How to create API key and Secure Key? - security

Usually if I consume third party api's, they all give us two keys and they are:
API Key: kind of random number or GUID
Pin/Secure Key/etc: Kind of password or OTP
Now, assuming that I am a third party and I want my API's to be consumed by retailers,
I would also like to create and give these credentials to API consumers.
I work in .net core. Is there any way to create these and also we have to apply security
or token based security.
I am confused because I have no idea how this can be accomlished.
As I researched a few questions on stack-overflow, they suggest to use this, or this, or some use HMAC security but in HMAC, we have to mandate client also to use HMAC so that same signatures can be matched.
I am in confused state of mind. Can you please suggest some ways by which I can do this in .net core

Generating API Keys can basically be broken down to just generating cryptographically random strings.
The following C# code snippet I had lying around generates a random hex string:
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public static string RandomString()
byte[] randomBytes = new Byte[64];
using (RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
SHA256Cng ShaHashFunction = new SHA256Cng();
byte[] hashedBytes = ShaHashFunction.ComputeHash(randomBytes);
string randomString = string.Empty;
foreach (byte b in hashedBytes)
randomString += string.Format("{0:x2}", b);
return randomString;
You can easily change the length of the resulting key by using a different hash function or you can also switch the hex encoding to Base64 (Convert.ToBase64String(hashedBytes) which would replace the foreach loop) encoding which is more common when using API keys.
Edit 2022
Since when I wrote this answer both my understanding of cryptography and .NET Core itself have evolved.
Therefore nowadays I would recommend something like this
public static string GetSecureRandomString(int byteLength = 64)
Span<byte> buffer = byteLength > 4096
? new byte[byteLength]
: stackalloc byte[byteLength];
return Convert.ToHexString(buffer);
The following changes have been implemented:
using stackalloc if possible to reduce managed allocations and GC (garbage collector) pressure, thus increasing performance.
RNGCryptoServiceProvider has been deprecated and replaced with RandomNumberGenerator.Fill() or RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(), which also provide cryptographically sufficiently secure random bytes.
(Oversight on my part) There is actually no need for hashing in this context. The randomly generated bytes are secure as they are, so applying a hash function to them not only limits the output length (in case of SHA-256) but is also superfluous.
.NET 5 and later provide the Convert.ToHexString() method to convert bytes to hex.
I added a parameter to specify the length in bytes for the output string. More bytes = better security against brute-force attacks, but it comes with the drawback of a longer output string which may not be as handy as a shorter one. Tweak this value to fit your needs. The default is set to 512 bits (64 bytes) which is sufficiently secure for most applications.
In this example, I have chosen hex-encoding for the final string, but you may use any information-preserving encoding (hex, base64, base32, ASCII, ...) without compromising security.


DES and ICryptoTransform

This method works fine in a program I've made. However I cannot really understand what is happening and where the encryption is actually performed. I read the related description from MSDN but not much information is given.
Can someone explain what is happening in general especially in line 8 and 9 please.
public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] input, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
DES des = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
des.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
des.Key = key;
ICryptoTransform ct = des.CreateDecryptor(key, iv);
byte[] result = ct.TransformFinalBlock(input, 0, input.Length);
return result;
If you want to understand what is going on, you should read about block cipher operations here:
In a nutshell, block ciphers chaining causes the input of one block operation to be fed into the next block operation. This obscures any block-level patterns in the ciphertext. Since there is a chaining structure, the last block gets an input from the second last block, and so on... until the second block gets an input from the first block. Now the first block needs to get an input from something, but there are no preceding blocks. So we use something called an Initialization Vector (iv) to start it off. This IV does not need to be secret like the key, but it does need to have a low probability of re-use (otherwise the attacker can use it to correlate the first blocks of all your ciphertexts). Typically random numbers are used, or sometimes increasing sequence numbers.
In regard to the specific call:
Your method works to decrypt a single block using DES. (Which is nowadays considered out of date and insecure, by the way, please consider using AES instead - the block cipher structures remain the same so all you need to do is swap the library). Anyway,
Since you're using a cipher in ECB mode, each block is decrypted independently with the same initialization vector, which is provided to your Decrypt method call. The call to CreateDecryptor initializes a decryption object using the provided secret key and initialization vector.
The actual decryption is performed using the call to TransformFinalBlock. The arguments are the input byte array, and then an offset and a length parameter (used for when you don't want to decrypt the entire byte array). In this case you do want to use the entire byte array so the starting offset is 0 and the size is the length of the whole byte array.
One thing you should probably add is to check that the input byte array is the correct block size for your cipher, otherwise it will throw an exception. In the case of DES, this is 64 bits. If you switch to AES as I recommended it will be 128 bits.

