sed how to replace the regex string - linux

I have a string like
"solrHost" : "http://localhost:8983,http://localhost:8764", in a file called sampple.json.
There could be space between "solrHost" and : or maybe not, and there could be space between : and "http://localhost:8983,http://localhost:8764"
I have a another variable
The value of solrHost could be anything between double quotes,
I want to replace the value of solrHost from old to newServerName using sed can anyone help me here ?

You're much, much better off using a tool that understands JSON instead of trying to kludge together something with sed and regular expressions. jq is the go-to for command line manipulation of JSON:
$ cat foo.json
"solrHost" : "http://localhost:8983,http://localhost:8764",
"foo": 12
$ jq --arg url "http://newserver,http://newserver2" '.solrHost = $url' foo.json
"solrHost": "http://newserver,http://newserver2",
"foo": 12

sed 's%\("solrHost"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*\)"[^"]*"%\1"'"$newServerName"'"%'
Use single quotes around most of the script.
Use % instead of / to mark the sections of the s/// (or s%%%) command.
Use [[:space:]]* to cover zero or more characters in the space class. Replace with just a blank-star if you don't care about the alternatives (tabs, etc), which is probably justifiable with well-formed JSON.
Capture the original "solrHost" part.
Be very careful with the quotes in the replacement.
The first double quote will appear in the replacement text.
The first single quote terminates the current single-quoted string.
The second double quote starts a new double-quoted string.
The replacement variable is next.
The third double quote ends the double-quoted string.
The second single quote starts a new (and rather short) single-quoted string.
The fourth double quote will appear in the replacement text.

Use below sed command to replace the text .
%s/solrHost(old name)/newServerName/g


Split a text file based on a specific word [duplicate]

