CheckBoxGroup is not updating in Python/Bokeh - python-3.x

I am trying to create a dashboard of data for our university, and have run into a problem with how it is presenting. I am using Bokeh and Python to create somewhat interactive graphs. My checkbox group is not updating when I click a box to select the college for the major. I have tried changing several items, but cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
My code:
# Available college list
available_colleges = list(df['College'].unique())
source_maj = ColumnDataSource(df)
grouped_maj = df.groupby('Major').sum()
source_maj = ColumnDataSource(grouped_maj)
major =['Major'].tolist()
p_maj = figure(x_range=major, width=1100, height=500)
p_maj.xaxis.major_label_orientation = math.pi/4
color_map = factor_cmap(field_name='Major',
palette=Magma11, factors=level)
p_maj.vbar(x='Major', top='AY2018_19', source=source_maj, width=0.2, color=color_map)
p_maj.title.text ='Enrollment by Major'
p_maj.xaxis.axis_label = 'Major'
p_maj.yaxis.axis_label = 'Enrolled Students'
hover = HoverTool()
hover.tooltips = [
("2019-2020", "#AY2019_20"),
("2018-2019", "#AY2018_19"),
("2017-2018", "#AY2017_18")]
hover.mode = 'vline'
callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source_maj), code="""
const labels = cb_obj.labels;
const active =;
const data =;
const sourceLen = data.combined.length;
const combined = Array(sourceLen).fill(undefined);
if (active.length > 0) {
const selectedColumns = labels.filter((val, ind) => active.includes(ind));
for(let i = 0; i < sourceLen; i++) {
let sum = 0;
for(col of selectedColumns){
sum += Major[col][i];
combined[i] = sum;
colleges_selection = CheckboxGroup(labels=available_colleges, active = [0], callback=callback)
controls = WidgetBox(colleges_selection)
p_maj = row(controls, p_maj)
Data is formated in a csv sheet that is being read
What it looks like, but nothing updates
Any help is greatly appreciated.

You'll probably want to watch the output the browser sends to the javascript console; it'll tell you what's going wrong here.
A couple places to start: your arguments to the CustomJS object bring in the python object 'source_maj' and rename it as 'source', but then in your JS code you refer to it as 'source_maj'. Also, your JS code makes reference to 'Major', but this isn't an object that the JS knows about (i.e. it wasn't brought in with the args).


How to disable anti-aliasing in QGIS export (pyqgis)

I'm trying to save a print layout as BMP in QGIS through python code, but want to turn of antialiasing and can't seem to figure out how to do it
def saveImage(self, layout, filename="defaultexport", extension=".bmp"):
"""Saves given layout as an image"""
filefolder = get_save_location()
filepath = os.path.join(filefolder, filename + extension)
if not os.path.isdir(filefolder):
exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(layout)
context = QgsLayoutRenderContext(layout)
context.setFlag(context.FlagAntialiasing, False)
export_settings = exporter.ImageExportSettings()
export_settings.generateWorldFile = False
export_settings.dpi = 25
export_settings.flags = context.FlagAntialiasing
result = exporter.exportToImage(filepath, export_settings)
Is what I have. I have no idea what I'm doing with the QgsLayoutRenderContext, but it's about the only thing that seemed like it might do it. Saving manually and turning of the AA setting in save dialog works fine, but I need to do it through pyqgis
Revisting this project knowing some more Python and PyQt5 stuff this was an easy one
exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(layout)
context = QgsLayoutRenderContext(layout)
context.setFlag(context.FlagAntialiasing, False)
export_settings = exporter.ImageExportSettings()
export_settings.generateWorldFile = False
export_settings.dpi = 25
export_settings.flags = context.flags()
result = exporter.exportToImage(self.filepath, export_settings)
Needed to use context.flags()

