ValuerError regarding dimensions when declaring PyTorch tensor - pytorch

I'm currently trying to convert a list of values into a PyTorch tensor and am facing some difficulties.
The exact code that's causing the error is:
input_tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(data)
Here, data is a list with two elements: The first element is another list of NumPy arrays and the second element is a list of tuples. The sizes of both lists differ, and I believe this is causing the following error:
*** ValueError: expected sequence of length x at dim 2 (got y)
Usually y is larger than x. I've tried playing around with an IPython terminal to see what's wrong, and it appears that trying to convert data of this format directly into PyTorch tensors doesn't work. Taking each individual element of the data list and converting those into tensors works, though.
Does anybody know why this doesn't work and perhaps also be able to provide some feedback on how to achieve my original goal? Thanks in advance.

Let's say that the first sublist of data contains n 1D arrays, each of size m, and the second sublist contains k tuples, each of size p.
When calling torch.FloatTensor(data) each sublist is converted to a 2D tensor, of shape (n, m) and of shape (k, p) respectively; then they are stack together to form a 3D tensor. This is possible only if n=k and m=p -- think of a 3D tensor as a cuboid.
This is quite obvious I think, so I guess you have m = p and want to create a 2D tensor of shape (n+k, m) by simply concatenating the two sublists:


Modify the rows of a tensor at specific indices given by a list (Pytorch)

I have a tensor X with shape (N,M) and a list of indices idx_list.
I would like to modify X but only at the rows given by idx_list.
So I'd like to do something like this:
X[idx_list, :] = Y
Y is a tensor with shape (len(idx_list), M)
The solution is mentioned in your question. The usual slicing notation that's used in numpy arrays works well with PyTorch tensors as well.
X[idx_list, :] = Y
Here's a screenshot from Jupyter notebook illustrating it:
Your approach posted as answer would work too
X[(torch.tensor(idx_list),)] = Y
However, you do not need to complicate it like this by converting the idx_list into a tensor. Slicing is preferably done using standard Python lists.
This works pretty well:
X[(torch.tensor(idx_list),)] = Y

Is there a way to compute a circulant matrix in Pytorch?

I want a similar function as in to create a circulant matrix using PyTorch. I need this as a part of my Deep Learning model (in order to reduce over-parametrization in some of my Fully Connected layers as suggested in (Fig.3))
The input of the function shall be a 1D torch tensor, and the output should be the 2D circulant matrix.
You can make use of unfold to extract sliding windows. But to get the correct order you need to flip (later unflip) the tensors, and first concatenate the flipped tensor to itself.
Here is a generic function for pytorch tensors, to get the circulant matrix for one dimension. It's based on unfold and it works for 2d circulant matrix or high-dimension tensors.
def circulant(tensor, dim):
"""get a circulant version of the tensor along the {dim} dimension.
The additional axis is appended as the last dimension.
E.g. tensor=[0,1,2], dim=0 --> [[0,1,2],[2,0,1],[1,2,0]]"""
S = tensor.shape[dim]
tmp =[tensor.flip((dim,)), torch.narrow(tensor.flip((dim,)), dim=dim, start=0, length=S-1)], dim=dim)
return tmp.unfold(dim, S, 1).flip((-1,))
Essentially, this is a PyTorch version of scipy.linalg.circulant and works for multi-dimension tensors.
Also a similar question: Create array/tensor of cycle shifted arrays

Torch mv behavior not understandable

The following screenshots show that is unusable in a situation that obviously seem to be correct... how is this possible, any idea what can be the problem?
this first image shows the correct situation, where the vector has 10 rows for a matrix of 10 columns, but I showed the other also just in case. Also swapping for does not make a difference.
However, the # operator works... the thing is that for my own reasons I want to use mv, so I would like to know what the problem is.
According to documentation:, vec, *, out=None) → Tensor
If input is a (n×m) tensor, vec is a 1-D tensor of size m, out will be 1-D of size n.
The x here should be 1-D, but in your case it's 10x1 (2D). You can remove extra dimension (or create a single dimension x)
tensor([ 0.1432, -2.0639, -2.1871, -1.8837, 0.7333, -0.4000, 0.4023, -1.1318,
0.0423, -1.2136])
>>> w # x
tensor([[ 0.1432],
[ 0.7333],
[ 0.4023],
[ 0.0423],

Retrieve elements from a 3D tensor with a 2D index tensor

I am playing around with GPT2 and I have 2 tensors:
O: An output tensor of shaped (B, S-1, V) where B is the batch size S is the the number of timestep and V is the vocabulary size. This is the output of a generative model and is softmaxed along the 2nd dimension.
L: A 2D tensor shaped (B, S-1) where each element is the index of the correct token for each timestep for each sample. This is basically the labels.
I want to extract the predicted probability of the corresponding correct token from tensor O based on tensor L such that I will end up with a 2D tensor shaped (B, S). Is there an efficient way of doing this apart from using loops?
For reference, I based my answer on this Medium article.
Essentially, your answer lies in torch.gather, assuming that both of your tensors are just regular torch.Tensors (or can be converted to one).
import torch
# Specify some arbitrary dimensions for now
B = 3
V = 6
S = 4
# Make example reproducible
# L necessarily has to be a torch.LongTensor, otherwise indexing will fail.
L = torch.randint(0, V, size=[B, S])
O = torch.rand([B, S, V])
# Now collect the results. L needs to have similar dimension,
# except in the axis you want to collect along.
X = torch.gather(O, dim=2, index=L.unsqueeze(dim=2))
# Make sure X has no "unnecessary" dimension
X = X.squeeze(dim=2)
It is a bit difficult to see whether this produces the exact correct results, which is why I included a random seed which makes the example deterministic in the result, and you an easily verify that it gets you the desired results. However, for clarification, one could also use a lower-dimensional tensor, for which this becomes clearer what exactly torch.gather does.
Note that torch.gather also allows you to index multiple indexes in the same row theoretically. Meaning if you instead got a multiclass example for which multiple values are correct, you could similarly use a tensor L of shape [B, S, number_of_correct_samples].

