In some cases, the ^. lens getter defaults to mempty if the field being accessed is not present. Example:
let x = Nothing :: Maybe String
x ^. _Just == ""
What is the analogous lens setter with a similar behaviour? Here's what I'm looking for:
data MyRecord = MyRecord { myrecordFoo :: Maybe Int }
instance Monoid MyRecord where
mempty = MyRecord { myRecordFee = Nothing }
$(makeLensesWith abbreviatedFields ''MyRecord)
let x = Nothing :: Maybe MyRecord
x & _Just . foo `someLensSetter` 10 == (Just $ MyRecord { myRecordFoo = 10 })
I've tried playing around with <>~ and <>=, but couldn't get them to work in the way I expect above. Is this even possible? Is there some other standard combinator I should look at? Any custom combinator that can achieve this?
I am new to Haskell and need help. I am trying to build a new data type that has to be somehow unique, so I decided to use UUID as a unique identifier:
data MyType = MyType {
uuid :: UUID,
elements :: AnotherType
in this way, I can do following:
instance Eq MyType where
x == y = uuid x == uuid y
x /= y = not (x == y)
The problem is that all known (to me) UUID generators produce IO UUID, but I need to use it in a pure code as mentioned above. Could you please suggest if there is any way to extract UUID out of IO UUID, or maybe be there is a better way to do what I need in Haskell? Thanks.
Thanks for all the great suggestions and the code example. From what is posted here I can say you cannot break a referential transparency, but there are smart ways how to solve the problem without breaking it and, probably the most optimal one, is listed in the answer below.
There is also one alternative approach that I was able to explore myself based on provided recommendations with the usage of State Monad:
type M = State StdGen
type AnotherType = String
data MyType = MyType {
uuid :: UUID,
elements :: AnotherType
} deriving (Show)
mytype :: AnotherType -> M MyType
mytype x = do
gen <- get
let (val, gen') = random gen
put gen'
return $ MyType val x
main :: IO ()
main = do
state <- getStdGen
let (result, newState) = runState (mytype "Foo") state
putStrLn $ show result
let (result', newState') = runState (mytype "Bar") newState
setStdGen newState'
putStrLn $ show result'
Not sure if it is the most elegant implementation, but it works.
If you're looking at the functions in the uuid package, then UUID has a Random instance. This means that it's possible to generate a sequence of random UUIDs in pure code using standard functions from System.Random using a seed:
import System.Random
import Data.UUID
someUUIDs :: [UUID]
someUUIDs =
let seed = 123
g0 = mkStdGen seed -- RNG from seed
(u1, g1) = random g0
(u2, g2) = random g1
(u3, g3) = random g2
in [u1,u2,u3]
Note that someUUIDs creates the same three "unique" UUIDs every time it's called because the seed is hard-coded.
As with all pure Haskell code, unless you cheat (using unsafe functions), you can't expect to generate a sequence of actually unique UUIDs without explicitly passing some state (in this case, a StdGen RNG) between calls to random.
The usual solution to avoid the ugly boilerplate of passing the generator around is to run at least part of your code within a monad that can maintain the needed state. Some people like to use the MonadRandom package, though you can also use the regular State monad with a StdGen somewhere in the state. The main advantages of MonadRandom over State is that you get some dedicated syntax (getRandom) and can create a monad stack that includes both RandomT and StateT so you can separate your RNG state from the rest of your application state.
Using MonadRandom, you might write an application like:
import Control.Monad.Random.Strict
import System.Random
import Data.UUID
-- monad for the application
type M = Rand StdGen
-- get a generator and run the application in "M"
main :: IO ()
main = do
g <- getStdGen -- get a timestamp-seeded generator
let log = evalRand app g -- run the (pure) application in the monad
putStr log
-- the "pure" application, running in monad "M"
app :: M String
app = do
foo <- myType "foo"
bar <- myType "bar"
-- do some processing
return $ unlines ["Results:", show foo, show bar]
type AnotherType = String
data MyType = MyType {
uuid :: UUID,
elements :: AnotherType
} deriving (Show)
-- smart constructor for MyType with unique UUID
myType :: AnotherType -> M MyType
myType x = MyType <$> getRandom <*> pure x
Note that substantial parts of the application will need to be written in monadic syntax and run in the application M monad. This isn't a big restriction -- most non-trivial applications are going to be written in some monad.
I am writing a small library for interacting with a few external APIs. One set of functions will construct a valid request to the yahoo api and parse the result to a data type. Another set of functions will look up the users current location based on IP and return a data type representing the current location. While the code works, it seems having to explicitly pattern match to sequence multiple functions of type IO (Maybe a).
