looking for a matrix inverse in keras - python-3.x

I want to implement a custom layer in keras. Unfortunately one part of the calculation requires the pseudo inverse (to solve x = (A'A)⁻¹A'b). Now I am missing the functionality of K.inverse. Is there a way I can solve an OLS equation using the keras backend?
def call(inputs, **kwargs):
A = ...
b = ...
return K.inverse(K.transpose(A) # A) # K.transpose(A) # b
Maybe I can read it back to numpy arrays do the inverse and then feed it back to a tensor or similar?

you can use tensorflow's inverse(tf.linalg.inv) inside a keras Lambda layer, that way, you don't have to create a custom layer, just a custom function.


GradientTape losing track of variable

I have a script that performs a Gatys-like neural style transfer. It uses style loss, and a total variation loss. I'm using the GradientTape() to compute my gradients. The losses that I have implemented seem to work fine, but a new loss that I added isn't being properly accounted for by the GradientTape(). I'm using TensorFlow with eager execution enabled.
I suspect it has something to do with how I compute the loss based on the input variable. The input is a 4D tensor (batch, h, w, channels). At the most basic level, the input is a floating point image, and in order to compute this new loss I need to convert it to a binary image to compute the ratio of one pixel color to another. I don't want to actually go and change the image like that during every iteration, so I just make a copy of the tensor(in numpy form) and operate on that to compute the loss. I do not understand the limitations of the GradientTape, but I believe it is "losing the thread" of how the input variable is used to get to the loss when it's converted to a numpy array.
Could I make a copy of the image tensor and perform binarizing operations & loss computation using that? Or am I asking tensorflow to do something that it just can not do?
My new loss function:
def compute_loss(self, **kwargs):
loss = 0
image = self.model.deprocess_image(kwargs['image'].numpy())
binarized_image = self.image_decoder.binarize_image(image)
volume_fraction = self.compute_volume_fraction(binarized_image)
loss = np.abs(self.volume_fraction_target - volume_fraction)
return loss
My implementation using the GradientTape:
def compute_grads_and_losses(self, style_transfer_state):
Computes gradients with respect to input image
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
loss = self.loss_evaluator.compute_total_loss(style_transfer_state)
total_loss = loss['total_loss']
return tape.gradient(total_loss, style_transfer_state['image']), loss
An example that I believe might illustrate my confusion. The strangest thing is that my code doesn't have any problem running; it just doesn't seem to minimize the new loss term whatsoever. But this example won't even run due to an attribute error: AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute '_id'.
import tensorflow.contrib.eager as tfe
import tensorflow as tf
def compute_square_of_value(x):
a = turn_to_numpy(x['x'])
return a**2
def turn_to_numpy(arg):
return arg.numpy() #just return arg to eliminate the error
x = tfe.Variable(3.0, dtype=tf.float32)
data_dict = {'x': x}
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y = compute_square_of_value(data_dict)
dy_dx = tape.gradient(y, x) # Will compute to 6.0
From my current understanding the issue arises that my use of the .numpy() operation is what makes the Gradient Tape lose track of the variable to compute the gradient from. My original reason for doing this is because my loss operation requires me to physically change values of the tensor, and I don't want to actually change the values used for the tensor that is being optimized. Hence the use of the numpy() copy to work on in order to compute the loss properly. Is there any way around this? Or is shall I consider my loss calculation to be impossible to implement because of this constraint of having to perform essentially non-reversible operations on the input tensor?
The first issue here is that GradientTape only traces operations on tf.Tensor objects. When you call tensor.numpy() the operations executed there fall outside the tape.
The second issue is that your first example never calls tape.watche on the image you want to differentiate with respect to.

How to make custom gaussian noise layer that imposing different stddev to each column of dataset in Keras?

I want to make gaussian noise layer of Keras that is imposing noise with different stddev level to each column of dataset. However, since I am not know much about coding stuffs, there is a big problem that I cannot solve it by myself.
With source code of Keras gaussian noise layer,
I made a code like below :
def call(self, inputs, training=None):
def noised():
for i in range(100):
return temp
return K.in_train_phase(noised, inputs, training=training)
However, it shows an error like :
object of type 'Tensor' has no len()
I believe that the error comes from the different type of shape.
Because, the original code, which is like below :
def noised():
return inputs + K.random_normal(shape=K.shape(inputs),
is using symbolic type of shape(K.shape), and what I imposed is integer type of number(len()).
However, I have no idea the way to overcome the problem.
It would really be a great help for me if you give me some way to solve it.
Thank you so much for your assistance.
I know it's super late, but maybe it's still interesting for other people. I'm using Tensorflow 2.3.0 and I can just use the numpy slicing commands. So slice the tensor, apply the individual layers and merge them back together:
input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(None,3))
x1 = GaussianNoise(0.1)(input[:,:,0:1])
x2 = GaussianNoise(0.2)(input[:,:,1:2])
x3 = GaussianNoise(0.3)(input[:,:,2:3])
x = Concatenate()([x1,x2,x3])

