I am deploying Service Fabric Application packages and I have several (~15) devtest environments, any one of which can be used to test a code fix. I can pass in the Service Connection so deploying the final package is not the issue. What I can't figure out is how to set the other environment specific variables based on the target environment.
I tried using the Service Connection name to pick one of several variable template files:
- name: envTemplateFileTest
${{ if eq( variables['DevConnection'], 'Environ01' ) }}:
value: ../Templates/DEV01-Variables-Template.yml
${{ if eq( variables['DevConnection'], 'Environ02' ) }}:
value: ../Templates/DEV02-Variables-Template.yml
... (snip) ...
- template: ${{ variables.envTemplateFile }}
But UI variables are not set at compile time. So the template expressions see blank values and fail.
I could use a pipeline variable but then QA would have to make a file change and check it in each time they want to deploy to a different environment than last time.
What I currently have is an empty variable template and a powershell script that sets the values based on different script names.
- task: PowerShell#2
targetType: 'filePath'
filePath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\drop\Deployment\Code\Scripts\Set-$(DevConnection)Variables.ps1'
#arguments: # Optional
displayName: Set environment variables
There has got to be a better way than this. Please.
There is not a direct way to achieve this, as the template expression is parsed at compile time.
However I have workaround which no need to write additional ps script and avoid making a file change and check it in to your repo each time.
Since all your devtest environments has the same deployment steps. Then you can create steps template yaml to hold the deployment steps.
Then you can modify your azure-pipelines.yml like below example:
- job: A
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
- powershell: |
$con = "$(connection)"
if($con -eq "environ1"){echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=variablegroup;isOutput=true]environ1"}
if($con -eq "environ2"){echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=variablegroup;isOutput=true]environ2"}
name: setvarStep
- script: echo '$(setvarStep.variablegroup)'
- job: environ1
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
dependsOn: A
condition: eq(dependencies.A.outputs['setvarStep.variablegroup'], 'environ1')
- template: environ1.yaml
- template: deploy-jobs.yaml
- job: environ2
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
dependsOn: A
condition: eq(dependencies.A.outputs['setvarStep.variablegroup'], 'environ2')
- template: environ2.yml
- template: deploy-jobs.yaml
Above yml pipeline use depenpencies and condition. The first job A will output a variable according to the variable (eg.$(connection)) you specify when running the pipeline. In the following jobs, there are conditions to evaluate the output variable. If condition is satisfied then the job will be executed, the job will be skipped if failed on condition.
What we decided to do was add a Powershell script step that sets the variables based on a string passed in.
- task: PowerShell#2
targetType: 'filePath'
filePath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\drop\Deployment\Code\Scripts\Set-DefaultValues.ps1
displayName: Set default pipeline variables
Then we load the appropriate file and loop through the variables, setting each in turn.
$environmentValues = #{}
switch ($EnvironmentName) {
'DEV98' { . '.\Dev98-Values.ps1'}
'DEV99' { . '.\Dev99-Values.ps1'}
foreach ($keyName in $environmentValues.Keys) {
Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=$($keyName)]$($environmentValues[$keyName])"
This allows us to put the environment specific variables in a plain PSCustom object file and dot import it.
$environmentValues = #{
currentYear = '2020';
has_multiple_nodetypes = 'false';
protocol = 'http';
endpoint = 'vm-dev98.cloudapp.com';
... snip ...
So QA has an easier time maintaining the different environment files.
Hope this helps others out there.
I am working on a multi stage pipeline that build and deploy some c# code from staging to production
Everything works just fine but I wanted to try and customise a bit more the pipeline so I can see the actual version that is being built and deployed as part of the name of the stage.
At the current stage, this my multi stage pipeline
batch: true
- '*'
- main
- staging
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
buildNumber: "$[variables['Build.BuildNumber']]"
dockerRegistryServiceConnectionStaging: '<My-Connection-String>'
imageRepositoryStaging: '<My-Repo-Name>'
containerRegistryStaging: '<My-Container-Name>'
dockerRegistryServiceConnectionProd: '<My-Connection-String>'
imageRepositoryProd: 'My-Repo-Name>'
containerRegistryProd: '<My-Container-Name>'
dockerfilePath: 'pathTo/Dockerfile'
solution: 'path/To/Solution.csproj'
tag: '$(Build.BuildNumber)'
- stage: 'Build_Staging'
displayName: 'Build_Staging'
- job: buildStaging
displayName: 'DotNet Core publish and dockerize'
