Azure vnet / subnet list connected devices - azure

I'm trying to write a PowerShell script that lists me all connected devices with there ips in my subnets in all VNets in all subscriptions.
UPDATE the below script works, scroll down for original problem.
$subs = Get-AzSubscription
foreach ($Sub in $Subs) {
Write-Host "***************************"
Write-Host " "
$SelectSub = Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $Sub.Name
$VNETs = Get-AzVirtualNetwork
foreach ($VNET in $VNETs) {
Write-Host "--------------------------"
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " vNet: " $VNET.Name
Write-Host " AddressPrefixes: " ($VNET).AddressSpace.AddressPrefixes
$vNetExpanded = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VNET.Name -ResourceGroupName $VNET.ResourceGroupName -ExpandResource 'subnets/ipConfigurations'
foreach($subnet in $vNetExpanded.Subnets)
Write-Host " Subnet: " $subnet.Name
Write-Host " Connected devices " $subnet.IpConfigurations.Count
foreach($ipConfig in $subnet.IpConfigurations)
Write-Host " " $ipConfig.PrivateIpAddress
Write-Host " "
My original problem:
The problem however is that I cannot get the $subnet.IpConfigurations property to be filled. By that I mean that I do get a list but the child items only contain an Id, the rest of the properties like name, privateip, etc are null.

According to my research, if we want to get detailed information about subnet IpConfigurations, we need to specify the parameter ExpandResource with powershell command Get-AzVirtualNetwork.
For example
$result=Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name '<vnet name>' -ResourceGroupName '<group nmae>' -ExpandResource 'subnets/ipConfigurations'


Getting Azure information with Powershell about VNET, Subnet, NSG & route Table

This post is exactly what I need, but I would like to add NSG and Route table information:
$subs = Get-AzSubscription
foreach ($Sub in $Subs) {
Write-Host "***************************"
Write-Host " "
$SelectSub = Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $Sub.Name
$VNETs = Get-AzVirtualNetwork
foreach ($VNET in $VNETs) {
Write-Host "--------------------------"
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " vNet: " $VNET.Name
Write-Host " AddressPrefixes: " ($VNET).AddressSpace.AddressPrefixes
$vNetExpanded = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $VNET.Name -ResourceGroupName $VNET.ResourceGroupName -ExpandResource 'subnets/ipConfigurations'
foreach($subnet in $vNetExpanded.Subnets)
Write-Host " Subnet: " $subnet.Name
Write-Host " Connected devices " $subnet.IpConfigurations.Count
foreach($ipConfig in $subnet.IpConfigurations)
Write-Host " " $ipConfig.PrivateIpAddress
Write-Host " "
I tried adding the variables to reflect it, but I guess I cant get it to work.
Add below script snippet to get NetworkSecurityGroup(NSG) and Route table information:
$nsgs = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup
foreach ($nsg in $nsgs) {
Write-Host " nsg: " $nsg.Name
$networksecuritygroup = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $nsg -ResourceGroupName $nsg.ResourceGroupName
$rts = Get-Azroutetable
foreach ($rt in $rts) {
Write-Host " rt: " $rt.Name
$routetableinfo = Get-Azroutetable -Name $rt -ResourceGroupName $rt.ResourceGroupName

How to pull all tags at resource level in azure

I am Trying to pull All the Tags resource level in azure
$subscripionList = Get-AzSubscription
foreach ($subscriptionId in $subscripionList) {
Write-Host 'Getting details about SubscriptionId :' $subscriptionId
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscriptionId
#Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionId
$resourcesgroups = Get-AzResourceGroup
foreach($resourcesgroup in $resourcesgroups){
Write-Host 'resourcegroup :' $resourcesgroup
$resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $resourcesgroup.ResourceGroupName
#$azure_resources = Get-AzResource
foreach($resource in $resources){
Write-Host $resource
#Fetching Tags
$Tags = $resource.Tags
#Checkign if tags is null or have value
if($Tags -ne $null)
foreach($Tag in $Tags)
$TagsAsString += $Tag.Name + ":" + $Tag.Value + ";"
$TagsAsString = "NULL"
I am Trying to get all the subscription then
I am Trying to get all the resource groups then
I am Trying to get all the resource present in resource group
Trying to get all the tags
But i am unable to get Tags and can anyone guide me how to export all tags into csv file.
As there is no $tag.Name and $Tag.Value , Your code doesn't store any values. The output you are looking are stored as $tags.keys and $tags.values. So, to collect them you will have to use for loop again . I tested the same by replacing the for each loop for the resources with the below script:
$tagkeys =#()
$TagValues =#()
$resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName <resourcegroupname>
foreach($resource in $resources){
Write-host ("ResourceName :")$resource.Name
if($resource.Tags -ne $null){
foreach($Tag in $resource.Tags){
foreach($key in $Tag.keys){
$tagkeys += $key
foreach($value in $Tag.values){
$TagValues += $value
Write-Host ("No Tags")
for($i = 0; $i -lt $tagkeys.Length; $i++) {
$TagsAsString=( '{0} : {1}' -f $tagkeys[$i], $tagvalues[$i] )
Write-Host $TagsAsString