Machine Learning liner Regression - Sklearn

I'm new to the Machine learning domain and in Learn Regression i have some doubt
1:While practicing the sklearn learn regression model prediction method getting the below error.
"ValueError: Expected 2D array, got scalar array instead: array=25. Reshape your data either using array.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature or array.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample."
Do i need to pass a 2-D array? Checked on sklearn documentation page any haven't found any thing for version update.
**Running my code on Kaggle
2: Is index of dataset going to effect model's score (weights)?
First of all you should put your code as you use:
# import, instantiate, fit
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
linreg = LinearRegression()
linreg.fit(X, y)
# use the predict method
Because what you post in the question is not properly executable, predict method is not static for the class LinearRegression.
When you fit a model, the first step is recognize which kind of data will be the input, in your case will be similar to X, that means that if you pass something with different shape of X to the model it will raise an error.
In your example X seems to be a pd.DataFrame() instance with only 1 column, this should be replaceable with an array of 2 dimension representing the number of examples by the number of features, so if you try:
should work.
For example if you were trying a regression with more than 1 feature aka column, let's say temp and humidity, your input would look like this:
linreg.predict([[25, 56]])
I hope this will help you and always keep in mind which is the shape of your data.
Documentation: LinearRegression fit
X : array-like or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features)

Is there any method to make compare in keras layers?

I want to compare two numbers in keras model. The input of this layer is a tensorvariable and this layer compare this tensorvariable with a constant. Then it will return 0 or 1.
Is there any method? I tried to find a function in theano to do this job but failed.
You can find the functions in keras backend
import keras.backend as K
What you need is one of these: K.equal, K.greater, K.greater_equal, etc.
You can use a Lambda layer for that:
Lambda(lambda x: K.cast(K.greater_equal(x,constant),'float32'),output_shape=sameAsInputShape)

Using a transformer (estimator) to transform the target labels in sklearn.pipeline

I understand that one can chain several estimators that implement the transform method to transform X (the feature set) in sklearn.pipeline. However I have a use case where I would like also transform the target labels (like transform the labels to [1...K] instead of [0, K-1] and I would love to do that as a component in my pipeline. Is it possible to that at all using the sklearn.pipeline.?
There is now a nicer way to do this built into scikit-learn; using a compose.TransformedTargetRegressor.
When constructing these objects you give them a regressor and a transformer. When you .fit() them they transform the targets before regressing, and when you .predict() them they transform their predicted targets back to the original space.
It's important to note that you can pass them a pipeline object, so they should interface nicely with your existing setup. For example, take the following setup where I train a ridge regression to predict 1 target given 2 features:
# Imports
import numpy as np
from sklearn import compose, linear_model, metrics, pipeline, preprocessing
# Generate some training and test features and targets
X_train = np.random.rand(200).reshape(100,2)
y_train = 1.2*X_train[:, 0]+3.4*X_train[:, 1]+5.6
X_test = np.random.rand(20).reshape(10,2)
y_test = 1.2*X_test[:, 0]+3.4*X_test[:, 1]+5.6
# Define my model and scalers
ridge = linear_model.Ridge(alpha=1e-2)
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
minmax = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-1,1))
# Construct a pipeline using these methods
pipe = pipeline.make_pipeline(scaler, ridge)
# Construct a TransformedTargetRegressor using this pipeline
# ** So far the set-up has been standard **
regr = compose.TransformedTargetRegressor(regressor=pipe, transformer=minmax)
# Fit and train the regr like you would a pipeline
regr.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = regr.predict(X_test)
print("MAE: {}".format(metrics.mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)))
This still isn't quite as smooth as I'd like it to be, for example you can access the regressor that contained by a TransformedTargetRegressor using .regressor_ but the coefficients stored there are untransformed. This means there are some extra hoops to jump through if you want to work your way back to the equation that generated the data.
No, pipelines will always pass y through unchanged. Do the transformation outside the pipeline.
(This is a known design flaw in scikit-learn, but it's never been pressing enough to change or extend the API.)
You could add the label column to the end of the training data, then you apply your transformation and you delete that column before training your model. That's not very pro but enough.