Value error in assigning to dataframe

I am assigning different data to one dataframe. And I had the following
ValueError: If using all scalar values, you must pass an index
I follow the question post by other Here
But it did not work out.
The following is my code. All you have to do is copy and paste the code to IDE.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#Loading Team performance Data (ExpG (Home away)) For and against
epl_1718 = pd.read_csv("")
epl_1718 = epl_1718[['HomeTeam','AwayTeam','FTHG','FTAG']]
epl_1718 = epl_1718.rename(columns={'FTHG': 'HomeGoals', 'FTAG': 'AwayGoals'})
Home_goal_avg = epl_1718['HomeGoals'].mean()
Away_goal_avg = epl_1718['AwayGoals'].mean()
Home_team_goals = epl_1718.groupby(['HomeTeam'])['HomeGoals'].sum()
Home_count = epl_1718.groupby(['HomeTeam'])['HomeTeam'].count()
Home_team_avg_goal = Home_team_goals/Home_count
Home_team_concede = epl_1718.groupby(['HomeTeam'])['AwayGoals'].sum()
EPL_Home_average_score = epl_1718['HomeGoals'].mean()
EPL_Home_average_conc = epl_1718['HomeGoals'].mean()
Home_team_avg_conc = Home_team_concede/Home_count
Away_team_goals = epl_1718.groupby(['AwayTeam'])['AwayGoals'].sum()
Away_count = epl_1718.groupby(['AwayTeam'])['AwayTeam'].count()
Away_team_avg_goal = Away_team_goals/Away_count
Away_team_concede = epl_1718.groupby(['AwayTeam'])['HomeGoals'].sum()
EPL_Away_average_score = epl_1718['AwayGoals'].mean()
EPL_Away_average_conc = epl_1718['HomeGoals'].mean()
Away_team_avg_conc = Away_team_concede/Away_count
Home_attk_sth = Home_team_avg_goal/EPL_Home_average_score
Home_attk_sth = Home_attk_sth.sort_index().reset_index()
Home_def_sth = Home_team_avg_conc/EPL_Home_average_conc
Home_def_sth = Home_def_sth .sort_index().reset_index()
Away_attk_sth = Away_team_avg_goal/EPL_Away_average_score
Away_attk_sth = Away_attk_sth .sort_index().reset_index()
Away_def_sth = Away_team_avg_conc/EPL_Away_average_conc
Away_def_sth = Away_def_sth.sort_index().reset_index()
HomeTeam = epl_1718['HomeTeam'].drop_duplicates().sort_index().reset_index().set_index('HomeTeam')
AwayTeam = epl_1718['AwayTeam'].drop_duplicates().sort_index().reset_index().sort_values(['AwayTeam']).set_index(['AwayTeam'])
#HomeTeam = HomeTeam.sort_index().reset_index()
Team = HomeTeam.append(AwayTeam).drop_duplicates()
Data = pd.DataFrame({"Team":Team,
"Home_def": Home_def_sth,
columns =['Team','Home_attacking','Home_def','Away_attacking','Away_def',
In this code, what I am trying to do is to get average goal score per team per game, average goals conceded per team per game.
And then I am calculating other performance factors such as attacking strength, defensive strenght etc.
I have to paste the code as if i use example, creating data frame would work.
Thanks for understanding.
Thanks in advance for the advice too.
The format (or the columns) of final data frame will look like as follow:
Team Home Attacking Home Defensive Away attacking away defensive
and so on as mentioned in the data frame.
It means, there will be only 20 teams under team columns
The shape of dataframe will be ( 20,9)
Here main idea is remove reset_index for Series with index by teams, so variable Team is not necessary and is created as last step by reset_index. Also be carefull with columns names in DataFrame constructor, if there are changed like EPL_Home_average_conc in dictionary and then EPL_Home_avg_conc get NaNs columns:
Home_team_goals = epl_1718.groupby(['HomeTeam'])['HomeGoals'].sum()
Home_count = epl_1718.groupby(['HomeTeam'])['HomeTeam'].count()
Home_team_avg_goal = Home_team_goals/Home_count
Home_team_concede = epl_1718.groupby(['HomeTeam'])['AwayGoals'].sum()
EPL_Home_average_score = epl_1718['HomeGoals'].mean()
EPL_Home_average_conc = epl_1718['HomeGoals'].mean()
Home_team_avg_conc = Home_team_concede/Home_count
Away_team_goals = epl_1718.groupby(['AwayTeam'])['AwayGoals'].sum()
Away_count = epl_1718.groupby(['AwayTeam'])['AwayTeam'].count()
Away_team_avg_goal = Away_team_goals/Away_count
Away_team_concede = epl_1718.groupby(['AwayTeam'])['HomeGoals'].sum()
EPL_Away_average_score = epl_1718['AwayGoals'].mean()
EPL_Away_average_conc = epl_1718['HomeGoals'].mean()
Away_team_avg_conc = Away_team_concede/Away_count
#removed reset_index
Home_attk_sth = Home_team_avg_goal/EPL_Home_average_score
Home_attk_sth = Home_attk_sth.sort_index()
Home_def_sth = Home_team_avg_conc/EPL_Home_average_conc
Home_def_sth = Home_def_sth .sort_index()
Away_attk_sth = Away_team_avg_goal/EPL_Away_average_score
Away_attk_sth = Away_attk_sth .sort_index()
Away_def_sth = Away_team_avg_conc/EPL_Away_average_conc
Away_def_sth = Away_def_sth.sort_index()
Data = pd.DataFrame({"Home_attacking":Home_attk_sth,
"Home_def": Home_def_sth,
columns =['Home_attacking','Home_def','Away_attacking','Away_def',
#column from index
Data = Data.rename_axis('Team').reset_index()
print (Data)

