Python float conversion from incomplete Fortran sci-notation - python-3.x

The problem
I am producing data files with Fortran 90 program and then analyzing it with Python 3.7. The data files are just many numbers, written in scientific notation.
My problem is that at some point the scientific notation inside files is wrong. The E just disappears. See an example from the Fortran output :
This leads to the following error on my Python analysis program
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '0.1383817626772070210+100'
Kind of solution I'm looking for
I suppose this problem is inherent to Fortran. I am looking for a Python solution that could handle this weird notation, or at least way to just skip those files that may give weird results after all.
Program sample
I give you a little sample from my Python code, this may help. The following code opens a file, reads a column, and load the whole column inside the PMvar. The for loop is here because I read many files.
for rf in range(elem_2):
# load fluorescence and Temperature
PMvar[tr] = some_function(filepath[rf])[0]
The some_function takes as a parameter filepath[rf] which is the file path. I only retrieve the first column thus the [0] .
def some_function(filepath):
out0 = loadtxt('{}.dat'.format(filepath),comments='%')
out1 = loadtxt('{}.dat'.format(filepath),comments='%')
return out0, out1
I can't see any explicit conversions from string to float.
Is there a way to adapt this code in order to handle the weird scientific notation ? Or should I just rewrite some stuff to comply with this case ?
The Fortran code is not from me, but I think I found where the data is saved.
open(10, file = trim(adjustl(str_file_Temp))//'.dat', status='replace', access='sequential', action='write')
print*, 'j_save_temp Temp',j_save_temp
do i = 1, j_save_temp
write(10,221) save_temperature(i,0),&
m_kb_x_inv_n_ions2(1)*save_temperature(i,1:3), &
m_kb_x_inv_n_ions(1) *save_temperature(i,4:6), &
221 format( 8(1X,e26.19))
with double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: save_temperature


pandas reading data from column in as float or int and not str despite dtype setting

i have an issue with pandas (0.23.4) on python 3.7 where the data is being read in as scientific notation instead of just a string despite setting the dtype setting. Here is an example of the data that is being read in
The problem comes with lines 5 and 6 of the above because they contain, i think, 'E' characters and they are being turned into scientific notation.
My reader is setup as follows.
accounts = pd.read_excel('gym_accounts.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1', dtype=str)
despite that dtype=str setting, it appears that pandas using something called ... a "sniffer" that detects the data type automatically and its being changed back to what I assume is float or int, and then changing it to scientific notation. One suggestion in another thread says to use something called a converter statement within the read_csv like the following
pd.read_csv('my.csv', converters = {i: str for i in range(0, 100)})
I am curious if this is a possible solution to my problem, but also i have no idea how long that range should be as it changes often. Is there any way to query the length of the column and feed that as a variable into that range call?
I looks like i can do something like len(accounts.index) ... but i cant do this till after the reader has read the file so something like this below doesnt work
accounts = pd.read_excel('gym_accounts.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1', converters = {i: str for i in range(0, gym_length)}))
gym_length = len(accounts.index)
the length check is after the .. i guess you call it ... data reader, so it doesnt work obviously.

Python Math - Floating with financial output comes out incorrect

In a small portion of code for a retail auditing calculator, I'm attempting to allow the input of a retail value and multiply it by up to 2 entered quantities The expected (intended) result is $X*Y=$Z.
I've attempted to modify the code a couple of says and seem to be stuck on how this math is (isn't) working correctly.
I've attempted a number of different configurations in the code and the most I've achieved is the following:
#Retail value of item, whole number (i.e. $49.99 entered as 4999)
rtlVAL = input("Retail Value: ")
#Quantity of Items - can be multiplied for full stack items, default if no entry is '1'
qt1 = float(input("Quantity 1: ")) #ex. 4
qt2 = float(input("Quantity 2: ") or "1") #ex " "
#Convert the Retail Value to finacial format (i.e 4999 to $49.99)
rtl = float("{:.2}".format (rtlVAL))
# Screen Output
qtyVAL = int(qt1)*int(qt2)
print("$" + str(qtyVAL*rtl))
The entered values are:
Retail Value: 4999
Quantity 1: 4
Quantity 2: (blank)
The expected performance is 4999 * 4 * (because no entry defaults to value of 1) and the expected result is $199.96
The result of this code is $196.0, so not only is it the wrong conclusion but it's missing the two decimal places.
I'm not entirely certain why the math comes up wrong in context to expectation.
What am I missing here?
On line 9, I've tried the following:
rtl = float("{:.2f}".format (rtlVAL))
rtl = int("{:.2f}".format (rtlVAL))
The return was
ValueError: Unknown format code 'f' for object of type 'str'
if I change line 13 to:
print("$" + float(qtyVAL*rtl))
I get
TypeError: must be str, not float
using either of the prior alterations in conjunction with the latter will return the ValueError:
Python 3.4 and 3.6
I did search a few other SO questions regarding Python, Math, Floating point, and formatting but the questions were looking for and presenting something far more advances and entangled than this so i wasn't able to glean an answer to make a contextual application or it applied mainly to Python 2.7 wherein some of the code such as raw input() is simply input() and altered by int(input())in Python 3.x to step out of str value (as far as I understand for this purpose.
I did not see this as a duplicate, but if I missed something in that I do apologize - it isn't intentional.
No need to mess around with number formats:
rtl = float(rtlVAL)/100
Just divide the retail value by 100 to get the dollar value
Incidentally, the reason it was coming up with 196 was because your number format was taking the first two digits of rtlVAL - 49 in your case - and then multiplying by that.

