write a verilog for D FF - verilog

I want to write a behavioral verilog code for a FF with the following characteristics as shown in the picture.
module DFF ( D, CK, RN, Q );
input D, CK, RN;
output reg Q;
always # (posedge CK)
if ( RN==1'b0 )
Q <= RN ;
if ( RN==1'b1 )
Q <= D ;
if RN

From your function table, RN seems to be treated as an asynchronous input.
In that case, negedge RN should also be added to the sensitivity list.
The remaining is the same as #Serge's answer.
always #(posedge CK or negedge RN)
if (RN == 1'b0)
Q <= 1'b0;
Q <= D;

There is nothing to write there. It is easier, like the following:
always #(posedge clk)
if (RN == 1'b0)
Q <= 1'b0;
Q <= D;
The only way the Q can be changed is at the posedge of clk. So, your last row in the table is fulfilled here.
The rest is obvious, and you almost got it in your code.
You can use RN as rhs in your code, but it limits flexibility and usually constants are used there.


Does the following verilog code have a race condition issue?

I am working with a verilog module (shown below) has two always blocks. Won't there be some sort of race condition since one block sets a register and the other uses the register. What kind of issues would this cause?
module XYZ
input wire CLK,
input wire Reset,
input wire nReset,
input wire [15:0] X,
input wire [15:0] A,
input wire T,
input wire B,
output reg M
assign C = X > A;
reg P;
reg N;
always #(posedge CLK, negedge nReset)
if (~nReset)
P <= 1;
N <= 1;
end else begin
if (Reset)
P <= 1;
N <= 1;
end else begin
P <= T? 1: ((C & ~M)? 0: P);
N <= B? 1: ((M & ~C)? 0: N);
always #(posedge CLK, negedge nReset)
if (~nReset)
M <= 0;
end else begin
if (Reset)
M <= 0;
end else begin
M <= M? ~(N & ~C): (P & C);
No, there is no race condition. Verilog is an event-driven simulator. Posedge (unless there is a glitch in the clock or reset) is usually executed once per the simulation tick. If you use non-blocking assignments correctly (and it looks like you did), every always block triggered by an edge will use old versions of the input variable values, the values which existed before the clock edge.
Here is a simplified example:
always #(posedge clk)
r <= in;
always #(posedge clk)
out <= r;
What happens in this situation is the following:
r will be assigned the value of in later at the simulation tick, after the always blocks have been evaluated (see the nba scheduling region).
since r has not been yet really changed, the out will be scheduled to be assigned the value of r with the value before the edge.
If r was 0 before the edge and in was 1, at the end of the simulation r will become 1 and out will become 0.
This mimics behavior for real flops in hardware.
In your case it might look as a loop dependency. In reality it it none. For the same reason as above the M value will be the one from before the the posedge and will not cause any race. Flops cannot be involved in the combinational loops due to their properties logical properties.
I completely Agree with the above answer and i would suggest some more to the above answer, when i started learning Verilog i too got the same doubt and these lines from a ref. book clarified my doubts. I am coping the statement here and
for further doubts u can comment here or u can see the
Ref. book page number 135
Book name :Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis,
Second Edition By Samir Palnitkar
nonblocking statements used in Example 2 eliminate the race condition.
At the positive edge of clock, the values of all right-hand-side
variables are "read," and the right-hand-side expressions are
evaluated and stored in temporary variables. During the write
operation, the values stored in the temporary variables are assigned
to the left-handside variables. Separating the read and write
operations ensures that the values of registers a and b are swapped
correctly, regardless of the order in which the write operations are
On the downside, nonblocking assignments can potentially cause a
degradation in the simulator performance and increase in memory usage.
//Example 2: Two concurrent always blocks with nonblocking
always #(posedge clock)
a <= b;
always #(posedge clock)
b <= a;
And u can use this type of coding style not compulsory but for the ease of debugging and to fasten simulation u can reduce the usage of begin-end blocks where ever possible
module XYZ
input wire CLK,
input wire Reset,
input wire nReset,
input wire [15:0] X,
input wire [15:0] A,
input wire T,
input wire B,
output reg M
reg P,N;
always #(posedge CLK, negedge nReset)
if (~nReset)begin
P <= #10 1;
N <= #10 1;
end else if (Reset) begin
P <= #10 1;
N <= #10 1;
end else begin
P <= #10 T ? 1 : ((C & ~M) ? 0: P);
N <= #10 B ? 1 : ((M & ~C) ? 0: N);
always #(posedge CLK, negedge nReset)
if (~nReset) M <= #10 0 ;
else if ( Reset) M <= #10 0 ;
else M <= #10 M ? ~(N & ~C): (P & C);
assign C = X > A;

modelsim programming 60 counter (error loading design)

