I am working with a legacy Spark SQL code like this:
I am rewriting it in PySpark as below
df.groupBy(column1).agg(max(column2), first(column3), last(column4)).orderBy(columnN)
When I'm comparing the two outcomes I can see differences in the fields generated by the first_value/first and last_value/last functions.
Are they behaving in a non-deterministic way when used outside of Window functions?
Can groupBy aggregates be combined with Window functions?
This behaviour is possible when you have a wide table and you don't specify ordering for the remaining columns. What happens under the hood is that spark takes first() or last() row, whichever is available to it as the first condition-matching row on the heap. Spark SQL and pyspark might access different elements because the ordering is not specified for the remaining columns.
In terms of Window function, you can use a partitionBy(f.col('column_name')) in your Window, which kind of works like a groupBy - it groups the data according to a partitioning column. However, without specifying the ordering for all columns, you might arrive at the same problem of non-determinicity. Hope this helps!
For completeness sake, I recommend you have a look at the pyspark doc for the first() and last() functions here: https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.4.3/api/python/pyspark.sql.html#pyspark.sql.functions.first
In particular, the following note brings light to why you behaviour was non-deterministic:
Note The function is non-deterministic because its results depends on order of rows which may be non-deterministic after a shuffle.
Definitely !
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
partition = Window.partitionBy("column1").orderBy("columnN")
data = data.withColumn("max_col2", F.max(F.col("column2")).over(partition))\
.withColumn("first_col3", F.first(F.col("column3")).over(partition))\
.withColumn("last_col4", F.last(F.col("column4")).over(partition))
data.show(10, False)
val df1 = Seq(("Brian", 29, "0-A-1234")).toDF("name", "age", "client-ID")
val df2 = Seq(("1234", 555-5555, "1234 anystreet")).toDF("office-ID", "BusinessNumber", "Address")
I'm trying to run a function on each row of a dataframe (in streaming). This function will contain a combination of scala code, and Spark dataframe api code. for example, I want to take the 3 features from df, and use them to filter a second dataframe called df2. My understanding is that a UDF can't accomplish this. Now I have all the filtering code working just fine, without the ability to apply it to each row of df.
My goal is to be able to do something like
df.select("ID","preferences").map(row => ( //filter df2 using row(0), row(1) and row(3) ))
The dataframes can't be joined, there is not a joinable relationship between them.
Although I'm using Scala, an answer in Java or Python would probably be fine.
I'm also fine with alternative ways of accomplishing this. If I could extract the data from the rows into separate variables (keep in mind this is streaming), that's also fine.
My understanding is that a UDF can't accomplish this.
It is correct, but neither can map (local Datasets seem to be an exception Why does this Spark code make NullPointerException?). A nested logic like this one can be expressed only using joins:
If both Datasets are streaming it has to be equijoin. It means that even though:
The dataframes can't be joined, there is not a joinable relationship between them.
You have to derive one in some way which approximates well filter condition.
If one Dataset is not streaming, you can brute force things with crossJoin followed by filter, but it is of course hardly recommended.
I have an example of event source data in a dataframe input as shown below.
where eventOccurredTime is a String type. This is from the source and I want to retain this in its original string form (with nano sec)
And I want to use the string to enrich some extra date/time typed data for downstream usage. below is an example
Now as a one off I can execute some spark sql on the dataframe as shown below to get the result I want:
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
def transformDF(): DataFrame = {
struct (
CAST(date_format(event.eventOccurredTime,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") AS TIMESTAMP) AS eventOccurredTimestampUTC,
CAST(date_format(event.eventOccurredTime,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") AS DATE) AS eventOccurredDateUTC,
unix_timestamp(substring(event.eventOccurredTime,1,23),"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") * 1000 AS eventOccurredTimestampMillis,
datesDim.dateSeq AS eventOccurredDateDimSeq
) AS eventOccurredTimeDim,
NOTE: This is a snippet, for the full event, I have to do this explicitly in this long SQL 20 times for the 20 string dates
Some things to point out:
Above I found I had to substring a date that had nano precision or would return null, hence the substring
above is the pattern / naming convention for the 4 nested xDim struct fields to derive and they are present in the predefined spark schema the json is read using to create the source dataframe.
datesDim.dateSeq AS eventOccurredDateDimSeq
To get the above 'eventOccurredDateDimSeq' field, I need to join to a dates dimensions table 'datesDim' (static with an hourly grain), where dateSeq is the 'key' where this date falls into an hourly bucket where datesDim.UTC is defined to the hour
CAST(date_format(event.eventOccurredTime,"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:00:00") AS TIMESTAMP) = datesDim.UTC
The table is globally available in the spark cluster so should be quick to look up, but I need to do this for every date enrichment in the payloads and they will have different dates.
The general schema pattern is that if there is a string date whose field name is:
..there is a 'xDim' struct equiv that immediately follows it in schema order below as described.
As mentioned with the snippet, although in the image above I am only showing 'eventOccuredTime' in above, there are more of these through the schema, at lower levels too, that need the same transformation pattern applied.
So I have the spark sql (the full monty the snippet came from) to do this one off for 1 event type and its a large, explicit SQL statement that applies the time functions and joins I showed), but here is my problem I need help with.
So I want to try and create a more generic, functionally orientated reusable solution, that traverses a nested dataframe and applies this transformation pattern as described above 'where it needs to'
How do define 'where it needs to'?
Perhaps the naming convention is a good start - traverse the DF, look for any struct fields that have the xDim ('Dim' suffix) pattern, and use the 'x' field presceding as the input, and populate the xDim.* values in line with the naming pattern as described?
How in a function to best join on the datesDim registered table (its static remember) so it performs?
