JHipster How to control entitie generation to microservice? or How to do JDL properly to get the entities generated into the right micorservice folder - jhipster

I am trying to prototype a microservice application with JHipster and I have tried to collect all the information what I was able in order to do it properly, but it is not totally clear how to put together a JDL to have the right entities in the right services generated.
What I would expect is to have a directory layout like:
gateway <- Ideal would be to have only fronted code
invoice <- Invoice CRUD code with corresponding ms (with below JDL it is empty)
order <- Order CRUD code with corresponding ms
usage <- Usage CRUD code with corresponding ms (with below JDL it is empty)
Here is the JDL used:
application {
config {
baseName gateway,
applicationType gateway,
packageName com.org.myApp.sales,
serviceDiscoveryType eureka,
searchEngine elasticsearch,
authenticationType oauth2,
prodDatabaseType postgresql,
cacheProvider hazelcast,
buildTool gradle,
clientFramework react,
testFrameworks [protractor]
entities *
application {
config {
baseName invoice,
applicationType microservice,
packageName com.org.myApp.invoice,
serviceDiscoveryType eureka,
searchEngine elasticsearch,
authenticationType oauth2,
prodDatabaseType postgresql,
devDatabaseType postgresql,
buildTool gradle,
serverPort 8081,
skipUserManagement true
entities Invoice, Product
application {
config {
baseName usage,
applicationType microservice,
packageName com.org.myApp.usage,
serviceDiscoveryType eureka,
searchEngine elasticsearch,
authenticationType oauth2,
prodDatabaseType postgresql,
devDatabaseType postgresql,
cacheProvider no,
enableHibernateCache false,
buildTool gradle,
serverPort 8082,
skipUserManagement true
entities Usage
application {
config {
baseName order,
applicationType microservice,
packageName com.org.myApp.order,
serviceDiscoveryType eureka,
searchEngine elasticsearch,
authenticationType oauth2,
prodDatabaseType postgresql,
devDatabaseType postgresql,
buildTool gradle,
serverPort 8083,
skipUserManagement true
entities ProductOrder, OrderItem, ProductCategory, Product
entity Product {
name String required
description String
price BigDecimal required min(0)
size Size required
image ImageBlob
enum Size {
S, M, L, XL, XXL
entity ProductCategory {
name String required
description String
entity Customer {
firstName String required
lastName String required
gender Gender required
email String required pattern(/^[^#\s]+#[^#\s]+\.[^#\s]+$/)
phone String required
addressLine1 String required
addressLine2 String
city String required
country String required
enum Gender {
entity ProductOrder {
placedDate Instant required
status OrderStatus required
code String required
invoiceId Long
enum OrderStatus {
entity OrderItem {
quantity Integer required min(0)
totalPrice BigDecimal required min(0)
status OrderItemStatus required
enum OrderItemStatus {
relationship OneToOne {
Customer{user(login) required} to User
relationship ManyToOne {
OrderItem{product(name) required} to Product
relationship OneToMany {
ProductOrder{orderItem} to OrderItem{order(code) required} ,
ProductCategory{product} to Product{productCategory(name)}
service Product, ProductCategory, Customer, ProductOrder, OrderItem with serviceClass
paginate Product, Customer, ProductOrder, OrderItem with pagination
/* Entities for Invoice microservice */
entity Invoice {
code String required
date Instant required
details String
status InvoiceStatus required
paymentMethod PaymentMethod required
paymentDate Instant required
paymentAmount BigDecimal required
enum InvoiceStatus {
enum PaymentMethod {
entity Usage {
date Instant required
details String
sentDate Instant required
userId Long required
productId Long required
microservice Invoice with invoice
microservice Usage with usage
microservice Product, ProductCategory, ProductOrder, OrderItem with order
dto * with mapstruct
paginate Invoice with pagination
##### **Environment and Tools**
JHipster version: v6.6.0
java version "11.0.5" 2019-10-15 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.5+10-LTS)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.5+10-LTS, mixed mode)
node: v12.14.0
npm: 6.13.4
yeoman: 3.1.1
INFO! Congratulations, JHipster execution is complete!
So here are my questions:
1. What is exactly controlling where the entities are generated?
application {
config {
baseName gateway,
applicationType gateway,
packageName com.org.myApp.sales,
serviceDiscoveryType eureka,
searchEngine elasticsearch,
authenticationType oauth2,
prodDatabaseType postgresql,
cacheProvider hazelcast,
buildTool gradle,
clientFramework react,
testFrameworks [protractor]
entities * <-- What if all entities associated to a different service not to the gateway? (actually when I tried I ended up with an empty folder for gateway)
2. How is microservice <ENTITIES> with <MICROSERVICE_APP_NAME> relates to the above mentioned entities * section?
3. Is the relationship between entities affects where the code is generated?