My code is compiling well, but it does not work when i simulate it.
It displays "error loading design".
i think that input and output port is wrong among these modules.
but i can not find them..
please help me where the error is in my code.
module tb_modulo_60_binary;
reg t_clk, reset;
wire [7:0] t_Y;
parameter sec = 30;
always #(sec) t_clk = ~t_clk;
modulo_60_binary M1 (t_Y, t_clk, reset);
initial begin
t_clk = 1; reset =1; #10;
reset = 0; #3050;
module modulo_60_binary(y, clk, reset);
output [7:0] y;
input reset, clk;
wire TA1, TA2, TA3, JA2, JA4;
reg [7:0] y;
assign TA1 = 1;
assign TA2 = (~y[6]) && y[4];
assign TA3 = (y[5] && y[4]) || (y[6] && y[4]);
assign JA2 = ~y[3];
assign JA4 = y[1]&&y[2];
jk_flip_flop JK1 (1, 1, clk, y[0]);
jk_flip_flop JK2 (JA2, 1, y[0], y[1]);
jk_flip_flop JK3 (1, 1, y[1], y[2]);
jk_flip_flop JK4 (JA4, 1, y[1], y[3]);
t_flip_flop T1 (TA1, clk, y[4]);
t_flip_flop T2 (TA2, clk, y[5]);
t_flip_flip T3 (TA3, clk, y[6]);
always #(negedge clk)
y <= 8'b00000000;
else if(y == 8'b01110011)
y <= 8'b00000000;
module t_flip_flop(t, clk, q);
input t, clk;
output q;
reg q;
initial q=0;
always #(negedge clk)
if(t == 0) q <= q;
else q <= ~q;
module jk_flip_flop(j, k, clk, Q);
output Q;
input j, k, clk;
reg Q;
always #(negedge clk)
if({j,k} == 2'b00) Q <= Q;
else if({j,k} == 2'b01) Q <= 1'b0;
else if({j,k} == 2'b10) Q <= 1'b1;
else if({j,k} == 2'b11) Q <= ~Q;
Your y signal in modulo_60_binary is being driven in two places:
By bit JK# and T# instances
The reset logic that assigns all bits of y to zeros
Flops and comb-logic must have one clear driver. This is one of the fundamental differences between software and hardware languages.
The rest of my answer assuming the use of the JK and T flops are a design requirement. Therefore you need to delete the always block that assigns y to zeros and and make y a wire type.
Fixing the logic to the T flops is easy. Simply add a conditional statement. Example:
wire do_rst = reset || (y == 8'b01110011);
assign TA1 = do_rst ? y[4] : 1;
assign TA2 = do_rst ? y[5] : (~y[6]) && y[4];
assign TA3 = do_rst ? y[6] : (y[5] && y[4]) || (y[6] && y[4]);
The JK flops is harder because the output of one flop is the clock of another. I'll advice that the clock input for each JK flop should be clk, otherwise you are asking for a design headache for reset when it's y bits are non power of two minus one values (eg 1,3,7,15). This means you need to re-evaluate your JA# logic and add KA# logic (hint the do_rst from above will help). I'm not going to do the work for you beyond this.
There is the option of the asynchronous reset approach, but for this design I will advice ageist it. The reset pulse could be too short on silicon with the conditional reset for y == a particular value(s), which can result in an undependable partial reset. You could add synthesis constraints/rules to keep the push wide enough, but that is just patching a brittle design. Better to design it robust at the beginning.
FYI: y[7] does not have a driver and the module declaration of instance T3 has a typo.

