How to await a streaming sql query in node.js - node.js

I need to call out to a function that runs a sql query, with row level functionality, and await the entire process before continuing.
Function code:
const sql = require('mssql')
exports.doit = ()=>{
const pool1 = new sql.ConnectionPool(dbConfig);
const pool1Connect = pool1.connect();
pool1.on('error', err => {
console.error('error occurred on pool')
await pool1Connect
try {
const request = pool1.request(); = true;
request.query('select * from dbo.user');
request.on('row', async orow => {
console.log('outer row');
const innerPool = new sql.ConnectionPool(dbConfig);
const innerConnection = innerPool.connect();
innerPool.on('error', err => {
console.error('error occurred on pool')
const iConnection = await innerConnection;
const innerRequest = innerPool.request(); = true;
var iquery = 'select * from dbo.order where userId='+ orow.userId
innerRequest.on('row', async irow => {
console.log(`User: ${orow.userId} Order: ${irow.orderId}`);
innerRequest.on('done', async () => {
console.log('inner done');
request.on('done', async () => {
console.log('outer done');
} catch (err) {
console.error('SQL error', err);
sql.on('error', err => {
// ... error handler
Then call the above function like this:
var doit = require('./testmeHandler.js').doit;
console.log("I AM DONE");
await doit();
console.log('I AM DONE');
You get the idea...
But what is really happening is, the function gets called, then 'I AM DONE' and then the results of all the sql calls.
Can someone help me get 'I AM DONE' at the bottom? Still getting used to the async/await and promises.

After quite a bit of time trying to get this to work synchronously from the caller I gave up and re-wrote the method to use the regular query (not streaming) and implemented my own paging/throttling as to control memory usage. It works great now!
I am using a connection pool to allow for sub queries and other processes to occur async within a batch of results.
I will post the updated code.

Somehow I believe you have jumbled it all up a bit.
Use this
exports.doit = async ()=>
const request = new sql.Request(conn)
let records = await request.query('select * from dbo.user')
records.forEach(async r=>{
// do something
const inner = new sql.Request(conn)
let recordInner = await request.query(innerQuery)
recordInner.forEach(async r=>{//do some stuff})
//do something with the error
The execution:
async execute(){
const result = await doit()
return result
Though I have no idea why you are using two connections at all . Just try writing a more defined query using JOIN OR WHERE subquery. You can achieve all this in a single query instead of a using nested connection. SQL though a bit old, it really is quite powerful.
select * from dbo.order WHERE userId IN (SELECT userId FROM dbo.user)
Makes more sense to me. But, whatever floats your boat.
More on sub-queries:


Why does Async firebase fetching is not working? (NODE JS)

Building a NodeJS REST API.
Trying to send load data from FireBase collection, then sending it to the user (as API response).
Looks like the problem is that it's not waits for the firebase fetch to resolve, but send back a response without the collection data. (tried to use ASYNC-AWAIT but its not working)
exports.getChatMessages = async (req, res, next) => {
const chatId = req.params.chatId
const getChatData = () => {
.orderBy('timeStamp', 'asc')
.onSnapshot((snapshot) => { => {
return {
try {
const chatData = await getChatData()
message: 'Chat Has Found',
chatData: chatData
} catch (err) {
if (!err.statusCode) {
As you can see, I've used 2 console.logs to realize what the problem, Terminal logs looks like:
[] (from console.logs(chatData))
All messages (from console.log(
Is there any way to block the code unti the firebase data realy fetched?
If I correctly understand, you want to send back an array of all the documents present in the messages subcollection. The following should do the trick.
exports.getChatMessages = async (req, res, next) => {
const chatId = req.params.chatId;
const collectionRef = db
.orderBy('timeStamp', 'asc');
try {
const chatsQuerySnapshot = await collectionRef.get();
const chatData = [];
chatsQuerySnapshot.forEach((msg) => {
message: 'Chat Has Found',
chatData: chatData,
} catch (err) {
if (!err.statusCode) {
The asynchronous get() method returns a QuerySnapshot on which you can call forEach() for enumerating all of the documents in the QuerySnapshot.
You can only await a Promise. Currently, getChatData() does not return a Promise, so awaiting it is pointless. You are trying to await a fixed value, so it resolves immediately and jumps to the next line. console.log(chatData) happens. Then, later, your (snapshot) => callback happens, but too late.
const getChatData = () => new Promise(resolve => { // Return a Promise, so it can be awaited
.orderBy('timeStamp', 'asc')
.onSnapshot(resolve) // Equivalent to .onSnapshot((snapshot) => resolve(snapshot))
const snapshot = await getChatData();
// Put your transform logic out of the function that calls the DB. A function should only do one thing if possible : call or transform, not both.
const chatData = => ({
message: 'Chat Has Found',
Right now, getChatData is this (short version):
const getChatData = () => {
.orderBy('timeStamp', 'asc')
.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {}) // some things inside
What that means is that the getChatData function calls some db query, and then returns void (nothing). I bet you'd want to return the db call (hopefully it's a Promise), so that your await does some work for you. Something along the lines of:
const getChatData = async () =>
// ...
Which is the same as const getChatData = async() => { return db... }
Update: Now that I've reviewed the docs once again, I see that you use onSnapshot, which is meant for updates and can fire multiple times. The first call actually makes a request, but then continues to listen on those updates. Since that seems like a regular request-response, and you want it to happen only once - use .get() docs instead of .onSnapshot(). Otherwise those listeners would stay there and cause troubles. .get() returns a Promise, so the sample fix that I've mentioned above would work perfectly and you don't need to change other pieces of the code.

