Date of Birth in Mongoose Schema - node.js

I feel as though this is a simple question, but after doing google searches and looking at the mongoose documentation, I have not found a good answer (or at least one that I understand).
I want to include in the Profile Schema a Date of Birth Block. Now, this is my idea but I am unsure if this will work well within MongoDB.
I want to be able to have the User enter this information into their profile, and save it into the database.
birthday: {
day: {
type: Number
month: {
type: Number
year: {
type: Number
Is this the best method? does it cause problems in the long run? what is your guys opinion on the proper way to using Node.Js/Mongoose Schemas and using birthdates?
I appreciate the help guys.

Why not just use something like this?
birthday: { type: Date }
Whenever user inputs all the three fields, combine it to form the birthday and save it as date object. This seems much cleaner and it's easy to query too, considering mongo supports aggregation on fields like $month.

Birth-date format for mongoose Schema
dateOfBirth: {
type: Date,
required: true,
trim: true,


Proper way of updating average rating for a review system using Mongoose

I'm currently learning some backend stuff using an Udemy course and I have an example website that lets you add campgrounds (campground name, picture, description, etc.) and review them. I'm using the Express framework for Node.js, and Mongoose to access the database.
My campground schema looks like:
const campgroundSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
image: String,
description: String,
price: String,
comments: [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Comment"
rating: {type: Number, default: 0}
And my comment/review schema looks like:
const commentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
text: String,
rating: {
type: Number,
min: 1,
max: 5,
validate: {validator: Number.isInteger}
campground: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Campground"}
Campgrounds and Comments also have references to a User but I've left that out for simplicity.
I'm looking to know the best practice for updating and displaying the campground average rating.
The method used by the tutorial I'm following is to recalculate the average rating each time a comment is added, changed, or deleted. Here's how it would work for a new comment:
Campground.findById(campgroundId).populate("comments").exec(function(err, campground) {
Comment.create(newComment, function(err, comment) {
campground.rating = calculateRating(campground.comments);;
"calculateRating" iterates through the comment array, gets the total sum, and returns the sum divided by the number of comments.
My gut instinct tells me that there should be a way to make the "rating" field of Campground perform the functionality of the "calculateRating" function, so that I don't have to update the rating every time a comment is added, changed, or removed. I've been poking around documentation for a while now, but since I'm pretty new to Mongoose and databases in general, I'm a bit lost on how to proceed.
In summary: I want to add functionality to my Campground model so that when I access its rating, it automatically accesses each comment referenced in the comments array, sums up their ratings, and returns the average.
My apologies if any of my terminology is incorrect. Any tips on how I would go about achieving this would be very much appreciated!
I think what you are trying to do is get a virtual property of the document that gets the average rating but it does not get persisted to the mongo database.
according to mongoosejs :- Virtuals are document properties that you can get and set but that do not get persisted to MongoDB. They are set on the schema.
You can do this:
CampgroundSchema.virtual('averageRating').get(function() {
let ratings = [];
this.comments.forEach((comment) => ratings.push(comment.rating));
return (ratings.reduce((a,b)=>a+b)/ratings.length).toFixed(2);
After that on your view engine after finding campgrounds or a campground, all you need to call is ; campground.averageRating;
Read more here :
also note that you can not make any type of query on virtual properties.

Mongoose best practices for document creation with unknown number of items in a field