- powershell: |
# Write your PowerShell commands here.
Write-Host "Update Build.BuildNumber"
cd $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
$Latesttag = $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
Write-Host "The latest git tag is $Latesttag "
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: 'DotNet - Restore'
command: 'restore'
projects: $(solution)
noCache: true
versioningScheme: 'off'
vstsFeed: '<Feed>'
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
name: 'DotnetPublish'
displayName: 'dotnet - Publish'
command: 'publish'
projects: $(solution)
arguments: '-o publish/solution -c release'
modifyOutputPath: false
zipAfterPublish: false
publishWebProjects: false
- task: Docker#2
name: 'dockerBuildAndPush'
displayName: 'docker - Build & Push $(tag)'
repository: $(imageRepositoryStaging)
Dockerfile: $(dockerfilePath)
containerRegistry: ${{ variables.dockerRegistryServiceConnectionStaging }}
buildContext: ${{ variables.buildContext }}
tags: |
- stage: 'Deploy_Staging'
- deployment: 'Deploy'
environment: 'Staging'
EnvironmentName: 'Staging'
- task: AzureRmWebAppDeployment#4
displayName: 'Deploy Azure App Service To Staging'
azureSubscription: '<Azure-Subscription>'
appType: 'webAppContainer'
DockerNamespace: '<container-namespace>'
DockerRepository: '<Repository>'
DockerImageTag: '$(Build.BuildNumber)'
WebAppName: '<WebAppName>'
The Powershell command is to override the Build.BuildNumber with the tag I am pushing to GitHub.
When I run this pipeline, in azure DevOps, I see the stage name Build_Staging_$(Build.BuildNumber) as a string.
What I would really like to see is, if I push the tag 'v1.0.0` for example, is to see the stage name like:
I tried to use the displayName and the output is not the one I was looking for and if I try with name instead of displayName I get the error unexpected value name
Can please please anyone help understand what am I doing wrong and how I can achieve this?
Please if my question is not 100% clear and missing any important detail, just let me know
I did update the post with my entire pipeline.
This pipeline, before it used to be a single job process, and everything was working fine. But to get my hand dirty, I wanted to add stages to split and workflow based on resources and environment.
The process is still working and this is what I am expecting.
In my GitHub, when I create a tag on the main branch, this will trigger my build stage. Which thanks to the Powershell script to update the BuildNumber with the tag, I am able to build the docker image in my container registry in the following format:
That version can be seen at this level also:
This updated buildNumber (now is Tag) is use in Azure pipelines App Slack to check the version that has been pushed.
So far everything is good.
But I am facing the problem with the deployment job, at that level I am not able to set any Powershell script to update that same BuildNumber with the tag. I checked the documentation and nothing is mentioned about how I can add another job or step. I tried implementing this but I get errors that the value is unexpected.
Let me just share another screenshot to fully explain the issue.
Assuming I am deploying the docker image v1.0.1, everything works perfectly, but the build number in deployment stage, is not being updated, in fact in slack channel, I see the normal build number, as follow:
Instead of having the buildNumber, I would like to have my tag.
Please any help here?
Unfortunately, you won't be able to set a stage name to a dynamic variable that is set within one of its child's steps. You'll have to set it to a pipeline-level variable or predefined variable
Variable evaluation goes top-down from stages to tasks:
To help explain exactly why, let's talk about how variable evaluation works in general with regard to this structure:
VARIABLE EVALUATION: Using stages as an example, you can set a stage name using any dynamic value that's present when the stage is evaluated. This means the variable is only accessed when the stage is initially "rendered". Azure DevOps requires that the variable be present before evaluation and will not retroactively update the UI if that variable is changed within a child step.
Let's talk about each and their respective limitations on what variables you can use in their names:
STAGES: pipeline-level variables, parameters (in the case of templates), or predefined variables
JOBS: stage-level variables, pipeline-level variables, parameters (in the case of templates), or predefined variables
TASKS: job-level variables, stage-level variables, pipeline-level variables, parameters (in the case of templates), or predefined variables
I did something similar by setting my build number to a repo tag. Here is the PowerShell function that sets the Build.Buildnumber variable to the tag value. You can just call it straight out or base it off a parameter if you have other version number logic.
function getTagVersion() {
$tag = iex "git describe --long --tags --always"
$a = [regex]"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+"
$b = $a.Match($tag)
$b = $b.Captures[0].value
$b = $b -replace '-', '.'
