime-database tool to your Then add the following to your
I hope that answers your question.

CruiseControl.NET and Clearcase configuration

I'm having problems simply configuring the server for CruiseControl.NET. I am using the source block that is given by ThoughtWorks to set it up, but I cannot seem to get it to be error-free. I am pretty new to all this and some sort of direction would be fantastic.
Does anyone use this combination?
Do you have a ccnet.config file I can look at?
This is what does not work for me:
<project name="test">
<sourcecontrol type="clearCase">
<exec>batch file</exec>
Thank you.
I have no direct experience with this kind of setup, but if you are using the <projectVobName> tag, that means:
you are declaring a pvob (project vob used only in UCM to store project, stream, activities and components, all UCM data)
your view (with the root directory referenced in <viewPath>) must be an UCM view.
All the other path elements (like 'executable') should reference an absolute path (and not just "cleartool.exe")
