vim and skim file update - vim

I have a MacBook and I am writing a latex file in vim and I render to created pdf in Skim. I have setup Skim to check for file changes. Every time I save my latex file, I get an error from Skim that says: "Unable to load file". The file is still loaded correctly, so I am not sure why I am getting this error. Is there something that I need to do in order not to get this error?

This may be related to the way that Vim is writing the buffer. With the default value of 'backupcopy', Vim renames the original file, and then writes a new one with the updated contents. Other applications that observe the original file for changes might get confused about that, resulting in that error you see.
Try :setlocal backupcopy=yes. If that gets rid of the error, you can define this globally (with :set) in your ~/.vimrc, or just for Latex files via the corresponding :help ftplugin-overrule.


In Vim, show path of file from where the code autocompletion is coming from

In Vim, when doing auto completion with ^n, I see autocompletion suggestions from the current file as well as different files all mixed together.
I would like to get a behavior similar to what is shown on the below picture, i.e. display the path of the file containing the suggestion if the suggestion is coming from file other than the current one.

In vim, how can I write a line to top of buffer on open, and remove that line on save?

I am using vim as my text editor for programming in react/javascript, and trying to use flow for static type checking. In my .flowconfig, I have all=true, meaning I would like to have flow type checking on all .js files without requiring a comment at the top of each file. I have the vim plugin ale setup to lint flow and give errors, and it works fine when I have the flow comment (// #flow) at the top of the file, but I would like this to work on every .js file without needing the comment at the top (as specified in my .flowconfig).
Afters spending some time tinkering with ale, I thought my best option may be to simply prepend the comment at the top of the file when a new buffer is opened, and then remove it before saving. Is there a way to do this in my .vimrc with an autocommand?
Bonus: Extra brownie points if you can get this to work using only ale and not needing to add the flow comment to every file

Vim do not set syntax to file any more after crash?

My System was crashed yesterday, the problem is that syntax is disable and set autoindent is not in use.
Even I remove this file, touch this file again, it remains not right!
Swap files are not meant to edit directly.
Swap files are special files that store pieces of Vim's state, and pieces of the unsaved file, in a Vim-specific format. These are not backup files.
You may be able to use the swap file to recover any edits-in-progress. To do that, simply edit the file you were editing when your system crashed. Vim will detect the swap file and prompt you to recover the file if it is able to do so.
That is, if you haven't invalidated the swap file format attempting to edit it in a misguided attempt to recover your file from it by hand.
Now, Vim does have a separate ability to make real backup files that are copies of your file, whenever it saves. But that doesn't help you from a system crash, that helps you when you mess up your file yourself while you edit, and then save it.
There is also a proposed new feature (in the todo list) for adding a command to recover an entire file from an undo file, if the file itself got deleted somehow, but that's not included in any released Vim yet.

_vimrc getting renamed to _vimrc.2014

I noticed that for whatever reason, my _vimrc wasn't being loaded this morning. I keep my entire vim directory saved to my Google Drive to the location I specify in my _vimrc. I didn't worry about it since I'd recently backed it up, but now when I dump it into my vim folder, whenever I start up gVim, it looks like it renames it to _vimrc.2014.
I can't find anything about this behavior, is it normal? It doesn't really affect me too much since it still gets source, but I just want to know why it's doing that.
Vim certainly is not doing this. I'm not certain it's causing YOUR problem, but Google Drive has problems replacing files with a new file of the same name. Under the hood, that is exactly what Vim is doing when it writes a file with default settings. See : you can use either the 'backupskip' or 'writebackup' options to force Vim to write the file directly instead of replacing it with a new file when editing inside your Google Drive folder. I'm using this line in my .vimrc to accomplish the task:
let &backupskip.=','.expand('$HOME/Google\ Drive/').'*'

Vim won't write file without a "!" sometimes (E13)

Very often (as in multiple times an hour), when I save my file :w, vim tells me "E13: File exists (add ! to override)"
I don't know why it does this, I can't reliably reproduce it, it feels random.
This is my vimrc, note that it sets nobackup, nowritebackup, and noswapfile, and there is a function to strip trailing whitespace that gets run when I save a file.
Also, I tend to have 20 vims open at once, all backgrounded, often editing the same file. Also not improbable that I have the same buffer open in multiple windows (ie :vsp) and might open it, then reopen it with the e command a lot, possibly from a relative filepath, or possibly from an absolute one (the cmap %/ <C-R>=expand("%:p:h")."/"<CR>). No idea if any of this matters. Next time I have this issue, I'll check my ls and report anything odd.
When I tried to save "lib/seeing_is_believing/wrap_expressions.rb" (note that this is a different file than the one in the gif), this happened again. Here is the ss, it's buffer 3:
Update2 (for #mMontu)
I just realized that there are two errors happening here. The one in the screenshot is the readonly thing. The one in the gif is the more common one, E13: File exists (add ! to override)
The one I just hit is E13 File exists, for this one, readonly is not set:
Update 3
I'm pretty sure the problem is the ZoomWin plugin. I had switched it up to a newer version, and it simply didn't work right. So I stopped using it for a bit, and didn't have this issue. Then switched it back, b/c I miss its functionality (it's my favourite vim plugin), and the problems started again. Possibly it's ZoomWin in conjunction with NerdTree window. Probably not the lib authors' faults, vim in general seems fragile and buggy. Maybe I'll try NeoVim, see if they've done a better job. Maybe it's time to try Atom or Emacs again.
It seems that if there were read errors opening the file, Vim will print an error on :w. This can be seen by running :f:
"" [Read errors] 1 line --100%--
The errors aren't necessarily errors in reading the contents of file; they can be caused by a plugin.
I think the main problem is that the file has been modified externally, see to reload it whenever this happens
