how to find farthest neighbors in Euclidean space? - search

Given a set P of n points in 2D, for any point x in P, what is the fastest way to find out the farthest neighbor of x? By farthest neighbor, we mean a point in P which has the maximum Euclidean distance to x.

To the best of my knowledge, the current standard kNN search algorithm for various trees (R-Trees, quadtrees, kd-trees) was developed by:
G. R. Hjaltason and H. Samet., "Distance browsing in spatial
databases.", ACM TODS 24(2):265--318. 1999
See here. It traverses the tree based on a priority queue of nearest nodes/entries. One key insight is that the algorithm also works for farthest neighbor search.
The basic algorithm uses a priority queue. The queue can contain tree nodes as well as data entries, all sorted by their distance to your search point.
As initial step it adds the root node to the priority queue. Then repeat the following until k entries have been found:
Take the first element from the queue. If it is an entry, return it. If it is a node, add all elements in the node to the priority queue.
Repeat 1.
The paper describes an implementation for R-Trees, but they claim it can be applied to most tree-like structures. I have implemented the nearest neighbor version myself for R-Trees and PH-Trees (a special type of quadtree), both in Java. I think I know how to do it efficiently for KD-Trees but I believe it is somewhat complicated.


LSH implementation in python 3 with Euclidean distance and seeing all neighbors in LSHForest

I am looking for an efficient implementation of LSH in python 3 that uses Euclidean distance.
There is the "in-python" LSHForest implementation, but it uses cosine distances.
Also, even using this implementation, I didn't find a way to see the content of each of the baskets, e.g., if using LSH for clustering - it only returns a certain number of approximate neighbors within a certain radius. But if I want to see all neighbors, I don't see how it can be done (I do not want to use an arbitrary radius of search and I am really not sure what is the meaning of a very large or infinite radius using this implementation).
Will appreciate any insight. Many thanks.
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For how this works, first read my answer and then assume that you ask from the package (I haven't used it) a big k (k should be the number of Neighbors that the software returns), within a big radius r. That should return many neighbors, set k = N, where N is the number of the points in your dataset and you will get all the neighbors.
If you want to see all the neighbors within a certain bucket, then you have to investigate how many points can a bucket contain and set k to that number.

Directed graph linear algorithm

I would like to know the best way to calculate the length of the shortest path between vertex s and every other vertex of the graph in linear time using dynamic programming.
The graph is weighted DAG.
What you can hope for is an algorithm linear in the number of edges and vertices, i.e. O(|E| + |V|), which also works correctly in presence of negative weights.
This is done by first computing a topological order and then 'exploring' the graph in the order given by this topological order.
Some notation: let's call d'(s,v) the shortest distance from s to v and d(u,v) the length/weight of the arc from u to v (if it exists).
Then, for a node v that is currently being visited, the shortest path from s to v is the minimum of d'(s,u)+d(u,v) for each in-neighbour u of v.
In principle, this is very similar to Dijkstra's algorithm except that we already know in which order to traverse the vertices.
The topological sorting ensures that all in-neighbours of v have already been visited and will not be updated again. So, whenever a node has been visited, the distance it is assigned is the correct shortest path from s to v. Therefore, you end up with a shortest s-v-path for each v.
A full description and implementation can be found here, which links to these lecture notes. I'm not sure where the algorithmic idea for this DAG algorithm was originally published in the literature.
This algorithm works for DAGs, even in the presence of negative weights/distances.
While a typical implementation of this algorithm will most likely not be done using dynamic programming explicitly, it can still be interpreted as such since the problem of finding a shortest path to a node v is computed using the shortest paths to the in-neighbours of v.
For further discussion on if/how this type of algorithm counts as dynamic programming, let me refer you to this question.
It's possible what you're looking for is Bellman-Ford algorithm, which is O(|V||E|) in terms of time complexity (not really linear).
Not sure if some witty dynamic-programming approach could improve on that though.
As hauron said, Bellman-Ford will give you what you're looking for in time O(|V||E|). This works even if your graph contains negative weighted edges, and Bellman-Ford uses dynamic programming at its core.
However, I must add that if your weights are non-negative, you can do Dijkstra from your vertex s in time O(|E| log |E|).
Initialize d[s] = 0.
For every vertex, calculate:
d[v] = min {d[u] + w(u,v) | (u,v) is an edge}
d[v] = ∞ if v has no incoming edges.
(The algorithm always halts since the graph is acyclic.)

When depth of a goal node is known, Which graph search algorithm is best to use BFS or DFS?

In a graph, when we know the depth at which goal node is, Which graph search algorithm is fastest to use: BFS or DFS?
And how would you define "best" ?
If you know that the goal node is at depth n from the root node (the node from which you begin the search), BFS - will ensure that the search won't iterate nodes with depth > n.
That said, DFS might still "choose" such a route that will be faster (iterate less nodes) than BFS.
So to sum up, I don't think that you can define "best" in such a scenario.
As I mentioned in the comments, if the solution is at a known depth d, you can use depth-limited search instead of DFS. For all three methods (BFS, DFS and DLS), the algorithmic complexity is linear in the number of nodes and links in your state space graph, in the worst case (i.e. O(|V|+|E|).
In practice, depending on d, DLS can be faster though, because BFS requires developping the search tree until depth d-1, and possibly a part of depth d (so almost the whole tree). With DLS, this happens only in the worst cases.

