I would like a formula in excel that does what Text To Columns does.
For example the following string in A1
" text with a comma, stays in one column",," keep starting blank text",1,2,3,"123"
Would be split into multiple cells like this...
The following LET Function allows you to split the text into columns based on the splitter character (in this instance a comma).
It ignores commas that are between quotes (the Delim argument - which has double quotes in it).
It does this by ensuring there is an even number of quotes before the splitter character.
NOTES,"Splits a string but also checks to see if the splitter is inside a delimiter. So will ignore a comma inside quotes.",
Splitter,",",Note2,"This is the character to split the string by",
Delim,"""",Note4,"This is the text delimiter it looks odd but it's just a double quote - change to "" if you don't want text delimitation",
SplitString,Splitter&RawString&Splitter,Note3,"Add the splitter to the start and the end to help create the array of split positions",
Seq,SEQUENCE(1,StringLength),Note5,"Get a sequence from 1 to the length of the split string",
Note6,"The below does the bulk of the work. It works out if we are at an odd or even point in terms of count of text delimiters up to the point in the sequence we are processing.",
Note7,"if we are at an even point and we have a delimiter then make a note of the sequence otherwise put a blank.",
PosArrayClean,FILTER(PosArray,PosArray<>""),Note8,"Clean blanks",
Breaking down each step in the LET formula:
Supply the raw string (from cell A1 in this case)
Set the splitter character - in this case a comma
Set the text delimiter - in this case double quotes (looks odd because it has to be as double double quotes - Delim,"""" )
IgnoreBlanks is an option to exclude blank cells in the output
CleanTextDelims will clean the TextDelimiter (Double quotes) from the start and end of the resultant string
Create a SplitString variable with the split character at the front and back.
Get the length of the string for ease of use
Get a sequence from 1 to the length of the string.
Get an array of the position of characters that are splitters with an even number of Text Delimiters to the left of that position in the string the posArray (splitter position array).
Clean the blanks to get the posArrayClean
Create a start and end array (start array ignores the last and end array ignores the first item in the PosArrayClean)
Get the array of strings/cells to output.
If the IgnoreBlanks is used then igore blank cells
If the CleanTextDelims option is set then strip off the Text Delim (double quotes) from the start and end of the resultant string.
If the TrimBlanks option is set then trim blank spaces off the start and end of the resulting strings.
Hopefully the notes explain clearly how this works and make it easy to modify.
If you want create a named Lambda to use you can use the following code to paste into the formula of a named range called SplitStringDelim (you can name it what you like of course). NB You can't have the line separators in this and I stripped the notes out of it.
=LAMBDA(StringRaw,SplitChar,DelimChar,IgnoreBlank,CleanTextDelim,TrimBlank, LET( RawString,StringRaw, Splitter,SplitChar, Delim,DelimChar, IgnoreBlanks,IgnoreBlank, CleanTextDelims,CleanTextDelim, TrimBlanks,TrimBlank, SplitString,Splitter&RawString&Splitter, StringLength,LEN(SplitString), Seq,SEQUENCE(1,StringLength), PosArray,IF(Seq=StringLength,Seq,IF(MOD(LEN(LEFT(SplitString,Seq))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(SplitString,Seq),Delim,"")),2)=0,IF(MID(SplitString,Seq,1)=Splitter,Seq,""),"")), PosArrayClean,FILTER(PosArray,PosArray<>""),Note8,"Clean blanks", StartArray,FILTER(PosArrayClean,PosArrayClean<>StringLength), EndArray,FILTER(PosArrayClean,PosArrayClean<>1), StringArray,MID(SplitString,StartArray+1,EndArray-StartArray-1), StringArrayB,IF(IgnoreBlanks,FILTER(StringArray,StringArray<>""),StringArray), StringArrayC,IF(CleanTextDelims,IF(LEFT(StringArrayB,1)=Delim,MID(StringArrayB,2,IF(RIGHT(StringArrayB,1)=Delim,LEN(StringArrayB)-2,LEN(StringArrayB))),StringArrayB),StringArrayB), IFERROR(IF(TrimBlanks,TRIM(StringArrayC),StringArrayC),"")))
First, I wish to extract the last word and first word for the Description column (this column contains at least 3 words) into a newly created column firstword and lastword. However, the word() function is not applied to all the rows. As such, there are many rows with empty lastword, though these rows actually have a last word (as you can see from the Description column). This is shown in the first two lines of codes.
Second, I am also trying to get the third line of code to replace the lastword with firstword, if lastword is empty. However it isn't working.
Is there a way to rectify this?
c1$lastword = word(c1$Description,start=-1) #extract last word
c1$firstword = word(c1$Description,start=1) #extract first word
c1$lastword=ifelse(c1$lastword == " ", c1$firstword, c1$lastword)
I realise that there is white space at the beginning of some of the rows of the Description variable, which isn't shown when viewed in R.
Removing the whitespace using stri_trim() solved the issue.
c1$Description = stri_trim(c1$Description, "left") #remove whitespace
I have values in rows like below:
Now i want the result to be like below
So how to take result by skipping / for up to some count or is there any other way to get this done in excel. Is there any way to skip result of the RIGHT when it Finds 4 '/' in string?
You could use SUBSTITUTE to replace the nth / (in this case 5th) to a unique character and perform a LEFT based on that unique character obtained from FIND. I'll take CHAR(1) as the unique character:
Another option would be to split on / using Text to Columns under the Data tab and join back only the columns you need.
In PowerQuery I need to import a fixed width txt file (each line is the concatenation of a number of fields, each field has a fixed specific length).
When I import it I get a table with one single column that contains the txt lines, e.g. in the following format:
I want to add more columns in this way:
Column1: AAAA
Column2: BB
Column3: CCCCC
Column4: DDD
In other words the fields composing the source column are of known length, but this length is not the same for all fields (in the example above the lengths are: 4,2,5,3).
I'd like to use the "Split Column">"By number of character" utility but I can only insert one single length at a time, and to get the desired output I'd have to repeat the process 3 times, adding one column each time and using the "Once, as far left as possible" option for the "Split Column">"By number of character" utility.
My real life case has many different line types (files) to import and convert, each with more then 20 fields, so a less manual approach is needed; I'd like to somehow specify the record structure (the length of each field) and get the lines split automagically :)
There would probably be the need for some M code, which I know nothing about: can anybody point me to the right direction?
Create a query with the formula below. Let's call this query SplitText:
SplitText = (text, lengths) =>
LengthsCount = List.Count(lengths),
// Keep track of the index in the lengths list and the position in the text to take the next characters from. Use this information to get the next segment and put it into a list.
Split = List.Generate(() => {0, 0}, each _{0} < LengthsCount, each {_{0} + 1, _{1} + lengths{_{0}}}, each Text.Range(text, _{1}, lengths{_{0}}))
// Convert the list to a record to
ListToRecord = (text, lengths) =>
List = SplitText(text, lengths),
Record = Record.FromList(List, List.Transform({1 .. List.Count(List)}, each Number.ToText(_)))
Then, in your table, add a custom column that uses this formula:
each SplitText([Column1], {4, 2, 5, 3})
The first argument is the text to split, and the second argument is a list of lengths to split by.
Finally, expand the column to get the split text values into your table. You may want to rename the columns since they will be named 1, 2, etc.