AES-256 encryption workflow in scala with bouncy castle: salt and IV usage and transfer/storage

I'm trying to implement secure encryption of the files to be sent over insecure channel or stored in an insecure place. I use bouncy castle framework, my code is written in scala. I decided to use aes-256 (to be more specific - Rinjael with 256 bit block size, here is why). And it seems like I can use Rinjael with any (128|160|192|256) block length.
I cannot understand the whole process overview correctly. Here is one of good answers, in this question there is some useful code specific to bouncy castle. But both leaving some questions unanswered for me (questions below).
So this is how I understand the workflow:
For creating a block cipher instance I have to get an instance of padded block cipher with some output feedback:
// create an instance of the engine
val engine = new RijndaelEngine(bitLength)
// wrap engine with some feedback-blocking cipher mode engine
val ofb = new OFBBlockCipher(engine , bitLength)
// wrap this with some padded-blocking cipher mode
val cipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(ofb, new PKCS7Padding())
Now I have to run init() on the cipher engine
2.1. first generate a key, to do this the best solution suggested here was to use Scrypt to derive a secret from password instead of using PBKDF2-HMAC-xxx. In russian wikipedia article on Scrypt it is said that the recommended parameters for Scrypt are as follows: N = 16384, r = 8, p = 1
So I'we wrirtten this code to generate the password:
SCrypt.generate(password.getBytes(encoding), salt, 16384, 8, 1, bitLength / 8)
2.2. This leads to that I need a salt. Salt should be an array of random bytes. Most answers here use 8 bytes. So I do
// helper method to get a bunch of random bytes
def getRandomBytes(size: Int) = {
val bytes = Array.ofDim[Byte](size)
val rnd = new SecureRandom()
// generate salt
val salt = getRandomBytes(8)
2.3. For cipher to initialize we need an initialization vector (please take a look at my question (2) below).
val iv = getRandomBytes(bitLength / 8)
2.4. Now we are ready to initialize the cipher.
cipher.init(mode, params(password, salt, iv, bitLength))
What should be the size of salt? Why do most respondents here use 8 bytes, not more?
What should be the size of IV? Is it correct that it should be the same size as cipher block size? Is it preferred to be fetched from cipher like here: cipher.getParameters().getParameterSpec(IvParameterSpec.class).getIV(); or to be just random as i did?
Is it correct that I need both the salt and IV or I can use just one of these? For example use random IV as a salt.
And the main question: I have to pass salt and IV to the other side or else it would be not possible to decrypt the message. I need to somehow pass both over unencrypted channel. Is it secure to just add both before an encrypted message (as a header)?
Thanks in advance!
I would go for 16 bytes salt length as suggested
IV should be size of block size of cipher and should be random
Yes you need both salt and IV because salt is used to generate key from password and IV is used to initialize block cipher
Salt and IV are designed to be public. You can send them or store unencrypted, but you do not use any authentication mechanism so anyone can change IV or Salt during transport and you would not be able to detect it and decryption will get you something different. To prevent that you should use some AEAD mode and include IV and salt in authentication.
Is it secure? Sure, they will still need to guess the passphrase. Is it as secure? No, because you're giving the attacker information that they need to simplify the decryption process. If the only way that you can get the salt/password to the other side is via an unencrypted channel then something is better than nothing I suppose, but why can't you exchange this information using PKI/SSL?

Known message and output

If the user knows the output from multiple digestions with a different message. Is that able to be so that the user can get the secret?
Example: Can the user find the unknown secret by knowing the following data?
Edit: updated to make a bit more sense.
unknown = ??;
(unknown+"A") = "";
SHA512(unknown+"B") = "";
SHA512(unknown+"C") = "";
.. etc ... ( can continue indefinitely )
can the unknown variable be discovered?
No secure hash function allows recovering a valid unknown input faster than brute force, even given a set of known plaintexts and hashes. That includes SHA512.
Also, note that HMAC-SHA512 is not implemented as you're suggesting. A system of SHA512(key+data) is vulnerable to a length extension attack: Given the hash for SHA512(key+"Hi"), an attacker can compute the hash for any string with that prefix, such as SHA512(key+"Hi, I'm a hacker") without knowing the key. The HMAC construction avoids this issue.

Avoid that repeated same messages look always same after encryption, and can be replayed by an attacker?