TypeError: append() missing 1 required positional argument: 'values'

I have variable 'x_data' sized 360x190, I am trying to select particular rows of data.
x_data_train = []
x_data_train = np.append([x_data_train,
x_data[316:335,:]],axis = 0)
I get the following error :
TypeError: append() missing 1 required positional argument: 'values'
where did I go wrong ?
If I am using
x_data_train = []
the size of the output is 8 instead of 160 rows.
In matlab, I will load the text file and x_data will be variable having 360 rows and 190 columns.
If I want to select 1 to 20 , 46 to 65, ... rows of data , I simply give
x_data_train = xdata([1:20,46:65,91:110,136:155,181:200,226:245,271:290,316:335], :);
the resulting x_data_train will be the array of my desired.
How can do that in python because it results array of 8 subsets of array for 20*192 each, but I want it to be one array 160*192
Short version: the most idiomatic and fastest way to do what you want in python is this (assuming x_data is a numpy array):
x_data_train = np.vstack([x_data[0:20,:],
This can be shortened (but made very slightly slower) by doing:
xdata[np.r_[0:20,46:65,91:110,136:155,181:200,226:245,271:290,316:335], :]
For your case where you have a lot of indices I think it helps readability, but in cases where there are fewer indices I would use the first approach.
Long version:
There are several different issues at play here.
First, in python, [] makes a list, not an array like in MATLAB. Lists are more like 1D cell arrays. They can hold any data type, including other lists, but they cannot have multiple dimensions. The equivalent of MATLAB matrices in Python are numpy arrays, which are created using np.array.
Second, [x, y] in Python always creates a list where the first element is x and the second element is y. In MATLAB [x, y] can do one of several completely different things depending on what x and y are. In your case, you want to concatenate. In Python, you need to explicitly concatenate. For two lists, there are several ways to do that. The simplest is using x += y, which modifies x in-place by putting the contents of y at the end. You can combine multiple lists by doing something like x += y + z + w. If you want to keep x, unchanged, you can assign to a new variable using something like z = x + y. Finally, you can use x.extend(y), which is roughly equivalent to x += y but works with some data types besides lists.
For numpy arrays, you need to use a slightly different approach. While Python lists can be modified in-place, strictly speaking neither MATLAB matrices nor numpy arrays can be. MATLAB pretends to allow this, but it is really creating a new matrix behind-the-scenes (which is why you get a warning if you try to resize a matrix in a loop). Numpy requires you to be more explicit about creating a new array. The simplest approach is to use np.hstack, which concatenates two arrays horizontally (or np.vstack or np.dstack for vertical and depth concatenation, respectively). So you could do z = np.hstack([v, w, x, y]). There is an append method and function in numpy, but it almost never works in practice so don't use it (it requires careful memory management that is more trouble than it is worth).
Third, what append does is to create one new element in the target list, and put whatever variable append is called with in that element. So if you do x.append([1,2,3]), it adds one new element to the end of list x containing the list [1,2,3]. It would be more like x = [x, {{1,2,3}}}, where x is a cell array.
Fourth, Python makes heavy use of "methods", which are basically functions attached to data (it is a bit more complicated than that in practice, but those complexities aren't really relevant here). Recent versions of MATLAB has added them as well, but they aren't really integrated into MATLAB data types like they are in Python. So where in MATLAB you would usually use sum(x), for numpy arrays you would use x.sum(). In this case, assuming you were doing appending (which you aren't) you wouldn't use the np.append(x, y), you would use x.append(y).
Finally, in MATLAB x:y creates a matrix of values from x to y. In Python, however, it creates a "slice", which doesn't actually contain all the values and so can be processed much more quickly by lists and numpy arrays. However, you can't really work with multiple slices like you do in your example (nor does it make sense to because slices in numpy don't make copies like they do in MATLAB, while using multiple indexes does make a copy). You can get something close to what you have in MATLAB using np.r_, which creates a numpy array based on indexes and slices. So to reproduce your example in numpy, where xdata is a numpy array, you can do xdata[np.r_[1:20,46:65,91:110,136:155,181:200,226:245,271:290,316:335], :]
More information on x_data and np might be needed to solve this but...
First: You're creating 2 copies of the same list: np and x_data_train
Second: Your indexes on x_data are strange
Third: You're passing 3 objects to append() when it only accepts 2.
I'm pretty sure revisiting your indexes on x_data will be where you solve the current error, but it will result in another error related to passing 2 values to append.
And I'm also sure you want
x_data_train = np.append(object)
and you may actually want
More on append vs extend here: append vs. extend
