remove character on the last line that specific word appears - linux

we have the following file example
we want to remove the , character on the last line that topic word exists
more file
expected output
we try to removed the character , from the the last line that contain topic word as the following sed cli but this syntax not renewed the ,
sed -i '${s/,[[:blank:]]*$//}' file
sed (GNU sed) 4.2.2

In case you have control M characters in your Input_file then remove them by doing:
tr -d '\r' < Input_file > temp && mv temp Input_file
Could you please try following once. From your question what I understood is you want to remove comma from very last line which has string topic in it, if this is the case then I am coming up with tac + awk solution here.
tac Input_file |
awk '/topic/ && ++count==1{sub(/,$/,"")} 1' |
Once you are happy with above results then append > temp && mv temp Input_file to above command too, to save output into Input_file itself.
Atac will read Input_file from bottom line to first line then passing it's output to awk where I am checking if first occurrence of topic is coming remove comma from last and rest of lines simply print then passing this output to tac again to make Input_file in original form again.

You should use the address $ (last line):
sed '$s/,$//' file

Using awk:
$ awk '{if(NR>1)print p;p=$0}END{sub(/,$/,"",p);print p}' file


Convert a combination of string and list to a csv file

I have a comma separated file which has a combination of strings and list and It looks like this
24.33,-30.59,42542,['2.4', '3.6', '4.4', '5.8', '6.6', '7.2','9.4', '9.4', '9.8']
24.33,-30.60,25512,['1.4', '2.6', '2.8', '3.8', '4.6', '5.2','7.4', '8', '9']
I want something like this
What can be the best and easiest way to do this
Simple substitutions on individual lines is the job sed exists to do:
$ sed 's/[^0-9,.-]//g' file
but you could use tr for this too:
$ tr -cd '0-9,.\n-' < file
and if you insist on awk it'd be:
$ awk '{gsub(/[^0-9,.-]/,"")}1' file
Could you please try following.
awk '{gsub(/\[|\]/,"");gsub(/\047/,"");gsub(/, /,",")} 1' Input_file
OR more precisely(reducing one more gsub from above code):
awk '{gsub(/\[|\]|\047/,"");gsub(/, /,",")} 1' Input_file
Explanation: Adding explanation too here.
awk '
gsub(/\[|\]|\047/,"") ##globally substituting [, ] and single dash with NULL in current line.
gsub(/, /,",") ##globally substituting comma with space with only comma in current line.
1 ##Mentioning 1 here to print the current line
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.

replace string in a file with a string from within the same file

I have a file like this (tens of variables) :
I need a script that will output the variables into another file like this (with space between them):
Is it possible ?
I would say:
$ awk -F= '{printf "%s=${%s} ", $1,$1} END {print ""}' file
This loops through the file and prints the content before = in a format var=${var} together with a space. At the end, it prints a new line.
Note this leaves a trailing space at the end of the line. If this matters, we can check how to improve it.
< input sed -e 's/\(.*\)=.*/\1=${\1}/' | tr \\n \ ; echo
sed 's/"\([^"]*"\)"/={\1}/;H;$!d
x;y/\n/ /;s/.//' YourFile
your sample exclude last line so if this is important
sed '/DATA_LOG=/ d
x;y/\n/ /;s/.//' YourFile

print specific line if it is matches with the line after it

I have a log file containing the following info:
There are some lines where the 'msisdn' line is not followed by an 'address' line, like this:
I would like to write a script which will output only the lines ('msisdn' lines), that aren't followed by 'address'. Expected output:
If it will be smth with awk/sed, it will be perfect.
One way with awk:
awk '/address/{p=0}p{print a;p=0}/msisdn/{a=$0;p=1}' log
you can use pcregrep to match next line is not adddress and use awk show it
pcregrep -M '(.*</msisdn>)\n.*<msi' | awk 'NR % 2 == 1'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r '$!N;/(<msisdn>).*\n.*\1/P;D' file
This reads 2 lines into the pattern space and trys to match the pattern <msisdn> in both the 2 lines. If the pattern matchs it prints out the first line. The first line is then deleted and the process begins again, however since the pattern space contains the second line (now the first), the automatic reading of a line is forgone and process begins as of $!N.
Perl has its own way to do this:
perl -lne 'if($prev && $_!~/\./){print $prev}unless(/\./){$prev=$_}else{undef $prev}' your_file
Tested Below:
> perl -lne 'if($prev && $_!~/\./){print $prev}unless(/\./){$prev=$_}else{undef $prev}' temp

