How do i keep a single variable(Access Token) accessed by all test suits in JEST Test? - jestjs

I am new to jest testing and I am trying to find a way to access the access token for all test-suites in my project. I have tried global variable and the setup files of jest but nothing worked for me.
I tried keeping all in one describe like this answer but how can I mention only the folder name rather than file name in it?
How can I write my access token into an empty file present in my project and access that inside my test suits?

This is what I do to use common data for Jest.
Make a separate file containing whatever you need.
Then in the test file do this:
const TESTDATA = require("./test_data/auth-key.json");
Hope this helps!


NestJS - Using DotEnv

I am working on the NestJS along with TypeOrm (MySQL).
Project itself is provisioned by Terraform, run by Jenkins and deployed on K8.
I will use process.env.******* for the DB Connection, and
when it comes to the deployment (test, stage and prod), I really don't care. Jenkins provides the credentials (provided by Terraform).
However, I want to have a local mode, where it is friendly to other developers to start the service locally.
In my previous project, I had extra file in the root. That file was only wrapper, which loads dotenv and then the main app file.
Something like this:
const lambdaApp = require('./index');
That was simple and easy to use. I just have .env.example file, and if you need if you set it up yourself.
I figured I shall do the same with the NestJS. Unfortunately, I am stuck.
If I were to use local.index.js to start the dotenv, then How can I load and execute the main.ts file. I could call the bootstrap() function, but it wont work.
Simple approach that did not work:
const mainApp = require('./main.ts');
The main.ts, needs to be converted to js from ts.
I could probably find some way to do it in code, but it's looks really wrong. There has to be a simpler way to achieve this, which, unfortunately I am not seeing.
This was the case of not reading the documentation and reinventing the wheel. In my defense, I can say there are so many things to read, I don't have time. That is pure truth, but time and reading can be managed. I should have checked the official documentation first, and I would find the answer in there.
Anyway, right here it is explained. I will not post any codes
samples, since it is pointless to do it. They also use dotenv library and env file.

Add multiple users to node JS env file

I have a nodeJS application. In the .env file I have specified
I now want to add separate admin accounts for more users. What is the best/accepted way to attack this? I have tried searching on the topic but, understandably, it gets very complicated very quickly - can anyone give me a dummies guide for my possibilities here?
The solution in your case without changing approach where to store credentials is use separator in environment variables. Example with , as separator:
#.env file or environment variables values
//your code
require('dotenv').config(); // for reading .env file or how do you use that
const adminsUsernames = process.env.AUTH_USERNAMES.split(',');
const adminsPasswords = process.env.AUTH_PASSWORDS.split(',');
Please, think about change .env file to database or config.json file. Maybe, this list will help you:
obviously, you received downvotes on your question, because of non-common approach where to store credentials. Common approach is store credentials at database.
according The Twelve Factors manifest environment variables are
used for configuration whole application.
.env is used for simplification setting environment variables during local development. In production DevOps setup env vars on the server.

How should I load a file that is inside my own module?

Current code in /config/index.js
const options = (require('js-yaml')).safeLoad(
(require('fs')).readFileSync(`./config/default-config.yaml`, "utf8"));
module.exports = options;
Works fine. Until I publish and use it in my other project. Then it's unable to find the file (naturally) as ./config/default-config.yaml doesn't exist in that project.
The only option I can think of involves checking to see if the file exists at that path, then trying to load it from node_modules/#company/alpha-gamma/config/default-config.yaml. This seems really hacky.
The config object is large, 200+ keys. I don't think it belongs in the code.
What's the best solution for loading a file that exists inside your module? I need to be able to load it for unit tests before publishing and load it at runtime when the library is required by another module.
Maybe the best alternative is to use json since I can then use the require module to load it in, instead of fs.
While I originally suggested utilizing __dirname as a valid option, I was wrong. Calling process.cwd() to fetch the application root and building the path off of that is the best approach.
As documented here:
Proper way to reference files relative to application root in Node.JS

Exporting sqlite3 db file from inside electron app. Is this possible?

I've got an app I've put together in Electron which saves data using sqlite3. Everything works as expected. I'd like to be able to export/save the actual database file so I can share it with others, treating it sort of like a save file.
I assume that if this is possible then I need to be using fs as well, which is fine.
Even better, can I just create the database file outside the compiled app from the start? And if so what's the best way to accomplish that?
Otherwise I can switch over to kripken/sql.js or something like that, but I'd rather not put the time in to make those changes if there's an easy way to just have the existing sqlite database file get saved to the user's computer outside the app.
I'm an idiot.
Instead of storing the file internally in the packaged app like this…
const dbPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'data.db')
…I'm just storing it in the filesystem like this…
const {app} = require('electron').remote;
const dbPath = path.resolve(app.getPath('userData'), 'data.db');
…so that it's accessible from the start.
I'm leaving this question up because I'd be interested if there is a way to have a save file dialogue for an extant file in the packaged app, but in the mean time this is my answer.

Do each parent directories need to have their own node_modules folder?

I am working on an app powered by node which has a few (three) different folders. It looks like this:
I have made an exports object with all of my passwords and put it in the database folder (this way I can easily ignore it from being checked in to any version control).
I am wondering if there is a way to have ALL of the node_modules used by my server and database directories in the server directory so that the package.json file in my server directory would contain all of the needed packages for the "backend" of my project.
However, when I do this, and try to require(mongoose) from the Database/index.js file, I get "cannot find module" errors. I tried the following combinations and still get the error in every case:
require(mongoose) require(../server/mongoose) require(../server/node_modules/mongoose)
Installing the mongoose module directly in the Database directory fixes this problem but this means that I have to have a node_modules (and thus package.json) file in each directory. Is that the right way to fix this issue or is there a more simple solution?
Maybe you find interesting having a look at the following article: "Where does Node.js and require() look for modules?", in order to understand why the different ways you are trying to "require" mongoose are not actually working - and that is because the way you are organizing your code (your node_modules directory is inside your Server and your Database directory is under the / - root directory).
So, in your case, you will have to specify your /Database/index.js the relative file path to mongoose in order to find your module:
Another solution (I personally organize my code like this) would be moving your database code within the server code; after all, it's all backend code.
I aware this not elegant way but i have an advice for your case.
You can try like below;.
var mongoose = require('../server/node_modules/mongoose/index');
I was simulated your case in my local and this worked.