I've looked around left and right, I wrote some demo code, wrote some tests to implement a school management system.
What I want to know from people more used to mongoose development is how would be the best practice to create this schema in a way that made it possible to add as many address, and contact fees as I want from this single document.
I made my own solution, but I don't know if it is the most elegant and feasible way, I want an opinion from seasoned people.
Should I create separate models for address, email and phone numbers?
I created this schema. It still has some pseudo-code, but for giving the general idea is fine.
var student = {
name: String,
surname: String,
currentClass: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Classes"
birthday: {
year: Number,
month: Number,
day: Number
address: [{
name: String,
zip: Number,
address: String,
city: String,
state: String,
complement: String
accountable: {
name: String,
surname: String,
email: [{
type: String,
required: true,
lowercase: true
phone: [String, String]
My sollution was, by using html, creating a new "email" or "address" fields as the user requested by clickinking in the propper button. This generated a new input field with a name that followed a pattern like:
email1, email2, email3, email4
And so, when the user sent the data, if we were creating a new student I would first create the array with the data and send it to mongoose.
In case of updating, I would get the already created emails and add it to the new array with the newEmails.concat(old_emails)
To design the database, there are many situations for it:
1 to 1, 1 to many, many to many.
One to one: you should to put the strong object inside the other, for example:a person can have only one passport, then we should put passport object inside the person object.
One to Many, 3 cases for one to many.
One to Few:few is less than 100 objects,Then you should add the few as list in the one object, for example:
A person can have multiple addresses as in your example above.
One to Many:many is Thousands, then you should put the primary keys of the many in a list inside the the one object.
One to Too many: then do not do the previous solution, but instead add the primary of the one in every objects of the many.
And finally, Many to Many: you should put them as list in both sides.
Check the below references:
Morover, for this part phone: [String, String], you should make it phone: [String]

how to validate dynamic key of mongoose schema

I am trying to build a MEAN project, so I need to validate some of my model's dynamic key...
I want to create a Schema like this
var exampleSchema = new Schema({
x: {
type: String,
default: '',
required: true,
trim: true
y: {}
as you see I have mixed type object, but actually it is a Language Map and it should be something like this,
"en-US": "answered"
can I validate my key with mongoose? (I think it has no function like that)
if no, how and where can I validate it (in model or controller)?
You may want to look into this:
Specifically pre-save events. Mongoose gives you control over this and you can perform validation, mapping as needed before the actual model gets saved.
Also works nice for pre-init event if you need defaults such as "current date" for an audit trail such as "createdOn: date".

Custom fields in MongoDB query result

After being so used to SQL, I have came across this problem with mongoDB.
First, I am using mongoose.
Now, the problem. I have a collection named User.
var UserSchema = new Schema ({
id : ObjectId,
name : {type : String, trim : true, required : true},
email: {type:String, trim:true, required: true, index: { unique: true }},
password: {type:String, required: true, set: passwordToMD5},
age: {type:Number, min: 18, required: true, default: 18},
gender: {type: Number, default:0, required: true},
height: {type: Number, default:180, min: 140, max: 220},
_eye_color: {type: ObjectId, default: null},
location: {
lon: {type: Number, default: 0},
lat: {type: Number, default: 0}
status: {type:Number, required: true, default:0}
toObject: { virtuals: true },
toJSON: { virtuals: true },
Now I need to select all users from this collection and sort them by special attribude (say "rank"). This rank is calculated with certain logic depending of their distance from a point, age compared with given age, etc...
So now I was wondering how to select this rank and then use it in sorting? I have tried to use virtuals, they are handy to count additional info, but unfortunately, it is not possible to sort the find() results by a virtual field.
Of course I can calculate this rank in a virtual, then select all records, and after that, in callback, do some javascript. But in this case, as I select all the users then sort and then limit, the javascript part might take too long...
I was thinking to use mapreduce, but I am not sure it will do what I want.
Can someone give me a hint if my task is possible to do in mongoDB/mongoose?
I have also tried to use aggregation framework, and at first it seemed to be the best solution with the $project ability. But then, when I needed to do rank calculations, I found out that aggregation does not support a lot of mathematical functions like sin, cos and sqrt. And also it was impossible to use pre-defined usual javascript functions in projection. I mean,the function got called, but I was not able to pass current record fields to it.
{$project: {
distance_from_user: mUtils.getDistance(point, this.location)
Inside function the second attr was "undefined".
So I guess it is impossible to do my rank calculations with aggregation framework.
Ok, I know everyone tells me not to use mapreduce as it is not good for realtime queries, but as I cannot use aggregation, I think I'll try mapreduce. So Let's say I have this map reduce.
function map() {
emit(1, // Or put a GROUP BY key here
{name:, // the field you want stats for
age: this.age,
lon: this.location.lon,
function reduce(key, values) {
return val;
function finalize(key, value){
return value;
var command = {'mapreduce': "user", 'map': map.toString(), 'reduce': reduce.toString(), query:{$and: [{gender: user_params.gender}, {_id: {$ne: current_user_id}}]}, 'out': {inline:1}};
mongoose.connection.db.executeDbCommand(command, function(error, result){
if(error) {
What should I write in reduce (or maybe change map) to calculate rank for every user?
The only real solution is to calculate your rank for each document and storing it in the document. Since this value will be constant as long as the values in your document remain constant you can simply calculate this value whenever you update the fields that affect it.
Map/reduce certainly isn't a good solution for this nor is any other type of aggregation. Precalculating your rank and storing it with the document is the only option that scales if you're using MongoDB.
You are aware of amount of computations such thing would need - if you'd do it every time user logs in, you'll have interesting load peaks when lots of people would log in at shorter amount of time - and your page (interface) would be heavily resources-bound (which is not good).
I'd recommend you something a bit different - keeping ranking for every logged-on user and updating them in intervals: keeping "short session" and "long session" (long session - the one you use in web browser and short - "online, currently using the site") and generating ranks regularly only for "shortly-active" users and rarely for the logged on in the long session. Something like every five minutes. Much more scallable - and if user would be unhappy about him not having his rank counted - you may always tweak the sys to count his ranks on demand.
You might use mapredurce in such case - your map function should only emit the data you need for counting the rank for a given user (like age, lat, long, whatever you need) AND a result (rank) for a tested user (emit it empty). For reduce function you'd need to look at sorting with mapreduce (it highly depends on the way you create the rank) - also you'd count the rank (or some kind of a sub-value) for the other users.
It look like a good use case for MongoDB + Hadoop.
This presentation show some of the possibilities of this combination.

