How often should I get a new service sid of twillio? - node.js

When using twillio, how often should the service sid be created and create a new services? I see 3 options. There might be more options thought.
Get the service sid/create a new service and store it in the db, then never get a new one.
Get the service sid/create a new service every time the backend server starts/runs (I'm using node/express)
Get the service sid/create a new service whenever using the twillio client is used
Here's the code:
let serviceSid = '';
async function init() {
const service = await{
friendlyName: 'someName'
serviceSid = service.sid;
Also, what's the purpose of it, if you already have an account sid?

Your Twilio ACCOUNT SID together width AUTH TOKEN has to do with your overall Twilio account. It gives you access to the entire Twilio API (Verify is just a part of it).
const authToken = 'your_auth_token';
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
To use the Twilio Verify product (or service if you wish) you will need to create at least one "verification service". You can do it in the Twilio console or by making API requests.
When you create a verification service you get that SID which starts with "VA" and it will be used in a verification code for example.'VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
.create({to: '+15017122661', channel: 'sms'})
.then(verification => console.log(verification.sid));
If let's say you have more than one application using Verify you'll want to create a verification service for each application.
Also, maybe the verification message template is different or maybe you expect different lengths for the verification code, etc. then you need separate verification services hence different VA SIDs.
So from your options in your question I would go with number 1 per distinct application. If you only have one app then I would get one verification service per environment (one for dev, one for QA, one for production, etc.).
Also, I would create Twilio sub-accounts for each app + environment and use them instead of the Twilio master account.


Get Google business reviews server side

I'm trying to get a list of reviews of my Google business through the API to display them on my website. But I can't figure out how to authenticate the API server side. The documentation only mentions OAuth2.0 authentication from the client side with redirect URLs, but there won't be a client going to a confirmation page in this case.
I just want to be able to perform this request in Node.js:
I've already submitted the application and been approved for a Business API and enabled the various APIs in my account. I have created OAuth2.0 credentials. I'm just not sure how to move forward from here.
How can I authenticate Google Business API requests on the server?
I ended up putting together an answer through lots of searching. Google documentation is all over the place.
A basic example of getting reviews is below. But to get it to work there are a few steps first.
You'll need to add a Service Account in your API credentials page
The name, ID, and description aren't particularly important. Just something that makes sense to you
Go to the service account details -> keys -> add key -> create new key -> JSON
This will download a key file to your computer. Keep it private.
Grant domain wide delegation for your service account
To do this, you'll need to be an admin of the account if you're part of an organisation
It will ask for a Client ID, but it is called Unique ID in the service account details. They're the same thing.
Add whatever scopes you need for the services you want to access. For reviews, the scope listed in the example below is enough.
The subject field in google.auth.JWT needs to be an admin of the account. I used my own email.
That should be it! You should now be able to fill out the values in the example below and access the API from a server. Other services may require different scopes.
You can get account and location info from the API docs. The endpoints and data formats are fairly well documented. Just authentication isn't very well explained it seems.
import axios from 'axios';
import {google} from 'googleapis';
import key from './key.json' assert {type: 'json'};
async function main(){
const reviews=await getReviews();
async function getReviews(){
const token=await authenticate();
const accountId='YOUR ACCOUNT ID';
const locationId='YOUR LOCATION ID';
const url=``+
const resp=await axios.get(url, {
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
async function authenticate(){
const scopes=[
const jwt=new google.auth.JWT({
email: key.client_email,
key: key.private_key,
subject: 'ADMIN EMAIL',
const resp=await jwt.authorize();
return resp.access_token.replace(/\.{2,}/g, '');