How to add resource group as one factor to filter the output

Gathers Azure Role Based Access Control Data for Audit Purposes.
Gathers Azure Role Based Access Control Data for Audit Purposes. The script will prompt the user to
select a subscription to run the audit against. The user is only presented the scriptions currently
available to the users credentials.
Outputs a CSV file in the same directory that the script is located in. The CSV file will have the
name of the subscription in its title followed by "Azure RBAC Audit.csv"
Function Login {
Runs the Azure Login Command
$needLogin = $true
Try {
$content = Get-AzContext
if ($content) {
$needLogin = ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($content.Account))
Catch {
if ($_ -like "*Login-AzAccount to login*") {
$needLogin = $true
else {
if ($needLogin) {
Function Select-Azure{
Provides a list of Azure Environments for the user to select from.
AzureGov, AzureCloud, etc.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$Menu = 0
$AzEnvironment = #(Get-AzEnvironment |select-object Name)
Write-Host "Please select the Azure Environment you want to use:" -ForegroundColor Green;
ForEach-Object {Write-Host ""}
$AzEnvironment | ForEach-Object {Write-Host "[$($Menu)]" -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline ; Write-host ". $($_.Name)"; $Menu++; }
ForEach-Object {Write-Host ""}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "[Q]" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline ; Write-host ". To quit."}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host ""}
$selection = Read-Host "Please select the Azure Environment Number - Valid numbers are 0 - $($AzEnvironment.count -1) or Q to quit"
If ($selection -eq 'Q') {
If ($AzEnvironment.item($selection) -ne $null)
{ Connect-AzAccount -EnvironmentName $AzEnvironment.item($selection).Name -ErrorAction Stop}
Function Select-Subs {
Provides a list of subscriptions for the user to select from.
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$Menu = 0
$Subs = #(Get-AzSubscription | Select-Object Name, ID, TenantId)
Write-Host "Please select the subscription you want to use:" -ForegroundColor Green;
ForEach-Object {Write-Host ""}
$Subs | ForEach-Object {Write-Host "[$($Menu)]" -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline ; Write-host ". $($_.Name)"; $Menu++; }
ForEach-Object {Write-Host ""}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "[S]" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline ; Write-host ". To switch Azure Account."}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host ""}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "[Q]" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline ; Write-host ". To quit."}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host ""}
$selection = Read-Host "Please select the Subscription Number - Valid numbers are 0 - $($Subs.count -1), S to switch Azure Account or Q to quit"
If ($selection -eq 'S') {
Get-AzContext | ForEach-Object {Clear-AzContext -Scope CurrentUser -Force}
If ($selection -eq 'Q') {
If ($Subs.item($selection) -ne $null)
{ Return #{name = $subs[$selection].Name; ID = $subs[$selection].ID}
Function Resolve-AzAdGroupMembers {
Gets list of Azure Active Directory groups and its members
$VerbosePreference = 'continue'
Write-Verbose -Message ('Resolving {0}' -f $GroupObjectId)
$group = $GroupList | Where-Object -Property Id -EQ -Value $GroupObjectId
$groupMembers = Get-AzADGroupMember -GroupObjectId $GroupObjectId
Write-Verbose -Message ('Found members {0}' -f ($groupMembers.DisplayName -join ', '))
$parentGroup = #{
Id = $group.Id
DisplayName = $group.DisplayName
$groupMembers |
Where-Object -Property Type -NE -Value Group |
Select-Object -Property Id, DisplayName, #{
Name = 'ParentGroup'
Expression = { $parentGroup }
$groupMembers |
Where-Object -Property type -EQ -Value Group |
ForEach-Object -Process {
Resolve-AzAdGroupMembers -GroupObjectId $_.Id -GroupList $GroupList
Main Part of Script
Write-Output "Running login script"
Login # Login to Azure
$SubscriptionSelection = Select-Subs # Runs function to get Azure subscriptions available to user and sets the subscription to the users choice.