I'm looking to authenticate that a particular message is coming from a particular place.
Example: A repeatedly sends the same message to B. Lets say this message is "helloworld" which is encrypted to "asdfqwerty".
How can I ensure that a third party C doesn't learn that B always receives this same encrypted string, and C starts sending "asdfqwerty" to B?
How can I ensure that when B decrypts "asdfqwerty" to "helloworld", it is always receiving this "helloworld" from A?
Thanks for any help.
For the former, you want to use a Mode of Operation for your symmetric cipher that uses an Initialization Vector. The IV ensures that every encrypted message is different, even if it contains the same plaintext.
For the latter, you want to sign your message using the private key of A(lice). If B(ob) has the public key of Alice, he can then verify she really created the message.
Finally, beware of replay attacks, where C(harlie) records a valid message from Alice, and later replays it to Bob. To avoid this, add a nonce and/or a timestamp to your encrypted message (yes, you could make the IV play double-duty as a nonce).
Add random value to the data being encrypted, and whenever it's decrypted, strip it from the original unencrypted data.
You need decent random number generator. I'm sure Google will help you on that.
C noticing that B receives twice the same encrypted message is an issue called traffic analysis and has historically been a heavy concern (but this was in times which predated public key encryption).
Any decent public encryption system includes some random padding. For instance, for RSA as described in PKCS#1, the encrypted message (of length at most 117 bytes for a 1024-bit RSA key) gets a header with at least eight random (non-zero) bytes, and a few extra data which allows the receiver to unambiguously locate the padding bytes, and see where the "real" data begins. The random bytes will be generated anew every time; hence, if A sends twice the same message to B, the encrypted messages will be different, but B will recover the original message twice.
Random padding is required for public key encryption precisely because the public key is public: if encryption was deterministic, then an attacker could "try" potential messages and look for a match (this is exhaustive search on possible messages).
Public key encryption algorithms often have heavy limitations on data size or performance (e.g. with RSA, you have a strict maximum message length, depending on the key size). Thus, it is customary to use a hybrid system: the public key encryption is used to encrypt a symmetric key K (i.e. a bunch of random bytes), and K is used to symmetrically encrypt the data (symmetric encryption is fast and does not have constraints on input message size). In a hybrid system, you generate a new K for every message, so this also gives you the randomness you need to avoid the issue of encrypting several times the same message with a given public key: at the public encryption level, you are actually never encrypting twice the same message (the same key K), even if the data which is symmetrically encrypted with K is the same than in a previous message. This would protect you from traffic analysis even if the public key encryption itself did not include random padding.
When symmetrically encrypting data with a key K, the symmetric encryption should use an "initial value" (IV) which is randomly and uniformly generated; this is integrated in the encryption mode (some modes only need a non-repeating IV without requiring a random uniform generation, but CBC needs random uniform generation). This is a third level of randomness, protecting you against traffic analysis.
When using asymmetric key agreement (static Diffie-Hellman), since are a bit more complex, because a key agreement results in a key K which you do not choose, and which could be the same ever and ever (between given sender and receiver). In that situation, protection against traffic analysis relies on the symmetric encryption IV randomness.
Asymmetric encryption protocols, such as OpenPGP, describe how the symmetric encryption, public key encryption and randomness should all be linked together, ironing out the tricky details. You are warmly encouraged not to reinvent your own protocol: it is difficult to design a secure protocol, mostly because one cannot easily test for the presence or absence of any weakness.
You may want to study block cipher modes of operation. However, the modes are designed to work on a data stream that is sent over a reliable channel. If your messages are sent out of order over an unreliable transport (e.g. UDP packets), I don't think you can use it.