Mongoose: populate() / DBref or data duplication?

I have two collections:
Each upload has a User associated with it and I need to know their details when an Upload is viewed. Is it best practice to duplicate this data inside the the Uploads record, or use populate() to pull in these details from the Users collection referenced by _id?
var UploadSchema = new Schema({
_id: { type: Schema.ObjectId },
_user: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'users'},
title: { type: String },
var UploadSchema = new Schema({
_id: { type: Schema.ObjectId },
user: {
name: { type: String },
email: { type: String },
avatar: { type: String },
title: { type: String },
With 'Option 2' if any of the data in the Users collection changes I will have to update this across all associated Upload records. With 'Option 1' on the other hand I can just chill out and let populate() ensure the latest User data is always shown.
Is the overhead of using populate() significant? What is the best practice in this common scenario?
If You need to query on your Users, keep users alone. If You need to query on your uploads, keep uploads alone.
Another question you should ask yourself is: Every time i need this data, do I need the embedded objects (and vice-versa)? How many time this data will be updated? How many times this data will be read?
Think about a friendship request:
Each time you need the request you need the user which made the request, then embed the request inside the user document.
You will be able to create an index on the embedded object too, and your search will be mono query / fast / consistent.
Just a link to my previous reply on a similar question:
Mongo DB relations between objects
I think this post will be right for you
Use Cases
Customer / Order / Order Line-Item
Orders should be a collection. customers a collection. line-items should be an array of line-items embedded in the order object.
Blogging system.
Posts should be a collection. post author might be a separate collection, or simply a field within posts if only an email address. comments should be embedded objects within a post for performance.
Schema Design Basics
Kyle Banker, 10gen
Indexing & Query Optimization
Alvin Richards, Senior Director of Enterprise Engineering
**These 2 videos are the bests on mongoddb ever seen imho*
Populate() is just a query. So the overhead is whatever the query is, which is a find() on your model.
Also, best practice for MongoDB is to embed what you can. It will result in a faster query. It sounds like you'd be duplicating a ton of data though, which puts relations(linking) at a good spot.
"Linking" is just putting an ObjectId in a field from another model.
Here is the Mongo Best Practices