Entities are not generated in a gateway from backend standpoint, only frontend code for these entities is generated
It's used by the gateway to route to correct microservice
There can't be any relationship between entities from different microservices because they reside in distinct databases


How to restore persistence properties that the domain model does not have

I have been thinking and reading about this for some time with not success.
I'm in the process of separating the db layer from the domain (I was using orm entities as domain entities).
To do it I have created simple mapper classes with methods to transform a persistence entity to a domain entity and viceversa.
The problem comes when a domain entity does not have all the persistence properties as they are useless for the bussiness logic (for example the user logo image url).
I map the user db result to its domain entity without saving the logo so when I try to convert it back to persistence I don't have a way to retrieve again the logo.
My question is, there is a pattern to solve this or a domain entity does have to always contain all the necessary info to be persisted even when that info is completely useless for the bussiness logic?
Code example:
// User persistence entity
class User {
// User domain entity
class User {
// Mapper
class UserEntityMapper {
static toDomain(raw) {
return new User({
name: raw.name,
isActive: raw.is_active,
account: raw.account_id,
static toPersistence(User domain) {
return {
name: domain.name,
is_active: domain.isActive,
account_id: domain.account,
logo: // How tf can i get the logo here????

Creating entity relationship using a jdl in jhipster

I have the below JDL that I am using to create the jhipster application.
entity AuthClient(auth_client) {
msisdn String required maxlength(255),
email String required unique maxlength(255),
password String required maxlength(255),
lastLogin Instant,
createdAt Instant required,
createdBy Integer,
updatedAt Instant,
updatedBy Integer,
isDeleted Boolean required,
deletedAt Instant,
deletedBy Integer
entity AuthToken(auth_token) {
token String required maxlength(255),
appId Integer required,
appVersionName String maxlength(255),
clientId Integer required,
entity ClientProfile(client_profile) {
fName String required maxlength(255),
mName String maxlength(255),
lName String required maxlength(255),
gender Integer,
clientId Integer required
// Relations
relationship OneToMany {
AuthClient{AuthToken(clientId)} to AuthToken{AuthClient}
relationship OneToOne{
ClientProfile{AuthClient} to AuthClient{ClientProfile(clientId)},
// Options
service * with serviceClass
paginate * with pagination
dto * with mapstruct
filter *
However, instead of using the variable clientId as the foreign key it creates another field in the database.
I need to use the clientId as the foreign key in this application and not the generated new field Auth Client
Defining a clientId field as you did has no impact on the relationship, these are two separate things.
When you define a relationship, a field is automatically created in the entity and its type is of the related class: it's a reference to an object in the java entity and a foreign key column in the database table.
By default, the foreign key column will be named as auth_client_id and the field will be named as authClient. However, the JDL syntax for relationships lets you configure the relationship name and so modify the generated names.
So, remove all the clientId fields and modify your relationships definitions as follows:
// Relations
relationship OneToMany {
AuthClient to AuthToken{client}
relationship OneToOne{
ClientProfile{client} to AuthClient
This way you get the foreign key column named as client_id and the field named as client.
You can then define also which field of the related entity will be used for display in the generated UI.
There is more to learn about relationships in the doc: https://www.jhipster.tech/jdl/relationships