how use struct.pack for list of strings

I want to write a list of strings to a binary file. Suppose I have a list of strings mylist? Assume the items of the list has a '\t' at the end, except the last one has a '\n' at the end (to help me, recover the data back). Example: ['test\t', 'test1\t', 'test2\t', 'testl\n']
For a numpy ndarray, I found the following script that worked (got it from here numpy to r converter):
binfile = open('myfile.bin','wb')
for i in range(mynpdata.shape[1]):
binfile.write(struct.pack('%id' % mynpdata.shape[0], *mynpdata[:,i]))
Does binfile.write automatically parses all the data if variable has * in front it (such in the *mynpdata[:,i] example above)? Would this work with a list of integers in the same way (e.g. *myIntList)?
How can I do the same with a list of string?
I tried it on a single string using (which I found somewhere on the net):
oneString = 'test'
oneStringByte = bytes(oneString,'utf-8')
struct.pack('I%ds' % (len(oneString),), len(oneString), oneString)
but I couldn't understand why is the % within 'I%ds' above replaced by (len(oneString),) instead of len(oneString) like the ndarray example AND also why is both len(oneString) and oneString passed?
Can someone help me with writing a list of string (if necessary, assuming it is written to the same binary file where I wrote out the ndarray) ?
There's no need for struct. Simply join the strings and encode them using either a specified or an assumed text encoding in order to turn them into bytes.

How can I convert a string into a function in Python?

I have to deal with csv image data from a camera which exports the data with a header. In that header is a simple function for converting CCD counts into power density. This equation includes both the dark offset level as well as a calibration factor. Here is an example from one line of an image file:
Power Density,=,(n - 232) * 4.182e-005 W/cm^2
Notice the commas. The csv header can be expected to have the same structure each time with different constants for dark level (232) and power density conversion (4.182e-005).
What I would like to be able to do is grab the last cell, strip off the units at the end (W/cm^2), and use what is left to define a function in Python. Something like
f = lambda n: '(n - 232) * 4.182e-005'
Is it possible to do so? If so, how?
eval and exec, which use compile, are both ways to dynamically convert code as text to a compiled function. If you dynamically create a new function, you only need to do the conversion once.
row = "Power Density,=,(n - 232) * 4.182e-005 W/cm^2".split(',')
expr = row[2].replace( ' W/cm^2', '')
# f = eval("lambda n:" + expr) # based on your original idea
exec("def f(n): return " + expr) # more flexible
# -0.00970224
The lambda eval and def exec have the same result, other than, but as usual, the def form is more flexible, even if the flexibility is not needed here.
The usual caveats about executing untrusted code apply. If you are working with photo files not your own and were worried about an adversary feeding you a poisoned file, then indeed you might want to tokenize expr and check that is only has the tokens expected.
I found a way to do it using eval, but I expect that it isn't very pythonic so I would still be interested in seeing other answers.
Here row is the row of interest from a csv.reader object, i.e. the same string I posted in the question divided at the commas.
# Strip the units from the string
strng = row[2].replace( ' W/cm^2', '')
# Define a function based on the string
def f( n):
return eval( strng)
# Evaluate a value
print( f( 0))
# Returns: -0.00970224

How to write Fortran Output as CSV file?

