List the user based on a number of clicks Firebase - node.js

I'm using firebase for a listing user and I want to retrieve the user based on a number of clicks. I saved the number of clicks into the child key named click. Here you can look at the document structure. I am using the scroll load to list the user. 12 records should be in go as we scroll the record should from 12 to 24.
In short, The user has the most number of click should be on top with limit records.
Here is the little piece of code I am trying to use. Can Firebase do this?
return firebase
.then(snapshot => {
let reacherdata = [];
snapshot.forEach(snap => {
return reacherdata;
Thank you

If you want to retrieve the 12 users with the most clicks, you'd use this query:
.then(snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach(snap => {
console.log(snap.key+": "+snap.val().click);
If you run this code you'll see it prints (up to) the 12 highest click counts, in ascending order. This is because Firebase Realtime Database queries always sort nodes in ascending order. There is no way to get the result in descending order. For more on this, see:
firebase -> date order reverse
Sorting in descending order in Firebase database
Firebase Data Desc Sorting in Android
In your case, you can easily reverse the (up to) 12 results in the callback with:
.then(snapshot => {
let results = [];
snapshot.forEach(snap => {
results = results.reverse();
To get to the next twelve, or actually the previous 12, you will need to use endAt passing in:
The click value of the lowest value you already got.
The key of that snapshot, which is used to disambiguate in case there are multiple child nodes with the same click value.
So you'd get the top 12 scores with:
var lowestClickValue, lowestKey;
.then(snapshot => {
var isFirst = true;
snapshot.forEach(snap => {
console.log(snap.key+": "+snap.val().click);
if (isFirst) {
lowestKey = snap.key
lowestClickValue = snap.val().click
isFirst = false;
After running this code, the lowestClickValue and lowestKey variables hold the click and key for the lowest node on the current page. You then get the next page with:
.endAt(lowestClickValue, lowestKey)
Here we request 13 nodes, since there will be one node we already have. You'll need to exclude that node in your client-side code.
Note that pagination in Firebase is non-trivial, but quite consistent once you understand that the API is not based on offsets. I highly recommend studying some of the other questions on the pagination if you are still having problems.


How to start Firestore query from a particular document number without using OFFSET?

I have a Firestore collection named 'users' and has many documents by the name of each user.
I want to retrieve list of 25 users at a time in alphabetical order and this is what I tried:
const allUsersRef = admin.firestore().collection('users').orderBy('name').offset(0).limit(25)
allUsersRef.get().then((top25Users) => {
let usersList = '``` << Users LIST >>\n'
if (!top25Users.empty) {
top25Users.forEach(eachUser => {
usersList = usersList + `\n${} \n${}`
} else {'Looks like we have no users at the moment!')
}).catch((error) => {
This way I can get the top 25 users easily! But what if I want the next 25? This is a Discord Bot and not an Android Application where I can add a button [view more] and then continue the results query.start() as shown in this firebase video
I can use OFFSET but the number of users is large so using offset(500) won't be affordable :'(
Also I need to fetch users in alphabetical order and when new users register, the order changes.
TL,DR: If I had a list of my users in alphabetical order, how do I get users from 126th position to 150th position on the list which is sort of page 5 for my 25/page query! and without using offset because that just uses more resources!
I had this in firebase realtime database first but then I needed some more advanced querying so I have migrated here :)
Database Struture: Just a single collection named USERS and documents named as username in it.
const startAtRes = await db.collection('cities')
Using something like this ^ from Firebase Documentation is not possible because I won't be knowing from where to start from. As the list changes as new users Register!
Firestore does not support efficient offset based pagination. When you use offset(), you're paying for reads of all the documents up to that point. The only availabe efficient pagination requires that you provide an anchor document, or properties of the anchor document, to navigate between pages, as described in the documentation.