how to store sub account auth tokens twilio

I am using the MERN stack for an app im building. In this app im using twilio. I have decided to use twilio sub-accounts. The way this works is I create a MASTER twilio account that give me an accountSid and authToken.
I can store these as ENV variables in Heroku when I want to deploy, and anytime I need to access these ENV vars I can just use the process.env.AUTH_TOKEN in my Node.js server.
Every customer that signs up for my app is going have their own subaccount that is a child of my MASTER account. When this sub account is created, It will give that user their own accountSid and authToken.
This is where my issue stands, Do I need to store each users authToken on Heroku as an ENV variable?
I dont think this will work because how will I know which users auth token belongs to them?
Currently in Development I am storing the sub-account authToken directly on the user object, this user object is visible to the client side of the app and im worried that exposing the auth token directly to the client could result in some sort of hack?
Is it safe to store the auth token on the user object directly in mongodb and whenever my react app needs the user, just send the user object without the auth token?
Should I create a auth-token Model, and store a document in the auth-token model containing the auth-token and user_id and everytime I need the auth token just query mongodb for the auth-token with user_id as a parameter?
How does one go about storing say 100,000 of these auth-tokens?
I'm worried about security and twilio docs dont say much about this...
According to the Subaccounts API documentation you can use the Twilio rest API to instantiate a subaccount and assign that subaccount a friendly name that is easy to retrieve.
.create({friendlyName: 'Submarine'})
.then(account => console.log(account.sid));
This returns an object that contains a lot of information but it has a unique SID for that is associated to that new number/subaccount. That object is then also linked back to your main account via the owner_account_sid which is attached to that object.
Twilio provides functionality in the subaccount API to allow you to retrieve a subaccounts data based on the friendly name like so...
.list({friendlyName: 'MySubaccount', limit: 20})
.then(accounts => accounts.forEach(a => console.log(a.sid)));
So what you should be doing is as follows...
Create a naming convention within your system that can be used to form friendly names to assign to subaccounts.
Use the API to create a new subaccount with the Twilio API under the friendly naming convention you've developed.
Anytime you want to make a call, text, or other supported action from the Twilio API first perform an API action to look up the SID of that account by the friendly name.
Grab the sid the friendly name returns and attach it to your client object like so require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken, { accountSid: subaccountSid });
Perform your action through that client using the subaccount Sid that is now attached.
I would like to add some additional info for anyone using twilio subaccounts.
So what I did was create a master account with twilio. This gives you an accountSid and authToken.
These you can store in Heroku under config vars.
When you create your login function for a user via passport login, google-passport or some custom login you create, make your api call to create a subaccount. ( Like when you buy numbers, you buy them under your main account and drill them to your sub accounts) When this is created ONLY add the sub account accountSid to your user object. the sub accountSid is worthless without the auth-token and since you need to make an api call with your env vars your sub account auth tokens are safely stored in twilio.
Now whenever you need to make twilio api calls, say for sending a message or making a phone call etc... first make a call to this endpoint
.then(account => account.authToken);
const accountSid = keys.accountSid // master accountSid
const authToken = keys.authToken // master authToken
// these will be stored in heroku
const listChatMessages = async (req, res) => {
const { subActServiceSid } = req.user // getting sub accountSid from user object
const subActAuthToken = client.api.v2010.accounts(subActServiceSid)
.then(account => account.authToken);
const subClient = require('twilio')(subActServiceSid, subActAuthToken)
await subClient.messages.list({ // make all the api calls your heart desires
.then( messages => messages.forEach((m) => { console.log("message", m})
this will contain a JSON object with the sub accounts authToken. You can then use this authToken for the API call. No need to worry about storing 100,000 users authTokens somewhere.... If this is still confusing message me.

BotBuilder Authentication Multitenant

I want to create Microsoft BotBuilder following this tutorial. But it seems SO complicated compared to v3.(BTW: starting a tutorial with 3 authentications that cover 75% of the article is not a good sign)
So I follow the EchoBot sample (I chose MultiTenant because my server is outside AND it seems the most covered):
const credentialsFactory = new BotBuilder.ConfigurationServiceClientCredentialFactory({
MicrosoftAppId: '***',
MicrosoftAppPassword: '***',
MicrosoftAppType: 'MultiTenant',
const botFrameworkAuthentication = BotBuilder.createBotFrameworkAuthenticationFromConfiguration(null, credentialsFactory);
const onTurnErrorHandler = async (context, error) => { /* for errors */ }
const adapter = new BotBuilder.CloudAdapter(botFrameworkAuthentication);
adapter.onTurnError = onTurnErrorHandler;
How do I test everything is working ? isValidAppId() and isAuthenticationDisabled() are the only available method and seems OK.
How do I get MicrosoftAppPassword ? According to the documentation I have to click manage, then create a value/secret pair. Should I use value ? or secret ? Why none is named password ? Anyway none works ...
To test if it works, I follow the sample:
setup an HTTP POST Endpoint (with Node-RED)
declare the endpoint in Azure Portal Bot Configuration
go to webchat to test
I correctly receive the Messages then try to do some authentication/parisng (I assume) :
await adapter.process(msg.req, msg.res, (context) => {
/* do some stuff */
But it fails with a very explicit error :
Error: 1 validation issue(s)
Issue #0: custom_error at [[root]]
I think, the errors is related to an authentication issue, since I don't understand what/how to set the password. I guess I have to go through this CloudAdapter in order to get a parsed context and be able to send messages.
EDIT 07/05/2022:
I use the AppId from here :
I click "Manage" but where is the AppPassword ?
EDIT 12/05/2022:
Using cURL I manage to validate the appID and appPassword (the value (hidden by stars) of the secret).
BotBuilder is mixing the Communication Stack (HTTP / WebSocket) and the Logic stack (Turn Conversation). I think it's a bad habbit but I manage a workaround:
I use a BotFrameworkAdapter instead of CloudAdpater
I call adapter.processActivity() instead of adapter.process()
The adapter still want to end() the request and set deprecated values but it works in Node-RED. The context handle all the requirement to call sendActivity() anywhere multiple times.
To answer second question in your case, kindly go through the link :
To answer the first question in your case, kindly check disabling and enabling the authentication to test the app:
As far as getting the password goes, when you create a new Multi Tenant Azure Bot resource, the app password goes into the Azure Key Vault created alongside it. The AppId and AppPassword are randomly generated by Azure. You can get them from the key vault in the Azure portal in the correct resource group.
If you want to create a resource manually using the CLI and define your own password, you can use this docs page for deploying a bot. Make sure you select the correct tabs. I have pre-selected C# and Multi Tenant in a new resource group for the above link.
Single Tenant is for limiting your bot's connections to Azure resources within the same tenant, and a User Assigned Managed Identity is if you want to make use of an Azure Managed Identity across the bot's resources instead of having a password for each resource.
You should be able to simply add the AppId and AppPassword to the echo bot sample and deploy it.

