how to pass structure to QT thread - multithreading

Am trying to pass data structure to QT thread and but no success.
here is what am doing and have done.
i prepare data for the thread, like this and then tried to pass prepared data to thread before starting.
void mytable::prepare_data(){
// get table row count
int rowCount = ui->my_table_view->rowCount();
// create structure array based on rowCount
pnp_com_info pnp_data[rowCount];
/* pnp_com_info structure defined it top of file below includes to make it global
struct pnp_com_info{
QString com_name = "";
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int angle = 0;
bool status = false;
// loop on table rows columns and load pnp_data with data of columns
// PROBLEM : how to pass pnp_data structure to thread side ?
// can pass basic vars like
RunJobThread->mynum = 10;
// start QT thread
// std:: thread experiment
// std::stdthreadtest(pnp_data,rowCount);
run_job_thread.h source code
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
class run_job_thread : public QThread
void run();
int mynum;
struct pnp_com_info_thread{
QString com_name = "";
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int angle = 0;
bool status = false;
bool Stop; // bool to stop the job
void select_row_of_table_signal(int);
public slots:
#endif // RUN_JOB_THREAD_H
run_job_thread.cpp source code
#include "run_job_thread.h"
#include <QtCore>
// run the thread
void run_job_thread::run(){
qDebug() << "my num passed value is : "<<this->mynum; // output : 10
// Goal : loop on pnp_data structure and emit signal to table rows
emit select_row_of_table_signal(5);
things i tried
instead of struct i tried to use other data containers like map, multimap, vectors but they give error , as am initializing pnp_com_info struct inside mytable::prepare_data() function based on rowCount which make it local and limited to prepare_data() function but with map,multimap,vector my plan was that they will be global and i will be able to access it from thread, however it not worked.
std::map<std::string, int,int,int> pnp_com_info; // error: too many template arguments for class template 'map'
std::multimap<std::string, int,int,int,bool> pnp_com_info; // error: too many template arguments for class template 'multimap'
std::vector<std::string, int,int,int,bool> pnp_com_info; // error: too many template arguments for class template 'vector'
i also tried std::thread which was partial success , i mean it was working ok but looks like std::thread not works with QT GUI thread as upon running app GUI will go freez although std::thread was doing its job

I would suggest to do the following, because the declaration of the
pnp_com_info pnp_data[rowCount];
is inside a context i think their lifecycle will be lost once you leave it, other problem is that it would be really "unsafe" to create this kind of arrays and then pass it from one side to another. Therefore I would create a QList and then pass either a copy or the reference to the worker thread. So
1) Create a QList pnp_data, in the public part of mytable
2) Fill all data using a for loop as follows.
3) Create another QList pnp_data or a QList *pnp_data (if you want to use a copy or a pointer)
4) Then just pass either a copy or a reference to the worker thread.
Then it should look like this:
mytable.h source code
public: QList<pnp_com_info> pnp_data;
mytable.cpp source code
void mytable::prepare_data(){
// get table row count
int rowCount = ui->my_table_view->rowCount();
for(int i = 0; i<rowCount; i++){
pnp_com_info itemToInsert;
//FILL HERE THE itemToInsert
//Insert the item inside the list.
// PROBLEM : how to pass pnp_data structure to thread side ?
// Either pass it as a copy
RunJobThread->pnp_data = pnp_data;
//or as a reference
QList<pnp_com_info> *pnpDataPointer = &pnp_data;
RunJobThread->pnp_data_reference = pnpDataPointer;
// start QT thread
// std:: thread experiment
// std::stdthreadtest(pnp_data,rowCount);
run_job_thread.h source code
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
class run_job_thread : public QThread
void run();
struct pnp_com_info_thread{
QString com_name = "";
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int angle = 0;
bool status = false;
QList<pnp_com_info> pnp_data; //This one if you create a copy
QList<pnp_com_info> *pnp_data_reference; //This if you want a pointer
bool Stop; // bool to stop the job
void select_row_of_table_signal(int);
public slots:
#endif // RUN_JOB_THREAD_H
I hope this helps.