D-flip flop with 2 reset: synthesis error

I'm doing a synthesis of a digital block and I need a D-Flip-Flop with 2 asynchronous resets.
(The reason is that I will drive one reset with an available clock, and I will use the second one to reset all the registers of my digital block)
I prepared the following code:
module dff_2rst(q,qn,clk,d, rst,clear);
input clk,d, rst, clear ;
output q,qn;
reg q,qn;
always #(posedge clk or posedge rst or posedge clear) //asynchronous reset
(* full_case, parallel_case *)
case({rst, clear})
2'b00: begin
q <= d;
default: begin
q <= 1'b0;
qn <=1'b1;
But I get the following error:
The statements in this 'always' block are outside the scope of the synthesis policy. Only an 'if' statement is allowed at the top level in this always block. (ELAB-302)
*** Presto compilation terminated with 1 errors. ***
I also tried with
if(~rst & ~clear)
but I have errors too.
Do you have an idea to correct my code? Thanks a lot!
The standard way to write a async reset, set (clear) flip-flop in Verilog RTL is:
always #(posedge clk or posedge rst or posedge clear) begin
if (rst) begin
// Aysnc Reset
q <= 'b0 ;
else if (clear) begin
// Async Clear
q <= 'b0 ;
else begin
// Sync logic here
q <= d;
assign qn = ~n;
The little trick for qn requires it qn be a wire, currently defined as a reg. reg q,qn; should just be reg q;
Also for cleaner code a new header type is cleaner and avoids repetition:
module dff_2rst(
input clk,
input d,
input rst,
input clear,
output reg q,
output qn );
Thank you Morgan. Your code was inspiring to me. I couldn't use
assign qn=~q;
Because I got the error:
qn is not a valid left-hand side of a continuous assignment.
But I modified your code in the following manner and it works:
module dff_2rst(q,qn,clk,d, rst,clear);
input clk,d, rst, clear ;
output q,qn;
reg q,qn;
always #(posedge clk or posedge rst or posedge clear) //asynchronous reset
if (rst) begin
// Aysnc Reset
q <= 'b0 ;
qn<= 'b1 ;
else if (clear) begin
// Async Clear
q <= 'b0 ;
qn<= 'b1 ;
else begin
// Sync logic here
q <= d;
qn<= ~d;

Implementing JK Flipflop in Verilog

I'm trying to implement simple JK Flipflop in Verilog (Modelsim). But I'm getting the following error
The generate if condition must be a constant expression.
Here is the code which I'm using
module jkfflop(J,K,clk,Q);
input J,K,clk;
output Q;
if(J==0 & K==1)
assign Q = 0;
else if(J==1 & K==0)
assign Q = 1;
else if(J==1 & K==1)
assign Q = ~Q;
Can someone help me
In Verilog RTL there is a formula or patten used to imply a flip-flop. for a Positive edge triggered flip-flop it is always #(posedge clock) for negative edge triggered flip-flops it would be always #(negedge clock).
An Example of positive edge triggered block.
reg [7:0] a;
always #(posedge clock) begin
a <= b;
Normally you want a reset as well, a Synchronous reset would be:
reg [7:0] a;
always #(posedge clock) begin
if ( reset == 1'b1 ) begin
a <= 'b0;
else begin
a <= b;
It is more common is ASIC design to require an active low Asynchronous :
reg [7:0] a;
always #(posedge clock, negedge reset_n) begin
if ( reset_n == 1'b0 ) begin
a <= 'b0;
else begin
a <= b;
Note that the asynchronous reset has reset in the sensitivity list this makes the block respond to changes in the signal.
The way you have used (reused) assign is incorrect.
Using the above info your module would become:
module jkfflop(
input J,
input K,
input clk,
output Q );
always #(posedge clk) begin
if(J==1'b0 && K==1'b1) begin
Q <= 'b0;
else if(J==1'b1 && K==1'b0) begin
Q <= 1'b1;
else if(J==1'b1 & K==1'b1) begin
Q <= ~Q;
But could be written with a case statement:
always #(posedge clk) begin
2'b0_0 : Q <= Q ;
2'b0_1 : Q <= 1'b0;
2'b1_0 : Q <= 1'b1;
2'b1_1 : Q <= ~Q ;

code for shift add unit

i write the code for shift adder unit....but i didnt get correct result...here i cant ble to post ckt for the same...i think clk synchronization problem in there
module shift_adder_8a(clk,,j0,j7,s089,s075,s050,s018);
input clk;
input [2:0] j0,j7;
output reg[10:0]s089,s075,s050,s018;
reg[6:0] o0,p0;
always#(posedge clk )
z0 <= j0-j7;
o0 <= (z0<<3)+z0;
p0 <= (z0<<4)+o0;
s089 <= (z0<<6)+p0;
s075 <= (p0<<1)+p0;
s050 <= (p0<<1);
s018 <= (o0<<1);
By not "get correct result", I'm assuming you mean the results are coming delayed.
Try moving the z0,o0,p0 assignments into a combinational block:
always #* begin
z0 = j0-j7;
o0 = (z0<<3)+z0;
p0 = (z0<<4)+o0;
always#(posedge clk )
s089 <= (z0<<6)+p0;
s075 <= (p0<<1)+p0;
s050 <= (p0<<1);
s018 <= (o0<<1);