In Bash, what are the differences between single quotes ('') and double quotes ("")?
Single quotes won't interpolate anything, but double quotes will. For example: variables, backticks, certain \ escapes, etc.
$ echo "$(echo "upg")"
$ echo '$(echo "upg")'
$(echo "upg")
The Bash manual has this to say: Single Quotes
Enclosing characters in single quotes (') preserves the literal value of each character within the quotes. A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash. Double Quotes
Enclosing characters in double quotes (") preserves the literal value of all characters within the quotes, with the exception of $, `, \, and, when history expansion is enabled, !. The characters $ and ` retain their special meaning within double quotes (see Shell Expansions). The backslash retains its special meaning only when followed by one of the following characters: $, `, ", \, or newline. Within double quotes, backslashes that are followed by one of these characters are removed. Backslashes preceding characters without a special meaning are left unmodified. A double quote may be quoted within double quotes by preceding it with a backslash. If enabled, history expansion will be performed unless an ! appearing in double quotes is escaped using a backslash. The backslash preceding the ! is not removed.
The special parameters * and # have special meaning when in double quotes (see Shell Parameter Expansion).
The accepted answer is great. I am making a table that helps in quick comprehension of the topic. The explanation involves a simple variable a as well as an indexed array arr.
If we set
a=apple # a simple variable
arr=(apple) # an indexed array with a single element
and then echo the expression in the second column, we would get the result / behavior shown in the third column. The fourth column explains the behavior.
variables are expanded inside ""
variables are not expanded inside ''
'' has no special meaning inside ""
"" is treated literally inside ''
can not escape a ' within ''; use "'" or $'\'' (ANSI-C quoting)
$arocks does not expand $a; use ${a}rocks to preserve $a
$ followed by no variable name evaluates to $
\ has no special meaning inside ''
\' is interpreted inside "" but has no significance for '
\" is interpreted inside ""
glob does not work inside "" or ''
\t and \n have no special meaning inside "" or ''; use ANSI-C quoting
"`echo hi`"
`` and $() are evaluated inside "" (backquotes are retained in actual output)
'`echo hi`'
`echo hi`
`` and $() are not evaluated inside '' (backquotes are retained in actual output)
array access not possible inside ''
array access works inside ""
single quotes can be escaped inside ANSI-C quoting
ANSI-C quoting is not interpreted inside ""
history expansion character '!' is ignored inside ''
cmd args
expands to the most recent command matching "cmd"
history expansion character '!' is ignored inside ANSI-C quotes
See also:
ANSI-C quoting with $'' - GNU Bash Manual
Locale translation with $"" - GNU Bash Manual
A three-point formula for quotes
If you're referring to what happens when you echo something, the single quotes will literally echo what you have between them, while the double quotes will evaluate variables between them and output the value of the variable.
For example, this
echo "double quotes gives you $MYVAR"
echo 'single quotes gives you $MYVAR'
will give this:
double quotes gives you sometext
single quotes gives you $MYVAR
Others explained it very well, and I just want to give something with simple examples.
Single quotes can be used around text to prevent the shell from interpreting any special characters. Dollar signs, spaces, ampersands, asterisks and other special characters are all ignored when enclosed within single quotes.
echo 'All sorts of things are ignored in single quotes, like $ & * ; |.'
It will give this:
All sorts of things are ignored in single quotes, like $ & * ; |.
The only thing that cannot be put within single quotes is a single quote.
Double quotes act similarly to single quotes, except double quotes still allow the shell to interpret dollar signs, back quotes and backslashes. It is already known that backslashes prevent a single special character from being interpreted. This can be useful within double quotes if a dollar sign needs to be used as text instead of for a variable. It also allows double quotes to be escaped so they are not interpreted as the end of a quoted string.
echo "Here's how we can use single ' and double \" quotes within double quotes"
It will give this:
Here's how we can use single ' and double " quotes within double quotes
It may also be noticed that the apostrophe, which would otherwise be interpreted as the beginning of a quoted string, is ignored within double quotes. Variables, however, are interpreted and substituted with their values within double quotes.
echo "The current Oracle SID is $ORACLE_SID"
It will give this:
The current Oracle SID is test
Back quotes are wholly unlike single or double quotes. Instead of being used to prevent the interpretation of special characters, back quotes actually force the execution of the commands they enclose. After the enclosed commands are executed, their output is substituted in place of the back quotes in the original line. This will be clearer with an example.
today=`date '+%A, %B %d, %Y'`
echo $today
It will give this:
Monday, September 28, 2015
Since this is the de facto answer when dealing with quotes in Bash, I'll add upon one more point missed in the answers above, when dealing with the arithmetic operators in the shell.
The Bash shell supports two ways to do arithmetic operation, one defined by the built-in let command and the other the $((..)) operator. The former evaluates an arithmetic expression while the latter is more of a compound statement.
It is important to understand that the arithmetic expression used with let undergoes word-splitting, pathname expansion just like any other shell commands. So proper quoting and escaping need to be done.
See this example when using let:
let 'foo = 2 + 1'
echo $foo
Using single quotes here is absolutely fine here, as there isn't any need for variable expansions here. Consider a case of
let 'foo = $bar + 1'
It would fail miserably, as the $bar under single quotes would not expand and needs to be double-quoted as
let 'foo = '"$bar"' + 1'
This should be one of the reasons, the $((..)) should always be considered over using let. Because inside it, the contents aren't subject to word-splitting. The previous example using let can be simply written as
(( bar=1, foo = bar + 1 ))
Always remember to use $((..)) without single quotes
Though the $((..)) can be used with double quotes, there isn't any purpose to it as the result of it cannot contain content that would need the double quote. Just ensure it is not single quoted.
printf '%d\n' '$((1+1))'
-bash: printf: $((1+1)): invalid number
printf '%d\n' $((1+1))
printf '%d\n' "$((1+1))"
Maybe in some special cases of using the $((..)) operator inside a single quoted string, you need to interpolate quotes in a way that the operator either is left unquoted or under double quotes. E.g., consider a case, when you are tying to use the operator inside a curl statement to pass a counter every time a request is made, do
curl --data-binary '{"requestCounter":'"$((reqcnt++))"'}'
Notice the use of nested double quotes inside, without which the literal string $((reqcnt++)) is passed to the requestCounter field.
There is a clear distinction between the usage of ' ' and " ".
When ' ' is used around anything, there is no "transformation or translation" done. It is printed as it is.
With " ", whatever it surrounds, is "translated or transformed" into its value.
By translation/ transformation I mean the following:
Anything within the single quotes will not be "translated" to their values. They will be taken as they are inside quotes. Example: a=23, then echo '$a' will produce $a on standard output. Whereas echo "$a" will produce 23 on standard output.
A minimal answer is needed for people to get going without spending a lot of time as I had to.
The following is, surprisingly (to those looking for an answer), a complete command:
$ echo '\'
whose output is:
Backslashes, surprisingly to even long-time users of bash, do not have any meaning inside single quotes. Nor does anything else.

