How do I insert a string into another string in Lua? - string

Is there a function in Lua that returns a string inserted into another one on given position?
For example string.insert(str1, str2, pos).
Using it: string.insert('Hello World!', 'My ', 6) becomesHello My World! and so on.

There is no such function in the standard Lua library. But it's easy to write one:
function string.insert(str1, str2, pos)
return str1:sub(1,pos)..str2..str1:sub(pos+1)
Note how it automatically handles negative positions (*), which count from the end of the string, as most other string functions do.
(*) it needs a small change to make pos=-1 work.


Haskell how to add a character at the start of a string that has passed by recursion

Hi I'm struggling with this and hope someone can help.
I'm trying to add a character at the start of a string that has already been through recursion.
So to explain, the function takes in a string and outputs a string. The recursion code checks for two characters and replaces them with other chars.
So far so good.
At the end before outputting the string I need to add a character at the start of the string.
E.g.the function needs to replace a space with _ and "d" with "g" And put a "/" at the start. So:
Hello world = /Hello_worlg
If you have a function named translate, for example with recursion that transforms "Hello world" to "Hello_worlg", then you can use the list "cons" constructor to put a Char in front, so:
function :: String -> String
function s = '/' : trans s
or shorter:
function :: String -> String
function = ('/':) . trans

Contatenating strings using sprintf

I wonder why the following code does not work?
function out = test(str1, str2)
aux = sprintf(str1, str2);
Somehow MATLAB does not like how I supply the argument str1, which is entered by the user, to the function sprintf.
Read the documentation on sprintf in MATLAB. It's rather clear what's wrong: the first argument in your case. MATLAB's sprintf requires a format spec, so unless the first argument is a format specification, rather than say 'hello' matching the second string, this won't work. You'll probably want something along the lines of sprintf('%s %s', str1, str2) or sprintf([str1 ' ' str2]), i.e. explicitly concatenating the strings into one literal text string first.
Your current function will work if you call it as test('%s', 'hello') by the way, or even test('%f %f', [pi 5]). So you might want to use input verification to make sure you're only inputting strings.

Remove part of string (regular expressions)

I am a beginner in programming. I have a string for example "test:1" and "test:2". And I want to remove ":1" and ":2" (including :). How can I do it using regular expression?
Hi andrew it's pretty easy. Think of a string as if it is an array of chars (letters) cause it actually IS. If the part of the string you want to delete is allways at the end of the string and allways the same length it goes like this:
var exampleString = 'test:1';
exampleString.length -= 2;
Thats it you just deleted the last two values(letters) of the string(charArray)
If you cant be shure it's allways at the end or the amount of chars to delete you'd to use the version of szymon
There are at least a few ways to do it with Groovy. If you want to stick to regular expression, you can apply expression ^([^:]+) (which means all characters from the beginning of the string until reaching :) to a StringGroovyMethods.find(regexp) method, e.g.
def str = "test:1".find(/^([^:]+)/)
assert str == 'test'
Alternatively you can use good old String.split(String delimiter) method:
def str = "test:1".split(':')[0]
assert str == 'test'

String manipulation in Lua: Swap characters in a string

I'm trying to do a function in Lua that swaps the characters in a string.
Can somebody help me ?
Here is an example:
Input = "This LIBRARY should work with any string!"
Result = "htsil biaryrs ohlu dowkrw ti hna ytsirgn!"
Note: The space is also swapped
Thank You Very Much :)
The simplest and clearest solution is this:
Result = Input:gsub("(.)(.)","%2%1")
This should do it:
input = "This LIBRARY should work with any string!"
function swapAlternateChars(str)
local t={}
-- Iterate through the string two at a time
for i=1,#str,2 do
first = str:sub(i,i)
second = str:sub(i+1,i+1)
t[i] = second
t[i+1] = first
return table.concat(t)
This LIBRARY should work with any string!
hTsiL BIARYRs ohlu dowkrw ti hna ytsirgn!
If you need the output as lower case you could always end it with:
output = swapAlternateChars(input)
Note, in this example, I'm not actually editing the string itself, since strings in Lua are immutable. Here's a read: Modifying a character in a string in Lua
I've used a table to avoid overhead from concatenating to a string because each concatenation may allocate a new string in memory.

Array of Strings in Fortran 77

I've a question about Fortran 77 and I've not been able to find a solution.
I'm trying to store an array of strings defined as the following:
character matname(255)*255
Which is an array of 255 strings of length 255.
Later I read the list of names from a file and I set the content of the array like this:
matname(matcount) = mname
EDIT: Actually mname value is hardcoded as mname = 'AIR' of type character*255, it is a parameter of a function matadd() which executes the previous line. But this is only for testing, in the future it will be read from a file.
Later on I want to print it with:
write(*,*) matname(matidx)
But it seems to print all the 255 characters, it prints the string I assigned and a lot of garbage.
So that is my question, how can I know the length of the string stored?
Should I have another array with all the lengths?
And how can I know the length of the string read?
You can use this function to get the length (without blank tail)
integer function strlen(st)
integer i
character st*(*)
i = len(st)
do while (st(i:i) .eq. ' ')
i = i - 1
strlen = i
Got from here:
PS: When you say: matname(matidx) it gets the whole string(256) chars... so that is your string plus blanks or garbage
The function Timotei posted will give you the length of the string as long as the part of the string you are interested in only contains spaces, which, if you are assigning the values in the program should be true as FORTRAN is supposed to initialize the variables to be empty and for characters that means a space.
However, if you are reading in from a file you might pick up other control characters at the end of the lines (particularly carriage return and/or line feed characters, \r and/or \n depending on your OS). You should also toss those out in the function to get the correct string length. Otherwise you could get some funny print statements as those characters are printed as well.
Here is my version of the function that checks for alternate white space characters at the end besides spaces.
function strlen(st)
integer i,strlen
character st*(*)
i = len(st)
do while ((st(i:i).eq.' ').or.(st(i:i).eq.'\r').or.
+ (st(i:i).eq.'\n').or.(st(i:i).eq.'\t'))
i = i - 1
strlen = i
If there are other characters in the "garbage" section this still won't work completely.
Assuming that it does work for your data, however, you can then change your write statement to look like this:
write(*,*) matname(matidx)(1:strlen(matname(matidx)))
and it will print out just the actual string.
As to whether or not you should use another array to hold the lengths of the string, that is up to you. the strlen() function is O(n) whereas looking up the length in a table is O(1). If you find yourself computing the lengths of these static strings often, it may improve performance to compute the length once when they are read in, store them in an array and look them up if you need them. However, if you don't notice the slowdown, I wouldn't worry about it.
Depending on the compiler that you are using, you may be able to use the trim() intrinsic function to remove any leading/trailing spaces from a string, then process it as you normally would, i.e.
character(len=25) :: my_string
my_string = 'AIR'
write (*,*) ':', trim(my_string), ':'
should print :AIR:.
Better yet, it looks like there is a len_trim() function that returns the length of a string after it has been trimmed.
intel and Compaq Visual Fortran have the intrinsic function LEN_TRIM(STRING) which returns the length without trailing blanks or spaces.
If you want to suppress leading blanks or spaces, use "Adjust Left" i.e. ADJUSTF(STRING)
In these FORTRANs I also note a useful feature: If you pass a string in to a function or subroutine as an argument, and inside the subroutine it is declared as CHARACTER*(*), then
using the LEN(STRING) function in the subroutine retruns the actual string length passed in, and not the length of the string as declared in the calling program.
LEN(STRING) will be 72, not 1000
