Migration generator files tools for nodejs and postgresql - node.js

I use nodejs and i have a postgresql database and I'm thinking of using sequelize or db-migration to migrate my existing database. Do you know a way to generate the migration files for my existing database?

Node.js database migration management for Postgresql
Here is how to go about it.
There exist a node package manager called node-pg-migrate
install the package using npm install node-pg-migrate pg
here is the github URL with code samples. https://github.com/salsita/node-pg-migrate#node-pg-migrate
Best of Luck


Node JS db-migrate for different database

I'm already using db-migrate package to migrate MySQL database script and it works well, I've even setup the DATABASE_URL variable in the server environment.
Now I've a requirement to store few details in the sqlite in the same service, I checked db-migrate package for this feature apparently nothing mentioned regard to the executing sql scripts in multiple different databases at one go. Is it possible to do in db-migrate? or do I've to write my own service for this?

Querying data from Microsoft SQL Server using GraphQL in a Node.js app

I have a node app (using express) that I built which can query my MS SQL server via the mssql npm package. I want to be able to use something like the express-graphql package to handle those queries. I have done this before with a Mongo DB and mongoose but I am having difficulty fitting these things together now. Does anyone know where I might find a tutorial ? I googled around and everything seemed to be for different SQL dbs. Alternatively, is there a better package I should be using?

how to access sqlite database from node-red node?

I am creating a node-red API service that access SQLite database using SQLite node.
How to configure the database with SQLite node?
I have hard-coded db file in SQLite node.
What is the right way to develop a node-red API that access the SQLite database ?
I think I want to make the database filename configurable, so that it is fetched dynamically.
I am new to node-red programming.
If the changes are only at deploy time not runtime then you can use Environment variables as described in the doc here
If you replace the path to the DB in the config node with ${DB_PATH} then Node-RED will replace this with the value of the DB_PATH environment variable at deploy time.
Have you looked at the documentation for creation configuration nodes?

How to make a database on c9.io

How can I make a database on c9.io?
You have here all docu about this:
mysql-ctl install
phpmyadmin-ctl install
mysql-ctl start
You can create a temporary MySQL Database in Cloud9 in the terminal using
mysql-ctl cli
See Set Up a Database.
However, if you do not wish to learn MySQL, I would recommend Getting Started.

Best way to migrate table changes to production sailsjs tables

I just lost 11,000 records from my database just running the command for sailsjs without the --prod part in it, So I thought I should ask whats the best way to change the tables on production server when the Model.js has been changed ?
Automated migration should never be done in production. This a common-sense practice that applies to any production system with important data. There are a few solutions available for migrating a sails.js database.
sails-db-migrate: db-migrate integration for sails.js
db-migrate integration for Sails.js. This is a fairly simple wrapper, which provides grunt tasks for running and creating migrations.
sails-migrations: The missing, migrations arm of the octopus
sails-migrations provides an easy way to manage database migrations with sails, based on the amazing https://github.com/tgriesser/knex lib. This means you can have fine-grained control over your schema/data transformations between versions.
Sequelize migrations
Sequelize 2.0.0 introduces a new CLI which is based on gulp and combines sequelize-cli and gulp-sequelize. The CLI ships support for migrations and project bootstrapping. With migrations you can transfer your existing database into another state and vice versa