Replace line in text containing special characters (mathematical equation) linux text

I want to replace a line, that represents a part of mathematical equation:
with a new one similar to the above. Both new and old lines are saved in bash variables.
Main problem is that mathematical equation is full with special characters that do not allow proper search and replace in bash mode, even when I used as delimiter special character that is not used in equation.
I used
sed -n "s|$OLD|$NEW|g" restart.k
sed -i "s|$OLD|$NEW|g" restart.k
but all times I get wrong results.
Any idea to solve this?
There is only * in your pattern here that is special for sed, so escape it and do replacement as usual:
sed "s:$(sed 's:[*]:\\&:g' <<<"$old"):$new:" infile
if there are more special characters in your real sample, then you will need to add them inside bracket []; there are some exceptions like:
if ^ character: it can be place anywhere in [] but not first character, because ^ character at first negates the characters within its bracket expression.
if ] character: it should be the first character, because this character is also used to end the bracket expression.
if - character: it should be the first or last character, because this character is also can be used for defining the range of characters too.

How can I remove a newline (\n) at the end of a string?

The problem
I have multiple property lines in a single string separated by \n like this:
The LINES variable
might contain an undefined set of characters
may be empty. If it is empty, I want to avoid the trailing \n.
I am open for any command line utility (sed, tr, awk, ... you name it).
I tried this to no avail
sed -z 's/\\n$//g' <<< $LINES2
I also had no luck with tr, since it does not accept regex.
There might be an approach to convert the \n to something else. But since $LINES can contain arbitrary characters, this might be dangerous.
I skim read through the following questions
How can I replace a newline (\n) using sed?
sed with literal string--not input file
Here's one solution:
The syntax ${name:+value} means "insert value if the variable name exists and is not empty." So in this case, it inserts a newline followed by $LINES if $LINES is not empty, which seems to be precisely what you want.
I use $'\n' because "\n" is not a newline character. A more readable solution would be to define a shell variable whose value is a single newline.
It is not necessary to quote strings in shell assignment statements, since the right-hand side of an assignment does not undergo word-splitting nor glob expansion. Not quoting would make it easier to interpolate a $'\n'.
It is not usually advisable to use UPPER-CASE for shell variables because the shell and the OS use upper-case names for their own purposes. Your local variables should normally be lower case names.
So if I were not basing the answer on the command in the question, I would have written:

Extra backslash when storing grep in a value

In a bash script I have:
Check="grep -e '"'\(-S mount\)'"' /etc/audit/audit.rules"
set -x
When you run it it shows it as:
CHECK='grep -e '\''\(-S mount\)'\'' /etc/audit/audit.rules'
Now it works exactly what I want but I want to understand it. Why is there 2 extra \'s?
The output from set -x uses single quotes. So the outer double quotes were replaced with single quotes but you can't escape single quotes inside a single quoted string so when it then replaced the inner double quotes it needed, instead, to replace them with '\'' which ends the single quoted string, then has an escaped single quote, and then starts the next single quoted string.
Also, as an aside, don't store commands in strings. It will only cause you pain later. See Bash FAQ 050 for more about this.

linux bash replace placeholder with unknown text which can contain any characters

If I want to replace for example the placeholder {{VALUE}} with another string which can contain any characters, what's the best way to do it?
Using sed s/{{VALUE}}/$(value)/g might fail if $(value) contains a slash...
echo "${var//$oldValue/$newValue}"
but oldValue is not a regexp but works like a glob pattern, otherwise :
echo "$var" | sed 's/{{VALUE}}/'"${newValue//\//\/}"'/g'
Sed also works like 's|something|someotherthing|g' (or with other delimiters for that matter), but if you can't control the input string, you'll have to use some function to escape it before passing it to sed..
The question asked basically duplicates How can I escape forward slashes in a user input variable in bash?, Escape a string for sed search pattern, Using sed in a makefile; how to escape variables?, Use slashes in sed replace, and many other questions. “Use a different delimiter” is the usual answer. Pianosaurus's answer and Ben Blank's answer list characters (backslash and ampersand) that need to be escaped in the shell, besides whatever character is used as an alternate delimiter. However, they don't address the quoting-a-quote problem that will occur if your “string which can contain any characters” contains a double quote. The same kind of problem can affect the ${parameter/pattern/string} shell variable expansion mentioned in a previous answer.
Some other questions besides the few mentioned above suggest using awk, and that is usually a good approach to changes that are more complicated than are easy to do with sed. Also consider perl and python. Besides single- and double-quoted strings, python has u'...' unicode quoting, r'...' raw quoting,ur'...' quoting, and triple quoting with ''' or """ delimiters. The question as stated doesn't provide enough context for specific awk/perl/python solutions.