How to fix MongoError: Cannot use a session that has ended

I'm trying to read data from a MongoDB Atlas collection using Node.js. When I try to read the contents of my collection I get the error MongoError: Cannot use a session that has ended. Here is my code
client.connect(err => {
const collection = client
const test = collection.find({}).toArray((err, result) => {
if (err) throw err;
I'm able to query for a specific document, but I'm not sure how to return all documents of a collection. I've searched for this error, I can't find much on it. Thanks
In your code, it doesn't wait for the find() to complete its execution and goes on to the client.close() statement. So by the time it tries to read data from the db, the connection has already ended. I faced this same problem and solved it like this:
// connect to your cluster
const client = await MongoClient.connect('yourMongoURL', {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
// specify the DB's name
const db = client.db('nameOfYourDB');
// execute find query
const items = await db.collection('items').find({}).toArray();
// close connection
EDIT: this whole thing should be in an async function.
Ran into the same issue when I updated the MongoClient from 3.3.2 to the latest version (3.5.2 as of this writing.) Either install only 3.3.2 version by changing the package.json "mongodb": "3.3.2", or just use async and await wrapper.
If still the issue persists, remove the node_modules and install again.
One option is to use aPromise chain. collection.find({}).toArray() can either receive a callback function or return a promise, so you can chain calls with .then()
collection.find({}).toArray() // returns the 1st promise
.then( items => {
console.log('All items', items);
return collection.find({ name: /^S/ }).toArray(); //return another promise
.then( items => {
console.log("All items with field 'name' beginning with 'S'", items);
client.close(); // Last promise in the chain closes the database
Of course, this daisy chaining makes the code more synchronous. This is useful when the next call in the chain relates to the previous one, like getting a user id in the first one, then looking up user detail in the next.
Several unrelated queries should be executed in parallel (async) and when all the results are back, dispose of the database connection.
You could do this by tracking each call in an array or counter, for example.
const totalQueries = 3;
let completedQueries = 0;
.then( items => {
console.log('All items', items);
dispose(); // Increments the counter and closes the connection if total reached
collection.find({ name: /^S/ }).toArray()
.then( items => {
console.log("All items with field 'name' beginning with 'S'", items);
dispose(); // Increments the counter and closes the connection if total reached
collection.find({ age: 55 }).toArray()
.then( items => {
console.log("All items with field 'age' with value '55'", items);
dispose(); // Increments the counter and closes the connection if total reached
function dispose(){
if (++completedQueries >= totalQueries){
You have 3 queries. As each one invokes dispose() the counter increments. When they've all invoked dispose(), the last one will also close the connection.
Async/Await should make it even easier, because they unwrap the Promise result from the then function.
async function test(){
const allItems = await collection.find({}).toArray();
const namesBeginningWithS = await collection.find({ name: /^S/ }).toArray();
const fiftyFiveYearOlds = await collection.find({ age: 55 }).toArray();
Below is an example of how Async/Await can end up making async code behave sequentially and run inefficiently by waiting for one async function to complete before invoking the next one, when the ideal scenario is to invoke them all immediately and only wait until they all are complete.
let counter = 0;
function doSomethingAsync(id, start) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
const stop = new Date();