-- Yahoo API
constructQuery :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
constructQuery city state = "select astronomy, item.condition from weather.forecast" <>
" where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1)" <>
" where text=\"" <> city <> "," <> state <> "\")"
buildRequest :: T.Text -> IO ByteString
buildRequest yql = do
let root = ""
datatable = "store://"
opts = defaults & param "q" .~ [yql]
& param "env" .~ [datatable]
& param "format" .~ ["json"]
r <- getWith opts root
return $ r ^. responseBody
run :: T.Text -> IO (Maybe Weather)
run yql = buildRequest yql >>= (\r -> return $ decode r :: IO (Maybe Weather))
-- IP Lookup
getLocation:: IO (Maybe IpResponse)
getLocation = do
r <- get ""
let body = r ^. responseBody
return (decode body :: Maybe IpResponse)
-- Combinator
runMyLocation:: IO (Maybe Weather)
runMyLocation = do
r <- getLocation
case r of
Just ip -> getWeather ip
_ -> return Nothing
where getWeather = (run . (uncurry constructQuery) . (city &&& region))
Is it possible to thread getLocation and run together without resorting to explicit pattern matching to "get out" of the Maybe Monad?
You can happily nest do blocks that correspond to different monads, so it's just fine to have a block of type Maybe Weather in the middle of your IO (Maybe Weather) block.
For example,
runMyLocation :: IO (Maybe Weather)
runMyLocation = do
r <- getLocation
return $ do ip <- r; return (getWeather ip)
getWeather = run . (uncurry constructQuery) . (city &&& region)
This simple pattern do a <- r; return f a indicates that you don't need the monad instance for Maybe at all though - a simple fmap is enough
runMyLocation :: IO (Maybe Weather)
runMyLocation = do
r <- getLocation
return (fmap getWeather r)
getWeather = run . (uncurry constructQuery) . (city &&& region)
and now you see that the same pattern appears again, so you can write
runMyLocation :: IO (Maybe Weather)
runMyLocation = fmap (fmap getWeather) getLocation
getWeather = run . (uncurry constructQuery) . (city &&& region)
where the outer fmap is mapping over your IO action, and the inner fmap is mapping over your Maybe value.
I misinterpreted the type of getWeather (see comment below) such that you will end up with IO (Maybe (IO (Maybe Weather))) rather than IO (Maybe Weather).
What you need is a "join" through a two layer monad stack. This is essentially what a monad transformer provides for you (see #dfeuer's answer) but it is possible to write this combinator manually in the case of Maybe -
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
flatten :: (Monad m) => m (Maybe (m (Maybe a))) -> m (Maybe a)
flatten m = m >>= fromMaybe (return Nothing)
in which case you can write
runMyLocation :: IO (Maybe Weather)
runMyLocation = flatten $ fmap (fmap getWeather) getLocation
getWeather = run . (uncurry constructQuery) . (city &&& region)
which should have the correct type. If you are going to chain multiple functions like this, you will need multiple calls to flatten, in which case it maybe be easier to build a monad transformer stack instead (with the caveat's in #dfeuer's answer).
There is probably a canonical name for the function I've called "flatten" in the transformers or mtl libraries, but I can't find it at the moment.
Note that the function fromMaybe from Data.Maybe essentially does the case analysis for you, but abstracts it into a function.
Some consider this an anti-pattern, but you could use MaybeT IO a instead of IO (Maybe a). The problem is that you only deal with one of the ways getLocation can fail—it could also throw an IO exception. From that perspective, you might as well drop the Maybe and just throw your own exception if decoding fails, catching it wherever you like.
change getWeather to have Maybe IpResponse->IO.. and use >>= to implement it and then you can do getLocation >>= getWeather. The >>= in getWeather is the one from Maybe, that will deal with Just and Nothing and the other getLocation>>= getWeather the one from IO.
you can even abstract from Maybe and use any Monad: getWeather :: Monad m -> m IpResponse -> IO .. and will work.
As discussed on reddit, you can't just lift a Lens' a b to Lens' (Maybe a) (Maybe b). But for the special case Getter a b, this is obviously possible, since it's isomorphic to a->b. But unlike with Iso, there appears to be no standard function to perform this lift.
What's the preferred way to do that? In cases like
someFunction $ myMap^.at(i).ꜰᴍᴀᴘGᴇᴛ(mySubGetter)
I could of course do
someFunction $ myMap^.at(i) & fmap (^.mySubGetter)
but that doesn't work as well in other applications, as when operating on a state monad.
foo <- use $ꜰᴍᴀᴘGᴇᴛ(mySubGetter)
I believe you can accomplish what you want with a prism.