Dijkstra on 2D grid?

There are N points on a 2D grid (x,y). I need to find the shortest path, from point A to point B, but I can only travel from one point to another and I can't travel between two points if the distance between them is farther than a distance D. I thought it might be solved by using some kind of modified Dijkstra's algorithm, but I'm not sure how, because I've never implemented it before, just studied it on Wiki.
Well, Dijkstra finds shortest paths in graphs. So just consider the grid points to be nodes in a graph with edges between each node S and all other nodes T such that dist(S, T) <= D. You don't have to actually construct the graph because the edges are easily determined as needed by Dijkstra. Just check all nodes in a square around S with radius D. A S-T edge exists iff (Sx - Tx)^2 (Sy - Ty)^2 <= D^2.
Wiki explanation is sufficient for this.
Dijkstra's algorithm takes 3 inputs. The Graph, Starting node and Ending node.
To construct the graph just do this
For i 1..n in points
For j i+1..n in points
add j to childs of i
add i to childs of j
After constructing the graph, perform dijkstra.
The subtlety of a question like this lies in a critical definition - what is the measure of distance in your grid?
The are many different shortest path problems and solutions, and they are studied throughout mathematics. They are each characterised by the 'topology' of the area being searched. Consider a few distinct topologies with their own solutions:
A one sided piece of paper
Suppose your grid represents coordinates on a piece of paper - the shortest path is easy to find, as it is simply a straight line between those points.
The surface of the moon
If your grid represents locations on the moon in terms of latitude and longitude, the shortest path is an arc along the moon's surface - If you drove "in a straight line" between two points on the moon, you would be travelling in an arc, because of the moon's curvature.
Road Intersections
If you want to find the distance between two intersections in a grid of roads, where the traffic on each road has a different speed, and you can only travel along the roads, then you can find the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm.
One way road intersections
A slight variation of the above - we only need to consider roads in one direction. There might not be any paths in this case.
To give a good solution, we need to understand the topology of your grid. If the distance is pythagerous's theorem than that indicates euclidean geometry (like in the piece of paper example), so the solution is a straight line.
Is it possible you mean that you can travel between any two points if the are closer than D - like flying a plane between airports, for example?
EDIT: I didn't see your comment because you didn't use #. In your case your grid is like the airports a plane can fly between. The shortest path is found using Dijkstra's algorithm - the immediate neighbours of a point are all points closer than D. Find them, represent it all as a graph, and use Dijkstra's algorithm.
I would suggest using the formula to find the distance between 2 points i.e sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2). This distance is always the shortest between 2 points.

Calculating the distance between each pair of a set of points

So I'm working on simulating a large number of n-dimensional particles, and I need to know the distance between every pair of points. Allowing for some error, and given the distance isn't relevant at all if exceeds some threshold, are there any good ways to accomplish this? I'm pretty sure if I want dist(A,C) and already know dist(A,B) and dist(B,C) I can bound it by [dist(A,B)-dist(B,C) , dist(A,B)+dist(B,C)], and then store the results in a sorted array, but I'd like to not reinvent the wheel if there's something better.
I don't think the number of dimensions should greatly affect the logic, but maybe for some solutions it will. Thanks in advance.
If the problem was simply about calculating the distances between all pairs, then it would be a O(n^2) problem without any chance for a better solution. However, you are saying that if the distance is greater than some threshold D, then you are not interested in it. This opens the opportunities for a better algorithm.
For example, in 2D case you can use the sweep-line technique. Sort your points lexicographically, first by y then by x. Then sweep the plane with a stripe of width D, bottom to top. As that stripe moves across the plane new points will enter the stripe through its top edge and exit it through its bottom edge. Active points (i.e. points currently inside the stripe) should be kept in some incrementally modifiable linear data structure sorted by their x coordinate.
Now, every time a new point enters the stripe, you have to check the currently active points to the left and to the right no farther than D (measured along the x axis). That's all.
The purpose of this algorithm (as it is typically the case with sweep-line approach) is to push the practical complexity away from O(n^2) and towards O(m), where m is the number of interactions we are actually interested in. Of course, the worst case performance will be O(n^2).
The above applies to 2-dimensional case. For n-dimensional case I'd say you'll be better off with a different technique. Some sort of space partitioning should work well here, i.e. to exploit the fact that if the distance between partitions is known to be greater than D, then there's no reason to consider the specific points in these partitions against each other.
If the distance beyond a certain threshold is not relevant, and this threshold is not too large, there are common techniques to make this more efficient: limit the search for neighbouring points using space-partitioning data structures. Possible options are:
Trees: quadtrees(2d), kd-trees.
Binning with spatial hashing.
Also, since the distance from point A to point B is the same as distance from point B to point A, this distance should only be computed once. Thus, you should use the following loop:
for point i from 0 to n-1:
for point j from i+1 to n:
distance(point i, point j)
Combining these two techniques is very common for n-body simulation for example, where you have particles affect each other if they are close enough. Here are some fun examples of that in 2d:
Here's a explanation of binning (and hashing):
