Arangodb not connecting using localhost but accessible using external IP - arangodb

I installed arangodb on single node ubuntu server, followed this
below is my arangod.conf file:
endpoint = tcp://
endpoint = tcp://<internalserverIP>:8529
I did enable both of them.
Now i am able to access arango using below on my local system
curl --dump - http://<externalserverIP>:8529/_api/version
so far so good.
now when i try to access same on installed ubuntu server using:
curl --dump -
i am getting below error:
Access to the page:
... has been denied for the following reason:
Blocked by Content Checking.
what am i missing here.

It worked by resetting the proxy to its default by using the below command.
export http_proxy=


Ansible: "msg": "basic: Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 503"

I have ansible version 2.4.2. Trying to integrate Ansible control machine (RHEL) with Windows.
When I run the ping command :
ansible wmdev (hostname) -i hosts -m win_ping
Getting below error while connecting to windows machine:
wmdev | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "basic: Bad HTTP response returned from server. Code 503",
"unreachable": true
I am not sure what his error code means. I tried using Kerberos, Basic, ntlm. But no success. Please help.
I had this same error.
The problem turned out to be proxy.
just run export http_proxy="".
This can also occur if you have http_poxy or HTTP_PROXY set as an environment variable in your linux session.
Try to debug this issue using following methods.
--> manually ping the destination server ip address. if you are not able to reach then it should be network issue.
--> Verify you host file. It should have following vars to connect to windows machine:
--> winrm should be enabled on your windows machine.
--> target windows machine execution policy should not be unrestricted.
--> verify net firewall rule "Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)", if not available set it.

Jenkins Error 128 / Git Error 403: Jenkins can't connect to my Bitbucket repository

OS: Ubuntu 16.04
Hypervisor: VirtualBox
Network configuration: Nat Network with port forwarding to access the vms through the host ip. I can also ping a VM from another VM.
I try to connect my Jenkins app hosted on a VM to my BitBucket server also on a VM. I followed a tutorial on internet but when i enter the address of my git repository i'm getting this:
Failed to connect to repository : Command "usr/bin/git ls-remote -h http://admin# HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: fatal: unable to access 'http://admin#': The requested URL returned error: 403
So, to be sure I tried to exectute the command on the terminal... and on the terminal it seems to work.. I can also push, clone, pull etc..
On this image you can see that it's true
Do you have an explanation?
I try some others things like use or not sudo to see if the permissions problem came from that and it seems that it's not the case.
But I see that there is no result when we use the "HEAD" argument.
Do you think that because "HEAD" give no result, git in jenkins interprets it like no answer and returns the damn** error 403?
I found that on the web: http: //
The guy has the same problem but in a different way, I will try to allocate more RAM to see if it does the trick.
There could be many possible problems, but you are getting 403 - Access Forbidden, which indicates some problem with permissions. I would suggest first common mistakes:
a) trying https instead http - my scm only uses https,
b) check if admin is correct - scm by default uses scmadmin.
Here I run the exact same command twice.
The first time I used the proxy configuration wich I need to access internet, and the second time I set the mandatory server on "none".
So there is a problem with the damn proxy.
I was thinking that the proxy was not used in NAT connection with VirtualBox...
I found the solution.
I had to reinstall jenkins to have a user named "jenkins" with his own home directory.
I don't know if it is linked or not, but I configured my bitbucket server to use only HTTPS with a self signed certificate (I work in lan)
My troubleshoot was linked with my proxy settings.
I disabled all my proxy settings in Linux so I was able to launch the command that did'nt worked in jenkins with terminal.
I logged with sudo su jenkins the commands also worked.
I found out that in the home directory of the jenkins user there was a "proxy.xml" file. I opened it and saw my old proxy settings.
I deleted all the content with vim, saved and restarted and the error was gone.
there can be git version miss match.....
I would suggest you update git once. maybe it will resolve your issues.

Cozy Installation on Ubuntu 14.04: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT

I am new to Cozy Cloud, and trying to setup on Ubuntu 14.04, as mentioned Install Cozy on Ubuntu:
and while installing the cozy I tried to run the command:
$ sudo apt-get update
I am getting the following error:
W: Failed to fetch
Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT W: Failed to fetch
Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT E: Some index files
failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
Though the above urls are accessible in browser and downloads package file in a browser, but in the terminal with above command, I am getting an error.
How to resolve this issue?
Found the solution, my apt was configured to use a proxy server. I tried to run apt-config dump | grep -i proxy on command line and found an entry for proxy in the following file:
Removed the entry and now it's working fine.

Node.JS code fails without error on Ubuntu

I have the simplest code for firebase :
var Firebase=require('firebase');
var Ref=new Firebase('');
and I'm running it with SSH in command line on my Ubuntu 12.04 server. For some reason the push method runs but doesn't push anything and doesn't even show an error. I tried logging the error to a file but the file remains empty. I also tried catching an uncaught exception from the process, no luck. There basically isn't an error to show. How should I catch an error so I can investigate further ?
Extra information :
-Node.JS version installed on the server is 12.4 .
-One thing I noticed is there is no certificate file on the server and for example I can't use curl with an https url or PPA to download a package.
-Ubuntu 12.04.
-When I push to firebase using a PHP script it works fine but nodeJS fails to do it.
-The server is in a hospital's internal network and connects to internet through a proxy. Certain HTTPS websites are allowed on port 80 , the rest are blocked . Some similar policies might be in place for other ports and protocols.

PDO driver for XAMPP on Linux

I'm about to gain some experience on Yii so I set up a XAMPP (1.8.1) for Linux environment and installed the Yii framework.I progress based on the book titled 'Web Application Development with Yii and PHP' and there's an example to set up database connection and test that through the Yii console by running the following code:
echo Yii::app()->db->connectionString;
Of course previously I created the appropriate MySQL database and set up the connection string in corresponding main.php and console.php but I'm getting an error:
exception 'CDbException' with message 'CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: could not find driver' in /work/webroot/yii/framework/db/CDbConnection.php:382
Based on Yii's requirement checker PDO for MySQL is enabled. If I check the HTML version of phpinfo it says:
PDO Driver for MySQL: Enabled
Client API version: mysqlnd 5.0.10 - 20111026 - $Id: b0b3b15c693b7f6aeb3aa66b646fee339f175e39 $
However if I run phpinfo from a Yii console it gives the following result:
PDO support => enabled
PDO drivers =>
So, for me it seems PDO driver is missing. I read several forum threads about how to download PDO drivers for linux and how to change the php.ini to use those drivers but I guess that solution works for CLI environment and not for XAMPP.
Can somebody help me out here how can I set up PDO driver for MySQL database on XAMPP? I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 desktop.
I was playing around for a while and found the solution with the help of several forum threads.
To resolve the following driver issue...
'CDbException' with message 'CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: could not find driver'
... I had to install the correct connector. I ran the following:
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
After that I tried to check the connection string once again via the Yii console by running code:
echo Yii::app()->db->connectionString;
But this time it gave me a different error mesage:
'CDbException' with message 'CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'
To resolve this issue I changed my main.php and console.php under /protected/config directory and replaced 'localhost' to ''.
Based on the PHP documentation this is required because MySQL Unix socket shouldn't be used with host or port.
This resolved the second error message and I could connect to my database.
