Check the path of a running script on PBS job scheduler - linux

I'd like to check where is the script which is currently running on my HPC platform. I know I can get the names of the jobs with the command qsub, which prompts:
Req'd Req'd
Job id Username Queue Name SessID NDS TSK Memory Time Us
-------------------- -------- -------- -------------------- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- -
123456 xxxxx xxxxxx script_name -- 5 120 -- 72:00 R
Update: I managed to do it with UNIX commands: ´find´, ´cat´ and ´grep´, but I'd like to know if there is a way to get it directly from PBS commands.
Old question: (for your information)
Also, I know that the name is set inside the file with the variable
#SBATCH -J script_name
So I tried to look for it using ´find´, ´cat´ and ´grep´:
$ cat $(find . -name '*.sh') | grep script_name
#SBATCH -J script_name
But, of course, I'm getting just that line with that command
Is there a way to get the name/path of the file that owns the "grep-ed" file portion?
Is there a command to do it with the PBS commands (I'd love to know how to get it with the ´find´, ´cat´ and ´grep´ commands too)

I'm not too sure which workload manager are you running. Commands you mentioned and the tag you added points to PBS but "SBATCH" in your script means that you are using SLURM.
I can tell you that in case of PBS job script is almost always in some directory under PBS_HOME directory on the execution host. You can find path of PBS_HOME in /etc/pbs.conf. The job directory is root protected directory so unless you are root, you can not see the contents.
The script name is not the name of the script you provide in the qsub command line utility. Rather, it is named after the job-id you get out of qsub and suffixed with ".SC".
Example, if qsub gives you a job id "7557.host1" then job script is named as "7557.host1.SC".


Slurm - Accessing stdout/stderr location of a completed job

I am trying to get the location of the stdout and stderr file of an already completed job.
Indeed, while the job is running, I could do
scontrol show job $JobId
However, this does not work after a job is finished
I am able to get information about previous completed jobs with sacct,
However, there is no option to display the location of stderr and stdout with this command.
The only information, I found about this issue is this . However, this suggests changing slurm.conf so that scontrol show job $JobId retains information. This is not possible in my case because I do not have access to slurm.conf
So I was wondering if there was a way with slurm to get the location of the stdout and stderr of a completed job?
Thanks for your help
---- edit ----
The jobs are submitted with a bash file
#SBATCH --output=...
#SBATCH --error=...
By running the command sbatch $submission_file
This means retrieving the command to submitted the file does not help. Indeed this will retrieve only sbatch $jobfile and not give any further information on the output and error directory.
Although Slurm does not seem to save that information in the accounting database explicitly, it does save the information of the working directory, which you can obtain with
sacct -j <JOBID> -o workdir%-100
Most of the time, chances are the output and error files will be relative to that directory.
Slurm also saves the submission command, which you can retrieve with
sacct -j <JOBID> -o SubmitLine%-100
which will reveal output and error files in the case they were provided in the command line.
Finally, note that Slurm will also save the full submission script if configured to do so (which could not be the case on your cluster). If so, you can retrieve it with
sacct -j <JOBID> --batch-script

Group different linux command in one script

I have some checks that I do every 2 hours to monitor the status of servers like
iostat -ch, df -h /DATA, free -mh, ps -aux | grep kafka and other commands and some shell scripts.
How can I group them in one or two scripts to execute them automatically without doing the same check manually every time?
So if I understand correctly you want to execute a bunch of commands as one script executed it automatically every two hours?
Start by writing a shell script:
iostat -ch
df -h /DATA
free -mh
ps -aux | grep kafka
and then add it as a cron job (see cron)

Why Torque qsub don't create output file?

I trying start task on cluster via Torque PBS with command
qsub -o a.txt
File contain single string:
After command qsub I make qstat command, that give next output:
Job ID Name User Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
302937.voms user 00:00:00 E long
After 5 seconds command qstat return empty output (no jobs in queue).
qsub --version
give output: version: 2.5.13
which qsub
Output: /usr/bin/qsub
The problem is that the file a.txt (from command qsub -o a.txt is not created! In the terminal returned only job id, there is not any errors. Command
has the same behavior. How I can fix it? Where is qsub log files with errors?
If I use command
qsub -l nodes=node36:ppn=1 -o a.txt
then output files I can find in folder
on node36 (after ssh login on it).
Output file contain string "node36", error file is empty.
Why my files is "undelivered"?
The output log and error log files are kept on the execution node in a spool directory and copied back to the head node after the job has completed. The location of the spool directory may vary. But you should look for it
/var/torque/spool on the first node from the list of nodes the job has been allocated.
There are multiple reasons that might cause torque to fail to deliver the output files.
The user submitting the job might not exist on the node or their home directory might not be accessible, or there is a user ID mismatch between the nodes of the cluster.
Torque is using ssh to copy files to the head node, but passwordless public key authentication for the user to ssh across the cluster has not been set up consistently on all the nodes.
A node failed during the execution of the job.
This list is by no means complete. Already here on Stack Overflow one can find a number of questions dealing with such a failure. Try to check if any of the above applies to your case.
You(or anyone else finding this thread) should also check out the solution given here:
PBS, refresh stdout
If you have admin access, you can set
$spool_as_final_name true
which causes the output to be written directly to the final destination.

Redirect output of my java program under qsub

I am currently running multiple Java executable program using qsub.
I wrote two scripts: 1), 2)
#! /bin/bash
echo cd `pwd` \; "$#" | qsub
#! /bin/bash
for param in 1 2 3
./ java -jar myProgram.jar -param ${param}
Given the two scripts above, I submit jobs by
I want to redirect the messages generated by myProgram.jar -param ${param}
So in, I replaced the 4th line with the following
./ java -jar myProgram.jar -param ${param} > output-${param}.txt
but the messages stored in output.txt is "Your job 730 ("STDIN") has been submitted", which is not what I intended.
I know that qsub has an option -o for specifying the location of output, but I cannot figure out how to use this option for my case.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.
The issue is that qsub doesn't return the output of your job, it returns the output of the qsub command itself, which is simply informing your resource manager / scheduler that you want that job to run.
You want to use the qsub -o option, but you need to remember that the output won't appear there until the job has run to completion. For Torque, you'd use qstat to check the status of your job, and all other resource managers / schedulers have similar commands.

can i delete a shell script after it has been submitted using qsub without affecting the job?

I want to submit a a bunch of jobs using qsub - the jobs are all very similar. I have a script that has a loop, and in each instance it rewrites over a file and then does qsub . Before the job has had a chance to run, the may have been overwritten by the next instance of the loop. Is another copy of stored while the job is waiting to run? Or do I need to be careful not to change before the job has begun?
Assuming you're talking about torque, then yes; torque reads in the script at submission time. In fact the submission script need never exist as a file at all; as given as an example in the documentation for torque, you can pipe in commands to qsub (from the docs: cat pbs.cmd | qsub.)
But several other batch systems (SGE/OGE, PBS PRO) use qsub as a queue submission command, so you'll have to tell us what queuing system you're using to be sure.
Yes. You can even create jobs and sub-jobs with HERE Documents. Below is an example of a test I was doing with a script initiated by a cron job:
#!/bin/env bash
qsub -N testCron -l nodes=1:vortex:compute -l walltime=1:00:00 <<QSUB
qsub -N testsubCron -l nodes=1:vortex:compute -l walltime=1:00:00 <<QSUBNEST
date -Isec