Think one or more UDF is needed (we use Scala), maybe by itself or as a fragment within SQL, but not sure. Ensuring the DatesDim lookup performs is key I think.
Or maybe there is another way?
Note: I am working with Dataframes / SparkSQL not Datasets, options for each welcomed though?
NOTE: Im actually using the databricks platform for this, so for those verse in SQL 'Higher order functions' in Dbricks
....is there a slick option here using 'TRANSFORM' as a SQL HOF (might need to register a utility UDF and use this with transform perhaps)?
Awesome, thanks spark community for your help!!! Sorry this is a long post setting the scene.
What's the difference between explode function and explode operator?
explode function creates a new row for each element in the given array or map column (in a DataFrame).
val signals: DataFrame = spark.read.json(signalsJson)
signals.withColumn("element", explode($"data.datapayload"))
explode creates a Column.
See functions object and the example in How to unwind array in DataFrame (from JSON)?
Dataset<Row> explode / flatMap operator (method)
explode operator is almost the explode function.
From the scaladoc:
explode returns a new Dataset where a single column has been expanded to zero or more rows by the provided function. This is similar to a LATERAL VIEW in HiveQL. All columns of the input row are implicitly joined with each value that is output by the function.
ds.flatMap(_.words.split(" "))
Please note that (again quoting the scaladoc):
Deprecated (Since version 2.0.0) use flatMap() or select() with functions.explode() instead
See Dataset API and the example in How to split multi-value column into separate rows using typed Dataset?
Despite explode being deprecated (that we could then translate the main question to the difference between explode function and flatMap operator), the difference is that the former is a function while the latter is an operator. They have different signatures, but can give the same results. That often leads to discussions what's better and usually boils down to personal preference or coding style.
One could also say that flatMap (i.e. explode operator) is more Scala-ish given how ubiquitous flatMap is in Scala programming (mainly hidden behind for-comprehension).
flatMap is much better in performance in comparison to explode as flatMap require much lesser data shuffle.
If you are processing big data (>5 GB) the performance difference could be seen evidently.
I have an RDD that I've converted into a Spark SQL DataFrame. I want to do a number of transformations of columns with UDFs, which ends up looking something like this:
df = df.withColumn("col1", udf1(df.col1))\
.withColumn("col2", udf2(df.col2))\
.withColumn("newcol", udf(df.oldcol1, df.oldcol2))\
Is there is a more concise way to express this (both the repeated withColumn and drop calls)?
You can pass several operations in one expression.
exprs = [udf1(col("col1")).alias("col1"),
And then unpack them inside a select:
df = df.select(*exprs)
So, taking this approach you will execute such udfs over your df and you will rename the resulting columns. Note that my answer is almost exactly like this, however the question was totally different from mine, so this is why I decided to answer it and not flag it as duplicate.
I have a dataset of (user, product, review), and want to feed it into mllib's ALS algorithm.
The algorithm needs users and products to be numbers, while mine are String usernames and String SKUs.
Right now, I get the distinct users and SKUs, then assign numeric IDs to them outside of Spark.
I was wondering whether there was a better way of doing this. The one approach I've thought of is to write a custom RDD that essentially enumerates 1 through n, then call zip on the two RDDs.
Starting with Spark 1.0 there are two methods you can use to solve this easily:
RDD.zipWithIndex is just like Seq.zipWithIndex, it adds contiguous (Long) numbers. This needs to count the elements in each partition first, so your input will be evaluated twice. Cache your input RDD if you want to use this.
RDD.zipWithUniqueId also gives you unique Long IDs, but they are not guaranteed to be contiguous. (They will only be contiguous if each partition has the same number of elements.) The upside is that this does not need to know anything about the input, so it will not cause double-evaluation.
For a similar example use case, I just hashed the string values. See http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2014/03/why-apache-spark-is-a-crossover-hit-for-data-scientists/
def nnHash(tag: String) = tag.hashCode & 0x7FFFFF
var tagHashes = postIDTags.map(_._2).distinct.map(tag =>(nnHash(tag),tag))
It sounds like you're already doing something like this, although hashing can be easier to manage.
Matei suggested here an approach to emulating zipWithIndex on an RDD, which amounts to assigning IDs within each partiition that are going to be globally unique: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/spark-users/WxXvcn2gl1E
Another easy option, if using DataFrames and just concerned about the uniqueness is to use function MonotonicallyIncreasingID
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.monotonicallyIncreasingId
val newDf = df.withColumn("uniqueIdColumn", monotonicallyIncreasingId)
Edit: MonotonicallyIncreasingID was deprecated and removed since Spark 2.0; it is now known as monotonically_increasing_id .
monotonically_increasing_id() appears to be the answer, but unfortunately won't work for ALS since it produces 64-bit numbers and ALS expects 32-bit ones (see my comment below radek1st's answer for deets).
The solution I found is to use zipWithIndex(), as mentioned in Darabos' answer. Here's how to implement it:
If you already have a single-column DataFrame with your distinct users called userids, you can create a lookup table (LUT) as follows:
# PySpark code
user_als_id_LUT = sqlContext.createDataFrame(userids.rdd.map(lambda x: x[0]).zipWithIndex(), StructType([StructField("userid", StringType(), True),StructField("user_als_id", IntegerType(), True)]))
Now you can:
Use this LUT to get ALS-friendly integer IDs to provide to ALS
Use this LUT to do a reverse-lookup when you need to go back from ALS ID to the original ID
Do the same for items, obviously.
People have already recommended monotonically_increasing_id(), and mentioned the problem that it creates Longs, not Ints.
However, in my experience (caveat - Spark 1.6) - if you use it on a single executor (repartition to 1 before), there is no executor prefix used, and the number can be safely cast to Int. Obviously, you need to have less than Integer.MAX_VALUE rows.