$b = $b -replace 'v', ''
Write-Host "Version found: $b"
$newBuildNumber = '$(Build.BuildNumber)' -replace $a,$b
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$newBuildNumber"
return $b
I can't claim credit for this code as I found it on someone's blog. But it works and I use for my release builds. You just have to call the function and it will reset the build.buildnumber to the latest tag in your repo. Its important to note, that the tag should be in normal version number format.
Tag Name:
I have some very simple variables, which I would like to change according to the environment.
I have written the code below in very different ways (including indentation) but none was fruitful. Alternatives I see are
Use variable groups (trying to avoid to have too many of them)
Write a bash script which updates the variables (will work but I
think its not a super neat solution)
- group : secrets
- name: hello
value: world
${{ if eq(parameters.environment, 'dev') }}:
- name: RabbitMQ_replicaCount
value: 3
${{ if eq(parameters.environment, 'test') }}:
RabbitMQ_replicaCount: '1'
Any other ideas will be appriciated :)
I would rather go by a PS script/Bash script for this task. Why ? The logic part of build where manipulation is needed like setting or overriding var based on branch or env can be done in a better way in script rather than the build yaml itself. Also this part un-necessary elongates the yaml.
Step 1 : Define a var in the build pipe with default env name
and may be another var whose value you want to set based on condition
Step 2 : Add a yml file(lets name it BuildEnv.yml) in your repo which actually contains your PowerShell/Bash code:
- powershell: |
if($BuildEnv -ne "Test"){
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BuildEnv]Dev"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=RabbitMQ_replicaCount]11"
displayName: 'Override Build Env'
Step 3: Plug your yml in the build pipe as a template-
- master
name: $(date:yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm)_$(rev:.r)
- stage: Build_Stage
displayName: Build_Stage
- job: Build_Job
name: ABC
- template: ..\BuildEnv.yml
That's it. You are done.
Reference : Template usage in Azure DevOps build - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/process/templates?view=azure-devops
I am trying to loop through user-defined variables in an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline.
The variables have been created through the UI:
Below the YAML pipeline code that I'm using:
- dev
- main
- dev
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- stage:
- job: TestVars
- ${{ each var in variables }}:
- script: |
echo ${{ var.key }}
echo ${{ var.value }}
displayName: ${{ var.key }}
When running the above pipeline only system and build variables are listed (e.g. system, system.hostType, build.queuedBy, etc.).
Any help to loop through user-defined variables would be much appreciated.
Unfortunately, no luck fetching the variables defined in UI. However, if your variables are non-secrets, you can bring them over into the YAML, and they will show up in the loop.
- stage:
myyamlvar: 1000 # this will show up in the loop
- job: TestVars
- ${{ each var in variables }}:
- script: |
echo ${{ var.key }}
echo ${{ var.value }}
displayName: ${{ var.key }}
Alternatively, instead of using a compile time expression, you can list variables using a runtime construct, for example:
- job: TestRuntimeVars
- script: |
for var in $(compgen -e); do
echo $var ${!var};
This will list all variables including ones defined in the UI.
From the Microsoft docs link you provided, it specifies that:
"Unlike a normal variable, they are not automatically decrypted into
environment variables for scripts. You need to explicitly map secret
However, one workaround could potentially be to run an azure cli task and get the pipeline variables using az pipelines variable list
Assuming your intention is to get the actual values, in which case maybe that won't suffice. Having said that, you should consider a variable group even if you're not using them in other pipelines since the group can be linked to an Azure KeyVault and map the secrets as variables. You can store your sensitive values in a KeyVault and link it to the variable group which can be used like regular variables in your pipeline.
Or you can access KeyVault secrets right from the AzureKeyVault pipeline task.
To expand on the awnser below. It is a bit round about but you can use the azure devopps CLI. This may be a bit overkill but it does do the job.
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- bash: az --version
displayName: 'Show Azure CLI version'
- bash: az devops configure --defaults organization=$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) project=$(System.TeamProject) --use-git-aliases true
displayName: 'Set default Azure DevOps organization and project'
- bash: |
az pipelines variable list --pipeline-id $(System.DefinitionId)
displayName: 'Show build list varibales'
AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken)
This approach was taken from a combination of:
If the agent is self hosted you may need to install the dev opps cli.
I have an java project which have gradle.properties file. Im extracting variables defined in gradle.properties as
##vso[task.setvariable variable=myVariable;]`my script to extract it from gradle.properties`
Then im using template from another repository that needs that variable but I can't use it within task, but when I try use it within - script: echo $variable as a step instead of task it is working.