relationship between two entities in different micro-services

i have a question : does jhipster allow relationship between two entities in different micro-services
i have a :
1- customer microservice (with Customer entity)
2-farm microservice (with Farm entity)
it is possibl to do a ManytoOne relationship between Customer and Farm ? and How ?
this is my jdl file
application {
config {
baseName gateway
packageName com.privacy.gateway
applicationType gateway
serverPort 8080
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
databaseType mongodb
cacheProvider hazelcast
authenticationType oauth2
buildTool maven
clientFramework react
entities *
application {
config {
baseName soilmonitoring
packageName com.privacy.soilmonitoring
applicationType microservice
serverPort 8081
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
databaseType mongodb
cacheProvider hazelcast
authenticationType oauth2
buildTool maven
entities SoilStream, SoilDevice
application {
config {
baseName customer
packageName com.privacy.customer
applicationType microservice
serverPort 8082
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
databaseType mongodb
cacheProvider hazelcast
authenticationType oauth2
buildTool maven
entities Customer
application {
config {
baseName farm
packageName com.privacy.farm
applicationType microservice
serverPort 8083
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
databaseType mongodb
cacheProvider hazelcast
authenticationType oauth2
buildTool maven
entities Farm
application {
config {
baseName farmservice
packageName com.privacy.farmservice
applicationType microservice
serverPort 8084
serviceDiscoveryType eureka
databaseType mongodb
cacheProvider hazelcast
authenticationType oauth2
buildTool maven
entities FarmService
entity SoilDevice {
name String required
status DeviceStatus
entity FarmService {
name String required
subscriptionPlan SubscriptionPlan
entity Customer {
description String
entity Farm {
name String
description String
enum DeviceStatus {
enum SubscriptionPlan {
entity SoilStream {
soilTemp Float
soilHum Float
soilO2 Float
soilCO2 Float
soilEc Float
soilPh Float
lighting Float
airTemp Float
airHum Float
relationship ManyToMany{
FarmService{farm} to Farm{farmservice}
relationship ManyToOne {
SoilStream{soildevice} to SoilDevice
Farm{customer} to Customer{farm}
paginate all with pagination
service all with serviceClass
dto all with mapstruct
microservice SoilStream, SoilDevice with soilmonitoring
microservice Farm with farm
microservice Customer with customer
microservice FarmService with farmservice
deployment {
deploymentType docker-compose
appsFolders [gateway , soilmonitoring , customer , farm, farmservice]
when i run jhipster import-jdl file.jdl i got the error :
ERROR! Error during import-jdl: Entities for the ManyToMany relationship from 'FarmService' to 'Farm' do not belong to the same application.
You can't because they are stored in 2 different databases. The only thing you can do is to use ID of the other entity, then depending on your use case you may aggregate data in an upper level service or in UI or duplicate partial data.
See the discussion in JHipster issue tracking to understand more: https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/issues/9949

Why my microservice does not automatically add user information?