If your values have these types:
myMap :: Map String (Int, String)
myMap = mempty
mySubGetter :: Lens' (Int, String) String
mySubGetter = _2
then you can do:
myVal :: Maybe String
myVal = myMap ^? at "myKey" . _Just . mySubGetter
If you just want to apply a function to a getter you can use the to function from Control.Lens.Getter, you have to manually deal with the sublens though:
someFunction $ myMap ^. at(i) . to (fmap (^. mySubGetter))
I have a deeply nested data structure, and I'm using Control.Lens.* to simplify accessing its values in a state monad.
So consider the following:
data Config = Config { _foo :: Maybe Int
, _bar :: Int
$(makeLenses ''Config)
How do I operate "functorially" over the Maybe? I'd like to write an idiomatic getter that does:
config = Config (Just 1) 0
config^ fmap (+1) == Just 2
Better still, how would we handle the case when Config is nested deeper?
data Config = { _foo :: Maybe Foo }
data Foo = Foo { _bar :: Bar }
data Bar = Bar Int
$(makeLenses ''Bar)
$(makeLenses ''Foo)
Can we use the accessors foo and bar to Maybe return a modified Bar?
You'll want to use a Prism to (maybe) go into the the Just branch.
>>> let config' = config & foo . _Just .~ (+1)
in config' ^. foo
Just 2
And then this Prism will compose just the same as other lenses, forming Traversals.
foo . _Just . bar . _Bar :: Traversal' Config Int
Take a look at some tutorials I wrote on lens that spend a little time examining how Lens and Prism relate:
I'm completely new to Yesod (and not very experienced in haskell) and I'm trying to build my first handler. I scraffolded my app using default parameters (I'm using Yesod version and choose postgresql in scraffolding) and now I'm trying to retrieve some data from a table using selectList. I defined a new table (let's call it Foo) in models config file:
xStart Int
yStart Int
and want to pass a list of FooId's and some other Foo attributes so I defined a route:
/foos/#Int/#Int/*FooId FoosReturnR GET
and a handler:
module Handler.FoosReturn where
import Import
selectWindowSize :: Int
selectWindowSize = 10000
getFoosReturnR :: Int -> Int -> [FooId] -> Handler RepPlain
getFoosReturnR x y withoutIds = do
foos <- runDB $ selectList [FooId /<-. withoutIds,
FooXStart <. x + selectWindowSize,
FooXStart >=. x - selectWindowSize,
FooYStart <. y + selectWindowSize,
FooYStart >=. y - selectWindowSize] []
return $ RepPlain $ toContent $ show foos
I imported the handler in Application.hs and added it to cabal file and now when I'm trying to run it I receive an error saying that FooId is not an instance of MultiPiece - but when I try to make it an instance there is an error saying that FooId is a type synonym and cannot be an instance of MultiPiece - how to resolve this problem?
Daniel: well, actually I don't know what exactly is FooId - it's a part of Yesod's magic which I don't fully understand so far - it's generated automatically from the table definition - but it's a some kind of a number.
Because I don't know how to use MultiPiece I switched to simpler solution and modified:
route: /foos/#Int/#Int/#String FoosReturnR GET
handler: [added also some logging]
module Handler.FoosReturn where
import Import
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
selectWindowSize :: Int
selectWindowSize = 10000
getFoosReturnR :: Int -> Int -> String -> Handler RepPlain
getFoosReturnR x y withoutIds = do
app <- getYesod
liftIO $ logLazyText (getLogger app) ("getFoosReturnR('" `TL.append` (TL.pack $ (show x) ++ "', '" ++ (show y) ++ "', '" ++ withoutIds ++ "') "))
foos <- runDB $ selectList [FooId /<-. (map (\a -> read a :: FooId) $ splitOn "," withoutIds),
FooXStart <. x + selectWindowSize,
FooXStart >=. x - selectWindowSize,
FooYStart <. y + selectWindowSize,
FooYStart >=. y - selectWindowSize] []
return $ RepPlain $ toContent $ show foos
and now it is compiling but when I browse to: http://localhost:3000/sectors/1/1/1,2 I get a page containing only:
Internal Server Error no parse
Well, I don't fully understand what is FooId here - how to create such a list of FooId's from list of strings containing numbers?
And of course a solution of how to make the FooId an instance of MultiPiece is most wanted.