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionSelection.Name -ErrorAction Stop
## Get current Azure Subscription Name to be used in reporting output
$Azuresub = $SubscriptionSelection.Name -replace , '/'
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "Getting Azure AD Groups" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "`r`n========================================" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "`nThis process can take a while to run since it is checking every Azure Role and its corresponding assignments." -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline }
$GroupList = (Get-AzADGroup)
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "Getting Role Assignments" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline}
ForEach-Object {Write-Host "`r`n========================================" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline}
$roleAssignments = Get-AzRoleAssignment -IncludeClassicAdministrators
## Loop through each role assignment to determine the user assigned to that role.
$members = $roleAssignments | ForEach-Object -Process {
Write-Verbose -Message ('Processing Assignment {0}' -f $_.RoleDefinitionName)
$roleAssignment = $_
if($roleAssignment.ObjectType -eq 'Group')
Resolve-AzAdGroupMembers -GroupObjectId $roleAssignment.ObjectId -GroupList $GroupList `
| Select-Object -Property Id,
ParentGroup, #{
Name = 'RoleDefinitionName'
Expression = { $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionName }
}, #{
Name = 'Scope'
Expression = { $roleAssignment.Scope }
}, #{
Name = 'CanDelegate'
Expression = { $roleAssignment.CanDelegate }
$roleAssignment | Select-Object -Property #{
Name = 'Id'
Expression = { $_.ObjectId }
Name = 'RoleDefinitionName'
Expression = { $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionName }
Generating CSV Output for reporting
$outtbl = #()
$members | ForEach-Object {
$x = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Subscription = $Azuresub -join ','
ActiveDirID = $_.Id -join ','
DisplayName = $_.DisplayName -join ','
ParentGroupID = $_.ParentGroup.Id -join ','
ParentGroupDisplayName = $_.ParentGroup.DisplayName -join ','
RoleDefinitionName = $_.RoleDefinitionName -join ','
Scope = $_.Scope
$outtbl += $x
$outtbl | Select-Object Subscription,ActiveDirID,DisplayName,ParentGroupID,ParentGroupDisplayName,RoleDefinitionName, Scope |Export-CSV -path $($PSScriptRoot + "\" + "$Azuresub" + " Azure RBAC Audit.csv") -NoTypeInformation
ForEach-Object {Write-Host " `r`nRBAC Audit has completed. Your CSV file is located: $($PSScriptRoot + "\" + "$Azuresub" + " Azure RBAC Audit.csv")" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline }
Above code is working fine for complete subscription but we need to filter the output only for resoucegroup. so how to add one more function to get output only based on reouce group.
For your requirement, just use the -ResourceGroupName parameter in the command Get-AzRoleAssignment to specify the resource group you want in Main Part of Script.
$roleAssignments = Get-AzRoleAssignment -IncludeClassicAdministrators -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>
Note: The RBAC role permissions are inherited, e.g. if a user/service principal/AAD group has an RBAC role at the subscription/management group scope, it will also have the permission at all the resource groups located in the subscription/management group, so the command above will also get the role assignments that assigned at the subscription/management group scope, the management group is a higher scope than subscription, refer to this link.
So if you just want to get the role assignment that directly assigned to the resource group/single resource in the resource group, modify the command as below, it depends on your reqirement.
$roleAssignments = Get-AzRoleAssignment -IncludeClassicAdministrators -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName> | Where-Object {$_.Scope -like '/subscriptions/*/resourceGroups/*'}

How to get the list of azure servers having Auto-Shutdown disabled using PowerShell?