Firebase cloud function to count and update collections

I have three collections in my Firebase project, one contains locations that users have checked in from, and the other two are intended to hold leaderboards with the cities and suburbs with the most check ins.
However, as a bit of a newbie to NOSQL databases, I'm not quite sure how to do the queries I need to get and set the data I want.
Currently, my checkins collection has this structure:
{ Suburb:,
The leaderboard entry is a boolean to mark if the check in has already been added to the leaderboard.
What I want to do is query for all results where leaderboard is false, count the entries for all cities, count the entries for all suburbs, then add the city and suburb data to a separate collection, then update the leaderboard boolean to indicate they've been counted.
exports.updateLeaderboard = functions.pubsub.schedule('30 * * * *').onRun(async context => {
.where('Leaderboard', '==', 'false')
.then(snap =>{
snap.forEach(x => {
//Count unique cities and return object SELECT cities,COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM Bears GROUP BY cities
.then(() => {
console.log({result: 'success'});
.catch(error => {
Unfortunately, I've come to about the limit of my knowledge here and would love some help.
Firebase is meant to be a real-time platform, and most of your business logic is going to be expressed in Functions. Because the ability to query is so limited, lots of problems like this are usually solved with triggers and data denormalization.
For instance, if you want a count of all mentions of a city, then you have to maintain that count at event-time.
// On document create
await firestore()
count: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1),
}, { merge: true });
Since it's a serverless platform, it's built to run a lot of very small, very fast functions like this. Firebase is very bad at doing large computations -- you can quickly run in to mb/minute and doc/minute write limits.
Edit: Here is how Firebase solved this exact problem from the perspective of a SQL trained developer
As clarified in this other post from the Community here, Firestore doesn't have a built-in API for counting documents via query. You will need to read the whole collection and load it to a variable and work with the data then, counting how many of them have False as values in their Leaderboard document. While doing this, you can start adding these cities and suburbs to arrays that after, will be written in the database, updating the other two collections.
The below sample code - untested - returns the values from the Database where the Leaderboard is null, increment a count and shows where you need to copy the value of the City and Suburb to the other collections. I basically changed some of the orders of your codes and changed the variables to generic ones, for better understanding, adding a comment of where to add the copy of values to other collections.
// Create a reference to the collection of checkin
let checkinRef = db.collection('cities');
// Create a query against the collection
let queryRef = checkinRef.where('Leaderboard', '==', false);
var count = 0;
.then(snap =>{
snap.forEach(x => {
//add the cities and suburbs to their collections here and update the counter
You are very close to the solution, just need now to copy the values from one collection to the others, once you have all of them that have False in leaderboard. You can get some good examples in copying documents from a Collection to another, in this other post from the Community: Cloud Functions: How to copy Firestore Collection to a new document?
Let me know if the information helped you!

How to read an individual column from Dynamo-Db without using Scan in Node-js?

I have 4.5 millions of records in my Dynamo Db.
I want to read the the id of each record as a batchwise.
i am expecting something like offset and limit like how we can read in Mongo Db.
Is there any way suggestions without scan method in Node-JS.
I have done enough research i can only find scan method which buffers the complete records from Dynamo Db and the it starts scanning the records, which is not effective in performance basis.
Please do give me suggestion.
From my point of view, there's no problem doing scans because (according to the Scan doc):
DynamoDB paginates the results from Scan operations
You can use the ProjectionExpression parameter so that Scan only returns some of the attributes, rather than all of them
The default size for pages is 1MB, but you can also specify the max number of items per page with the Limit parameter.
So it's just basic pagination, the same thing MongoDB does with offset and limit.
Here is an example from the docs of how to perform Scan with the node.js SDK.
Now, if you want to get all the IDs as a batchwise, you could wrap the whole thing with a Promise and resolve when there's no LastEvaluatedKey.
Below a pseudo-code of what you could do :
const performScan = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
let params = {
ProjectionExpression: "id",
Limit: 100 // only if you want something else that the default 1MB. 100 means 100 items
let items = [];
var scanExecute = cb => {
docClient.scan(params, (err,result) => {
if(err) return reject(err);
items = items.concat(result.Items);
if(result.LastEvaluatedKey) {
params.ExclusiveStartKey = result.LastEvaluatedKey;
return scanExecute();
} else {
return err
? reject(err)
: resolve(items);
performScan().then(items => {
// deal with it
First things to know about DynamoDB is that it is a Key-Value Store with support for secondary indexes.
DynamoDB is a bad choice if the application often has to iterate over the entire data set without using indexes(primary or secondary), because the only way to do that is to use the Scan API.
DynamoDB Table Scan's are (a few things I can think off)
Expensive(I mean $$$)
Slow for big data sets
Might use up the provisioned throughput
If you know the primary key of all the items in DynamoDB (some external knowledge like primary is an auto incremented value, is referenced in another DB etc) then you can use BatchGetItem or Query.
So if it is a one off thing then Scan is your only option else you should look into refactoring your application to remove this scenario.