First, don't subclass QThread to create a worker - re-read How To Really, Truly Use QThreads; The Full Explanation by Maya Posch. You will find it much more manageable to create a worker object and connect the threads started() to your worker's main method, and the worker's signals to the thread's quit() and deleteLater().
Then, it should be much more straightforward to pass your data to the worker before it's moved to the thread, or to use a signal connection if it needs to be passed when the worker is running (remember to register your structure with the meta-object system for that).


QSerialPort with no GUI, no thread: QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread

I'm doing a DLL with no GUI (TEMPLATE = lib), using QSerialPort. I don't create threads and I don't need any: I have no GUI and having a blocking serial port operation is no problem, it is what I want.
When doing:
while (!serial_uart->isWritable());
while (!serial_uart->write(frame));
I get:
QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread
Question: how to use QSerialPort in a library without GUI without triggering this error?
Note: I first thought the problem was coming from serial_uart->waitForReadyRead(timeout) but even without this and only serial_uart->write() I already have this problem.
Minimal reproducible DLL example:
#include "test.h"
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) Test* new_Test() { return new Test(); }
__declspec(dllexport) void DoTest(Test *t) { t->DoTest(); }
Test::Test() :QObject()
void Test::DoTest()
this->serialport = new QSerialPort();
this->serialport ->setPortName("COM12");
while (!this->serialport->isWritable());
while (!this->serialport->write("hello"));
#include <QSerialPort>
class Test : public QObject
void DoTest();
QSerialPort *serialport;
TARGET = test
QT += serialport
HEADERS += test.h
SOURCES += test.cpp
When I call the release/test.dll from Python I have this:
from ctypes import *
dll = CDLL(r"release\test.dll")
dll.new_Test.restype = c_void_p
dll.new_Test.argtypes = []
dll.DoTest.restype = None
dll.DoTest.argtypes = [c_void_p]
t = dll.new_Test()
QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread
Most of the QIODevice based classes (like Qt sockets or serial port) want to live in a Qt based thread and also their functions needs to be called from the same thread where the object was created.
For that reason I've usually solved this by:
Create wrapper class (QObject based with Q_OBJECT macro for signal/slot functionality) for the QIODevice based class you are about to use. For each function you are planning on using create a slot function on your wrapper class which then calls the equivalent funtion in the QIODevice:
qint64 MySerialPort::write(const QByteArray &data)
// m_serialPort is created with new QSerialPort in constructor of MySerialPort.
return m_serialPort->write(data);
Create a QThread class that in its run function creates an instance of MySerialPort (with new MySerialPort) and just calls exec() after that. Now MySerialPort lives in an event loop and is able to send and receive signals/slots.
void MySerialPortThread::run()
m_serialPort = new MySerialPort();
delete m_serialPort; // Automatic deletion after thread is stopped.
The thread could also return a pointer to the instance for easier access from outside to connect signals and slots.
MySerialPort* MySerialPortThread::serialPort()
return m_serialPort; // Instance of MySerialPort class
In your main code create signals that match the slots of the MySerialPort and connect them.
qint64 writeSerial(const QByteArray& data);
void MyMainClass::connectSignalsAndSlots()
MySerialPort* serialPort = m_serialThread->serialPort();
connect(this, &MyMainClass::writeSerial, serialPort, &MySerialPort::write, Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); // Use either QueuedConnection or BlockingQueuedConnection to force the execution of the slot to the MySerialThread.
Emit the signals to access the QSerialPort.
emit writeSerial(dataByteArray);