Melting a List in column to multiple rows in dataframe

What I am trying to do is, I have a list of star_cast and list of a genre for a single movie entity. I want to melt this list down as a repeating entity in data frame so that I can store it in a database system.
director_name = ['chris','guy','bryan']
genre = [['mystery','thriller'],['comedy','crime'],['action','adventure','sci -fi']]
gross_vlaue = [2544,236544,265888]
imdb_ratings = [8.5,5.4,3.2]
metascores = [80.0,55.0,64.0]
movie_names = ['memento','snatch','x-men']
runtime = [113.0,102.0,104.0]
star_cast = [['abc','ced','gef'],['aaa','abc'],['act','cst','gst','hhs']]
votes = [200,2150,2350]
sample_data = pd.DataFrame({"movie_names":movie_names,
"director_name": director_name,
"star_cast": star_cast,
The above will generate a Data Frame sample I have.
director_name = ['chris','chris','chris','chris','chris','chris','guy','guy','guy','guy','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan','bryan']
genre = ['mystery','thriller','mystery','thriller','mystery','thriller','comedy','crime','comedy','crime','action','adventure','sci -fi','action','adventure','sci -fi','action','adventure','sci -fi','action','adventure','sci -fi']
gross_vlaue = [2544,2544,2544,2544,2544,2544,236544,236544,236544,236544,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888,265888]
imdb_ratings = [8.5,8.5,8.5,8.5,8.5,8.5,5.4,5.4,5.4,5.4,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2,3.2]
metascores = [80.0,80.0,80.0,80.0,80.0,80.0,55.0,55.0,55.0,55.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0,64.0]
movie_names = ['memento','memento','memento','memento','memento','memento','snatch','snatch','snatch','snatch','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men','x-men']
runtime = [113.0,113.0,113.0,113.0,113.0,113.0,102.0,102.0,102.0,102.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0,104.0]
star_cast = ['abc','ced','gef','abc','ced','gef','aaa','abc','aaa','abc','act','cst','gst','hhs','act','cst','gst','hhs','act','cst','gst','hhs']
votes = [200,200,200,200,200,200,2150,2150,2150,2150,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350,2350]
sample_result = pd.DataFrame({"movie_names":movie_names,
"director_name": director_name,
"star_cast": star_cast,
This will generate the format I want to conver my data into.
I tried using melt() but no luck there. Please help, as to how it can be achieved in an effective way. My dataset is fairly large, using for loops will be very slow. Is there any other way around solving this?

How to manipulate nodes with using networkx (Python3, twitter, networkx)

I'm a beginner who try to make followers network of twitter with Python3. I made this code and got result however always one node is separated as you can see like left bottom node.
I have no idea what is happening. In addition, I also want to see smaller world for instance, how can I pick up only 5 friends and elucidate their connection ?? This my result is too huge... It would be greatly appreciated if you could explain the details. Here is my code :
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key = my_consumer_key,
consumer_secret = my_consumer_secret,
access_token_key = my_access_token_key,
access_token_secret = my_access_token_secret,
input_encoding = "UTF-8",
friends = api.GetFriends()
G = networkx.Graph()
for friend in friends:
for friend in friends[-3:]:
for user in api.GetFriends(
if user in friends:
pos = spring_layout(G)
draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size = 100, node_color = 'w')
draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, width = 1)
draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, font_size = 12, font_family = 'sans-
serif', font_color = 'r')

(Python/Pygame) Best way to load a LOT of images at the same time?