I created application with the following jdl.
And then, I ran the test with cypress when it was created successfully.
Most of them pass but get some errors in entities that have relationship with User entity in microservice.
I noticed that the application does not automatically add user information to the microservices' databases. This is unlike any other I have done before. I tried removing the kafka option but the result is the same.
Tell me, is my design wrong? Please
Thanks very much
application {
config {
baseName StudySpace
applicationType gateway
packageName io.witcher.studyspace
serverPort 8080
authenticationType oauth2
databaseType sql
devDatabaseType mysql
prodDatabaseType mysql
cacheProvider hazelcast
clientFramework react
buildTool gradle
languages [vi, en]
clientTheme flatly
serviceDiscoveryType consul
testFrameworks [cypress]
messageBroker kafka
entities *
application {
config {
baseName GroupService
applicationType microservice
packageName io.witcher.studyspace.group_service
serverPort 8081
authenticationType oauth2
databaseType sql
devDatabaseType mysql
prodDatabaseType mysql
buildTool gradle
languages [en, vi]
cacheProvider hazelcast
serviceDiscoveryType consul
testFrameworks [cypress]
messageBroker kafka
entities Group, GroupMember, GroupAdmin, WaitingMember
application {
config {
baseName ExamStore
applicationType microservice
packageName io.witcher.studyspace.exam_store
serverPort 8082
authenticationType oauth2
databaseType sql
devDatabaseType mysql
prodDatabaseType mysql
buildTool gradle
languages [en, vi]
cacheProvider hazelcast
serviceDiscoveryType consul
testFrameworks [cypress]
messageBroker kafka
entities Topic, Exam, ExamItem, Question, Option, QuestionGroup
application {
config {
baseName AnswerStore
reactive true
applicationType microservice
packageName io.witcher.studyspace.answer_store
serverPort 8083
authenticationType oauth2
databaseType sql
devDatabaseType mysql
prodDatabaseType mysql
buildTool gradle
languages [en, vi]
cacheProvider hazelcast
serviceDiscoveryType consul
testFrameworks [cypress]
messageBroker kafka
entities GroupTimeTable, TimeTable, AnswerSheet, AnswerSheetItem
entity GroupAdmin {}
entity WaitingMember {}
entity GroupMember {}
entity Group {
groupId String unique required
name String minlength(5) maxlength(255) required
entity Topic {
topicId String unique required
name String minlength(5) maxlength(255) required
entity QuestionGroup {
repoId String unique required
name String minlength(5) maxlength(255) required
groupId String
entity Question {
content TextBlob required
note TextBlob
entity Option {
content TextBlob required
isCorrect Boolean required
entity Exam {
examId String unique required
name String minlength(3) maxlength(155) required
duration Integer min(5) max(180) required
mix Integer min(0) max(2) required
groupId String required
entity ExamItem {
numOfQuestion Integer required
entity GroupTimeTable {
examId String required
startAt Instant required
endAt Instant required
groupId String required
note String
entity TimeTable {
title String minlength(2) maxlength(255)
time Instant
note TextBlob required
entity AnswerSheet {
time Instant required
entity AnswerSheetItem {
questionId Integer required
answerId Integer required
relationship ManyToOne {
GroupMember{user(login)} to User
GroupMember{group(groupId)} to Group
WaitingMember{user(login)} to User
WaitingMember{group(groupId)} to Group
GroupAdmin{user(login)} to User
GroupAdmin{group(groupId)} to Group
AnswerSheet{groupTimeTable} to GroupTimeTable
AnswerSheet{user(login)} to User
TimeTable{user(login)} to User
AnswerSheetItem{answerSheet} to AnswerSheet
QuestionGroup{user(login)} to User
QuestionGroup{topic(topicId)} to Topic
Question{repo(repoId)} to QuestionGroup
Option{question} to Question
ExamItem{repo} to QuestionGroup
ExamItem{exam} to Exam
dto * with mapstruct
service * with serviceClass
paginate * with infinite-scroll
microservice Group, GroupMember, GroupAdmin, WaitingMember with GroupService
microservice Topic, Exam, ExamItem, Question, Option, QuestionGroup with ExamStore
microservice GroupTimeTable, TimeTable, AnswerSheet, AnswerSheetItem with AnswerStore

Cassandra support in apollo graphql

I want to connect Apache Cassandra to apollo graphql server. Is there any ORM library available for cassandra in node just like Sequelize for relational databases.
Can any one please help me out
Maybe this could help:
From the description of the page: Express-Cassandra is a Cassandra ORM/ODM/OGM for NodeJS with Elassandra & JanusGraph Support.
There is an automatically generated GraphQL API for Cassandra that you can run as a service to expose your CQL tables via GraphQL.
GitHub repo: https://github.com/datastax/cassandra-data-apis
Small Example:
Say you have the a table called books
CREATE TABLE library.books (
title text PRIMARY KEY,
author text
It will automatically generate these APIs
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Query {
books(value: BooksInput, orderBy: [BooksOrder], options: QueryOptions): BooksResult
booksFilter(filter: BooksFilterInput!, orderBy: [BooksOrder], options: QueryOptions): BooksResult
type Mutation {
insertBooks(value: BooksInput!, ifNotExists: Boolean, options: UpdateOptions): BooksMutationResult
updateBooks(value: BooksInput!, ifExists: Boolean, ifCondition: BooksFilterInput, options: UpdateOptions): BooksMutationResult
deleteBooks(value: BooksInput!, ifExists: Boolean, ifCondition: BooksFilterInput, options: UpdateOptions): BooksMutationResult
And you can query them with
mutation {
catch22: insertBooks(value: {title:"Catch-22", author:"Joseph Heller"}) {
value {
query {
books (value: {title:"Catch-22"}) {
values {