Can any one tell me, how can I write my output of Fortran program in CSV format? So I can open the CSV file in Excel for plotting data.
A slightly simpler version of the write statement could be:
write (1, '(1x, F, 3(",", F))') a(1), a(2), a(3), a(4)
Of course, this only works if your data is numeric or easily repeatable. You can leave the formatting to your spreadsheet program or be more explicit here.
I'd also recommend the csv_file module from FLIBS. Fortran is well equipped to read csv files, but not so much to write them. With the csv_file module, you put
use csv_file
at the beginning of your function/subroutine and then call it with:
call csv_write(unit, value, advance)
where unit = the file unit number, value = the array or scalar value you want to write, and advance = .true. or .false. depending on whether you want to advance to the next line or not.
Sample program:
program write_csv
use csv_file
implicit none
integer :: a(3), b(2)
a = (/1,2,3/)
b = (/4,5/)
call csv_write(1,a,.true.)
call csv_write(1,b,.true.)
end program
if you instead just want to use the write command, I think you have to do it like this:
write(1,'(I1,A,I1,A,I1)') a(1),',',a(2),',',a(3)
write(1,'(I1,A,I1)') b(1),',',b(2)
which is very convoluted and requires you to know the maximum number of digits your values will have.
I'd strongly suggest using the csv_file module. It's certainly saved me many hours of frustration.
The Intel and gfortran (5.5) compilers recognize:
write(unit,'(*(G0.6,:,","))')array or data structure
which doesn't have excess blanks, and the line can have more than 999 columns.
To remove excess blanks with F95, first write into a character buffer and then use your own CSV_write program to take out the excess blanks, like this:
write(Buf,'(999(G21.6,:,","))')array or data structure
call CSV_write(unit,Buf)
You can also use
write(Buf,*)array or data structure
call CSV_write(unit,Buf)
where your CSV_write program replaces whitespace with "," in Buf. This is problematic in that it doesn't separate character variables unless there are extra blanks (i.e. 'a ','abc ' is OK).
I thought a full simple example without any other library might help. I assume you are working with matrices, since you want to plot from Excel (in any case it should be easy to extend the example).
Print one row at a time in a loop using the format format(1x, *(g0, ", "))
Full story
The purpose of the code below is to write in CSV format (that you can easily import in Excel) a (3x4) matrix.
The important line is the one labeled 101. It sets the format.
program testcsv
INTEGER :: i, nrow
REAL, DIMENSION(3,4) :: matrix
! Create a sample matrix
matrix = RESHAPE(source = (/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12/), &
shape = (/ 3, 4 /))
! Store the number of rows
nrow = SIZE(matrix, 1)
! Formatting for CSV
101 format(1x, *(g0, ", "))
! Open connection (i.e. create file where to write)
OPEN(unit = 10, access = "sequential", action = "write", &
status = "replace", file = "data.csv", form = "formatted")
! Loop across rows
do i=1,3
WRITE(10, 101) matrix(i,:)
end do
! Close connection
end program testcsv
We first create the sample matrix. Then store the number of rows in the variable nrow (this is useful when you are not sure of the matrix's dimension beforehand). Skip a second the format statement. What we do next is to open (create or replace) the CSV file, names data.csv. Then we loop over the rows (do statement) of the matrix to write a row at a time (write statement) in the CSV file; rows will be appended one after another.
In more details how the write statement works is: WRITE(U,FMT) WHAT. We write "what" (the i-th row of the matrix: matrix(i,:)), to connection U (the one we created with the open statement), formatting the WHAT according to FMT.
Note that in the example FMT=101, and 101 is the label of our format statement:
format(1x, *(g0, ", "))
what this does is: "1x" insert a white space at the beginning of the row; the "*" is used for unlimited format repetition, which means that the format in the following parentheses is repeated for all the data left in the object we are printing (i.e. all elements in the matrix's row). Thus, each row number is formatted as: 'g0, ", "'.
g is a general format descriptor that handles floats as well as characters, logicals and integers; the trailing 0 basically means: "use the least amount of space needed to contain the object to be formatted" (avoids unnecessary spaces). Then, after the formatted number, we require the comma plus a space: **", ". This produces our comma-separated values for a row of the matrix (you can use other separators instead of "," if you need). We repeat for every row and that's it.
(The spaces in the format are not really needed, thus one could use format(*(g0,","))
Reference: Metcalf, M., Reid, J., & Cohen, M. (2018). Modern Fortran Explained: Incorporating Fortran 2018. Oxford University Press.
Tens seconds work with a search engine finds me the FLIBS library, which includes a module called csv_file which will write strings, scalars and arrays out is CSV format.