how to replace specific record on a line containg a string with a number from another file using inplace editing sed in linux

I have an input file like following.
R sfst 1000.0000
$ new time step for mass scaled calculation
R dt2ms -4.000E-7
$ friction value for blank
R mue 0.120000
$ blankholder force
R bhf 2.0000E+5
$ simulation time
R endtime 0.150000
i want to change the value on the line containing 'mue'
with following I can read it but cant change it.
awk ' /mue/ { print $3 } ' input.txt
The value is to be taken from another file fric.txt.
fric.txt contains only numbers, one on each line .
fric.txt has data like
It should be noted that ONLY the FIRST instance need to be replaced and the format i.e. white spacing be kept cosntant.
Can anybody guide me doing this using sed or awk?
Try this command:
$ awk '/mue/ && !seen {getline $3 <"fric.txt"; seen=1} 1' input.txt
This might work for you:
sed '/\<mue\>/!d;=;s/.* \([^ ]\+\).*/\1/;R fric.txt' input.txt |
sed 'N;N;s|\n|s/|;s|\n|/|;s|$|/|;q' >temp.sed
sed -i -f temp.sed input.txt
You can do it with a sed in the sed (assuming you like to take line 1 from fric.txt):
sed -ir 's/(.*mue[ \t]+)[0-9.]+(.*)/\1'$(sed -n '1{p;q}' fric.txt)'\2/' input.txt

Extract K-th Line from Chunks Using Sed/AWK/Perl

I have some data that looks like this. It comes in chunk of four lines. Each chunk starts with a # character.
#SRR037212.1 FC30L5TAA_102708:7:1:741:1355 length=27
+SRR037212.1 FC30L5TAA_102708:7:1:741:1355 length=27
#SRR037212.2 FC30L5TAA_102708:7:1:1045:1765 length=27
+SRR037212.2 FC30L5TAA_102708:7:1:1045:1765 length=27
What I want to do is to extract last line of each chunk. Yielding:
Note that the last line of the chunk may contain any standard ASCII character
including #.
Is there an effective one-liner to do it?
The following sed command will print the 3rd line after the pattern:
sed -n '/^#/{n;n;n;p}' file.txt
If there are no blank lines:
perl -ne 'print if $. % 4 == 0' file
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS="#";FS="\n"}{print $4 } ' file
If you always have those 4 lines in a chunk, some other ways
$ ruby -ne 'print if $.%4==0' file
$ awk 'NR%4==0' file
It also seems like your line is always after the line that start with "+", so
$ awk '/^\+/{getline;print}' file
$ ruby -ne 'gets && print if /^\+/' file
This prints the lines before lines that starts with #, and also the last line. It can work with non uniform sized chunks, but assumes that only a chunk leading line starts with #.
sed -ne '1d;$p;/^#/!{x;d};/^#/{x;p}' file
Some explanation is in order:
First you don't need the first line so delete it 1d
Next you always need the last line, so print it $p
If you don't have a match swap it into the hold buffer and delete it x;d
If you do have match swap it out of the hold buffer, and print it x;p
This works similarly to dogbane's answer
awk '/^#/ {mark = NR} NR == mark + 3 {print}' inputfile
And, like that answer, will work regardless of the number of lines in each chunk (as long as there are at least 4).
The direct analog to that answer, however, would be:
awk '/^#/ {next; next; next; print}' inputfile
this can be done using grep easily
grep -A 1 '^#' ./infile
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/^#/,+2d' file