use a lambda to start a thread which is a class attribute

I would like to assign a name to a thread, the thread itself must do this. The thread is a class member of the class foo.
I would like to start this thread with a lambda but unfortunately I get the error message:
no match for call to '(std::thread) (foo::start()::<lambda()>)
Can someone explain to me where the problem is?
Previously I had created a temporary thread object, and put this with move on the thread "manage", however, I can then give no name.
class foo {
int start()
auto nto_errno = pthread_setname_np(manage.native_handle(),"manage"); // Give thread an human readable name (non portable!)
printf("do work");
return 1;
int retVal;
std::thread manage;
You passed the lambda in a wrong way, after initialization the manage thread can't be initialized again. you should create a new std::thread and assign it.
the following compiles and indeed prints "manage".
class foo {
int start()
manage = std::thread([this]{
auto nto_errno = pthread_setname_np(manage.native_handle(),"manage");
char name[16];
pthread_getname_np(pthread_self(), &name[0], sizeof(name));
cout << name << endl;
return 1;
int retVal;
std::thread manage;

can we convert Audio (.mp3) to video (mp4) in android studio? how?

i am new in this and i am working on App of media player and recording app. in which i have shown song list of device in the listview and recording start / stop / play. Now i want to convert that .mp3 recorded file into .mp4 and one image will show on behalf of a video in that file. Help me to achive this i have no idea and i refer many links and i didnt find anything.
Please check this link for your first question:
Why can't we initialize class members at their declaration?
Usually constructor is use to initialize value to data variables of class.
For 2nd Question:
If data member is not initialize after creation of object, It will contain garbage value. So initialize or assign suitable value to as per your need.
Check below code:
using namespace std;
class swap_values
int a, b, temp;
swap_values(int x, int y){
a = x;
b = y;
temp = 0;
void swapped()
temp = b;
void print(){
cout<<"a: "<<a<<" b: "<<b<<endl;
int main()
int x =10; int y = 20;
swap_values obj(x, y);
return 0;
Everything can be done in better ways but just using your code this will work for you -
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Swap {
int a,b,temp;
void swapNums()
temp=a; a=b; b=temp;
cout<<a<<" " <<b<<endl;
int main() {
Swap s;
return 0;
You can avoid using class name as some function name. You can instead use constructor without a return type where you can initialise the member variables. swap method looks fine.
i am not able to initialize my variable in class.
class swap
int a=10; \\cannot declare here
int b=20; \\ cannot declare here
Since C++11, this is fine, you can have default member initialization.
The error is due to missing semicolon after }.
why it has garbage value with b ??
Since temp was never initialized before assigning it to b, temp has an indeterminate value.
Any usage will lead to undefined behavior.
Here's a simple Swap struct:
struct Swap
int a = 10; // default member initialization
int b = 20; // default member initialization
Swap(int a = 20, int b = 10): a(b), b(a) {}; // swap on initialization
// using member initializer list
Swap s;
std::cout << s.a // 20
<< s.b // 10
<< std::endl;
In this example, default member initialization is "obsolete" / "redundant" due to member initializer list.

Qt thread ID is equal to MainWindows? (moveToThread)

