BigQuery Storage API: Best Practice for Using Client from Spark Pandas UDF? - apache-spark

I have a spark script that needs to make 60 api calls for every row. Currently I am using BigQuery as a data warehouse. I was wondering if there was a way I can use either the BigQuery API or BigQuery Storage API to query the database from my udf? Maybe a way to perform batch queries? Would pandas-gbq be a better solution? Each query that I need to make per row is a select count(*) from dataset.table where {...} query.
Currently I am using the big query client as shown in the code snippet below, but I am not sure if this is the best way to utilize my resources. Apologies if the code is not done properly for this use case, I am new to spark and BigQuery.
def clients():
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = '/home/hadoop/credentials.json'
credentials, your_project_id = google.auth.default(
# Make clients.
bqclient = bigquery.Client(
bqstorageclient = bigquery_storage_v1beta1.BigQueryStorageClient(
return bqclient, bqstorageclient
def query_cache(query):
bqclient, bqstorageclient = clients()
dataframe = (
return dataframe['f0_'][0]
#pandas_udf(schema(), PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
def calc_counts(df):
query = "select count(*) from dataset.table where ...{some column filters}..."
df['count'] = df.apply(query_cache, args=(query), axis=1)

The simpler option is to use the spark-bigquery-connector, which let you query BigQuery directly and get the result as a Spark dataframe. Converting this dataframe into pandas is then simple:
spark_df ='bigquery').option('table', table).load()
pandas_df = spark_df.toPandas()


Delta Live Tables and ingesting AVRO

So, im trying to load avro files in to dlt and create pipelines and so fourth.
As a simple data frame in Databbricks, i can read and unpack to avro files, using functions json / /lamba function. Where i can create a temp view then do a sql query and then select the fields i want.
--example command
in_path = '/mnt/file_location/*/*/*/*/*.avro'
avroDf ="com.databricks.spark.avro").load(in_path)
jsonRdd ="string")) x: x[0])
data =
--selecting the data
sql_query1 = sqlContext.sql("""
select distinct
data.field.test1 as col1
,data.field.test2 as col2
, as city
However, i am trying to replicate the process , but use delta live tables and pipelines.
I have used autoloader to load the files into a table, and kept the format as is. So bronze is just avro in its rawest form.
I then planned to create a view that listed the unpack avro file. Much like I did above with "eventhub". Whereby it will then allow me to create queries.
The trouble is, I cant get it to work in dlt. I fail at the 2nd step, after i have imported the file into a bronze layer. It just does not seem to apply the functions to make the data readable/selectable.
This is the sort of code i have been trying. However, it does not seem to pick up the schema, so it is as if the functions are not working. so when i try and select a column, it does not recognise it.
--unpacked data
def eventdata_v():
avroDf ="delta").table("live.bronze_file_list")
jsonRdd ="string")) x: x[0])
data =
return data
--trying to query the data but it does not recognise field names, even when i select "data" only
def eventdata2_v():
df = ("eventdata_v")
.select("data.field.test1 ")
return df
I have been working on this for weeks, trying to use different approach's but still no luck.
Any help will be so appreciated. Thankyou

How do you setup a Synapse Serverless SQL External Table over partitioned data?

I have setup a Synapse workspace and imported the Covid19 sample data into a PySpark notebook.
blob_account_name = "pandemicdatalake"
blob_container_name = "public"
blob_relative_path = "curated/covid-19/bing_covid-19_data/latest/bing_covid-19_data.parquet"
blob_sas_token = r""
# Allow SPARK to read from Blob remotely
wasbs_path = 'wasbs://' % (blob_container_name, blob_account_name, blob_relative_path)
'' % (blob_container_name, blob_account_name),
df =
I have then partitioned the data by country_region, and written it back down into my storage account.
df.write.partitionBy("country_region") /
.mode("overwrite") /
All that works fine as you can see. So far I have only found a way to query data from the exact partition using OPENROWSET, like this...
TOP 100 *
BULK '**',
) AS [result]
I want to setup an Serverless SQL External table over the partition data, so that when people run a query and use "WHERE country_region = x" it will only read the appropriate partition. Is this possible, and if so how?
You need to get the partition value using the filepath function like this. Then filter on it. That achieves partition elimination. You can confirm by the bytes read compared to when you don’t filter on that column.
*, filepath(1) as country_region
BULK '*/*',
) AS [result]
Select * from MyView where country_region='Afghanistan'

How to apply multiple whereclause in sqlalchmey in dask while fetching large dataset from teradata

I am trying to fetch larger dataset from teradata using dask and sqlalchmey. I am able to apply single whereclause and able to fetch data.below is the working code
td_engine = create_engine(connString)
metadata = MetaData()
t = Table(
sql = select([t]).where(
t.c.c1 == 'abc',
start = perf_counter()
df = dd.read_sql_table(sql, connString, index_col="c1",schema="schema")
end = perf_counter()
print("Time taken to execute the code {}".format(end - start))
but when I am trying to apply and in whereclause I am getting error
sql = select([t]).where(
t.c.c1 == 'abc',
t.c.c2 == 'xyz'
More context would be helpful. If you simply need to execute the query, have you considered using the pandas read_sql function and composing the SQL request yourself?
import teradatasql
import pandas as pd
with teradatasql.connect(host="whomooz",user="guest",password="please") as con:
df = pd.read_sql("select c1 from mytable where c1='abc' and c2='xyz'", con)
Or is there a specific need to use the pandas functions to construct the SQL request?

Using parameterized SQL query while reading large table into pandas dataframe using COPY

I am trying to read a large table (10-15M rows) from a database into pandas dataframe and I'm using the following code:
def read_sql_tmpfile(query, db_engine):
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmpfile:
copy_sql = "COPY ({query}) TO STDOUT WITH CSV {head}".format(
query=query, head="HEADER"
conn = db_engine.raw_connection()
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.copy_expert(copy_sql, tmpfile)
df = pandas.read_csv(tmpfile)
return df
I can use this if I have a simple query like this and I pass this into above func:
'''SELECT * from hourly_data'''
But what if I want to pass some variable into this query i.e.
'''SELECT * from hourly_data where starttime >= %s '''
Now where do I pass the parameter?
You cannot use parameters with COPY. Unfortunately that extends to the query you use inside COPY, even if you could use parameters with the query itself.
You will have to construct a query string including the parameter (beware of SQL injection) and use that with COPY.

PySpark Pushing down timestamp filter

I'm using PySpark version 2.4 to read some tables using jdbc with a Postgres driver.
df =, table="tablename", properties=properties)
One column is a timestamp column and I want to filter it like this:
df_new_data = df.where(df.ts > last_datetime )
This way the filter is pushed down as a SQL query but the datetime format
is not right. So I tried this approach
df_new_data = df.where(df.ts > F.date_format( F.lit(last_datetime), "y-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS") )
but then the filter is no pushed down anymore.
Can someone clarify why this is the case ?
While loading the data from a Database table, if you want to push down queries to database and get few result rows, instead of providing the 'table', you can provide the 'Query' and return just the result as a DataFrame. This way, we can leverage database engine to process the query and return only the results to Spark.
The table parameter identifies the JDBC table to read. You can use anything that is valid in a SQL query FROM clause. Note that alias is mandatory to be provided in query.
pushdown_query = "(select * from employees where emp_no < 10008) emp_alias"
df =, table=pushdown_query, properties=connectionProperties)