Is it possible to programmatically retrieve from serviceaccount credentials which api's are enabled? (in nodejs, not the cloud environment)

I have a service account credentials json file with client_email and private_key.
Is it then possible to programmatically retrieve from serviceaccount credentials which api's are enabled? I don't mean a solution like go to but from within nodejs. Thanks!
You will need to know the Project ID as well. The answer from #wardenunleashed is for API Gateway. That does not cover which Google APIs are enabled.
APIs are enabled per project, so you must specify the project to query.
A service account JSON key file contains the Project ID for the project that owns the service account.
The private_key_id is also important. That ID is used to lookup the public key for validating private key signatures.
Google has an API Gateway Client Library for NodeJS with the desired capability
const projectId = 'my-project';
const {ApiGatewayServiceClient} = require('#google-cloud/api-gateway');
const client = new ApiGatewayServiceClient();
async function listApis() {
const [apis] = await client.listApis({
parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
for (const api of apis) {`name: ${}`);

Authenticating a Google Cloud Function as a service account on other Google APIs

I have an HTTP-triggered function running on Google Cloud Functions, which uses require('googleapis').sheets('v4') to write data into a docs spreadsheet.
For local development I added an account via the Service Accounts section of their developer console. I downloaded the token file (dev-key.json below) and used it to authenticate my requests to the Sheets API as follows:
var API_ACCT = require("./dev-key.json");
let apiClient = new google.auth.JWT(
API_ACCT.client_email, null, API_ACCT.private_key,
exports.myFunc = function (req, res) {
var newRows = extract_rows_from_my_client_app_request(req);
auth: apiClient,
// ...
resource: { values:newRows }
}, function (e) {
if (e) res.status(500).json({err:"Sheets API is unhappy"});
else res.status(201).json({ok:true})
After I shared my spreadsheet with my service account's "email address" e.g. — it worked!
However, as I go to deploy this to the Google Cloud Functions service, I'm wondering if there's a better way to handle credentials? Can my code authenticate itself automatically without needing to bundle a JWT key file with the deployment?
I noticed that there is a environment variable set when my function runs, but I do not know how to use this in the auth value to my googleapis call. The code for google.auth.getApplicationDefault does not use that.
Is it considered okay practice to upload a private JWT token along with my GCF code? Or should I somehow be using the metadata server for that? Or is there a built-in way that Cloud Functions already can authenticate themselves to other Google APIs?
It's common to bundle credentials with a function deployment. Just don't check them into your source control. Cloud Functions for Firebase samples do this where needed. For example, creating a signed URL from Cloud Storage requires admin credentials, and this sample illustrates saving that credential to a file to be deployed with the functions.
I'm wondering if there's a better way to handle credentials? Can my
code authenticate itself automatically without needing to bundle a JWT
key file with the deployment?
Yes. You can use 'Application Default Credentials', instead of how you've done it, but you don't use the function getApplicationDefault() as it has been deprecated since this Q was posted.
The link above shows how to make a simple call using the google.auth.getClient API, providing the desired scope, and have it decide the credential type needed automatically. On cloud functions this will be a 'Compute' object, as defined in the google-auth-library.
These docs say it well here...
After you set up a service account, ADC can implicitly find your
credentials without any need to change your code, as described in the
section above.
Where ADC is Application Default Credentials.
Note that, for Cloud Functions, you use the App Engine service account:, as documented here. That is the one you found via the FUNCTION_IDENTITY env var - this rather tripped me up.
The final step is to make sure that the service account has the required access as you did with your spreadsheet.
