Cannot change physical location of Default IIS Website on Windows Server 2012 R2 - iis

I am trying to become familiar with IIS using WIndows Server 2012R2. I started by trying to move the default Website from C:\inetpub\wwwroot to C:\sample. In the Website Advanced Settings I modified the Physical Path, restarted IIS and cleared the browser cache (Chrome). However, when I try to bring up the website again I get this error:
HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found
It worked fine before I moved the website location. Is there something else I need to do? Thanks for any guidance.


ColdFusion 2016 Administration page doesn't load on cloned machine

I recently configured and hardened an installation of ColdFusion 2016 + IIS 8 in preparation for a upgrade from CF9. I was able to load all of our web, configure our data sources, and get everything pointed in the right direction. I was able to test that this server was working as expected so we created an image of this machine and loaded it onto another server. We put the cloned machine on it's own IP and gave it it's own domain name in IIS. So here's the problem, the ColdFusion admin pages doesn't work. It works on the original machine, and most of our web apps work on the cloned machine. There are some web apps acting up on the clone machine, but I believe I can solve that issue if I could just get to the CF Administrator page. Currently when we try to reach it at we get a blank white page. I created a virtual directory for it in IIS and get the same results.

Website not working in IIS 7 using the IIS Manager

I have Microsoft Windows server 2008 R2 and have the IIS 7 running.
I have coded a web application on a seperate laptop and would like to publish it now on my server (serves as AD, DNS, File Server, IIS) that runs locally and has no external access. We will be using the application internally only.
I have followed the steps to install a website on IIS, however, it does not work. Below are the steps I have done.
Created a folder hierarchy and pasted the code files there. (check below image. The code files are inside wwwroot)
Create a new website from the IIS Manager as the below image.
The wwwroot folder has SYSTEM permission and it inherits the permissions from the parent. (Does it need to have other permissions?!?)
Whenever I visit the website, I get an error that the page is not found.
Upon #Ravi A's answer below, I have tried his steps as the below image, but the username is not found and the error persists.
Any ideas what is wrong?
windows iis website
You need to add a binding in your DNS i.e. ping mysite.local should resolve to the server IP, in your case since it's a intranet it should resolve to
See here on how to do it. You need access to DNS Manager.
Also since you are not clear on DNS mapping leave the hostname empty and use machine name or IP to browse the site.

ISAPI Redirect Issue. ColdFusion 11

My laptop died and I had to set up everything afresh on a new one. Everything has gone smoothly till I tried to browse a website I had running on the old laptop. The home page loaded fine and database and everything connected. However, when I browsed to a page that required a login and would normally redirect me to the login page, the following error occurred:
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been
removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Requested URL http://zbay_sys:80/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll
Physical Path
I was running CF9 on the old laptop, but thought I might as well upgrade to CF11 in the process.
So, I'm running ColdFusion 11 on IIS Windows 10.
I used Web Platform Installer to install ISAPI redirect module.
I only have a basic knowledge of IIS and ISAPI stuff and am struggling to debug this.
There is no Jakarta virtual directory. Should this have been created automatically?
Manually adding the jakarta virtual directory fixed the issue

IIS Browse link does nothing and 404 error

My client had to reinstall the whole server, so I redeployed my ASP.NET MVC app, but I can't browse it. I deployed successfully with the FTP and the website is in the proper local directory.
When I click the link (on the right panel of IIS) Browse crm on *:80, nothing happens. No error, no IE or Chrome opening, just nothing. I also tried to access the app by typing localhost or localhost/myapp (which should be the right path) directly in the web browser and I got
HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found
I did not install the IIS, but I did the configuration. Have I missed something?
Windows Server 2008 R2
All the roles previously activated have been activated
The MVC framework has been installed and SQL also.
Enabled the IIS tracing and it didn't trace anything
Make sure the application is running under the correct version of .NET. MVC applications targeting 4.0 running under a 2.0 application pool will return 404. Make sure the site binding is pointing at the correct directory of the application you just deployed. When all else fails, try putting a simple .html file into the site and accessing that through the browser. If that fails, it means that IIS is not set up to serve the site, so check bindings, application pools, and home directories.

Configuring IIS7.5 with Coldfusion 9.0.1

I am trying for the past couple of days to configure IIS 7.5 and coldfusion to run on my local machine but I hit a wall.
I have two sites that I am trying to create a run locally but 1 of them is working and the other one does not.
My coldfusion admin is working and I was able to set up my settings (db connections and stuff).
Under IIS management I am creating a site, assign it to the correct folder on my machine set the path as "" and everything runs as it should.
When I am trying to do the same thing for Site2, I'm getting a message from Chrome saying "Oops! Google Chrome could not find"
Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
add to your hostfile
Are both sites pointing to the same codebase if so that is difficult to achieve with IIS7 and 7.5?
