How to import airbnbapi? - node.js

Following this tutorial:
and would like to import SDK
var airbnb = require('airbnbapijs')
I do not see any component like airbnbapijs. Shouldn't it exist to be import into my web app?


How to import InfoType or other types from google-cloud/dlp for typescript in nodejs

Working with Google cloud DLP and nodejs. After import DLP from "#google-cloud/dlp, how can I import InfoType, Likelihood, IInspectContentRequest and other types from the library as it contains all types.
Solution import {protos} from "#google-cloud/dlp

How to use the varibale tryton in blueprint?

I am building an application in flask and a library called flask_tryton I do the process of creating the file with the function create_app() as you see the tryton variable is used in that way that a connection to a database tryton is an api for flask, my problem is in the blueprint that does not allow using that variable to make my endpoints someone knows how I can use that variable in the party file which is a blueprint
import os
import uuid
from flask import Flask
from flask_tryton import Tryton
def create_app():
app = Flask(name)
app.config['TRYTON_DATABASE'] = os.environ.get('TRYTON_DATABASE')
app.config['TRYTON_CONFIG'] = os.environ.get('TRYTON_CONFIG')
tryton = Tryton(app, configure_jinja=True)
from . import party
return app
The problem I have is that it does not allow me to use the tryton variable in the party blueprint I am new to flask and I am trying to make this adaptation with tryton.

How to patch in python

I have a class that import google cloud:
from import storage
I have a app that uses StorageUtils:
import StorageUtils
Then I have a test, that I want to test my app
from app import App
I want to test my app without using google cloud. The easiest way I found is to use sys.modules:
import sys
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
sys.modules[""] = MagicMock()
I found this solution quite a work around. Are there any other way using python mock?
In this case, if the file that contains the class StorageUtils is called
def test_storage(st):
storage = StorageUtils()

Secondary import when using Firebase?

Why do we need to import what seems like the same module twice when using Firebase?
import { firestore, initializeApp } from 'firebase';
import 'firebase/firestore';
Would be interesting to hear why this case may come up in general node/js es6 modules and not just here.
I usually do something like this:
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
import 'firebase/auth';
The first line imports the main Firebase dependency, so that you call firebase.initializeApp(...).
The second and third line then import specific Firebase product SDKs on top of that, so that you can access firebase.firestore() and firebase.auth().
This pulls in the minimal amount of JavaScript that is needed for my specific app.
Your first line pulls in the SDKs for all Firebase projects, and then imports a few objects out of there. This is quite wasteful, as you're unlikely to be using all products in an app.
I'm actually not sure what the second line does in your case.

Webstorm Import url issues with Angular 2

Looking for some guidance on WebStorm v11 and using Angular2 imports, I'm also on a Mac.
Whenever I am creating a component and I import for example Http service from Angular 2, WebStorm does its thing and automatically imports it on the page for me. However the URL for the import is a crazy string, but in all the demos I've seen it just imports to a simple string like this:
import {Http} from "angular2/core";
but mine will import like this:
import {Http} from "../../../node_modules/angular2/src/http/http";
So I will manually go and change it to the more simple one for readability and it still works fine. Any ideas or help on how I could get it to import with the simple string?
