How does one download a notebook from Watson Studio Desktop?
We are trying to test the notebooks from watson studio desktop to work with WML Server.We want to download this notebooks so that we can put them in github for our users to be able to access.
However, there are no options under the File menu, or the action menu when looking at the project assets.
There is no download notebook option in WSD from the notebook page. To retrieve the notebook you need to find the notebook in the Application data folder.
From the project you can go to the View folder link and navigate to the project assets.
Documented here:
I want to manipulate my App's icon using "Image Asset Studio", usually I start it by following these instructions:
1- In the Project window, select the Android view.
2- Right-click the res folder and select New > Image Asset...
so I reach this window:
but for some reason I don't see this option "Image Asset" at the "New" menu.
NOTE: If I create a new project then I can see "New > Image Asset" normally.
I'm clicking on this directory.
I run this android studio on Ubuntu 18.04:
Android Studio 3.5
Build #AI-191.8026.42.35.5791312, built on August 9, 2019
JRE: 1.8.0_202-release-1483-b49-5587405 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 4.15.0-62-generic
There is actually an issue filed in GitHub related to this.
In your case, it seems that you treat a Flutter project as a regular Android project. AFAIK, Flutter projects are not Android projects.
So one of the workaround is also available:
open android studio File->Open folder->navigate to your flutter
project and select the Android folder. Wait for it to sync, then
navigate inside the Android studio folder and find the res folder
right click on it and choose New you will see the Image asset studio.
Also take note of this:
don't open the whole project of flutter using Android studio just open
the android folder found inside the flutter project with Android
studio, so the Android studio can treat it as a Android project rather
than flutter project, which will give you all Android features like
the one ur looking for #image asset studio
And you can also check this blog post about changing your Flutter app icons. And this YouTube video. You will only need your desired image for the icon and App Icon Generator.
To summarize what was written in the blog and discussed in the YouTube post, here are the simple steps you need to follow:
Step 1: Visit and upload your intended image to convert to icons, select the types you would like to be generated and click “generate”. This will download a zip folder to your system. (You may skip this step if you have all resolutions in place with you.)
Step 2: Unzip the file. You’ll have two folders by the name of “android” and “Assets.xcassets”.
Step 3: Changing icons for Android App.
In your Flutter project, move to android/app/src/main/res which has a lot of folders starting with “mipmap-”. Delete all of them. And replace from your downloaded and unzipped AppIcons folder, everything that’s under android.
if you right click on res folder and Image Asset is not enabled just follow the following steps they are working for me.
File --> Open and select to open android(which is inside your project) in a new window.
Then if you go to the res folder (on the new window) and right click the Image Asset is enabled.
I do some flutter training online. And the code provided by the teacher is on the github. Unfortunately for me there are multiple projects in one repository and I don't know how to run them in emulator.
What I did .
1). I forked the repo flutterCasts to my github account.
2). In Android Studio 3.5 I created new project FlutterCasts and cloned it from my github repository.
3) Now I struggle to run the project 'news' or 'animation' in the emulator.
screenshot of the project structure
Open the lib folder you will seen all the dart code for each of the project. Look at the architecture of all files and know to it works.
Launch Android Studio>Tools>Android>AVD Manager and select Create Virtual Device.
I got an app created and the developer gave me the zip and apk files. I want to look at the code so I downloaded Android Studio but I don't know how to get the code to import so I can read the code. I have the zip files and apk file to the app but I have no idea what file I am supposed to import into Andriod Studio so I can look at the app's code.
I have read Android Developer's blog and searched on Youtube How to import existing projects into Android Studio but all the videos I have viewed are only showing out to update the girdle and not how to open the file to see the code.
APK is the built, packaged, usually obfuscated and digitally signed distribution of your app, so it is for your clients and not quite an easy task to consume from a source point of view.
So assuming that the app's source is in the ZIP file, if you extract it to folder your should be able to open that folder with Android Studio IDE. On the start screen you can choose Open an existing Android Studio package and once it is open you can navigate the source in the Project pane.
This article describes what files are expected in a typical Android Studio project: - in a nutshell:
java folder - Contains the Java/Kotlin source code files (with .java or .kt extensions), separated by package names - usually in subdirectories - , including JUnit test code.
res folder Contains all non-code resources, such as XML layouts, UI strings, and bitmap images, divided into corresponding sub-directories. For more information about all possible resource types, see Providing Resources under the documentation above.
I have installed windows live sdk to my visual studio 2012 .I tried to add quick reference javascript library in visual studio . I have tried following methord described in blog
Install the Live SDK, if you have not already done so.
In your project, in Solution Explorer, right-click References > Add Reference.
Click Windows > Extension SDKs > Live SDK for Windows Store app.
Click Add, and then click Close.
But there is no Windows option in my visual studio
Follow this steps to get it.
Download and unzip the Cordova 3 Source
Run the template.bat in the cordova-wp8 folder
Copy the generated Zip files to your Visual studio template folder
also follow below link for windows mobile .
follow this steps
Ignore the installation documentation and all the command line, node.js stuff (seriously you will waste hours on this.
Go to github and simply download the PhoneGap master .zip
In that zip are project files for window phone, etc platform... just use those templates.
I'm looking around and I can view individual files, but I couldnt find a download all or get solution option.
So if a colleague doesnt have Visual Studio 2010 available and they wish to download a solution from TFS Azure preview what are the available options?
You should be able to use the command line client in the Microsoft Team Explorer Everywhere 11 Beta. It's not a big download (11MB), but I don't think there is a way to download a source tree directly from tfspreview without a client unless a zip has been added. Other source control services work this way (github, jira etc)
You don't need visual studio, but you need Team Explore which is add-on for Visual Studio or can be stand alone, it exists on the TFS media (DVD) or ISO, once you install Team Explore, you can access TFS Preview using GUI or Command line, you can also install TFS Power Tool 11 Beta, that will give you windows shell integration, so the context menu of the windows (when right click) it will has command to interact with TFS, as #Simon said, you can install Team Explorer Everywhere 11 Beta, but this for none windows OS or for add-on for other IDEs
Visual Studio Online has provided a means to do this (partly). On the website, navigate to your project's 'CODE/Explorer' tab. Right-click on whatever source directory/branch you wish and click the Download as ZIP menu item.
This will download a snapshot of whatever it is you selected. While extracting this won't "magically" link the files back to Visual Studio Online (ie, changes made will not be able to be committed directly from Windows Explorer, etc) or give you direct access to history; it will retain any source control bindings in any Visual Studio projects. This may be a good or a bad thing, depending on your circumstances.