const runningTime = getSeconds(start, stop);
resolve(`result${id} completed in ${runningTime} seconds`);
}, 2000);
function getSeconds(start, stop) {
return (stop - start) / 1000;
async function test() {
console.log('Awaiting 3 Async calls');
console.log(`Counter before execution: ${counter}`);
const start = new Date();
let callStart = new Date();
const result1 = await doSomethingAsync(1, callStart);
callStart = new Date();
const result2 = await doSomethingAsync(2, callStart);
callStart = new Date();
const result3 = await doSomethingAsync(3, callStart);
const stop = new Date();
console.log(result1, result2, result3);
console.log(`Counter after all ran: ${counter}`);
console.log(`Total time to run: ${getSeconds(start, stop)}`);
Note: Awaiting like in the example above makes the calls sequential again. If each takes 2 seconds to run, the function will take 6 seconds to complete.
Combining the best of all worlds, you would want to use Async/Await while running all calls immediately. Fortunately, Promise has a method to do this, so test() can be written like this: -
async function test(){
let [allItems, namesBeginningWithS, fiftyFiveYearOlds] = await Promise.all([
collection.find({ name: /^S/ }).toArray(),
collection.find({ age: 55 }).toArray()
Here's a working example to demonstrate the difference in performance: -
let counter = 0;
function doSomethingAsync(id, start) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
const stop = new Date();
const runningTime = getSeconds(start, stop);
resolve(`result${id} completed in ${runningTime} seconds`);
}, 2000);
function getSeconds(start, stop) {
return (stop - start) / 1000;
async function test() {
console.log('Awaiting 3 Async calls');
console.log(`Counter before execution: ${counter}`);
const start = new Date();
const [result1, result2, result3] = await Promise.all([
doSomethingAsync(1, new Date()),
doSomethingAsync(2, new Date()),
doSomethingAsync(3, new Date())
const stop = new Date();
console.log(result1, result2, result3);
console.log(`Counter after all ran: ${counter}`);
console.log(`Total time to run: ${getSeconds(start, stop)}`);
other people have touched on this but I just want to highlight that .toArray() is executed asynchronously so you need to make sure that it has finished before closing the session
this won't work
const randomUser = await db.collection('user').aggregate([ { $sample: { size: 1 } } ]);
await client.close();
this will
const randomUser = await db.collection('user').aggregate([ { $sample: { size: 1 } } ]).toArray();
await client.close();
client.connect(err => {
const collection = client
const test = collection.find({}).toArray((err, result) => {
if (err) throw err;

Retrieving values from database using node and mssql

Here's a simple script i made:
const Nightmare = require('nightmare');
const sql = require('mssql');
const itens = getRecords();
async function getRecords(){
let itensList = [];
const cfg = {
//config here
sql.connect(cfg, function(err){
if(err) console.log(err);
let request = new sql.Request();
request.query("<query here>", (err, result) => {
if(err) console.log(err);
itensList = result;
return itensList;
async function getPrices(){
Everything works, but when the getPrices() function gets called, here's what's being logged:
Promise { undefined }
What am i missing here?
request.query is being called, but itenslist is being returned before it can be assigned.
Basically, the order of what is happening is:
request.query is called, and starts running the query.
Since request.query is asynchronous, we move on to the next task - returning itenlist
request.query finishes running, and assigns itenlist the expected value after it has already been returned.
To get your desired functionality, I would recommend using callbacks (which node-mssql supports). Alternatively, you could use the await keyword. For instance:
var queryText = 'SELECT 1 AS Value';
var queryResults = await connection.query(queryText);