Now I want to create a thread and put in my class "AVC_file" inatance.
But when I print currentThreadId in textBroswer, I found MainWindows's threadID is same with the thread I created. show pitures like below.
Framework::Framework(QWidget * parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
int threadID = (int)QThread::currentThreadId();
ui.textBrowser->append("Main Tread ID : " + QString::number(threadID));
void Framework::on_OpenAVCFile_clicked()
QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
this, tr("Open File"), "C:\\", "AVC File (*.avc)"
if (!filePath.isEmpty())
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("File Name"), filePath);
QFile file(filePath);
if (!
QMessageBox::information(0, "info", file.errorString());
else {
QThread *thread = new QThread(this);
int threadID = (int)thread->currentThreadId();
ui.textBrowser->append("Second Tread ID : " + QString::number(threadID) + "\n");
AVC_File *AVC_file = new AVC_File();
connect(AVC_file, SIGNAL(requestFileContent(QString)), this, SLOT(addFileContent(QString)));
connect(AVC_file, SIGNAL(requestFileDebug(QString)), this, SLOT(addFileDebug(QString)));
connect(AVC_file, SIGNAL(requestFileCorrectness(bool, int)), this, SLOT(adddFileCorrectness(bool, int)));
connect(AVC_file, SIGNAL(requestNewValue(unsigned int, int)), this, SLOT(addNewValue(unsigned int, int)));
Images about my code and results-->
Main Windows, create thread and results
Oh!I also try emit info in my "AVC_file" instance?like below.
void AVC_File::AVC_FileCheck(QFile &file)
int threadID = (int)QThread::currentThreadId();
emit requestFileContent("Thread ID by emit" + QString::number(threadID) + "\n");
QTextStream in(&file);
Emit threadID info
Anyone can help me?
BTW, I use visual studio Qt add-in to develop this project.
QThread::currentThreadId() is a static method.
When you call it, it returns the thread ID of the thread that executes it.
In both your cases that's the main thread.
There are several issues that I'll address in random order.
First of all, using thread IDs is bad user experience. Give the threads a descriptive name:
int main(...) {
QApplication app(...);
QThread myThread;
MyObject myObject;
Then use QThread::currentThread()->objectName() to retrieve it. You can also pass QObject* to qDebug() to display the name of the thread:
qDebug() << QThread::currentThread();
Your signal invocation would then become:
QString currentThreadName() {
return QThread::currentThread()->objectName().isEmpty() ?
QStringLiteral("0x%1").arg(QThread::currentThread(), 0, 16) :
emit requestFileContent(
QStringLiteral("Emitting from thread \"%1\"\n").arg(currentThreadName));
Then, use the above to deal with the thread you've created:
auto thread = new QThread(this);
ui.textBrowser->append(QStringLiteral("Worker thread: \"%1\").arg(thread->objectName()));
auto AVC_file = new AVC_File;
But AVC_FileCheck is invoked from the main thread. Whether that's OK or not depends on how that method is implemented. It needs to be thread-safe, see this question for a discussion of that. TL;DR: The following pattern could be a starting point:
class AVC_file : public QObject {
Q_SLOT void fileCheck_impl(QIODevice * dev) {
Q_SIGNAL void fileCheck_signal(QIODevice *);
void fileCheck(QIODevice *dev) { fileCheck_signal(dev); }
AVC_file(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {
connect(this, &AVC_file::fileCheck_signal, this, &AVC_file::fileCheck_impl);
Finally, your existing AVC_fileCheck API is broken. You pass QFile by reference: this won't ever work since it ceases to exist as soon as on_OpenAVCFile_clicked returns. When AVC_file uses that file in its thread, it's a dangling object reference.
Instead, you must pass the ownership of the file to AVC_file, and pass a pointer to an instance that AVC_file will dispose when done with. Or simply let AVC_file open the file for you!