File containing its own checksum

Is it possible to create a file that will contain its own checksum (MD5, SHA1, whatever)? And to upset jokers I mean checksum in plain, not function calculating it.
I created a piece of code in C, then ran bruteforce for less than 2 minutes and got this wonder:
The CRC32 of this string is 4A1C449B
Note the must be no characters (end of line, etc) after the sentence.
You can check it here:
This one is also fun:
I killed 56e9dee4 cows and all I got was...
Source code (sorry it's a little messy) here:
Yes. It's possible, and it's common with simple checksums. Getting a file to include it's own md5sum would be quite challenging.
In the most basic case, create a checksum value which will cause the summed modulus to equal zero. The checksum function then becomes something like
(n1 + n2 ... + CRC) % 256 == 0
If the checksum then becomes a part of the file, and is checked itself. A very common example of this is the Luhn algorithm used in credit card numbers. The last digit is a check digit, and is itself part of the 16 digit number.
Check this:
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\necho My cksum is 918329835' > magic
"I wish my crc32 was 802892ef..."
Well, I thought this was interesting so today I coded a little java program to find collisions. Thought I'd leave it here in case someone finds it useful:
public class Crc32_recurse2 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
long endval = Long.parseLong("ffffffff", 16);
long startval = 0L;
// startval = Long.parseLong("802892ef",16); //uncomment to save yourself some time
float percent = 0;
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
long updates = 10000000L; // how often to print some status info
for (long i=startval;i<endval;i++) {
String testval = Long.toHexString(i);
String cmpval = getCRC("I wish my crc32 was " + testval + "...");
if (testval.equals(cmpval)) {
System.out.println("Match found!!! Message is:");
System.out.println("I wish my crc32 was " + testval + "...");
System.out.println("crc32 of message is " + testval);
if (i%updates==0) {
if (i==0) {
continue; // kludge to avoid divide by zero at the start
long timetaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
long speed = updates/timetaken*1000;
percent = (i*100.0f)/endval;
long timeleft = (endval-i)/speed; // in seconds
System.out.println(percent+"% through - "+ "done "+i/1000000+"M so far"
+ " - " + speed+" tested per second - "+timeleft+
"s till the last value.");
time = System.currentTimeMillis();
public static String getCRC(String input) {
CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
return Long.toHexString(crc.getValue());
The output:
49.825756% through - done 2140M so far - 1731000 tested per second - 1244s till the last value.
50.05859% through - done 2150M so far - 1770000 tested per second - 1211s till the last value.
Match found!!! Message is:
I wish my crc32 was 802892ef...
crc32 of message is 802892ef
Note the dots at the end of the message are actually part of the message.
On my i5-2500 it was going to take ~40 minutes to search the whole crc32 space from 00000000 to ffffffff, doing about 1.8 million tests/second. It was maxing out one core.
I'm fairly new with java so any constructive comments on my code would be appreciated.
"My crc32 was c8cb204, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt!"
Certainly, it is possible. But one of the uses of checksums is to detect tampering of a file - how would you know if a file has been modified, if the modifier can also replace the checksum?
Sure, you could concatenate the digest of the file itself to the end of the file. To check it, you would calculate the digest of all but the last part, then compare it to the value in the last part. Of course, without some form of encryption, anyone can recalculate the digest and replace it.
I should add that this is not so unusual. One technique is to concatenate a CRC-32 so that the CRC-32 of the whole file (including that digest) is zero. This won't work with digests based on cryptographic hashes, though.
I don't know if I understand your question correctly, but you could make the first 16 bytes of the file the checksum of the rest of the file.
So before writing a file, you calculate the hash, write the hash value first and then write the file contents.
There is a neat implementation of the Luhn Mod N algorithm in the python-stdnum library ( see The calc_check_digit function will calculate a digit or character which, when appended to the file (expressed as a string) will create a valid Luhn Mod N string. As noted in many answers above, this gives a sanity check on the validity of the file, but no significant security against tampering. The receiver will need to know what alphabet is being used to define Luhn mod N validity.
If the question is asking whether a file can contain its own checksum (in addition to other content), the answer is trivially yes for fixed-size checksums, because a file could contain all possible checksum values.
If the question is whether a file could consist of its own checksum (and nothing else), it's trivial to construct a checksum algorithm that would make such a file impossible: for an n-byte checksum, take the binary representation of the first n bytes of the file and add 1. Since it's also trivial to construct a checksum that always encodes itself (i.e. do the above without adding 1), clearly there are some checksums that can encode themselves, and some that cannot. It would probably be quite difficult to tell which of these a standard checksum is.
There are many ways to embed information in order to detect transmission errors etc. CRC checksums are good at detecting runs of consecutive bit-flips and might be added in such a way that the checksum is always e.g. 0. These kind of checksums (including error correcting codes) are however easy to recreate and doesn't stop malicious tampering.
It is impossible to embed something in the message so that the receiver can verify its authenticity if the receiver knows nothing else about/from the sender. The receiver could for instance share a secret key with the sender. The sender can then append an encrypted checksum (which needs to be cryptographically secure such as md5/sha1). It is also possible to use asymmetric encryption where the sender can publish his public key and sign the md5 checksum/hash with his private key. The hash and the signature can then be tagged onto the data as a new kind of checksum. This is done all the time on internet nowadays.
The remaining problems then are 1. How can the receiver be sure that he got the right public key and 2. How secure is all this stuff in reality?. The answer to 1 might vary. On internet it's common to have the public key signed by someone everyone trusts. Another simple solution is that the receiver got the public key from a meeting in personal... The answer to 2 might change from day-to-day, but what's costly to force to day will probably be cheap to break some time in the future. By that time new algorithms and/or enlarged key sizes has hopefully emerged.
You can of course, but in that case the SHA digest of the whole file will not be the SHA you included, because it is a cryptographic hash function, so changing a single bit in the file changes the whole hash. What you are looking for is a checksum calculated using the content of the file in way to match a set of criteria.
The simplest way would be to run the file through an MD5 algorithm and embed that data within the file. You can split up the check sum and place it at known points of the file (based on a portion size of the file e.g. 30%, 50%, 75%) if you wish to try and hide it.
Similarly you could encrypt the file, or encrypt a portion of the file (along with the MD5 checksum) and embed that in the file.
I forgot to say that you would need to remove the checksum data before using it.
Of course if your file needs to be readily readable by another program e.g. Word then things become a little more complicated as you don't want to "corrupt" the file so that it is no longer readable.