Nodejs & Mongo pagination random order

I am running an iOS app where I display a list of users that are currently online.
I have an API endpoint where I return 10 (or N) users randomly, so that you can keep scrolling and always see new users. Therefore I want to make sure I dont return a user that I already returned before.
I cannot use a cursor or a normal pagination as the users have to be returned randomly.
I tried 2 things, but I am sure there is a better way:
At first what I did was sending in the parameters of the request the IDs of the user that were already seen.
But if the user keeps scrolling and has gone through 200 profiles then the list is long and it doesnt look clean.
Then, in the database, I tried adding a field to each users "online_profiles_already_sent" where i would store an array of the IDs that were already sent to the user (I am using MongoDB)
I can't figure out how to do it in a better/cleaner way
I found a way to do it with MySQL, using RAND(seed)
but I can't figure out if there is a way to do the same thing with Mongo
PHP MySQL pagination with random ordering
Thank you :)
I think the only way that you will be able to guarentee that users see unique users every time is to store the list of users that have already been seen. Even in the RAND example that you linked to, there is a possibility of intersection with a previous user list because RAND won't necessarily exclude previously returned users.
Random Sampling
If you do want to go with random sampling, consider Random record from MongoDB which suggests using an an Aggregation and the $sample operator. The implementation would look something like this:
const {
} = require("mongodb");
DB_NAME = "weather",
COLLECTION_NAME = "readings",
MONGO_DOMAIN = "localhost",
MONGO_PORT = "32768",
(async function () {
const client = await MongoClient.connect(MONGO_URL),
db = await client.db(DB_NAME),
collection = await db.collection(COLLECTION_NAME);
const randomDocs = await collection
$sample: {
size: 5
.map(doc => {
return {
id: doc._id,
temperature: doc.main.temp
randomDocs.forEach(doc => console.log(`ID: ${} | Temperature: ${doc.temperature}`));
Cache of Previous Users
If you go with maintaining a list of previously viewed users, you could write an implementation using the $nin filter and store the _id of previously viewed users.
Here is an example using a weather database that I have returning entries 5 at a time until all have been printed:
const {
} = require("mongodb");
DB_NAME = "weather",
COLLECTION_NAME = "readings",
MONGO_DOMAIN = "localhost",
MONGO_PORT = "32768",
(async function () {
const client = await MongoClient.connect(MONGO_URL),
db = await client.db(DB_NAME),
collection = await db.collection(COLLECTION_NAME);
let previousEntries = [], // Track ids of things we have seen
empty = false;
while (!empty) {
const findFilter = {};
if (previousEntries.length) {
findFilter._id = {
$nin: previousEntries
// Get items 5 at a time
const docs = await collection
.find(findFilter, {
limit: 5,
projection: {
main: 1
.map(doc => {
return {
id: doc._id,
temperature: doc.main.temp
// Keep track of already seen items
previousEntries = previousEntries.concat( =>;
// Are we still getting items?
empty = !docs.length;
// Print out the docs
docs.forEach(doc => console.log(`ID: ${} | Temperature: ${doc.temperature}`));
I have encountered the same issue and can suggest an alternate solution.
TL;DR: Grab all Object ID of the collections on first landing, randomized using NodeJS and used it later on.
Disadvantage: slow first landing if have million of records
Advantage: subsequent execution is probably quicker than the other solution
Let's get to the detail explain :)
For better explain, I will make the following assumption
Assume programming language used NodeJS
Solution works for other programming language as well
Assume you have 4 total objects in yor collections
Assume pagination limit is 2
On first execution:
Grab all Object Ids
Note: I do have considered performance, this execution takes spit seconds for 10,000 size collections. If you are solving a million record issue then maybe used some form of partition logic first / used the other solution listed
db.getCollection('my_collection').find({}, {_id:1}).map(function(item){ return item._id; });
db.getCollection('my_collection').find({}, {_id:1}).map(function(item){ return item._id.valueOf(); });
Randomized the array retrive using NodeJS
Stored this randomized array:
If this is a Server side script that randomized pagination for each user, consider storing in Cookie / Session
I suggest Cookie (with timeout expired linked to browser close) for scaling purpose
On each retrieval:
Retrieve the stored array
Grab the pagination item, (e.g. first 2 items)
Find the objects for those item using find $in
.find({"_id" : {"$in" : [ObjectId("ThirdObjectID"), ObjectId("SecondObjectID")]}});
Using NodeJS, sort the retrieved object based on the retrived pagination item
There you go! A randomized MongoDB query for pagination :)