C++/CLI multiple errors

I am getting multiple, confusing errors when building this school assignment and am hoping for some direction on what might be the problem. I wouldn't normally write it like this, but I put everything into one file as I try to debug this. Using Visual Studios Express 2012. I'm getting over 30 errors when I build, so I'm sure there is something fundamental that I am simply overlooking. Just a suggestion please, not looking for anyone to do my homework. Thanks
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "MessageDisplayClass.h"
#include "LogMessageClass.h"
#include "TimerEventArgs.h"
using namespace System;
ref class CustomTimerClass
static bool stopFlag = false;
// create instance of TimerEventArgs
TimerEventArgs^ timerEvent;
delegate void CustomTimerClass::TimerAlarmHandler(/*Object^ sender, TimerEventArgs^ args*/);
event CustomTimerClass::TimerAlarmHandler^ OnTimerAlarm;
property bool StopFlag
bool get(void)
return stopFlag;
void set(bool b)
stopFlag = b;
void run()
void OnStart()
// create instances of DisplayMessageClass and LogMessageClass classes
DisplayMessageClass^ messageDisplayer = gcnew DisplayMessageClass(this);
LogMessageClass^ messageLogger = gcnew LogMessageClass(this);
// display and log messages concerning this event
messageDisplayer->displayMessage(this, timerEvent);
messageLogger->logMessage(this, timerEvent);
void raiseTimerAlarm()
// create instance of TimerEventArgs and get time of instance creation
timerEvent = gcnew TimerEventArgs();
String^ eventTime = timerEvent->EventTime;
// tie this instance of CustomTimerClass to OnTimerAlarm event and start event
this->OnTimerAlarm += gcnew TimerAlarmHandler(this, &CustomTimerClass::OnStart);
ref class MainProgram
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
CustomTimerClass^ timerClass = gcnew CustomTimerClass();
DisplayMessageClass^ messageClass = gcnew DisplayMessageClass();
LogMessageClass^ logerClass = gcnew LogMessageClass();
return 0;
At the point you're trying to use the various classes, the compiler doesn't know about them yet. Move your main() function to the end of the file. Or better, split your class definitions in their own header files and then include them in your main source file.
There are other related problems too. For example, you're trying to use the TimerEventArgs class before the compiler knows about it. So you need to move the class definition up. This is why it's best to have each class in its own header file, and then include it where needed. Though it's not strictly unnecessary, if you declare/define everything in the correct order.
Other than wrong order of declarations, it looks like the problem is that the compiler doesn't recognize the ^ bit, which suggests you're not compiling as C++/CLI. Righ-click the project in Solution Explorer and go to Configuration Properties -> General, and make sure that Common Language Runtime Support is set to Common Language Runtime Support (/clr).
For the benefit of anyone else (other newbies): As it turns out, my suspicion that the problem lay in the fact that some of the classes were "#including" each other was the problem. Using forward declarations, combined with having to create a separate class altogether to act as a variable storage handler was the solution to my problem.
Here are the two classes that were giving me the biggest problem, corrected to function correctly:
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "LogMessageClass.h"
#include "MessageDisplayClass.h"
#include "TimerEventArgs.h"
#include "Variables.h"
//ref class MessageDisplayClass;
//ref class Variables;
using namespace System;
ref class CustomTimerClass
static bool stopFlag = false;
// create instance of TimerEventArgs
TimerEventArgs^ timerEvent;
// create instance of MessageDisplayClass and LogMessageClass
MessageDisplayClass^ messageDisplayer;
LogMessageClass^ messageLogger;
Variables^ flagVariable;
delegate void CustomTimerClass::TimerAlarmHandler();
event CustomTimerClass::TimerAlarmHandler^ OnTimerAlarm;
property bool StopFlag
bool get(void)
return stopFlag;
void set(bool b)
stopFlag = flagVariable->Flag;
void run()
void OnStart()
// create instances of DisplayMessageClass and LogMessageClass classes
messageDisplayer = gcnew MessageDisplayClass(this, flagVariable);
messageLogger = gcnew LogMessageClass(this);
// display and log messages concerning this event
messageDisplayer->displayMessage(this, timerEvent);
messageLogger->logMessage(this, timerEvent);
void raiseTimerAlarm()
// create instance of TimerEventArgs and get time of instance creation
timerEvent = gcnew TimerEventArgs();
String^ eventTime = timerEvent->EventTime;
// tie this instance of CustomTimerClass to OnTimerAlarm event and start event
this->OnTimerAlarm += gcnew TimerAlarmHandler(this, &CustomTimerClass::OnStart);
MessageDisplayClass serves to display a message that
represents the time at which the TimerEventArgs class is
instantiated. This time is returned through a function
of TimerEventArgs class.
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "TimerEventArgs.h"
#include "Variables.h"
using namespace System;
ref class CustomTimerClass; // FORWARD DECLARATION HERE CAN
ref class MessageDisplayClass
CustomTimerClass^ customTimerRef;
// MessageDisplayClass and CustomTimerClass
Variables^ variableRef;
static int counter;
// constructor
MessageDisplayClass(CustomTimerClass^ CustomTimerClassInput, Variables^ variableReference)
customTimerRef = CustomTimerClassInput;
variableRef = gcnew Variables (CustomTimerClassInput);
void displayMessage(Object^ sender, TimerEventArgs^ timer)
counter ++;
if (counter > 0)
variableRef->Flag = true;
Console::WriteLine("Message: an event occured at time stamp: " + timer->EventTime);