Daniel and svachalek, thanks for your posts - I tried your (Daniel's) solution but then I was receiving errors saying that [FooId] is expected (as in the handler function declaration) but FooId type was given and this lead me to the following solution:
data FooIds = FooIds [FooId] deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
instance MultiPiece FooIds where
toMultiPiece (FooIds fooList) = map (Data.Text.pack . show) fooList
fromMultiPiece texts =
if length (filter isNothing listOfMaybeFooId) > 0
then Nothing
else Just $ FooIds $ map fromJust listOfMaybeFooId
listOfMaybeFooId = map constructMaybeFooId texts
constructMaybeFooId :: Text -> Maybe FooId
constructMaybeFooId x = case reads (Data.Text.unpack x) :: [(FooId,String)] of
[(foo,_)] -> Just foo
_ -> Nothing
of course I changed the route to: /foos/#Int/#Int/*FooIds FoosReturnR GET
and the handler to:
getFoosReturnR :: Int -> Int -> FooIds -> Handler RepPlain
getFoosReturnR coordX coordY (FooIds withoutIds) = do
and now I don't get any errors during compilation nor runtime, and the only not satisfying thing is that I always receive Not Found as a result, even if I supply parameters that should give me some results - so now I have to figure out how to determine what SQL was exactly sent to the database
Now I see that the "Not Found" is connected to the problem and that the above edit is not a solution - when I browse to localhost:3000/foos/4930000/3360000 then I get the results (but then the FooIds is empty) - but when I add something like: localhost:3000/sectors/4930000/3360000/1 then I always get "Not Found" - so it's still not working..
Wish I could help, but yesod has something to do with web applications, as far as I know, hence I've never really looked at it. So I can just try a stab in the air, maybe I hit something.
Hayoo leads to
class MultiPiece s where
fromMultiPiece :: [Text] -> Maybe s
toMultiPiece :: s -> [Text]
in Yesod.Dispatch. Since FooId seems to have a Read instance and probably a Show instance, you could try
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- maybe also FlexibleInstances
instance MultiPiece FooId where
toMultiPiece foo = [Text.pack $ show foo]
fromMultiPiece texts =
case reads (unpack $ Text.concat texts) :: [(FooId,String)] of
[(foo,_)] -> Just foo
_ -> Nothing
I have no idea whether that is close to the right thing, and I would have posted it as a comment, but it's too long and there's not much formatting in comments. If it doesn't help I will delete it to not give the impression your question already has an answer when it hasn't.
The problem is solved:)
You could either use my implementation from one of the last edits of the question and browse to URL like: http://localhost:3000/foos/4930000/3360000/Key {unKey = PersistInt64 3}/Key {unKey = PersistInt64 4}
The Key type derives Read but not in a very friendly (and expected) way:)
Or change the implementation of fromMultiPiece to:
instance MultiPiece FooIds where
toMultiPiece (FooIds fooList) = map (Data.Text.pack . show) fooList
fromMultiPiece texts =
if length (filter isNothing listOfMaybeFooId) > 0
then Nothing
else Just $ FooIds $ map fromJust listOfMaybeFooId
listOfMaybeFooId = map constructMaybeFooId texts
constructMaybeFooId :: Text -> Maybe FooId
constructMaybeFooId x = case TR.decimal x of
Left err -> Nothing
Right (el,_) -> Just $ Key (PersistInt64 el)
and use URLs like: http://localhost:3000/foos/4930000/3360000/1/2
Many thanks to David McBride from the Yesod Web Framework Google Group
EDIT: the above solution had only one disadvantage - using the PersistInt64 type - it's not a good practice to use such a details of implementation, but it can be repaired by using fromPersistValue and toPersistValue functions from Database.Persist as follows:
instance MultiPiece FooIds where
toMultiPiece (FooIds fooList) = map (persistValuetoText . unKey) fooList
persistValuetoText x = case fromPersistValue x of
Left _ -> Data.Text.pack ""
Right val -> Data.Text.pack $ show (val::Int)
fromMultiPiece texts =
if length (filter isNothing listOfMaybeFooId) > 0
then Nothing
else Just $ FooIds $ map fromJust listOfMaybeFooId
listOfMaybeFooId = map constructMaybeFooId texts
constructMaybeFooId :: Text -> Maybe FooId
constructMaybeFooId x = case TR.decimal x of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right (el,_) -> Just $ Key (toPersistValue (el :: Int))
Again, big thanks to David McBride also for this!
I'm also fairly new to Yesod and I gave in and added -XTypeSynonymInstances to the ghc-options in my .cabal file, and so far it's made life a lot easier for me. I'm not sure if it's the most elegant answer to this particular problem, but otherwise I predict you'll run into that instance-of-alias error pretty frequently. P.S. try id = (Key (PersistInt 64 n))