Inserting multiple records with pg-promise

I have a scenario in which I need to insert multiple records. I have a table structure like id (it's fk from other table), key(char), value(char). The input which needs to be saved would be array of above data. example:
I have some array objects like:
lst = [];
obj = {}; 123;
obj.key = 'somekey';
obj.value = '1234';
obj = {}; 123;
obj.key = 'somekey1';
obj.value = '12345';
In MS SQL, I would have created TVP and passed it. I don't know how to achieve in postgres.
So now what I want to do is save all the items from the list in single query in postgres sql, using pg-promise library. I'm not able to find any documentation / understand from documentation. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
I am the author of pg-promise.
There are two ways to insert multiple records. The first, and most typical way is via a transaction, to make sure all records are inserted correctly, or none of them.
With pg-promise it is done in the following way:
db.tx(t => {
const queries = => {
return t.none('INSERT INTO table(id, key, value) VALUES(${id}, ${key}, ${value})', l);
return t.batch(queries);
.then(data => {
// data = array of null-s
.catch(error => {
You initiate a transaction with method tx, then create all INSERT query promises, and then resolve them all as a batch.
The second approach is by concatenating all insert values into a single INSERT query, which I explain in detail in Performance Boost. See also: Multi-row insert with pg-promise.
For more examples see Tasks and Transactions.
It is worth pointing out that in most cases we do not insert a record id, rather have it generated automatically. Sometimes we want to get the new id-s back, and in other cases we don't care.
The examples above resolve with an array of null-s, because batch resolves with an array of individual results, and method none resolves with null, according to its API.
Let's assume that we want to generate the new id-s, and that we want to get them all back. To accomplish this we would change the code to the following:
db.tx(t => {
const queries = => {
return'INSERT INTO table(key, value) VALUES(${key}, ${value}) RETURNING id',
l, a =>;
return t.batch(queries);
.then(data => {
// data = array of new id-s;
.catch(error => {
i.e. the changes are:
we do not insert the id values
we replace method none with one, to get one row/object from each insert
we append RETURNING id to the query to get the value
we add a => to do the automatic row transformation. See also pg-promise returns integers as strings to understand what that + is for.
For a high-performance approach via a single INSERT query see Multi-row insert with pg-promise.
A must-read article: Data Imports.