I have a function to load sounds, but not one for loading images. This is how my image loading is layed out currently:
if os.path.exists("themes/voltorb"):
vgui = pygame.image.load("themes/voltorb/gui.png")
voptions = pygame.image.load("themes/voltorb/options.png")
vachievements = pygame.image.load("themes/voltorb/achievements.png")
voverlay = pygame.image.load("themes/voltorb/overlay.png")
vconfirm = pygame.image.load("themes/voltorb/confirm.png")
vboom = pygame.mixer.Sound("themes/voltorb/boom.mp3")
vcoin = pygame.mixer.Sound("themes/voltorb/coin.mp3")
vtheme = {"gui":vgui,"options":voptions,"achievements":vachievements,"overlay":voverlay,"confirm":vconfirm,"coin":vcoin,"boom":vboom,"music":vmusic}
if os.path.exists("themes/fluttershy"):
fcoin = pygame.mixer.Sound("themes/fluttershy/coin.mp3")
fgui = pygame.image.load("themes/fluttershy/gui.png")
foptions = pygame.image.load("themes/fluttershy/options.png")
fachievements = pygame.image.load("themes/fluttershy/achievements.png")
foverlay = pygame.image.load("themes/fluttershy/overlay.png")
ftheme = {"gui":fgui,"options":foptions,"achievements":fachievements,"overlay":foverlay,"confirm":fconfirm,"coin":vcoin,"boom":vboom,"music":vmusic}
if os.path.exists("themes/mario"):
mgui = pygame.image.load("themes/mario/gui.png")
moptions = pygame.image.load("themes/mario/options.png")
machievements = pygame.image.load("themes/mario/achievements.png")
moverlay = pygame.image.load("themes/mario/overlay.png")
mtheme = {"gui":mgui,"options":moptions,"achievements":machievements,"overlay":moverlay,"confirm":mconfirm,"coin":vcoin,"boom":vboom,"music":vmusic}
if os.path.exists("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret1"):
s1gui = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret1/gui.png")
s1options = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret1/options.png")
s1achievements = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret1/achievements.png")
s1overlay = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret1/overlay.png")
s1theme = {"gui":s1gui,"options":s1options,"achievements":s1achievements,"overlay":s1overlay,"confirm":s1confirm,"coin":vcoin,"boom":vboom,"music":vmusic}
if os.path.exists("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret2"):
s2gui = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret2/gui.png")
s2options = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret2/options.png")
s2achievements = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret2/achievements.png")
s2overlay = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret2/overlay.png")
s2theme = {"gui":s2gui,"options":s2options,"achievements":s2achievements,"overlay":s2overlay,"confirm":s2confirm,"coin":s2coin,"boom":s2boom,"music":s2music}
if os.path.exists("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret3"):
s3gui = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret3/gui.png")
s3options = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret3/options.png")
s3achievements = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret3/achievements.png")
s3overlay = pygame.image.load("%appdata%/KWScripts/Voltorb/themes/secret3/overlay.png")
s3theme = {"gui":s3gui,"options":s3options,"achievements":s3achievements,"overlay":s3overlay,"confirm":s3confirm,"coin":s3coin,"boom":s3boom,"music":s3music}
I'm not sure if there's any easy way to do this, but I have the most difficult way typed already. If anyone has an idea of how to shorten this, then thanks!
Take all your images and put them in a dict, where the key is the variable you were using, and the value is the path:
vimages = {'vgui': "themes/voltorb/gui.png", 'voptions': "themes/voltorb/options.png", 'vachievements': "themes/voltorb/achievements.png"} # and so on...
Then, iterate through vimages, checking for the existence of each individual file, then calling pygame.image.load() on it, and store the result in your already-existing dict (vtheme, in this case).
This way, you don't need to keep writing out pygame.image.load() over and over again.