When i try to use it within task it sees variable as $variable not a value.
Maybe there is a better way to extract variables to azure pipeline instead of using this approach?
Check the error message:
We get the error before the pipeline run the bash task, Since it cannot create the variable parampass, we get the parameters value is $(parampass) instead of the variable value.
Check this doc:
In a pipeline, template expression variables ${{ variables.var }} get processed at compile time, before runtime starts. Macro syntax variables $(var) get processed during runtime before a task runs. Runtime expressions $[variables.var] also get processed during runtime but were designed for use with conditions and expressions.
As a workaround:
vmImage: ubuntu-20.04
- repository: common
type: git
name: organisation/repo-name
- name: parampass
value: xxx
- stage: "Build"
- job: "Build"
- template: templatename.yml#common
par1: ${{ variables.parampass}}
Probably you do not provide variable to your template
Example execution of template with provided parameter
- template: my/path/to/myTemplate.yml#MyAnotherRepositoryResourceName
projectsToBeTested: $(someVariable)
And example template accepting parameters
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: 'Just testing'
command: test
projects: ${{ parameters.projectsToBeTested}}
Please provide more information if it does not help.
Code looks like this:
vmImage: ubuntu-20.04
- repository: common
type: git
name: organisation/repo-name
- stage: "Build"
- job: "Build"
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=parampass]anything"
- template: templatename.yml#common
par1: $(parampass)
- name: par1
- task: SonarCloudPrepare#1
displayName: SonarCloud analysis prepare
SonarCloud: ${{ parameters.par1}}
organization: 'orgname'
scannerMode: 'Other'
extraProperties: |
# Additional properties that will be passed to the scanner,
# Put one key=value per line, example:
# sonar.exclusions=**/*.bin
sonar.projectKey= # same param pass case
sonar.projectName= # same param pass case
Generally, it does not matter if i do have parameters passed or if I'm using the template as if it were part of the pipeline code within. Output is always $(parampass) could not be found or smth
I have a pipeline template that should receive a different input based on the Pull Request Target Branch.
type: string
- script: |
echo "Build folder: ${{ parameters.BUILD_FOLDER }}"
displayName: 'Echo Build folder'
Pipeline YAML.
trigger: none
- '*'
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- template: templates/template.yml
${{ if contains(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'], 'master') }}:
${{ if not(contains(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'], 'master')) }}:
BUILD_FOLDER: $(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)
I tried doing it like this but always it goes with ${{ if not(contains(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'], 'master')) }}: even the target branch is master in the Pull Request. Is there another way to do this?
Also the repository is in GitHub.
Thanks in advance.
I can reproduce the same issue. It is because the predefined variable System.PullRequest.TargetBranch cannot be evaluated at the compile time. It can be evaluated at run time (wrapped in $())without any problem. Expression wrapped in ${{}} will be evaluated at the build compile time. See Runtime expression syntax.
These variables that are marked not available in template in document cannot be parsed at compile time. The document causes little confusion, because it doesnot clearly state those variables cannot be parsed at compile time.
Since the template is evaluated at compile time. So the variable System.PullRequest.TargetBranch wrapped ${{}} is evaluated to an empty string.
I tested with below yaml. And the powershell task got executed:
- ${{ if eq(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'], '') }}:
- powershell: echo "i will out put empty"
The workaround for this is to set the variable value by script in an additional powershell task, as mentioned by Krzysztof Madej. I changed your yaml file a little bit. See below:
trigger: none
- '*'
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- powershell: |
$targetBranch = "$(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)"
if($targetBranch -eq "master"){
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BUILD_FOLDER;]base"
if($targetBranch -ne "master"){
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BUILD_FOLDER;]$targetBranch"
- template: templates/template.yml
Some of variables can't be used in expressions like this. It is shown in the last column Available in templates? on this page
What you can do is move this to the template itself like this:
type: string
default: base
- pwsh: |
$targetBranch = '$(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)'
$buildFolder = '${{ parameters.BASE_BUILD_FOLDER }}'
if (!($targetBranch -like "*master")){
$buildFolder = $targetBranch
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BUILD_FOLDER;]$buildFolder"
- script: |
echo "Build folder: $(BUILD_FOLDER)"
displayName: 'Echo Build folder'
and then you can call it
trigger: none
- '*'
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- template: templates/template.yml