I want to get the list of azure servers having auto-shutdown disabled on them, I have the below script but the issue with the script is that it gets the list of RG's under the Subscription GUID but repeats the output after every loop.
Import-AzureRmContext -Path "$PSScriptRoot\AzureProfile.json"
Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId {subscriptionId}
[array]$ResourceGroupArray = Get-AzureRMVm | Select-Object -Property ResourceGroupName, Name, VmId
foreach ($resourceGroup in $ResourceGroupArray){
$targetResourceId = (Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup.ResourceGroupName -Name $resourceGroup.Name).Id
$shutdownInformation = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup.ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules -Expandproperties).Properties
Write-Host "ID: " $targetResourceId
The output for each VM is displayed in the following format,
What I want is simple, I want the VM name and its status of Auto-shutdown to be displayed on the screen so that its easy for me to find out which all VM have auto-shutdown currently disabled on them.
Any help related to this would be helpful.
You just need to get the microsoft.devtestlab/schedules resource ID using:
Then iterate over all your VMs using Get-AzVM, Get the microsoft.devtestlab/schedules resource using Get-AzResource, then output VM name and status into a table using Format-Table.
$subscriptionId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
& {
foreach ($vm in Get-AzVM) {
try {
$shutdownResource = Get-AzResource `
-ResourceId "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$($vm.ResourceGroupName)/providers/microsoft.devtestlab/schedules/shutdown-computevm-$($vm.Name)" `
-ErrorAction Stop
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $shutdownResource.Properties.status
catch {
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $_.Exception.Message
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
To set the context to the correct subscription, we can use Set-AzContext.
The above however is using the latest Az modules. You can do the same using the equivalent AzureRm modules.
$subscriptionId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
& {
foreach ($vm in Get-AzureRmVM) {
try {
$shutdownResource = Get-AzureRmResource `
-ResourceId "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$($vm.ResourceGroupName)/providers/microsoft.devtestlab/schedules/shutdown-computevm-$($vm.Name)" `
-ErrorAction Stop
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $shutdownResource.Properties.status
catch {
VMName = $vm.Name
ShutdownStatus = $_.Exception.Message
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
Although I do recommend moving to the Az module since support for AzureRm is ending December 2020. You can read the documentation for more information about this.
The above code should give you an output similar to the following
VMName ShutdownStatus
------ --------------
vm1 Enabled
vm2 Disabled
The Call operator & is used here to run the for loop as a script block. You can read more about this in about_Script_Blocks.
Try something like this to get the auto-shutdown status of all VMs. Instead of trying to get the schedules inside the loop, get all the ones in the subscription and match them based on the VM's full resource Id.
[array]$VMArray = Get-AzureRMVm | Select-Object -Property ResourceGroupName, Name, VmId, Id
$ShutdownInformation = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules -Expandproperties).Properties
foreach($vm in $VMArray) {
$ShutdownStatus = "Not Configured"
$Schedule = $ShutdownInformation | Where-Object { $_.targetResourceId -eq $vm.Id } | Select -First 1
if($Schedule -ne $null) {
$ShutdownStatus = $Schedule.status
Write-Host $vm.VmId $ShutdownStatus

Automate deployment of JSON map

I have a Logic App in Azure which use a Liquid map, to transform JSON content. I am trying to deploy the map using New-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap commandlet and the Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap commandlet.
I get the following error when calling the Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap commandlet:
Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap : Unable to deserialize the response.
With this script:
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Creating $baseName..."
$mapContent = Get-Content -Path $fullName | Out-String
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "$mapContent"
New-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $iacName -MapName $baseName -MapDefinition $mapContent -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully created $baseName"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error creating $baseName, trying update..."
Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountMap -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $iacName -MapName $baseName -MapDefinition $mapContent -Force
if ($?) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully updated $baseName"
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error updating $baseName"
exit 1
After some searches, the two commandlets accept the MapType parameter, but only one value is allowed (XSLT).
Is there a way to automate the deployment of Liquid maps in an integration account in Azure (powershell, ARM template...) ?
Is there a way to automate the deployment of Liquid maps in an integration account in Azure (powershell, ARM template...) ?
Yes, I could create Liquid map with PowerShell on my side with the following code.
$IntegrationAccountName = "Integration Account name"
$ResouceGroupname = "ResourcegroupName"
$ResourceLocation = "West US" # location
$ResourceName = "liquid name"
$Content = Get-Content -Path "C:\Tom\simple.liquid" | Out-String
Write-Host $Content
$PropertiesObject = #{
mapType = "liquid"
content = "$Content"
contentType = "text/plain"
New-AzureRmResource -Location $ResourceLocation -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $ResouceGroupname -ResourceType Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/maps -ResourceName " $IntegrationAccountName/$ResourceName" -ApiVersion 2016-06-01 -Force
Check it from azure portal.