this.parent.acquire is not a function on prepared statements

I use the mssql ( module for my database. Normally I use postgres databases which lead to pg (
I want to setup prepared statements for the mssql database. When using the pg module it's quite easy.
This is how I do it with pg:
I setup my databaseManager
const { Pool } = require('pg');
const db = require('../config/database.js');
const pool = new Pool(db);
function queryResponse(result, err) {
return {
module.exports = async (text, values) => {
try {
const result = await pool.query(text, values);
return queryResponse(result.rows, null);
} catch (err) {
return queryResponse(null, err);
and whenever I want to query the database I can call this module and pass in my statement and values. An example for todo apps would be
todos.js (query file)
const db = require('../databaseManager.js');
module.exports = {
getAllTodosFromUser: values => {
const text = `
is_completed AS "isCompleted"
owner_id = $1;
return db(text, values);
I wanted to create an mssql equivalent. From the docs I see that the module differs from the pg module.
I changed my databaseManager to
const sql = require('mssql');
const config = require('../config/database.js');
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(config).connect();
module.exports = async (queryBuilder) => {
try {
const preparedStatement = await new sql.PreparedStatement(pool);
return queryBuilder(sql, preparedStatement, async (query, values) => {
await preparedStatement.prepare(query);
const result = await preparedStatement.execute(values);
await preparedStatement.unprepare();
return {
result: result.rows,
err: null
} catch (err) {
return {
result: null,
and my query file would pass in the required parameters for the preparedStatement object
const db = require('../databaseManager.js');
module.exports = {
getUserByName: username => db((dataTypes, statementConfigurator, processor) => {
statementConfigurator.input('username', dataTypes.VarChar);
const query = `
username = #username;
return processor(query, { username });
I was hoping that this approach would return the desired result but I get the error
this.parent.acquire is not a function
and don't know if my code is wrong. If it is, how can I setup my prepared statements correctly?
I just found out that the error comes from this line of code
await preparedStatement.prepare(query);
but I think I took it correctly from the docs
I thought this question deserved a little bit more explanation than the answer what OP gave. The solution is no different than what OP already answered.
The issue remains same, pool mustn't have resolved from its promise pending state. So it just has to be awaited.
module.exports = async queryBuilder => {
try {
await pool; // Waiting for pool resolve from promise pending state.
const preparedStatement = await new sql.PreparedStatement(pool);
// ..
} catch (err) {
// ..
When you try to build a prepared statement, you pass the pool as an argument to its constructor. In its constructor is the below line
this.parent = parent || globalConnection
After which when you prepare the statement the flow leads to this line which would cause the issue since at that time this.parent's value was still a promise which was yet to be resolved.
this.parent.acquire(this, (err, connection, config) => {

How to call a synchronous sub function from a Cloud Function

I'd like to run all of my functions synchronously. But if I execute something like the code below the response is sent back before the return value is assigned.
exports.cfTest = (req, res) => {
try {
result = columnCount(
console.log('sending response');
res.send('<OUTPUT>' + result + '</OUTPUT>');
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send('<ERROR>' + err + '</ERROR>');
function columnCount(projectId, bqDataset, bqTable) {
const BigQuery = require('#google-cloud/bigquery');
const bigquery = new BigQuery({projectId: projectId});
var result;
.then(results => {
result = results[1].schema.fields.length;
.catch(err => {
result = null;
console.log('returning ' + result);
return result;
I.e the console output would be something like:
and in the Stackdriver logs would show an execution order like this:
2018-07-25 10:00:00 - Function execution started
2018-07-25 10:00:01 - sending response
2018-07-25 10:00:02 - Function execution took 2000 ms, finished with status code: 200
2018-07-25 10:00:03 - returning 5
This is any elegant way to lock down execution into synchronous only behaviour?
The async/await approach suggested below by Alexandru works! Thanks Alexandru.
NB: But not with standard/GA Cloud Functions. You'll have to use the Google Cloud Functions Node.js v8 Beta.
Yep, there is you can look at async/await
Your code will look something like this one in the end:
async function columnCount(projectId, bqDataset, bqTable) {
const BigQuery = require('#google-cloud/bigquery');
const bigquery = new BigQuery({ projectId: projectId });
try {
let results = await bigquery
return results[1].schema.fields.length;
} catch (err) {
return null;
And in the second one
exports.cfTest = async (req, res) => {
try {
result = await columnCount(
console.log('sending response');
res.send('<OUTPUT>' + result + '</OUTPUT>');
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).send('<ERROR>' + err + '</ERROR>');
