How to install Keras tuner for anaconda? - python-3.x

I've tried these commands inside the conda environment that I've created.
sudo pip install -U keras-tuner
sudo pip3 install -U keras-tuner
git clone
cd keras-tuner
pip install .
Still my jupyter notebook shows an error stating:
No module named kerastuner

I just installed it with: conda install -n env_name -c conda-forge keras-tuner

To install this package with conda run one of the following:
conda install -c conda-forge keras-tuner
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf202003 keras-tuner

If you find yourself in need of a PyPI package in Conda then you should write a YAML file and create a new environment using that. This is the best practice recommendation found in "Using Pip in a Conda Environment". Otherwise, Conda can get rather unstable if you install PyPI packages ad hoc. It would be something like:
name: my_keras_env
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python=3.7 # change this to meet your needs
- ipykernel # since you're using Jupyter
- keras
- tensorflow>=2.0.0 # this and below are keras-tuner requirements
- numpy
- tabulate
- terminaltables
- colorama
- tqdm
- requests
- psutil
- scipy
- scikit-learn
- ... # add any additional packages you require
- pip
- pip:
- keras-tuner
Note the keras-tuner requirements are found in the file.
Then, to create the environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
Note that you can use the --name|-n flag to provide a different name for the env.
Whenever you need to add additional packages to the env, edit the YAML definition and recreate the env.


How to install packages on a conda environment with a specific python version

I need to use opencv and it needed python version older than 3.9. So I created a conda environment with python 3.7.9 and tried to use
pip install opencv-python
It installed but when I tried to import it gave an error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'
After I installed it on the anaconda environments tab I could import. I need to install pylibdmtx, too, but again I cannot import it after installing.
I see the version of python is 3.7.9 on the environment. But when I use pip it is using this:
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (0.1.9)
I do not know what I am missing here. What should I do?
Recommended Solution
Prefer specifying what you want in an environment up front, e.g.,
name: py37_opencv
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python=3.7
- opencv
Create Environment
conda env create -n py37_opencv -f opencv.yaml
Troubleshooting Issue
Otherwise, if you want get the version you have working, try ensuring that pip is actually installed in the environment of interest:
conda activate your_env
conda install pip
# then use pip …

The following packages are not available from current channels: - yfinance

I try to install yfinance into anaconda, using command:
conda install -c anaconda yfinance
error message shows:
WARNING: The conda.compat module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: failed
PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
Current channels:
To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to
and use the search bar at the top of the page.
I have also used:
conda config --append channels conda-forge
nothing changes
conda install -c anaconda yfinance
conda config --append channels conda-forge
Try to use the pip install yfinance command instead of conda install

I am trying to install intel optimized pytorch in different ways

I am very first time using pyTorch. I am trying to install it. In how many ways I can do this?
Please provide the steps for that.
You can install PyTorch in 3 ways.
Using pip
Using conda
From source
1.Intel Optimized Pytorch Installation
Install the stable version (v 1.0) on Linux via Pip for Python 3.6.
pip install
pip install torchvision
2.Conda Pytorch Installation
conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch
3.PyTorch Installation from source
Create a new environment:
conda create -n <env_name> python=3.6
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/user/.conda/envs/<env_name>
source activate <env_name>
Install dependencies:
conda install numpy pyyaml mkl mkl-include setuptools cmake cffi typing
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
conda install Pillow
Get the PyTorch source:
git clone --recursive
cd pytorch
mv caffe2/contrib/cuda-convnet2/ /tmp
# Fix the bug removing the old package out
Install PyTorch:
python install 2>&1 | tee build.out
Hope this will help you.

i tried installing tensorflow using 'pip install tensorflow ' in anaconda prompt and command prompt. its showing following output

Found existing installation: wrapt 1.10.11
Cannot uninstall 'wrapt'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.
Try the below commands mentioned, it worked for me
conda update wrapt
pip install tensorflow
(1) First try to install wrapt manually using following command
pip install wrapt --upgrade --ignore-installed
make sure that you use "--ignore-installed" flag when install 'wrapt' as above mentioned command
(2) Then install tensorflow with pip
pip install tensorflow==1.14
this should work
You might want to upgrade numpy with following incase its not compatible otherwise it will throw errors.
pip install numpy --upgrade
I was getting this error while installing from conda environment. Always upgrade conda or pip before a new installation.
Following worked for me:
[Optional] If installing in conda environment, then temporarily remove the conda env:
conda remove --name myenv --all
Update all conda packages:
conda update --all
Create conda env again:
conda create -n myenv
Activate conda env:
conda activate
Install tensorflow:
pip install tensorflow

Problem when installing pybox2d with anaconda

I tried to install pybox2d through anaconda navigator with Python 3.7 , but it shows this error, I could not solve
I read all the library documentation!
(user) user#euser:~$ conda install -c pybox2d
Solving environment: failed
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- jeepney
- notebook==5.7.4
- pybox2d
Use "conda info " to see the dependencies for each package.
I had the same problem. My tensorflow and pybox2d where conflicting.
I followed these steps by anuj:
conda create -n stackoverflow_env python=3.7
source activate stackoverflow_env
conda install -c kne pybox2d
and then installed tensorflow from anaconda navigator in this environment.
I created a new conda environment to avoid being influenced by the existing installations and followed the steps given below. After this, Box2D is importing fine for me.
conda create -n stackoverflow_env python=3.7
source activate stackoverflow_env
conda install -c kne pybox2d
